• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 566 Views, 36 Comments

The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord - Savant 123

The equestrian girls or the rainbooms as their are sometime call have face many challenges and enemies in the past. But now their will face they biggest challenge yet will their win or will the world be doom to chaos and darkness?

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Chapter 6: A toxic trip

Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and a silhouette figure standing nearby.

In the dark of the night and in an abandoned sewer plant, a man is seen working on a machine of some kind.

“Everyone call me mad,“ the man said as he used a blowtorch on his machine. ”They all said I was insane, and worst of all, they all laughed at me. Well, we will see who laughs once my masterpiece is finished.” He then closed the hatch of the machine and turned his attention to a table nearby, where on it was a fishbowl that was full of water, and floating inside it was a plastic fish. ”Don’t you think so fishy?“ he asks the plastic fish, which he names fishy.

The plastic fish is an ordinary, inanimate plastic fish, but inside the insane mind of the man, he instead sees a living, sentient fish. “I quite agree,” Fishy said. ”Soon, the world will know the name of Dr. Xander.”

“I knew you saw it my way, fishy,” the man now known as Dr. Xander said before turning his attention to his machine. “Now I just need a few more essential pieces, and when I get them, my machine will be complete, and soon everyone will learn to never laugh at me again.” Dr. Xander laughs a deranged laugh as thoughts of the destruction his machine will cause flash through his deranged mind.
Inside the moving school bus, sunset, and her friends were waiting until the bus reached its destination to sparkle industry.

“I can’t believe we're finally going to the sparkle industry,“ Sunset said happily, as she couldn’t hold back her excitement.

“Wow, their sugar cube, you seem to be more excited than pinkie pie on cake day," Applejac said.

“That is really saying something since you saw what she liked on cake day,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Sorry but I have been waiting for a real long time to be on this trip, and it's finally happening,“ Sunset said.

“Wow, you must really love technology,“ Trixie said, having overheard the conversation.

“Well yeah, I mean, can’t you blame me? From where I came from, we didn’t exactly have much technology,“ Sunset said. ”So I kind of developed a certain love for advanced technology after spending time in this world. I mean, look at the stuff you humans take for granted in your daily lives: video games, air conditioners, airplanes, and hand phones, to name a few. It always amazed me how you humans were able to overcome your lack of magic by inventing technology to overcome them.”

“Well, if you put it right, I suppose it makes sense for you to have a certain love for them,“ Rarity said.

“So how are you training so far?” Twilight asks Trixie and Wallflower.

“It's going great as you should expect from the great and powerful Trixie,“ Trixie boasts, earning a roll from everyone.

“I am also doing great,” Wallflower said. ” I have also been getting along with my ancestor, Stygian. It was kind of weird at first since, as you know, he is supposed to be my ancestor from the distant past, but after a while, we managed to connect. Did you know Stygian also has a love for gardening? That is probably where I got my love for gardening from.” As Wallflower said that , she can’t help but think back to her training with her ancestor, Stygian.


Wallflower was currently in the training room of black light main base. She was meditating on the floor while Stygian stood in front of her.

“Now I want you to focus your mind to control the shadows in order for you to have it do what you want.” Stygian instructed. As Wallflower began to concentrate her mind to control the shadows, “Good, now think of the form you want it to take, like a sword.” Wallflower then starts to visualize that the shadows form a sword, and immediately a sword forms on the ground.

“Good, now open your eyes." Stygian said as Wallflower opened her eyes and saw a shadow sword on the ground.

“Did I do that?” wallflower asks.

“Yes, you did,” Stygian said. "You have been doing remarkable work so far. Then again, I should have expected it since, after all, you are my descendant, and controlling shadows should come naturally to you.”

“ Ah, yeah, thanks,"Wallflower simply said. This caught Stygian's attention, as he could tell something was on her mind.

“Is there something wrong?” Stygian asks Wallflower.

“Sorry, it's just a bit weird, you know,“ Wallflower said. ”Since I not only discovered that I have magical powers but also that my ancestor, from whom I inherited this magic, is alive and training me,”

“I suppose it is too much to take,” Stygian said. ”But I am sure you will get used to it in time.”

“Yeah, I guess I might,” Wallflower said. ”I mean, I did get used to this whole magic thing and the fact that there is a portal that leads to a magical parallel world at the base of our school statue.”

