• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 7: Saboteur

It took us three days to reach Unicorn Range. It was pretty nippy in this part of Equestria. Cloudchaser and Flitter wore their winter coats as our wagon puller seemed unphased by the environment. I had my hood up and Scribble wore a muffler and winter beanie, something I didn't think he would wear, but goes to show what I know about fashion. We had stopped by Ponyville on the way as Cloudchaser and Flitter had to gather their own things and left it with a friend of theirs in town. I refused to leave the wagon that was parked on the outskirts. I could only watch with Scribble, who was kind enough to stay behind to keep me company, while the two went into town. Not much was said, but nothing was needed to be exchanged. When the two came back, we were back on the road. I watched as my home grew smaller and smaller. A longing feeling washing over me.

Having arrived to Unicorn Range, we stopped at a decently sized village. It wasn't Ponyville grand, but it had the necessities. Yet, taking one hoof step in and trouble had already started. A fight had ensued outside. A crowd of ponies gathered while others retreated away from it. We watched with slight interest as the two mares punched and kicked at each other, rolling around on the ground. I narrowed my eyes. Two unicorn mares, both bruised and bloodied. I was down for a good mare fight, but something about this felt a bit strange. It didn't take long for several ponies to hop in and pull the mares away. It was hard to understand what they were barking at with each other, but after a bit, the mares were pulled away from each other and walking away. We exchanged glances before Flitter turned to one of the observing ponies.

"Err... what is going on?" She asked. The stallion spat on the ground.

"Traitorous backstabber is what's going on. Blasphemous piece of dung." He sourly said before walking away. Flitter shrugged at us with a lost look. We heard ponies jeering, catching our attention. One of the mares walking away along with two stallions covering her, shielding her from stones and vegetables. We all exchanged glances once more before following them. As we approached, one of the stallions, a grey pegasus with sharp purple eyes and blue spikey mane, eyed us suspiciously. The other stallion, an orange earth pony with a long blue mane, stood up and stepped in front of them.

"Look, we had a long day. We'd appreciate it if you just move on from here." He stated. I stepped forward, keeping my head a bit down to keep my eyes hidden.

"Sorry, we just came in and saw what happened. Is everything alright?" I asked. The pegasus frowned.

"None of your business. Get lost or we'll have more trouble." He said. The mare put a hoof on his chest.

"Stop it, Sky. I'm fine. I don't need to be coddled." She said. The pegasus Sky looked at her worriedly.

"Xanza, you need to stop sticking your muzzle into things that don't concern you." He said. When the mare pushed the pegasus away, I arched a small brow. The mare looked... unusual. There were dark stripes along her pink-ish coat, her lavender and pink mane mohawked into a punk style.

"I said I'm fine, Sky! Get off of me." She said sternly. I studied the mare a little more. Her cutie-mark was that of what looked to be a tribal painting. It then dawned on me.

"Wow. I've always heard the stories, but to see a zony in person, that's incredible." I said with a smile. Xanza glared at me.

"Drink it up, sister. The next thing you'll see is my hoof up where the sun don't shine." She spat blood out of her muzzle and wiped it. Scribble shook his head.

"We are not here to start anything. In fact, I think we would like to know what the ponies here mean about traitors." He said. The earth pony waved a hoof dismissively.

"Travelers shouldn't concern themselves with this. Just move on and leave us alone." He said. Cloudchaser rubbed the back of her head.

"We'll do just that once we stock up. But do forgive us for our curiosity." She said. Xanza snorted and nursed her foreleg.

"Then hurry up. I'm not in the mood for anymore trouble." She said frustrative. I then looked at Scribble, who caught my eye. He then reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a small medkit. The earth pony stepped in front of the two, but I held up a hoof.

"My friend here is an unlicensed doctor. He'll treat your friend here." I said. Scribble ignored the glaring earth pony and walked past him. He sat down in front of Xanza, the mare adverting her eyes while Sky remained hovering over him. Scribble pulled out a salve and began to lather her wounds, the mare wincing.

"That stings." She stated. Scribble nodded.

"It'll sting more if you keep squirming." He replied. Scribble tended to the mare, putting a cooling patch on her cheek to ease the pain and bandaged her foreleg. When he was done, he gathered up the medkit and stuffed it back in before stepping back. Xanza blinked quizzically and studied her treatment. She then frowned and looked up at Scribble.

"So, how much do I owe you?" She asked suspiciously. Scribble turned and walked back to us.

"I'm unlicensed. Do whatever you want." He replied matter-of-factly. The three looked a bit puzzled. But I noticed Xanza looking as if she has cooled off. It was my turn as I cleared my throat.

"So. I think a little kindness deserves a bit of information as payment." I began, motioning towards the village plaza. "What did they mean by traitors?" The three remained quiet. But it was the earth pony who spoke up.

"You know of the war on the horizon with our neighbors?" He asked. We all nodded. He then looked back to Xanza, who remained focused on the ground before continuing. "Xanza isn't from around here. But she's as much a resident here like everycreature else." Xanza finally looked up, glaring at the earth pony.

"Starry, don't you dare." She began. The earth pony, Starry, sighed.

"Well, let's just say that, with tensions at an all-time high, there is some miscommunication with another state in the middle of us. Zebrica and Roam." He said. "They remain neutral, but that doesn't stop both sides from considering them possible threats. It's... sad really. They have done nothing to us. In fact, I thought relations with them have been beneficial." Flitter rubbed her chin.

"Admiral Fairy Flight did mention Zebrica and Roam to be potential allies. But of course, there isn't much else to say." She stated. Xanza snorted.

"Yeah, well, I wasn't born there. I'm Equestrian through and through. I just wish these idiots would get it through their thick skulls." She replied. I looked over my shoulder a bit.

"So, who was the other mare you were fighting with." I asked. Sky chimed in immediately.

"The bitch of the village. Shimmering Spark. Too high and mighty because she's the mayor's daughter. A damned hypocrite and the actual traitor to Equestria." He spat. Starry rolled his eyes.

