• Published 2nd May 2024
  • 284 Views, 18 Comments

Flight to Epuestria - Bric_A_Brac_INKSPLASH

a man goes on a trip with his brother to Florida but the plain crashes and he ends up in Equestria

  • ...

Next stop Fucking pony world

"SPIKE!!!! SPIKE!!!!!"


It was a pretty nice Sunday mourning all things considered well, for everybody but a particular dragon because Twilight had stayed up all night again, witch was not a surprise to the small dragon assistant, He was so used to it in fact that he pretended he couldn't hear her just so he could get five more precious seconds of sleep while he could. she had stayed up to "do some research" about a weather manipulation spell, so she stayed up looking at weather activity or reading about it all night.

Spike gave a deep sigh as he crawled out of bed and yelled "coming twilight!"

Spike quickly scrambled up to the balcony of the small tree house going up the stairs and there she was a half asleep Alicorn princess of friendship slumped over a desk with some ink, a quill, and a ton of books stacked everywhere.

Spike cautiously stepped around piles and piles of books all from what he could see were books on weather magic that were used by unicorns, or books on unfinished spells that had something to do with weather.

"Um Twilight why did you need to study weather magic anyway, why not just have Rainbow dash do whatever it is you need done?"

"Because spike, it was rainbow who asked me if i could figure out a way make it more sunny for a show she was doing in clouds dale with the wounder bolts."

"Okay and?" spike said with a raise of his eye brow.

"What do you need from me?"

Twilight gave a yawn and started again "I just need some coffee, Oh also before I forget I need you to go into town and get some lab supplies from Dr.hooves."

"well there goes the idea of going back to bed." spike muttered then said "sure Twi whatever you need i'm here."

"Thank you spike I promise to pay you back later." Twilight said as she levitates a list of things to spike without even looking at him.

Spike sighed and walked to the kitchen to make some coffee, grabbing a gem from his hidden stash on the way.

About a hour later after Spike had left to go into town, Twilight was doing an experiment with a vile of rainbow liquid. Twilight focused on it her horn lighting, The power in the spell matrix making her horn start sparking like a bunch of fire works. The vile shook then exploded in her face, Twilight´s eye twitched as magic enveloped the broken mess as it was thrown agenst the wall with a yell. Then twilight just laid her head down on the table groaning a headache taking over. After a while twilight got up and looked up at the sky in contemplation.

with a sigh Twilight then said, "Maybe I do need some sleep I don´t want another want it need it situation", Twilight would shudder at the memory.

As she says this she sees a bright light flash blinding her, after her vision clears she sees what looks like a giant fire ball falling from the sky heading directly towards-"FLUTTER SHY´S HOUSE!!!" Twilight would scream as she immediately fly's over to Flutters house.

Flutter shy POV:
Flutter shy was having a pretty good day so far, well besides angel hitting her head on a table while trying to do bunny parkour again. But besides that everything was good, she fed her animals, and then made some tea and sat on the sofa with a book. But randomly out of no where a huge BOOM was heard outside, and being the quite skittish pony she was immediately fell to the ground grabbing any and all of the animal friends she could reach, and hugged them while hiding on the ground. After a while she found silence take over but she was still suspicious so she waited longer, then she said "um friends do you think its safe yet?" Body shaking.

"Should I check it out? my animals friends could be in trouble!". And with a few chitters of a couple animals and finally a angry bunny named angel breaking free from her hold and pointing at the door.

"Your right I really should check it out" Flutter shy said getting up.

Flutter shy´s motherly side was taking over as she started walking to the door, she stopped when she heard knocking on the door, she gasped freezing in place, as she heard a male voice say,"Hello sorry but there has been an accident we need medical attention!"

Flutter shy´s eyes went wide now knowing that the possibility of somepony or worse somepony´s being hurt was indeed a possibility. Flutter shy walked to the door opening it and what she saw was both scary but also not scary at the same time, her eyes went wide as she looked at the thing in front of her who she thought looked like a hairless monkey with only a mane.

The thing then screamed as it looked at her saying,"WHAT THE FUCK" as it fell onto its backside and fainted.

Not knowing what to do she took him inside and got him in a bed taking care of him as he slept, using this time to examine his body she felt more comfortable doing this as he looked more like an animal than pony so she got to work looking over his injury's, she thought that if it does get mad about it they would probably be happy about it later anyway.