“Anywhere, I think we are done for today." Stygian said, ” You may go home now.”

"Good," wallflower said. ”Since I need to work on my garden.”

“Ah yes, I recall from reading your file that you have a love for gardening,“ Stygian said. ”That's probably another trait you inherited from me.”

"What do you mean?“ Wallflower asked in a curious voice.

"It's that I also have a love for gardening,“ Stygian said. ”There is just something about gardening that always makes me feel better. Especially on stressful days.”

"Really? " Wallflower asked, and the two immediately spent hours talking about gardening, the methods they use, as well as the types of plants they like to grow.

Flashback end:

The school bus just stopped in front of the building, and everyone immediately walked out of it.

“Wow, it looks so huge,“ Pinkie said as she was admiring the tall buildings that dwarfed them all.

“So what will we be seeing on this trip?” Rainbow Dash asks Twilight.

“Well, mom didn’t say must, but she mentioned that we would first get to see the new inventions her company had invented,“ Twilight said.

“Really like what?“ Rarity asked.

"I don’t know, mom didn’t say.” Twilight said as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Maybe they invented a new device that can read other people's minds or a device that can let you teleport, which is good since it means I do not have to worry about going to school or work late. Oh, maybe they have developed a device that can let you travel in time, which is also good since I need to tell my past self not to eat that gum that I found under the park bench,” Pinkie Pie said.

"Seriously, Pinkie, we tell you not to eat that gum, but you never listen," Sunset said to Pinkie Pie. “Like how we tell you not to eat that rotten burger you found in the trash can.”

“Well, everyone always tells me not to eat things that are delicious. Like how my parents tell me not to eat Dino Crunch anymore because I always forget to chew, and my mother will get worried, and my father has to call those nice guys in the white van.” Pinkie Pie simply said.

“Seriously, how do you forget to chew?“ Twilight said.

“It's just Pinkie being Pinkie, "Applejack said. “It's best you not question it.”

“Guys, be quiet. I think it is time for us to go in.” Sunset said, and immediately everyone walked into the building, where they were led down a hall and into a large room where Twilight Mom Twilight Velvet was waiting for them.

“Greetings everyone! I am Twilight Velvet, and let me welcome you to the Sparkle Industry.“ She greeted everyone happily before gesturing for everyone to follow her.

“We in the sparkle industry aim to develop technology that can help improve the lives of humans,“ she said, then gestured for everyone to see the equipment that was displayed in the room.

“One example is our new magnet shoes, which can help construction workers when they have to work in high places.” She said that one of the employees wore the shoes and used them to walk on a metal wall to demonstrate their effectiveness. She then gestured to another piece of equipment being used by another employee. “Another example is our new fire extinguisher device, which has revolutionized firefighters. This device let out a large concentration of cold air that can easily extinguish a large amount of fire with ease.” The employees demonstrate this by switching on a TV that shows a video of a large fire, which they were able to put out with ease through the use of the device.

“Another example is...” velvet was interrupted when an alarm went off into the building. ”What's going on?” She asked, and immediately one of the security guards went into the room.

"Madam, there is a break-in in one of the labs." He said. ”Security is heading towards the lab as we speak.”

Hearing that, Velvet quickly brought out her phone and quickly connected to the security camera in the lab. The camera shows a group of scientists running away from what looks like a man wearing what appears to be high-tech armor. She couldn’t see his face due to the helmet of the armor covering his entire head. The man points one of his hands in one direction and fires a laser beam from it. He then noticed the camera and fired at it.

Velvet then turned her attention to all the students and teachers. "Everyone, it is currently not safe to be here, so please leave the building immediately and get to safety,” she said to everyone who was immediately escorted outside by security—everyone but the guardians of harmony. “Why are you girls still here?”

“We wanted to help mom,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, it is our job to help,“ Rainbow Dash added.

“I appreciate the help, but it is too dangerous,“ Velvet said to them.

“Dangerous, oh please, we have to face many dangerous magical threats, “Rainbow said. ”This will be nothing.”

“She is right, Miss Velvet,“ Sunset said. "We are experienced in handling this kind of thing.”

Velvet stays silent for a while before sighing. ”Alright, girls,“ she said. ”Just be careful.”

