• Member Since 30th Dec, 2019
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A new writer getting into fanfiction who has an interest in of Friendship is Magic with personal interests and ideas to share.


This story is a sequel to The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks

It is time for the upcoming Friendship Games against their long time rivals, Crystal Prep Academy. But, when the Magic Mirror in Equestria begins acting strangely and traps Kion and Twilight at Canterlot High, the rest of the Lion Guard come on over in an effort to figure out what happened. Along the way, they meet up with Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms, who are also struggling to understand how the magical "pony-ups" work.

As if preparing for the games and trying to launch the investigation isn't enough, their discovery has come to them discover that the two curious also investigating the magic mystery happen to be both... Twilight Sparkle and Kion's alternate human forms.

In the battle of competition, who will win? Or will whatever strange magic flowing around will cause more problems and uncover something that might be too powerful and sinister for both the new Twilight and Kion to handle?

* Note (This takes place after Season 6 Episode 10 Undercover Kinyonga)

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 34 )

I hate to bother but is Askari the equestria girls version of scar I forgot and things are getting interesting

...all while a pair of red eyes wearing a black sweater looks on with disdain and contempt, particularly and the red and yellow haired girl receiving much needed forgiveness before disappearing into the cover of darkness.

Who’s that?

The other girl, F luttershy, held her pet bunny closer, "And I was just about to tuck everyone in for the night at the shelter. Now we'll have to start stories all over again."

You mean Fluttershy

Also, I knew you were gonna start the Friendship Games a week from last week’s chapter on season 6!! I wonder if the Outlanders will be humanized as well. Another thing, I heard the rest of the guard are gonna be involved. Three questions, one: how will they cross to the human world? And two: does that mean that Kyoga might come as well and be a part of the situation? Three: are Twilight(equestrian) and Kion gonna partake in the games and confront the real Midnight Sparkle in the final battle? So many questions and I can’t wait to see your alterations to the story compared to the original

Oh another question: will daddy discover his human counterpart and witness everything? He’s got his spying magic back, so maybe this time he’ll be able to see what’ll happen

If that’s so then how will he become him? He didn’t have his scar in Rainbow Rocks

No trouble at all, since this is only the beginning. And yes, Askari here is the Equestrian Girls version of Scar.

If that’s the case then how does he become him? Last I checked he didn’t have his scar and he’s an agent on the side of good despite interrogating Twilight and Sunset in Rainbow Rocks

I hope to see more soon because I so excited to see it

"So what now?" Rarity asked, "Since we can’t go through the portal and only Fuli, Beshte, Ono, and Bunga can, it only makes sense that they come over to help you both solve this mystery?”

What about Kyoga?

Oh boy, I bet Twilight and Kion aren’t gonna be happy when find out their human counterparts tampered with the portal. Also, I wasn’t expecting the update to be a day earlier

I hope we'll get to see human Rani make an appearance at some point since she was absent in the last story. I imagine she'll mistake Human Kion for his lion counterpart, much like Flash with Sci-Twi.

In addition, Human Kion noticed someone that especially made his eyes widen with unbridled rage and shock upon seeing her. And said person was Sunset Shimmer who looked on in complete shock as memories came flowing back through her mind at the same time Human Kion’s did.

What did Sunset do to the human Kion that made him upset with her?

Oh, I wonder how Twilight and Kion will feel when they discover that their human counterparts are not only the ones stealing their friends’ magic, but also are the ones who tampered with the portal

The only reason I can think of is that Sunset gave human Kion his scar. Maybe we don't see it because he concealed it with make-up.

"The real Anon-A-Miss. And that said, consider this warning very carefully because your very future depends on it..." He said as he dangled the phone out of Sunset's reach when she tried to nab it back. "Think about it, Sunset. What do you think I should do? What do you think you should do? And if you're smart, you know what the answer is. If not, don't say I didn't warn you with whatever comes your way next." He then narrowly cut close (enough to cut off a lock of hair along with the skin on the top of her forehead to Sunset after her latest attempt to snatch her phone back. He then followed it up with a square punch to her right eye and then nose causing her to fall to the ground and on her butt before finding herself held at sword point with one of the blades aimed directly at her neck. "Do we have an understanding now? Do you understand that?"