"That kind of talk will label you as a traitor, Sky." He replied. "Don't listen to Sky, he's a hot head. But... he's not lying that Spark is indeed the mayor's daughter. And the mayor has spun the words to make it sound like he wants to push for succession from Equestria for our neighbors. Probably because we are closer to them than central Equestria. The... reactions have been less than ideal. But since the mayor has close ties with the elite of Equestria, it's hard to even argue a point." He explained. My friends and I exchanged glances once more. Xanza stood up, limping a bit but steadying herself.

"It's none of your concern, travelers. Best be on your way. You are more trouble than the mayor." She growled. I nodded.

"Alright. Sorry we bothered you after a heated tussle. Real quick, do you think you can point us in the direction of where we can restock?" I asked. Starry pointed to the plaza.

"You can't miss the wooden sign overhead that has a carrot. That's our general store." He said. I then gave a salute.

"'Preciate it." I said before trotting off with my friends. As we made our way into the plaza, I looked around. Cloudchaser narrowed her eyes.

"You're thinking about helping them, aren't you?" She asked. I blinked and looked to her, shaking my head.

"We don't have time to solve everypony's issues. Before war being threatened, yeah, like old times. But maybe we can gather some info before heading out. Could prove useful for Twilight and her friends." I suggested. Scribble nodded.

"Then, shall we see if we can find Spark?" He asked. I smiled and pointed at him.

"Like a book, egghead." I said. Cloudchaser and Flitter exchanged glances before chuckling to themselves. It still amazes me that despite it being over a month and half, it still feels like we haven't changed what we do. Though this time, it's a little different. We trotted into the general store to do a bit of quick stock up before we proceeded to ask around about Spark. It wasn't long until we found her fuming in front of the street doctor. Her face had bandages and she levitated an ice pack to her cheek. The dark purple mare with a starry light black and purple hue mixed mane and tail sat on a stool with her forelegs crossed along with a hind leg. The black coated doctor pony, wearing a strange mask, dabbed a cotton ball against the mare's cut on her chin, causing the mare to hiss and bat the doctor's hoof away.

"Ease off, buster!" She barked. The doctor slumped but backed away to put away his stuff into a bag. We trotted over to her and her blue eyes met ours. "Oh goody. Now we have travelers sticking their muzzles in places that doesn't concern them. Well, you won't get any hospitality out of me. I'm not in a good mood." She growled. I smirked a little.

"That was quite a fight you and Xanza had. Mind if we ask you a couple of questions?" I began. Spark turned her head away with a "hmph".

"As if I would waste my time telling you. Since you know that traitor's name, why don't you ask her? I have stuff to do." She grumbled. I gestured in no particular fashion to the mare.

"We won't be long. In fact, that's what we are going to ask. What's this traitor stuff going on here?" I asked. Spark glared at us.

"What, are you the royal sister's representatives? Checking on behalf of Canterlot? I highly doubt you have any concern with this run-down village." She replied. Scribble shook his head.

"More like at the behest of the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. But we are not here for formalities. What can you tell us about this... traitor?" He asked. Spark's eyes widened.

"Princess Twilight?" Her eyes then narrowed suspiciously at us. "I don't believe it. Quit wasting my time." Scribble proceeded to lean in and study her wounds. The mare looked disgusted. "Ewww, get away!" she cried out. Scribble remained stoic before reaching back into his pouch and withdrawing the small medkit. He pulled out a swab and salve, dabbing the swab and covering the cut chin. The mare blinked, puzzled. Scribble pulled away and put the stuff back into the medkit and his saddle bag. Spark frowned, dabbing her chin.

"Best not to mess with it if you want to mend yourself properly." He stated. Spark scoffed.

"Pfft. I didn't ask for your help." She bobbed her hindleg as she avoided eye contact with us. "It doesn't matter anyway. My father will handle traitors to Equestria. Before long, the gallows will swing." She spat out blood and wiped her muzzle. Scribble looked over his shoulder to us and shook his head. I sighed.

"Alright. Might as well ask the mayor." I said, turning around. Spark barked a laugh.

"Good luck! Father isn't taking any audiences today. Too busy shifting through the traitors in our community." She grinned. Cloudchaser pat her chest.

"I'm sure he'll make time for us. Ain't that right, Quiet Fire?" She winked at me. The mare's look turned to shock. Her eyes fell on me and I peeked out from under my hood. Our eyes met and her entire coat turned pale. I only smiled.

"Like I said. We won't be long." I said. I then pointed to the fancy looking house. "I'm guessing that's the Mayor's House?" Spark only nodded softly. I waved a hoof before trotting off towards the direction of the house with my friends in tow. Having approached the mayor's house, I walked up the steps and knocked on the door. After a bit of waiting, the door unlocked and opened to a cute maid mare. She blinked at us quizzically.

"May I help you?" She asked. Keeping my head low enough to hide my eyes, I smiled.

"Hi. We were just wandering by and wondered if we could speak to the mayor over a matter of importance?" I asked. The maid studied us before shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, but the mayor is not taking any audiences at the moment. Please come back another time." She said, closing the door. I put my hoof up and stopped the door from closing. The maid looked stunned, but I didn't push back.

"Then can we at least talk to you?" I asked. The maid shook her head.

"Apologies, ma'am. But I am on duty. Come back another time when it's convenient." She stated again.

"What is all the ruckus, Pommel?" A voice asked from inside. The maid balked and quickly stepped aside, opening the door.

"P-pardon me, mayor. But these ponies want to have a word with you." She stammered. We saw a neatly groomed unicorn with a grey curly mane, silver coat and purple eyes. He bore a slightly grey-ish beard and stache, even dawning a coat. He eyed us disappointingly.

"Oh really? And to what honor do I have for travelers to want me?" He asked. I decided to drop the entire formalities. I threw off my hood, revealing my fiery mane and orchid fire swirling eyes. The mayor rose a brow questioningly, a moment of realization spreading across his face. "F-Fire Demon?" I nodded and stepped in.

"All we need is a moment of your time." I stated.