“Don’t worry, mom, we will,“ Twilight said. ”Come on, everyone, let's pony up.” Immediately, everyone turned into their superhero forms. ”Let go.“

“Yeah,” Trixie said, and immediately everyone turned to her, finally noticing her and Wallflower for the first time. Like the guardians of harmony, both girls have also transformed into their superhero forms.

"Why are you two still doing here?” Sunset asks.

“We want to help too.” Wallflower said.

“That's mighty sweet of you,” Applejack said. ”But both of you are not as experienced as we are in dealing with magical threats.”

“Come on, we are also members of the team,” Trixie protested.

“Yeah, but you guys only recently started your training while we have more than a year of experience,” Sunset said.

“ But..."Wallflower said, but was cut off by twilight.

“No,” Twilight said in a firm voice that she would normally use on spike. “Look guys, I know you want to help, but now is not the time.” Twilight then looks at the rest of her friends. ”Come on, guys, let go.” Immediately everyone started walking out of the room, but not before sunset. Give one last glance at the two girls.

“Sorry guys,” she said as she followed everyone else

Both girls stood their remain silent for a while before wallflower broke the silent with a sigh.

“ Come on Trixie let go” wallflower said as she grab Trixie arm only for her to pull it away must to wallflower shock.

“ No “ Trixie said in a determine voice “ we not going anywhere “ she then drag wallflower by the hand as she follow the guardians of harmony.
In the lab, the intruder has just broken down a lock door into a vault room. After going into the room, he looks around it until he finds the vault he is looking for. He blew the vault open and retrieved the case that was in it. He opened it and smiled inside his mask, seeing the contents that were in it.

“ plutonium-238” The man said, “The last thing I need to power my device.”

“Hey buddy, come out of there." A voice caught his attention. The intruder walked out of the room and saw the guardians of harmony standing outside.

“Who are you supposed to be?” The man asked.

“Why are you asking us that?” Sunset asks in a confused voice. ”Didn’t you, Master Gorgar, tell you about us?”

“Grogar,” the man said in a confused voice, ”who the heck is that?”

“Wait, so you are not working for Grogar?” rarity asks.

“Ha, the great Dr.Xander, don’t work for nobody,“ the intruder now identified as Dr. Xander said.

“So if you're not working for Grogar, then why are you even here?” Applejack asks.

“I am here to steal the plutonium-238, which is the last piece I need to activate my machine that I will use to threaten this city,” Dr. Xander said as he show them the case . ”And the best part is that no one can stop me, as they don’t even know about my plan.”

"Um, except for us, since we know your plan,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Lies, “Dr. Xander said. ”How can you know my plan?”

“Um, it’s because you literally just told us a second ago,” Twilight pointed out.

“Regardless, you can’t stop me,” Xander said.

“You wanna bet,“ Rainbow said as she used her super speed to punch him back into the vault room. ”Have enough,“ she said in a boastful manner. Immediately after, she said that several missiles were fired out of the room, heading towards everyone. All the guardians of harmony were able to dodge it on time as the missile landed on the areas they were in and exploded on impact. Immediately afterward, Dr. Xander walked out of the room. Even though the mask is covering his face, they can tell he was glaring at them. He then raised one of his hands at them and fired laser beams at them. Rarity was able to instantly form a diamond shield that blocked the attack. After that, rarity dropped the shield, and Pinkie Pie formed an ice cannon and fired an ice ball at him, but Xander was able to dodge it on time. He then pointed his gloves at a nearby table, and immediately the table was covered in a blue aura. He then lifted it and threw it at them. But Applejack jumped and smashed the table before it hit them. Rainbow dashed, then rushed at him using his super speed, but Xander, now expecting that attack, just simply activated an electric shield around him, which Rainbow hit and was immediately shocked by it. While she was still dazed by it, Xander took the opportunity to grab her by the throat and toss her away. But Twilight was able to catch her using her telekinesis and gently drop her on the ground.