The human Kion’s ‘Anon-A-Miss’?! I thought it was a female! So he posted all that false stuff about Sunset because of what she did to him in the past. Yikes, I kinda hope that he’ll discover that she actually changed. I also now know where his scar is and what it looks like, and he gave a dark smile, is he hiding something?

Twilight jolted up when she heard one of the coaches speak to her. She just so happened to be her pony self who is accompanied by Pride Lands Fuli who are both looking right at her. Both girls looked on with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow as the purple star on the girl’s pendant disappeared when the object shut itself off. They heard Pinkie sigh due being deflated and drained of her energy and magic just like Rarity did before. If looks could kill she would be dead by now. But considering that it isn’t in their blood, a stern talking to is still in order.

"The same way it drained out of Rarity." Princess Twilight explained, "It happened shortly afterwards and it just so happened when other Twilight was there at the exact same time."

I’m glad that the gang now knows about the human Twilight’s device draining their magic

Shenzi was quick to place a calming hand on his teammates shoulder before taking action. “I’ll handle this.” She then proceeded to pull out a weapon from her utility belt that allowed her to grapple her amulet away from her and out of arm’s reach.

“Don’t I know it?” Shenzi returned to acknowledge that. “And I’m sure our boss will feel the same way too. Wouldn’t you say so, Ed?”

What do the humanized hyenas and humanized daddy want with human Twilight’s device? Since they now have it does that mean the rest of the gang won’t lose their magic?

Sorry, this showed a lot and I’m really interested to see what’ll happen next


"Yes, Sunset." He confirmed as he presented said phone which displayed everything he is describing without looking at it. "Each and every personal, private, confidential, and embarrassing, secret ever since you came here from your first act as a mere bully to your latest walk of shame as the framed perpetrator of Anon-A-Miss. An idea that only the Cutie Mark Crusaders could have only pursed and obtained with the right push and motivation. Yeah." He confirmed as the dots are connecting more and more with every passing word and second with flashbacks of the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting sensitive intel of the girls flashing through. In addition, Kion while wearing his black sweater at the time snuck in and out of the house at night, to search Sunset's phone while she was dead asleep before copying it so he can send to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Believe it or not, it's true. And I was there to witness it all. All with you none of the wiser to what was really happening up until now and yet even still you still have returned back here and still being friends with everyone here."

Don’t you mean he sent it to her friends since the crusaders were ones who got the info in the first place?

Yeah, it is that very moment you realize that Human Kion isn't a mere Bully Hunter but someone with dark mastermind intellect who gives a Knight of Cerebus vibe to his character and to this story. And the dark smile towards the end is a look of satisfaction on his end for further terrifying Sunset along with taking the former bully down a peg, and with getting revenge against her for his past humiliation. And given that he hasn't seen that Sunset is no longer the same girl she was back then it's understandable why he wouldn't think Sunset hasn't reformed in his eyes.

Oh boy, I kinda hope he’ll see the truth that Sunset changed and he’ll also discover that the human Twilight’s making a big mistake with that amulet. I wonder if he might also get a dark form like the human Twilight did in the original. With all of these new twists to this version of the story, it make me really curious about what’ll happen next

Unbeknownst to the two, Askari's trio of agents, are all peering from the corner unnoticed as they had just recorded every word that was just said with their principal just a minute ago and all were looking on as disgusted and furious as evident by the growling expressions on their faces before they all slowly backed away.

Why are those three spying on Cinch, human Twilight and human Kion? Does the human version of daddy have an ulterior plan?