"So, let me get this straight. You want to obtain information about a traitor you heard from my citizens so... you can use it to gather intelligence for your own journey? Which, is completely baffling, to our neighbors in Pony Land?" The mayor asked. I nodded my head.

"We are heading there at the behest of Princess Twilight Sparkle, acting as third party. We figured we might as well gather some information before stepping into the lion's den." I began. The mayor leaned back in his chair behind his mahagony desk. His hooves together in contemplation.

"And you feel that valuable info would be gathered in this village?" He asked. I rubbed the back of my head.

"Well, as close as this part of Equestria is towards Pony Land, we need to ensure we err... tie up a few loose ends." I replied. The mayor arched a brow.

"I see. And perhaps, did anypony stand out to you as suspicious?" He asked. Cloudchaser spoke up.

"Considering what your daughter and a citizen portrayed outside, we couldn't see anypony suspicious." She said. The mayor leaned forward.

"My daughter? What do you mean?" He asked. We explained the situation that happened not too long ago to him and he closed his eyes in thought.

"My daughter is right to defend her pride. The Shimmer family prides itself on the very foundation of worth and outstanding value to the community. If she feels she's in the right to call out a traitor, then they'll be questioned as such." He stated. Flitter frowned.

"Throwing hooves isn't what I'd call 'right to call out'." She replied. The mayor chuckled.

"That's the Sun Ville way, my dear." He said with a smirk. This didn't sit well with Flitter, but Scribble chimed in.

"Then let me ask you this, Mr. Mayor." He began.

"Please. Mr. Shimmer is fine." He replied. Scribble nodded.

"Mr. Shimmer. What do you have so far or who do you believe is a traitor?" He asked. Mr. Shimmer grinned.

"Traveling detectives? This is quite a strange turn of events. Here I thought you were the infamous heroes who saved countless villages and hamlets from unfavorable beings?" He stated. I held up a hoof.

"Unfortunately, we are not playing the heroes today. We don't have time too. But we are interested in this business for personal gain. And if we have to help out a village, then that's a bonus." I stated. Mr. Shimmer couldn't help but laugh.

"Interesting! And here I thought Sun Ville was going to falter under the iron banner of Pony Land! I can tell your duty to Equestria is quite the intriguing one! Pommel!" He waved his hoof over and the maid bowed. "Show them what we have so far." The maid trotted over to a filing cabinet and after some digging, she pulled out a stack of folders. Mr. Shimmer pulled out several when the mare brought them to the desk and laid them out for us. I took one in my magic and opened it. An old, grumpy looking pony in the photo glared at the camera. The name read "Grumpkins". I then levitated a couple of more and opened them. I saw the photo of Xanza and a mare named "Linen Quilt". Mr. Shimmer motioned at the files. "Just a few of our suspects who have openly expressed their distaste for the royal sister's rulings and think that our neighbors deserve peace." He explained. I arched a brow and looked up from Xanza's file.

"Doesn't anypony deserve peace? Including both Equestria and Pony Land?" I asked. Mr. Shimmer hummed in thought.

"Ms. Fire. I do believe that kind of talk with your status has already considered you a traitor." He said. I then met his eyes and grinned.

"Then why play chicken? These files are great and all, but who do you believe is the traitor in your community?" I asked. Mr. Shimmer studied me for a bit before closing his eyes in thought. He levitated three files out of the stack and passed them to me. I took them and read each one. To my surprise, one was Sky. His full name Sky Stinger. The other was a unicorn named Bolt Bang. A yellow stallion with green eyes and a blue mane. The last one was an old earth pony mare named Sprinkle Spray. Red eyes with a rosey coat and grey curly mane.

"These three have not openly expressed their commitment to our community and have been seen doing some... 'shady' activities." He explained. "Sky Stinger may have gotten to the head of our librarian. Sky isn't an official resident of Sun Ville, but he's all the more likely to be subject to suspicion. It doesn't help his case that he has been spotted leaving the village almost every night. And not to his home on the outskirts. We have not been given permission to investigate further, as the librarian Xanza has given probable cause that he's innocent. But that is to be remain seen. The second is our landscaper Sprinkle Spray. She's the longest resident here in Sun Ville. Nearly as old as the founder of Ponyville. She's proven to be an upstanding citizen, despite having been born in Baltimare. She's well-liked by the entire community, even by my own daughter. She even plans lovely festivals for our residents. And that..." His look turned serious. "Is another reason to be suspicious of her." Flitter balked.

"That sounds ridiculous!" She exclaimed. Mr. Shimmer waved a hoof softly.

"Logical really. Having all that credibility and respect in the community, that makes ponies extremely dangerous." He said. Cloudchaser arched a brow.

"But then, wouldn't that also put you at the top, Mr. Shimmer?" She asked. The mayor gestured his hooves open.

"I've already cleared my name. My duty to the sisters has been nothing but iron and willing." He then stood up and presented the side of his flank from his coat tail. Our eyes widened. Where his cutie-mark should be was instead a branded mark of the sun. He then turned to the other side. A branded mark of the moon. Any form of his old cutie-mark is unrecognizable. "Yes, I pledged my allegiance to our great Equestria and our royal sisters faithfully and without question! My citizens are soon to be following example as to keep our faith full and unbroken!" I was speechless. Flitter looked horrified and Cloudchaser and Scribble looked grimly at him.

"Y-you'd rather brand your own cutie-mark than be labeled a traitor!?" Flitter exclaimed, looking away from the sight. The mayor sat back down and nodded.

"I'll admit. It is not a pleasant idea. But it is one when our invaders will know who we are loyal to." He explained. I stood up quickly.

"I won't let that happen!" I stated, tossing the files back onto his desk. I threw my hood up. "Let's go..." I couldn't bare another minute of this. This pony is insane! I don't even know how to describe my thoughts about this situation. We left the house and remained quiet as we continued down the road. It took us three minutes to arrive at our wagon puller, who was enjoying a sandwich while lounging in the back of his wagon. We paid him for a night stay, explaining that we might as well rest while we can before heading to Vanhoover. We then made our way back to the village and asked for a one-night stay in rooms. Deciding to save, we spent it on a singular room with one bed. Thankfully, we had our sleeping bags with us during our travels. However, we sat in the room in silence, pondering on what we had witnessed. Flitter broke the silence.