Twilight then turns her attention to Xander and fires a magic beam at him. But Xander just activated the booster on his feet and flew into the air. While he was in the air, he fired a missile from his wrist and toward Twilight, but Fluttershy blew it back at him with her wind power. Xander managed to dodge it on time. He then turned and glared at Fluttershy through his mask, who immediately hid behind her hair when she felt him glare at her. Sunset suddenly blasted a fireball at him, only for Xander to fire an ice beam at it, putting the fire out. He then pointed his hand at her and released a fire stream at her, only for Pinkie to intercept the fire with a stream of water, creating a small steam. Xander stopped the fire before firing multiple missiles from his shoulders at them, only for rarity to form a diamond shield that protected them from the attack. After dropping the shield, Applejack jumps into the air and punches Xander out of the air and onto the ground. She stood over his down form on the ground and was about to punch him again, only for Xander to point his hands at her and let out a sound wave attack at her, causing her to scream and close her ears in pain as she back away from him. Twilight suddenly grabbed him with her telekinesis aura and started flinging him around the room, hitting the walls,table , floor, and chairs that were in the room.

Twilight then tosses him across the room and into Applejack, who punches him into the corner of the room. He falls to the ground, only for Fluttershy to blow him across the room, where he lands on a table, breaking it in the process. He got up and saw the guardians of harmony in front of him.

“Who are you people?“ he said angrily.

“We are the guardians of harmony,“ Twilight said. ”And you better give up while you still can.”

“The only one who should give up while they still can is you." Xander said as he toss a small metal ball on the ground next to them. them looked at it in confusion until suddenly the ball exploded, trapping them in an energy field that prevented them from moving.

“What the heck is this?” Rainbow said as she and the others found themselves unable to move.

“It's my own invention,“ Xander said as an energy blade came out of the gauntlet of his suit. ”When it explodes, it will create a stasis field that will prevent anyone who is trapped in it from moving for the next five minutes—just enough time for me to end you once and for all.” He then began walking closer to them with his blade.

Seeing that everyone quickly panics and tries to move,.

“Prepared to meet your end,” Xander said as he raised his hand and positioned his blade to stab them. Everyone closes their eyes, waiting for the worst. But that never came, as a shadow tentacle wrapped around his waist and pulled him into the back of the room, where he was forcefully dropped to the ground. Everyone turned and saw Trixie and Wallflower standing near the entrance of the lab.

“What are you guys doing here?” Sunset asked the two newcomers.

"We are to help you guys, which turns out to be a good thing since it looks like you two need our help after all,” Trixie said as she and Wallflower got ready to help.

“And how are you going to help them when you can’t help yourself?“ Xander said as he fired missiles at the two girls. Both girls quickly jumped out of the way of the missiles, which hit the nearby walls. Both girls quickly got up as they got ready to fight. Xander then aimed one of his hands at her and fired a laser blast at her.

“Oh, oh,“ Trixie said, seeing the blast coming her way. She quickly tried to remember her training, and as soon as she thought of getting to somewhere safe, she disappeared before the beam hit her and appeared on the other side of the room. She looks at herself and her surroundings. Afterward, she tried to put on a confident smile. ”I mean, like, I plan.”.

Xander then fired at her again, but Trixie just disappeared and appeared in another part of the room. Xander fired at her again, but the same thing happened over and over again, as each time he fired at her, she just disappeared and appeared in another part of the room.

“Hold still,” Xander said with his voice full of irritation as he fired at her again, only for her to disappear and appear behind him. Trixie then fires a magic blast from behind him, which sends him across the room and onto the floor. He got up and noticed something. ”Wait, weren’t there two of you?” immediately after he said that something hit him at the back of his head, causing him to fall face first on the ground. It was Wallflower who was armed with a shadow baseball bat. She then immediately started hitting him with the bat over and over again. While she was hitting him, Xander activated his jet booster and rocketed himself out of the path of another bat hit. He immediately righted himself up as soon as he got a safe distance away. After getting up, he turns to Wallflower and fires a laser blast at her, only for Wallflower to hastily put up a shadow shield to block the attack. While he was distracted, Trixie took this opportunity to fire a magical blast at him. Xander quickly noticed this and managed to dodge the attack. He then turned his attention to Trixie and was about to fire at her, only for a shadow tentacle to grab one of his legs and pull him across the floor. When the tentacles let go, he immediately stood up and immediately received a punch to the face

"What?” he said in surprise as he looked around, unable to find the person who punched him. ”Who did that?” as soon as he said that he received another punch and another and another. With each punch, Xander grew irritated as he was punched by an invisible attacker. After receiving another punch, Xander activated an electric shield, shocking the attacker, who turned out to be wallflower. Xander then fired a laser blast at her, blasting her away. Immediately after blasting her away, Trixie teleports near him and blasts him with a magical blast, sending him across the room to Wallflower, who has formed a shadow tentacle and uses it to grab him mid-air and repeatedly slam him on the ground before tossing him away.