The pony´s of Ponyville looked up to see a purple streak in the sky it would have been more normal if it was blue, but non the less they moved on with there day.

Twilight after seeing the fireball heading right towards flutters house immediately started flying over.

"IM COMING FLUTTER SHY JUST HOLD ON!!" she yelled as loud as she could almost reaching the royal canterlot voice.

But as she got close she realized the thing missed her house but did land close by. Whew Twilight wiped her forehead of sweat now looking at what looks like more wreckage now than a fireball. Curiosity quickly over took her feeling of fear as she summoned a note pad and landed next to the wreckage, as she got close she immediately smelled something awful like burning hair mixed with rotting, and wanting to know more she cast a examining spell on the area and found that the smell was coming from dark shaped blobs all over the ground that look like rocks, but on closer examination, twilight gasped at what the spell was telling her.

"Its a body a DEAD BODY!" Twilight said as she took a step back and shuddered.

She desided to come back to that later but not before she takes a quick sample and quickly teleports it into a storage pocket dimension.

Now looking around, while covering her nose, she notices that the entire wreckage is made of metal and not the kind of metal you would find from lets say a sword or building, its steel witch at this point is only in certain machinery that can really only be found in ether the royal labs or some pony who managed to get some by mining the proper metals and making it from there witch the magic in takes to do that and make this much, it would take years. Twilight continues to take sample after sample but in the corner of her eye she sees a trail of blood lead into the forest, she goes to follow it but thats when she hears a scream from flutter shy's cottage.


At first Twilight panics but the scream sounds more male than female so she calms down but still she trots over to flutters house going over to help if she can.

Fluttershy heard another knock at her door and jumped, "Fluttershy its me Twilight can I come in?"

"Um yes come in i'm in my bedroom" Fluttershy said loud enough so Twi could hear.

as Fluttershy heard the door open she heard her friend trot down the hall way and start to say something.

"I dont know why you couldn't just open the do-WHAT IN TORTUROUS IS THAT!" Twilight screamed stopping her sentence half way.

"No idea Twilight", she said.

"I found it knocking on my door and when I opened it and it fainted."

"Hmm" Twilight sat in thought.

"Well now that I think about it it kinda looks like one of those human creatures lyra is always talking about."

"Yeah, I thought that too but im not sure, couldn't it be a monkey of some sort?"

'No, I dont think so Shy look here" Twilight points at the clothing on its body.

"It´s wearing some sort of clothing much like the cat people of the badlands, witch gives me the idea that this thing is intelligent and self aware, and I know monkeys are smart but not that smart."

"I guess I get what your saying, I sure have not met any monkeys who really cared much for clothing anyway so your probably right." Flutter shy says.

Fluttershy glances at Twilight, who was looking at the sleeping "human" she summons a clipbourd in a flash of magic, she takes note after note looking at the body. The body its self was pretty big maybe double the size of a normal pony stallion, they wore a red hoodie, black jeens, and shoes.

"Also another thing the gives the idea of this thing being a human is again the clothing Lyra said they valued culture right well the clothing being these colors seem to do the opposite of camouflage witch if the clothing was for survival it would be more black or made of darker colors right, so it makes sense if the clothing was a cultural thing rather than for survival."

"Yeah I guess that makes sense, if you think so..." Fluttershy said nervously after Twilight´s quick analysis.

"Yeah, I cant believe there here I mean it could have something to do with that thing that fell from the sk- "KNOCK KNOCK", Twilight was cut off from the sound of knocking at the door.

"I´ll get it" Fluttershy said then scrambled to the door.

Twilight was left in silence for about five seconds before Fluttershy ran back into the room, "Its Lyra!!!"

"WHAT SHE CANT BE HERE! you know how she gets about humans imagine if she saw one!" Twilight half screams.

"I know but I cant just make her leave what do I do?" Fluttershy stammers.

"lets both talk to her, and you can close the door to the room he is in when we leave." Twilight suggests hopfully.

Both Twilight and Fluttershy leave the room closing the door behind them,they walk to the living room and twilight opens the door, and Lyra is there with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh hey Twilight, I saw the fire ball thing falling at flutters house and i wanted to know if everything was ok?"