"I just... how can somepony just give up their identity like that for the sake of loyalty?! You don't need to brand yourself to show it!" She exclaimed. Scribble was scribbling down in his journal, though his expression was grim. Cloudchaser shook her head in disbelief.

"I thought I've seen everything back in the Nilneigh Isles. But... I was not ready for something borderline cultic." She said with a bit of disgust. I shook my head.

"We have to figure something out here. I know we don't have time to idle about. But leaving these ponies to this kind of fate is not going to sit well with me..." I stated. Scribble closed his journal and looked to us.

"Then we need to find this traitor out before things get out of control. I've been going over what Mr. Shimmer said in my head. Perhaps we should start with Bolt Bang." He said. "That's the only pony he couldn't give us anything on before all of that." I only nodded. Flitter sighed, shuddering.

"But... what if it all is just paranoia? What if there isn't a traitor?" She stated. We couldn't find a reasonable response to her question. What if this is just paranoia? What do we do if there isn't anything wrong? I furrowed my look before standing up.

"Let's start asking around. We should probably split up to cover more ground." I pointed to Scribble. "Scribble. You question Bolt. See if you can get anything worthwhile. Cloudchaser and Flitter, talk to Sprinkle. I'll question Sky Stinger. With any luck, hopefully this is all what Flitter states." I said. We agreed to this and got our things ready. As we left the inn, Scribble went one way and the sisters went the other. I took a deep breath. Adjusting my hood, I bowed my head slightly to hide my eyes and began to walk towards the last location we saw the three. When I arrived to the location, I looked around, seeing that they must have moved on.

I asked a couple of the villagers and one old couple pointed me in the direction of the hill. Beyond it is where Sky Stinger lives. I trotted in the direction and upon rounding over the hill, a plain spread out before me. The snow dotted the plains. Several houses in the distance had their chimneys going. It looked surprisingly peaceful on the outskirts of Sun Ville. I scanned the houses using Din’s eyes. The couple said his house would have an assortment of lackadaisies in the front. Spying what I would presume lackadaises look like, I trotted down the shoveled path towards the house. Upon arriving I knocked on the door.

I waited a bit, hearing the sound of scuffling hoofsteps on the other side. When the door opened, the pegasus peeked his head out. His expression looking unimpressed by me.

“Why are you here, traveler?” He asked with a frown.

“Investigating. May I talk to you?” I asked. Sky narrowed his eyes.

“I’m not in the mood to talk to a stranger. Good evening.” He said, closing the door. I sighed and knocked on the door again. It took a bit longer for him to answer. He opened the door and frowned. “I have other things to do, ya’ know?” I then lowered my hood and met his eyes with mine. His eyes studied me a bit before a dawning realization fell across his face.

“It is important to me.” I stated. Sky darted his eyes in thought. He then stepped out of his house and closed the door behind him, looking around. This caused me to arch a questioning brow.

“Does anypony else know you are here, Fire Demon?” He asked. I nodded.

“The mayor and his daughter. Though at this point, the attention is bound to catch up to me sooner or later.” I replied. Sky narrowed his eyes again.

“Then about you not staying long?” He asked. I sighed.

“That was before I met the mayor.” His look of understanding told me exactly what I thought. He looked behind me again and turned to open his door, motioning for me to follow.

“Not here then.” He said. I glanced out the corner of my eye. I couldn’t sense anything, but you can never be too careful. I entered into his house. It was surprisingly cozy. He trotted over to the kitchen and poured some tea. Using his wings, he carried one over to me and I took it in my magic while he sat down on a chair facing the fireplace. The warm, welcoming glow of fire nipped me in the back of my head. I spun around and felt the nipping subside.

“Err… are you going to sit?” He asked. I shook my head.

“I’m fine, thanks.” I glanced over my shoulder, seeing him shrug and sip his tea.

“So. If you are here after visiting the mayor and having announced yourself, you then must know about the traitors selected?” He asked. I rubbed my chin.

“Selected?” Sky nodded.

“The mayor’s display of loyalty has the entire community fearing against one another. Some are considering doing the same while others are not up for their branding.” He sighed. “We had nothing to fear.” I hummed in thought.

“I… can see that actually. You do know he has you as one of the top suspects.” I said. Sky nodded.

“The mayor believes that me defending the neutral lands between us and Pony Land to be heresy. Thankfully, he hasn’t gone completely insane.” He rubbed his foreleg. “Every night, I wake to even the sound of an owl for fear of not being in my bed.” He looked to his cutie-mark. A cloud with a stinger out protruding out of it. “The pain must have been excruciating.” I gave him a sympathetic look. “Xanza has expressed her distaste for the mayor’s idea to brand the whole village. And anypony else who addressed it were considered as such.” I rubbed my chin.

“So, let’s say there really is a traitor. Would you have any idea who? Or perhaps, seen anything suspicious?” I asked. Sky rubbed his chin.

"I honestly cannot tell you. Everypony here has been nothing but dedicated to their crafts. We may not be entirely egalitarian like Ponyville, but we do our part." He said sadly. I narrowed my eyes in thought. Sky sounds genuine. His body language completely uncomfortable with the mentions of branding. The thought of this being just paranoia made me feel a little relief. However, something still isn’t sitting right with this. I then had a thought.

“Do you think the mayor is considered a traitor?” I asked. Sky looked at me, contemplating. After a bit, he sighed.

“I believe he has just gone mad with paranoia. Being close to our warring neighbors, I think he’s afraid we will be enslaved or even worse. His faith in the sisters is… uncomfortably unwavering. He’d rather die under the Equestrian banner than the iron one.” He replied. I sat on my haunches and crossed my forelegs, humming in thought. The more I thought about this, it all made simple sense. The mayor has every right to worry. He’s not in the wrong. But… dragging the whole village with him? No, I cannot let that happen. There is more to this than what is being said. There is one thing I do know. Sky is innocent enough.