After he landed on the ground, he immediately stood up. He was about to fire another shoulder missile at them, only for Applejack to suddenly block his view of them and punch him hard on the face with a diamond boxing glove that was given to her by rarity. The combined hardness of the diamond gloves and Applejack's super strength was strong enough to break his face mask, exposing his face as he flew across the lab and onto the hard floor.

After he got up from the ground, he noticed all the guardians of harmony were now free and getting ready to fight. ”Damn it,” Xander cursed inside his head. "I can’t take them all right now.”

“ This isn’t over yet” Xander said as he run into the vault room. Immediately everyone chase after him and when their get inside the room their saw Xander picking up the case containing the plutonium-23. Before anyone could stop him he throw another small metal ball towards the guardians of harmony.

“ Everyone run it is another stasis ball” Twilight yell as everyone run out of the room and immediately after everyone run out of the room the ball exploded .But instead of releasing a stasis field it instead release a large smoke screen covering the entire lab. Shortly after the smoke screen cover the room Fluttershy blow it away using her wind magic. Everyone then went back into the vault room and saw Xander is gone and that their is a large hole in the room leading outside. Everyone quickly run through the hole and look around outside only to not see him anywhere.

“Dang it, that Valmont has gotten away,” Applejack said as unknown to her, and everyone not far from them was in a manhole with its cover open as Xander had used the sewers as a means of escape.

“Come on, let's go back inside,“ sunset said to everyone, and while they were all walking inside, she turned her attention to Trixie and Wallflower. “By the way, great work just now.”

“Yeah, that was awesome.“ Rainbow praised the two girls, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

“Well, you shouldn’t expect anything less from the great and powerful Trixie,“ Trixie said as she puffed her chest in pride.

“It was really nothing,” Wallflower said in a modest tone.

“It wasn’t nothing, darling,“ Rarity said.

“I quite agree,” Sunset said. ”If it weren’t for you two, we would be dead right now. I guess we were wrong about you not being ready, as it looks like you two are more than ready.”

“So what now?” Fluttershy said.

“For now, we need to regroup and think of our next move since I don’t think this is over yet,” Twilight said. “You heard what he said about activating his machine. Whatever it is, I can say that it is not going to be good.
In the abandoned sewer plan, Xander has just put the plutonium-23 into his machine, powering it up.

“Finally, my masterpiece is complete,“ Xander said. ”Soon everyone will respect and fear the name Dr. Xander. Isn't that right, fishy?”

“That's right,” Fishy said as he laughed evilly.
Back in sparkle industry, the guardians of harmony had just informed Velvet of what happened, and as soon as they mentioned Dr. Xander, she instantly paled. Currently, she and everyone else are looking at the security footage of the fight in her office. She paused the footage at exactly when the face mask broke and zoomed in on Xander's face.

“I can’t believe it." Velvet said, “It’s him.”

“You know him, mom?” Twilight ask.

“Unfortunately, I do,” Velvet said. “Dr. Xander was originally a scientist who worked here but was fired two years ago by your grandmother due to his unethical and dangerous experiments. In addition to his insane and unstable behavior,"

"What do you mean, mom?“ Twilight asks her mother.

“Dr. Xander was originally a scientist who worked in sparkle industry. He was quite brilliant, but his unethical and dangerous experiments made him an unfit scientist, as the experiments he would perform would put his fellow scientists and employees in danger, and his lack of care for their lives also put their safety in danger. One such example was when he performed an experiment that put one of our interns in danger, and he just shrugged it off by saying she was just an intern. In addition to that he had repeatedly shown unstable and insane behavior, as there were reports of him talking to a plastic fish like it was a person and reacting aggressively to the point of attacking anyone if they so much as touched it"Velvet said.

“Wow, this guy sounds like he has a screw loose,"Rainbow said.

“Yeah, what kind of crazy person talks to an inanimate object?“ Pinkie said. Immediately after, she said that everyone just gave her a blank look, given the fact that this is the same girl who has a "pet "stuff alligator she named Gummy.