Oh boy, now Ono, Fluttershy and Beshte getting their magic stolen and the fact that the saw the amulet steal their magic. This might be a bit crazy in the next event of the games considering those portals and plants that happened during it. I also kinda hope that both Kions will discover that they were wrong about Sunset and give her a big apology, especially when the human Kion might find out that Twilight’s making a mistake

Seeing that painful anguish of his friend was more than enough for Kion to decide enough is enough when he moved to hug his friend. “Just leave to me, Twilight. I’ll take care of this.” He calmly declared with narrowed eyes and determined to himself ready to fix this mess as he eyed the amulet she held in her hands. “Whatever it takes, I promise you that Cinch is not ruining our lives anymore. I’ll make sure of that.”

Uh oh, is he gonna take the amulet and steal the magic from the gang like human Twilight is? Is he gonna turn into a demon himself along with Twilight or is he gonna become one instead of Twilight? This just keeps giving me so many questions and I can’t wait to see what’ll happen next

a new plan in mind for her friend to formulate in his mind. One that involves magic...

This “friend” of Cinch, who is he? Is it the human version of daddy?

Not only is it wrong and needless, that’s nothing compared to how upset the people that have showed her great kindness would be when the truth comes out. Especially her princess pony counterpart and her Lion Guard friends. It was at this point she is beginning to realize that maybe just maybe she really is doing something wrong without realizing it in her pursuit of searching for this mysterious energy flowing around her. And the same can be said in regards to her pursuit of wanting to go to Everton. Is it really worth it now?

I’m kinda glad that she knows she’s making a mistake, and now that Kion knows about her mistake, hopefully he’ll find out he’s making one too

I’m getting a bad feeling about next chapter

Oh boy, things are bound to get ugly considering that human Twilight released the magic in the final confrontation. But now that there’s a human Kion who’s backing her up, he’ll probably be transformed along her and I think he’ll immediately go after Cinch because of all the crap she spouted

Comment posted by Sylveonrose567 deleted 6 days ago

Typo I thought I gotten ridden of. Never mind that.

Word of advice always check before posting

Looks like citch is sent away in disgrace

Comment posted by Huskylover deleted Last Sunday
cue the credits!

All eyes fell on Cadance, who's patience with the woman had finally worn completely thin. She marched up to her boss, standing up to her for the very first time. "I have been nothing but nice to you even after putting up with you because I had hopes that deep down you wanted the best out of the students and could improve yourself. But since it’s clear to me now with your abusive attitude, that you are nothing but someone who only sees the students as a tool to boost your own pride and ego to cover the fact that you are a sad, pathetic, insecure woman deep down inside. Consider this the last time I take orders from you, Cinch!"

‘Bout time some called Cinch on her B.S

Cinch had never been more speechless in her entire life. No one had ever spoken up to her like that and she wasn't expecting Mufusa to back everyone else up too. She backed away from the angry Dean, only to back into the arms of Shenzi and Banzai who are quick to place her hands behind her back and handcuff her.

“Wait! What! What is this?! What are you doing?!” She struggled as she slightly resisted her arresting officers. “Why are you arresting me?!”

This would’ve been more satisfying to see happen to that bitch

“As you can tell, the proof is right there on that tape recorder.”

So that’s why they were recording those conversations, clever

"Oh and before I forget..." Human Kion then yelled out to the now former principal with a specific finger raised up. "Buck you, you old Cinch! And enjoy the hay you're about to endure because you so bucking deserve it!" He then laughed and taunted while greatly taking delight in seeing karma finally catch up with her. And that was before calming himself down as he can sense everyone else was shocked by his sudden outburst. "Anyways..."

Ha, payback!

Might wanna check the other stories as well, trust me, I’ve seen a bunch of typos in a few

* Clears throat * I got it the first time, no need to rub it in, okay?! :trixieshiftleft:

And as for the other stories, when I get some free time, I'll check them out.

I have to ask though, how is the Equestrian gang (except Sunset) gonna get back to Equestria and the Pridelands? Is the portal still sealed?

So. You going to continue TPG season 6 now?

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