I stood up and threw my hood back over my head. “I thank you for your time, Sky Stinger. We’ll figure something out. No pony else is going to get branded.” I said. Before I turned, Sky put a hoof on my back. I looked back.

“Quiet Fire.” He began. His look serious yet concerned. “Everypony here knows about you and your friend’s deeds before the whole incident. Word travel fast. With this paranoia, ponies aren’t in the right state. Just… know that most of us haven’t forgotten what you’ve done for the creatures of Equestria.” I studied the stallion. I then nodded.

“I’ll do what I can.” I said. And with that, I left the house, trotting back to the village. My mind raced with thoughts. Ensuring I had everything I learned together, I headed into the plaza with my next stop in mind. I asked around, being pointed to Shimmer Spark’s location. The mare had been standing in front of a fruit kiosk. She looked impatient as the mare behind the counter was hurrying about. I tilted my head slightly before approaching. I cleared my throat, causing the mare to sigh and turn around, only to have her eyes widen in terror. I held up a hoof.

“Just relax, Spark. I just want to ask a couple of things.” I began. Shimmer Spark backed away a bit.

“I-I’m currently busy and have no time to talk. C-can you please leave?” She stammered. The mare behind the counter put something down and wiped her brow.

“H-here you go, Ms. Shimmer! Star Fruit imported from Zebrica. A bundle full just like you asked.” She said nervously, rubbing her hooves. “I-is there anything else I-I can help you with?” Without a word, Spark stuffed the fruit into her saddle bag and quickly paid the mare before hurrying past me.

“Spark, wait!” I called out. She froze in her spot. “Please, just hear me out. We don’t have to speak openly. I just want a moment of your time.” The look of fear was clear on her face. She shakily pointed to an alley.

“W-we’ll talk there…” She said, shivering. I gave her a concerned look but proceeded to follow her in between two houses. The alley was surprisingly back alley than I had thought. We soon came to an opening and she stopped. I looked around. Something was off again. “W-what do you want, Fire Demon?” She stammered as she turned to face me. I sat on my haunches and removed my hood.

“I just want to ask you some things in regard to your father.” I began.

“My father has been nothing but loyal to his people and faithful to our rulers! Just as much as I have!” She quickly said. I remained stoic. I had gotten a look at her flank when I followed her. She wasn’t branded. But her tail swishing to the sides to cover them told me something else.

“So, why not get branded like him?” I asked.

“I will! I will display my faith to my Equestria! I-I will not be a slave to the invaders! I’ll… I’ll even break my horn off!” She stated quickly. I balked and held up my hooves.

“Whoa, whoa! Tone it down, Spark! Branding is enough trauma for now.” I quickly said. Spark eyed me cautiously.

“W-we know what you did, Fire Demon! A-all those ponies… H-how could you?” She asked. I was about to respond when I noticed two ponies stepping out from the shadows. I glanced behind me and saw three more ponies. “Word travels fast. The fact that you showed yourself here… is the last thing anypony wants.” I sighed.

“Spark. I understand your fear of me. Trust me, I wish things were different. But right now, there is something more serious than my presence.” I said, hoping to calm the situation.

“Shut up, Demon!” One of the ponies barked in front of me. He looked middle aged. A pitchfork at his side. “There are things even worse than traitors! Demons are a sin. A blight. They besmirch the name of our majesties!” The other pony, a middle-aged mare in a plain dress and bonnet bearing a sickle, nodded.

“We was doin’ fine until you decided to poke your muzzle into things! Nows everypony is in a ruckus!” The mare stated. The grunts of agreements behind me made me frown. I bowed my head.

“Yeah. I do poke my muzzle into things I don’t understand. And that is why I’m asking so I can ensure no pony has to follow the mayor’s example.” I looked to Spark. “I’ve noticed you’ve been subconsciously trying to hide your cutie-mark. Your father’s display didn’t sit well with you, did it?” Spark glared at me, but uncertainty was still there.

“Th-that’s none of your business!” She exclaimed. The ponies readied themselves. My eyes darted between the two in front.

“And what makes you think you can face a demon if you are so terrified of being branded? Isn’t that supposed to show how much faith you have in our majesties? Turning your back to the sun and moon is why demons like me exist.” At this point, I was hoping to reach a point of hesitation with these ponies. They didn’t do anything wrong and I’m not going to have anymore innocent ponies hurt by me.

“Demons speak a lot of slander! Ya’ best shut your mouth! Or we’ll cut it out!” One of the ponies behind me exclaimed. I kept my eyes on Spark.

“He made you brand him, didn’t he? You branded your own father so that way he’ll have a clear conscious that you wouldn’t betray him.” I hit the nail on the head. Spark’s eyes widened in terror. “But that won’t be enough! Soon, he’ll start to worry everypony’s faith isn’t tested enough. He’ll have your horns. Your wings. Your blood. That’s how these things turn out! Your father needs help, Spark! Let us help you.” As crazy as it sounds, this was the logical conclusion to this kind of behavior.

“That’s why I need your help! I need everypony’s help here! You all don’t need to go that far to express your loyalty to Equestria! As a community, you’ve done so much already! Blessed by the sister’s sun and moon! Take a look around you. You all are scared! Uncertain of the future!” The ponies expressions softened and looked at one another. “It’s okay to be scared! No creature can predict the future to the fullest! That’s why you have to make it to that future together.” I sighed.

“I know I’m not the best figure to look at for any kind of salvation or solution. But… in the end of it all, I’m my best self. And that’s all I can do. And you all can be your best selves too. Save your community. Save your mayor. No matter what happens, you’ll still have the sun and moon smiling down on you.” The ponies lowered their weapons, their eyes adverting from each other. I looked to Spark, who seemed to be in a state of shock. I walked over to her and put a hoof on her shoulder. She blinked and met my eyes.