“Anywhere,“ Velvet said, bringing the conversation back on topic. “Due to this behavior of his, he was eventually fire, and when he was escorted out of the building, he vowed revenge on not only us but everyone who ever mocked him.”

‘Do you know what he is planning to do with the plutonium?“ Sunset asks Velvet.

“I do not know, but whatever plan he has for them would not be good"Velvet said, and immediately after she said that twilight phone rang, which said girl immediately answered.

"Hello,” she said. ”Oh, hi Discord. What?” she said, then turned her attention to her mother. "Mom, turn on the TV and go to the news channel now.”

Velvet did what she was told and turned on the news channel, and what she and the guardians of harmony saw shocked her, as on screen was Dr. Xander still wearing his high-tech armor, only this time his helmet was off, exposing his face on live TV.

“Greetings, people of Canterlot City,“ Xander said. ”I am Dr. Xander, and I have big news for you. You see, for most of my life, I have been mocked by the science community and by pretty much everyone, as they would call me crazy, insane, and unstable. Well, let's see if they can still call me crazy after seeing my newest invention.” He then turned the camera, showing a machine of some kind. ”This is a little device I created that, once activated, will release toxic pollution into the city air, turning it poisonous and deadly to anyone who breathes it.” The camera then turns back to Xander, “Unless I receive 2 billion dollars in 2 hours, that is all.” After that, he cut the transmission.

“Well, at least we now know why he wants those plutoniums,“ Wallflower said.

“We need to stop him,” sunset said.

“Don’t worry, sunset; according to Discord, black light is currently tracking the signal back to its source.” Twilight said. ”They will inform us as soon as they find its source.”

"Good,"Sunset said, ”since we need to stop him before he activates his device and dooms the entire city.”

It took awhile, but the black light was able to track the source to an abandoned sewer plant must to rarity disguise.

“Of all places, it has to be here,” she said as she used her hands to cover her noise and block the smell.

“Be quiet, rarity,” Twilight said. ”We are trying to avoid altering Xander's of our presence.”

Eventually, the guardians of harmony were able to make their way to the room where Xander put his machine.

“In about 45 minutes, my machine will be ready to activate,“ Xander said as the timer on the machine was slowly going down.

“Hold it right there,“ a voice said, catching his attention. He turned and saw, much to his displeasure, the guardian of harmony.

“You girls again,“ he said, annoyed.

"Yeah, us,"Sunset said. "You better give up now or else.“ She said this by punching one of her fists into her palm for emphasis.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” Xander said as he picked up the suit helmet from the machine control panel and put it on as he got ready to fight. All the guardians of harmony immediately got into a fighting stance, and both sides stood still, waiting for the other to make their move. The tension was thick as both waited for the other to make the first move.

It was Xander who acted first, as he clicked a button on his gauntlet, and immediately a group of robots flew into the room. Each of them hurls their weapons at them, from laser blasts to missiles. But rarity was able to form a diamond shield that protected them from the robot's attack. Immediately after she put down the shield, everyone quickly ran off and fought the robots.

Pinkie threw a bunch of her explosive goods at a group of robots, blowing them into pieces. She then jumped onto a few of them, and after touching them, they immediately exploded. After that, she uses her powers to cover a group of robots in water and freeze them instantly.

Rarity forms a diamond shield and sword and runs towards a group of robots. She uses the diamond sword to cut through the robots with ease, and each time they fire at her, she uses her diamond shield to block the attacks before cutting them with her sword.

Fluttershy uses her wind magic to redirect any attacks the robot throws at her back, destroying them. She then forms a tornado that sucks a group of them into it, and inside the tornado, the robots hit each other, causing them to destroy each other.

Applejack uses her powers to wrap a group of robots and throw them hard onto the ground, walls, and each other, destroying them. She then used her power to fire thorns at a group of them, destroying them instantly.

Rainbow dash was surrounded by a group of robots but she instantly cover the entire area around her with a lightning field that shock and destroyed them. She then cover her fist with lightning and by using her super speed run and hit a,my of,the robots she can destroying them with her lightning cover fist.