"Yeah everything is fine i saw the thing too so i came over shes fine and I am going to look into the thing that fell after I leave Flutters." Twilight says with a everything is fine look on her face witch looks kinda wierd honestly as lyra is used to seeing twilight stressed as all hell but Lyra soon thinks nothing of it.

"Well can I come in?" Lyra asks.

"No!" Twilight yells as she trys to block more of the door.

Lyra looks even more confused as Fluttershy comes in front of twilight and says "What Twilight is meaning to say is that I told her my house is a mess and I didint really even want her to come in sorry"

"Oh, ok then, I can leave sorry bye." Lyra began.

"no its fine just come back later and we can have tea." Fluttershy says.

But just then as Lyra was about to leave everyone hears a voice say "WHERE THE FUCK AM I AND WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINGS!"

Both Fluttershy and Twilight´s eyes go wide at this, but Lyra Is who reacts the most at the sight of the human she freezes.

"RUN you need to run now!" Twilight says to the Liam.

But he just stands there eyes wide not understanding whats happening he just says "you fucking talk too?"

But now its too late Lyra´s eyes go slit much like a cat who is about to pounce witch actually is not that far off as Lyra literally does pounce, she runs and jumps into Liam while screaming "HUMAN" knocking him into the bathroom landing ontop of his stomach she kicks the door closed locking it.

Liam groans from the impact, but when he opens his eyes all he sees is lyra´s face inches from his.

"~Hi" Lyra says with a mix of fascination and seduction.

"God help me." is all he could get out before it was too late.

End chapter 2

Author's Note:

Hey its me just going to say this PLEASE tell me if I need to fix grammar I am not the best when it comes to that kind of thing but I will try my best.

Also please tell me if I should change how things sound or something like that, as dialogue is not my strong suit ether so if I dont write a conversation properly or it sounds weird please tell me what i can do to fix any problems that may arise to make the story better.

Question of the chapter: what got you into writing fanfiction on here or what made you want to start reading on here: For me it was the fact that I am a writer/poet and I use fanfiction as practice for my own storys that arent fanfiction like actual books that I plan to sell eventually not that this story is not something a care about its just more of a hobby more than somthing I want to do for the future. also I want to keep my dads dream alive by making an actual super hero universe much like marvel or DC but it was my dads originally me and him brainstorm powers and heros all the time it would be nice to bring it to life sometime you know. but with all that said if there are any writers in the comments please give advice I will happily take it.

Thank you
sincerely your friendly neighborhood writer KILLA-WATT.:pinkiehappy::moustache:

Comments ( 18 )

I love that ending, I hope to see more of the story

Comment posted by Bric_A_Brac_INKSPLASH deleted May 2nd

thank you, read my other stuff while waiting.

There’s hard porn(including rape) and heavy gore on this site, what do you mean this much moderation??(sorry if I seem rude)

The intro reminds me of an old joke.
There was a schmuck & he always makes the wrong choice.

So, one day, he has to go to London & there is only one flight that will make it in time. So, he takes the flight & over the middle of the ocean he looks out the window & notices that the airplane's wing is on fire. :pinkiegasp:

So, he starts praying
"Dear God, please let me talk to Saint Francis. I know I'm not Catholic but I have friends who are. I know how it works.
For non Catholics
God is omnipotent but it can be hard to get his attention. You (mostly) do better to pray to a saint. However, it must be the RIGHT saint because they have much less influence outside of their specialty.

My thing is I always make the wrong choice but this time I didn't have a choice. It's not fair, so please God let me talk to Saint Francis. "
A voice comes to him "When you're right, you're right & you're right. So, you want to talk to St Francis Xavier or St Francis of Assisi?".


I was being dramatic sorry if I sounded like a brat

if that is what you were implying

Comment posted by BatmanScooby-Doo deleted May 2nd

Im so looking foward to more of this! Because its extremely rare to find HiE with lyra involved in it. Because i like lyra and there definitely need to be more

thanks is it really that rare huh?

Well hope I wrote ever character correctly

just ment I had to edit a lot

like Grammer problems or punctuation

this was the first ever story I made and I have posted two stories before this one

No, I was just confused.

Hi my friend how's more of the story going?

eh, working on other stories will get back too this just want to finish another story first promise

check out my other stories while you wait

Okay thanks

hey about to start working on the next chapter get ready for more lyra

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