Her look softened. I smiled. “If you don’t want to face it alone, you don’t have too. With enough voices, you will be heard. Your father has to.” Spark studied me. I could see she was tearing up a bit. These ponies were terrified. Rightly so. But they are stronger together as a community. If there is one thing I learned in Ponyville, we always look out for one another. Individuals with unique quirks who can lend a helping hoof when needed.

I really wish I’d take my own advice. Spark wiped her eyes a bit and sniffled.

“B-but… what if he doesn’t listen?” She asked. I shook my head.

“From the fact that if one pony can vouch for him to his community, he has to. The Shimmer family takes pride in what they do, right?” I winked at her. Spark bowed her head. Her thoughts must be running through her. She then lifted her head, wiping her eye and nodding, facing the ponies around us.

“I… I want to save my father. Can… can you all help?” She asked. The ponies looked to her. It was the middle-aged stallion who spoke.

“Huh. A Shimmer asking for help. I guess we really are in a world on the verge of collapsing.” He stated with a small smirk. Spark seemed shocked by this, but the middle-aged mare waved a hoof with a smile.

“Don’t mind him. He likes ta’ joke. As the mayor’s daughter, we would be glad to help. I remember what you did for me during the bad harvest. Yer’ not all bad as some make ya’ out ta’ be.” She said. One of the ponies behind me stomped his hoof in agreement.

“Ya’ never done us wrong, Shimmer. A little uppity, but we can see your heart is in the right place.” The pony said. The others grunted in agreement. Spark was speechless. I smiled softly. Every village has their own story. Everypony is unique. The marks on our flanks identify how special we are without getting rid of the quirks that make us who we are. Through the darkness, our best selves will be who we are.

That night at the inn, I laid sprawled out on my sleeping bag. Scribble was scribbling in his journal as usual while Cloudchaser and Flitter were lounging in the bed. Flitter had been making arrows for herself while Cloudchaser was shadow jabbing in the air. I sighed and kicked back.

“I hope everything goes well tomorrow.” I said. “To think we came just in time before it spiraled out of control.” Scribble closed his journal and put it back in his saddle bag before pulling out a long, purple crystal with a holographic rune in it. I noticed it was being a bit staticky. I furrowed my look. “Should we be worried about that?” I asked. Scribble shrugged.

“It’s not giving me a clear reading. It’s been doing this since we got here.” He said. Flitter hummed in thought.

“Could it also read the state of villages?” She asked. Scribble shook his head. As jokingly as it was, the crystal could only really tell us when there is unstable magic around us. Physical magic to be precise. Which is ironic considering that the physicality of it is invisible to the naked eye. Nilneigh Isles has taught me some things about myself I didn’t think was possible. Scribble non-chalantly waved the crystal back and forth in his hoof. To his surprise, the static solidified and the rune had turned into a strange, spiky design. I sat up and arched a brow. Scribble rubbed his chin, studying the crystal.

“Fascinating.” He marveled. I saw his eyes contemplate something before nodding. “Girls, there is one thing I’d like to see before we reach Vanhoover.” He shook the crystal up to us. “We are in the area of where I was stationed years ago to study these crystals. I would like to poke around the old site for a bit. Something has occurred to me and I aim to sate it.” Cloudchaser snickered.

“I’m down for a bit of exploration. Could give our wagon puller a bit of a break.” She smirked. Flitter rolled her eyes playfully.

“I’m sure our purses are enough to make him go along with that.” She said. I flopped back onto the pillow of my sleeping bag and stared at the ceiling.

“I’m fine with it.” I chimed in. Scribble eyed me.

“Of course, it’s not a ‘let’s go now’.” He stated. I nodded. We always took things one step at a time. Our needs after everypony else's. It just seems fair, and I hoped it would put some minds at ease that there is good out in the world. What Sky Stinger had told me still bothered me. And the grand speech I gave to some troubled ponies really made me believe I had any inkling of helping. This time, I wasn’t going to fully interfere. The previous villages and hamlets had been primal lackey attacks or monster disturbances.

I don’t know why, but this town full of the faithful has me praying to the sun and moon in my head. Praying for what… that’s a good question. I guess for the safety of these ponies. Feeling a bit miserable about it, I rolled over onto my side and found myself drifting off to sleep while my companions chatted for a bit longer. I had no dreams that stood out to me or that I can remember. The next morning, I rose up from my sleeping bag and yawned, getting out and handling my necessities. Feeling refreshed and clean, I threw my hoodie cloak on and looked over to my companions. They were stirring awake themselves and I figured I'd wait for them to get ready.

It took a bit, but with us refreshed and ready, we exited the inn.

“Fie.” Scribble spoke. I stopped and turned to him. Flitter and Cloudchaser hovered next to him. “We have to go check on something. Combining the information we gathered, we believe we may have something. Yet, we aren’t entirely sure. It’ll be just a moment.” He said. I tilted my head questioningly, but Cloudchaser smiled.

“We heard you struck a chord with some of the ponies against the mayor’s idea yesterday. We might as well split up again to cover more ground. Just… enjoy the relaxation a bit.” She said. I narrowed my eyes at them.

“Ooookay?” I replied. Scribble sighed.

“Sorry. It’s a conclusion we came up with last night while you were asleep. We didn’t want to leave you out in the dark so much. We believe we may have found an actual traitor here in Sun Ville. But we need definite facts. What we want you to do is keep an eye on things here while we go take a look at what we put together.” He explained. I looked at him blankly.

‘Couldn’t have led with that from the start?’ I thought to myself. But holding in the thought, I only gave a small nod.

“Just becareful. If things get a bit hairy, don’t do anything I would do.” I said. Flitter grinned.

“We aren’t that stupid to jump into a raging whirlpool.” She replied.

“Or get launched into a tornado.” Cloudchaser followed up. I frowned and looked at Scribble. He shrugged.

“Thi’s your best friend. That’s all I can say.” He stated. I felt as if his words pierced my head. I did my best to keep a calm smile.

“Thanks…” I replied. I watched my friends head down the opposite direction, waving back to Cloudchaser before sighing and turning to face the main plaza. I should probably check up on Spark. I began to search the plaza for the mare. I won’t lie, my friends mentioning they might have found an actual traitor bothered me greatly. It had me thinking somethings, one being such that the mayor might be being influenced in some way. Or that somepony here genuinely has ill intentions for this community. I then thought of Ponyville. My concern grew to worry. I shook my head furiously.

‘No. If there was a traitor in Ponyville, my angels would put a stop to it.' No longer being bound tightly by the bylaws, I just hope nothing truly prevents them from being themselves. That just made me more determined to find Spark. I began asking around, only to be told that the mayor’s daughter doesn’t leave the house till around eight in the morning. Of all the times to actually wake up early. I sat in front of a cafe that was in the process of opening and I thought.

What could I do to kill time? I looked around the plaza. My eyes fell upon a wooden sign connecting to a house. Engraved was an open book with an ink pot over it. I smiled. I trotted over to the house and noticed the sign on the door. ‘Open at ten.’ I slumped.

“Didn’t take the Fire Demon to be a reader.” A voice said behind me. I turned around to see Xanza eyeing me. She was sitting in front of the library on a bench, sipping a cup of coffee.

“H-how long have you’ve been there?” I asked. How did I not see her? Xanza shrugged.

“I always arrive two hours early to open my own store. I don’t have time at home to relax so this is the better solution.” She explained. I blinked.

“O-oh.” I then realized what she said. “I take it Spark told everypony?” Xanza nodded. I sighed. “Well, I did say we won’t be long. But we-“

“But you decided that sticking your muzzle into a situation that is pretty volatile with our community to be something worthwhile. We follow your exploits here.” She stated taking another sip of her coffee. I sat on my haunches and shook my head.

“I just…” I began but quieted myself. Xanza studied me before speaking.

“It’s only natural for you, right? Saving ponies. Being the hero. The champion of Equestria.” She kicked back on the bench. “Sun Ville should be lucky to be graced with the presence of the very pony tasked in saving us all.” I bowed my head sadly. Xanza sighed. “I’m not going to pretend to imagine being in your horseshoes. And from what it looks like, you’ve seen a lot of crap that no pony should see.” I could only chuckle a bit.

“Not as bad as what Sun Ville is going through.” I stated. Xanza stared ahead while she sipped her coffee. I threw my hood up before continuing. “It must have been surprising to see the mayor in a state of panic.” Xanza shook her head.

“Not panic. More like borderline madness. That’s been happening a lot with him lately.” She explained. “I’ve also noticed Spark being rather… inclusive into daily routines with the others in the village.” I peeked out from under my hood, seeing her look contemplative. “She’s a bitch. But less so ever since the branding.” I furrowed my look.

“How long has it been going on?” I asked. Xanza leaned forward.

“Three weeks.” She stated. I don’t know why I felt a little relieved. We got here just in time. Yet, being secluded in a frozen castle for four, my power has been tempered. Xanza put her coffee down and stretched.

“So… you think the mayor might be going insane, huh?” I asked. Xanza hummed in thought.

“Usually, he’s a little questionable with certain decisions. But this is the first he’s ever decided that was the reasonable way.” She sighed. “I hate to say it, but Sun Ville isn’t quite so happy anymore.” I lowered my head a bit, only to look up when I saw Spark walking over to us accompanied by several ponies. Xanza arched a brow as Spark stopped in front of us. Based on her expression, she looked determined, but a little hesitant.

“You’re up and out early. What do you want, Spark?” Xanza asked with an uninterested look. Spark put a hoof to her chest, as if debating about what to do. She then nodded to herself and held out a hoof to Xanza, her eyes adverting.

“A-as the mayor’s daughter, I-I would like to ask if you would join me in voicing our concerns. I-I cannot allow our community to follow through with my father’s decision. I-if you don’t want to protest then you can sign a petition against the mayor’s decision.” I then saw her glance at me and with a small smirk, I made a small motion to her. She then looked at Xanza. “P-please?” Xanza looked at Spark with an open muzzle, speechless.

I wasn’t sure exactly what was going through her head, but the dumbfoundedness turned into a grin.

“Well, well. You know, they always say the mayor doesn’t write his own speeches. You should consider hiring a secretary to do so.” She said. Spark glared at her and stamped her hoof.

“As if I’d wanted to ask you of all ponies! I-it’s not like I’m forcing you. But I’m putting it out there just in case.” She retorted. Xanza shook her head with a chuckle.

“Considering you got a good amount of Sun Ville behind you, that’s all I need to know.” She then stood up and extended a hoof to her. “Even though you are the biggest bitch this side of the range, you’re the only pony I’ve seen whose made a lick of sense of this situation. But seriously, do hire somepony to write your speeches from now on.” Spark looked at the extended hoof and scoffed. Despite her being bitter about it, she cautiously took her hoof and the two shook. A mutter of approval from the ponies behind Spark made Xanza grin again. Spark turned her head in a huff.

“It’s just until father stops being crazy. Once that’s done, I have no need for you.” She stated. Xanza shrugged.

“Works for me.” She then turned to me and motioned at Spark. “You’re doing, oh miss champion?” I shook my head.

“Just a little push.” I smiled. Spark looked back to Xanza.

“We all will be gathering in the plaza. Make your voice known. I’ll try and bring my father out.” She said. She then trotted off to the next set of ponies that were walking down the road together. Xanza rubbed the back of her head.

“Desperate times calls for desperate measures.” She then turned to the ponies that were beginning to gather, either out of curiosity or knowing. “All right, Sun Ville ponies! Our mayor isn’t in the right state of mind and as upstanding citizens to this community, I am putting my hoof down to the mayor’s decision! Let our voices be heard!” She then began to stomp her hoof. “We are faithful! We are Sun Ville!” She began to chant. A couple of ponies followed the chant and gradually, more and more began stomping their own hooves or what they held and chanted with her. Soon, the entire plaza began to chant, marching and gathering in front of the mayor’s house.

I sat in the back of the crowd, crossing my forelegs as I observed the protest. I can’t remember the last time Ponyville had been in a protest. Yet, I couldn’t help but smile. I really do miss home. I watched as Spark stepped out of the crowd, followed by two other ponies. One had given her a megaphone and she began to call out through it.

“Citizens of Sun Ville! Our community has been quiet for too long over my father’s decision to brand the town to express faith and loyalty to our Equestria! How many of you are willing to throw away what makes you special to give absolute faith to our majesties?” The crowd stamped their hooves in protest. “We should not give up our specialties to express our faith in our majesties! We are always loyal to our Equestria! And we do not need to express it through cultic means!” I saw her eyes dart in thought before looking determined.

“I-I know I haven’t been… a pleasant pony to you all throughout the years. But after my father had me brand him, I could not sleep at night, thinking that I would have to follow suite. I can remember it like a broken record. The searing pain I’d have to endure to lose what made me special. And I realized… I did not want anypony here to bear that. You all have tolerated me and even done your best to satisfy my spoiled desires. A-and now…” I then saw her look at me from the crowd. I gave a small nod. “And now, I am asking you all to raise your voices. Show my father that we remain loyal to our Equestria and to Sun Ville!”

The chanting began.

“We are faithful! We are Sun Ville!” After some time of chanting, the mayor finally stepped out of the house, looking puzzled. He walked over to his daughter.

“What is the meaning of this?” He asked her sternly. Spark faced her father and remained determined.

“I’m sorry, father. But you’ve gone too far.” She motioned to herself. “Why did you make me do something so… so… blasphemous! And to my own father!” She stated. The mayor frowned.

“Blasphemous?? Me?? I have been nothing but faithful and loyal to our Equestria!” He then took the megaphone from his daughter in his own magic and called out. “Citizens! Citizens! Please, ease yourselves! I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding! Must you all protest yourselves so early?”

“We do not want to brand ourselves, Mayor Shimmer!” One pony called out.

“You’re insane for thinking we’d go through with this!”

“I’m not a blasphemer, you are!”

“Think of the children, Mr. Shimmer!”

“I am faithful! I am Sun Ville! We are faithful! We are Sun Ville!”

The chanting began and Mr. Shimmer looked completely baffled. I observed the crowd carefully. Who would be suspicious enough amongst the crowd? Mr. Shimmer called out from the megaphone.

“Please! Let us all be reasonable here! Do you want yourselves to be labeled traitors when the invaders march into our home and enslave us under their banner?! Must we turn away our faith for whatever hellish events await those that give the enemy any room?! I think not!” The crowd grew quiet. “I understand that the method is not a pleasant one, but it is a necessity for our own sake! We are the sisters’s loyal subjects! Equestria is our home! I do not want to see my own faithful be ridiculed to blasphemous teachings by the enemy!”

I shook my head. He really is thinking the worst-case scenario. I noticed the maid having showed up and whispered into the mayor’s ear. He nodded.

“Is this true, Spark? You’ve instigated this due to the Fire Demon?” He turned to face his daughter. Spark didn’t budge, but she looked nervous. I heard Xanza from the crowd.

“It ain’t the Fire Demon’s fault for this ridiculous notion! You’re insane, mayor! And we aren’t going to sit idly by and let you go through with this!” Xanza shouted as she stood on top of a table. “Take a good look around you! We have been nothing but faithful to you and our village! Despite some questionable stuff in the past, we all have managed to work with it! But branding ain’t one we are okay with! Even your daughter, who had to be forced to brand her own father just to prove any form of loyalty! No pony should be branding their own family like that!” Mr. Shimmer frowned and called out from the megaphone.

“And yet, you continue to voice your concerns and approval of neutrality with our offshore neighbors! They will be the first to turn to the iron banner. We will not!” He stated.

“Get it through your thick skull!” A pony shouted. I looked over and to my surprise, I recognized the pony from the picture. Sprinkle Spray, the village’s landscaper. The old mare wobbled a bit at the legs but she stamped her hoof in protest. “Where’s the lad that had bright ambitions to lead us? To ensure we as a community would continue to live and love in harmony? I don’t see ‘em anymore now! Just a crazy stallion who lost his way!” There was a chorus of agreement. Mr. Shimmer looked hurt.

“You would turn your back on me, Mrs. Spray?” He asked. The old mare shook her head.

“Baloney! I’d never turn my back on my neighbors! It’s why we are here today, Mr. Shimmer! Please. Just look at your daughter. Look how terrified she is! She didn’t want this to happen, but you left us no choice!” Mr. Shimmer turned to Spark and his look softened. Spark was tearing up a bit but staring at her father. I could only imagine what went on the mayor’s head.

“Father… Quiet Fire did not instigate this… it is all my idea… please… stop this and let us go back to normal.” She bowed her head and rubbed her foreleg. “Mother wouldn’t want us to be at each other’s throats…” Mr. Shimmer studied his daughter’s expression. Realization came over him and he dropped the megaphone.

“Spark…?” He said. He then looked to his branded flank and looked sadly. He sat on his haunches and put a hoof to his head. “What… what have I done?” Spark hugged her father and he hugged her. I let out a sigh of relief. Just in time. I felt my mood brighten. The crowd were muttering amongst themselves. Xanza smiled and seemed just as relieved.

Now with the town unified and having brought their leader to his sense, ponies should be able to think more clearly and help with the traitor investigation. I looked over and smiled, seeing my friends hurrying over to the crowd on the other side. Yet… something was off. They looked desperate. I then noticed within the crowd. Table Top stared at me. His half skeletal grin and decaying body focused on me. He was muttering something. I blinked and he vanished. That’s when I heard Cloudchaser shout.

“Pommel, don’t!!” Time slowed. I looked over to the maid. She had two crystals in her hooves and she stared directly at me. She was glaring. She mouthed:

“It’s all your fault.” She struck the two together and I was blown off my hooves. I landed onto my back, my ears ringing and my vision blurry. I rolled a bit on the ground. There was an intense burning surrounding the village. I shook away my daze and gasped, eyes widening in horror.

On this day, at precisely eight in the morning. Sun Ville erupted into flames.

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