Twilight caught a few of the robots in her magic aura and tossed them into another group of robots, destroying them. She then dodged a laser blast from one of the robots. She immediately fired a magic blast at it, destroying it. She then started flying around, dodging blasts from the robots while blasting back at them. An ideal struck her as she flew in the middle of where a group of the robots were. The robots immediately fired at her, only for her to fly upwards, letting their attacks hit each other and destroying themselves instantly.

Sunset caught a robot in her telekinesis aura and used it to shield her from a blast, which destroyed the robot instantly. She then fired a fireball at the robot, destroying it instantly. She then teleported into the back of a robot and punched it with a fire cover fist, destroying it instantly before teleporting to the ground. She would then blast a fireball at one of the robots before teleporting, appearing behind another robot, and attacking it from behind. She did this repeatedly, as after destroying one robot, she would appear behind another and attack it from behind.

Trixie teleported on the back of a robot and got the attention of another. It fired at her, only for her to teleport again before the attack hit her. The attack instead just hit the robot she was on, destroying it instead. Trixe then appears behind the robot that fires at her early and fires a magical blast at it, destroying it. She then teleported on another robot and gained the attention of another so it would fire at her, and like before, she just teleported out of the way before the attack hit her, which caused the blast to just hit the robot she was on early, destroying it in the process. She did this repeatedly, which resulted in many of the robots destroying each other.

Wallflower, who has formed a shadow bow and arrow, was firing at many of the robots she could while avoiding being hit by their attacks, either by dodging the attacks or by forming a shadow shield to block them. Each robot she hit with the shadow arrow would result in shadow spikes bursting out of them. She then forms a group of shadow tentacles, grabs many of the robots she can, and squeezes them hard until they explode.

Eventually, every single robot was destroyed, leaving just Xander left.

“Give it up, Xander,” Sunset said.

“Never,” he said as he blasted a laser beam at them, only for rarity to form a diamond shield, which deflected the beam towards the table where Fishy was on. The beam hit the table, blasting it to pieces and causing the bowl with Fishy still in it to fly into the air and land on the ground next to the railing. The bowl tips over, spilling the contents inside it. Causing Fishy to slip across the floor, on the edge of the floor, near the sewer water.

“Fishy!” Xander shouted, seeing this, as he ran towards Fishy. He quickly jumped into the air and tried to grab it, only for it to fall off the edge and into the sewer water as soon as he landed next to it. Xander quickly crawls onto the floor and on the edge. He saw that Fishy had sunk into the water . “Fishy!” he shouted into the air. He quickly got up.“I am coming fishy,” Xander shouted in a panicked voice as he jumped over the railing and into the sewer water.

Meanwhile, the guardians of harmony were watching everything with a confused expression on their faces. They were silent for a few seconds as everyone tried to process what they just saw. It was eventually broken by sunset.

“What just happened?" Sunset asked in a confused voice.

“I take it that must have been the plastic fish mom told us he talks to,” Twilight said.

"Yikes, if I ever become that crazy, promise me you guys will put me in a straight jacket and a padded cell.” Sunset said.

“Come on guys, we got a doomsday machine to turn off,” Twilight said, leading everyone to the machine. However, as everyone was walking to the machine, Sunset suddenly sensed something and turned and saw a wisp of equestrian magic.

"Guys, look,” Sunset said, gaining everyone's attention. She pointed her finger towards the equestrian magic, and everyone turned and saw it too. The equestrian magic then flew into the exact spot in the sewer where Xander jumped.

“That can’t be good,” Rainbow said, and immediately after she said that, a large light came out of the water, and after that, something big jumped out of the sewer water and landed on the floor.

The figure can be described as big in both size and mass. It wore light green armor that had hoses connected to it. A line of toxins is made on its head, forming a mohawk, and barrels on its back that contain what can be described as toxin.

( Go here to get a better ideal on what he look like https://max-steel-reboot.fandom.com/wiki/Toxzon)

“You hurt, Fishy." The figure pointed at them before gesturing to the plastic fish that was in one of the barrels on his back.

"Xander,” Sunset said as she and everyone realized who this person was.

“What happened to me?” Xander said as he looked at his changed body.

"Dr. Xander,“ Sunset said, gaining his attention, “we can help you return to normal. We just need you to calm down first.”

“And why would I want to change back?“ Xander said. ”The power I feel flowing through me is one I never felt before. It is amazing. I feel stronger. I finally have a powerful body to match my great mind.”

“Xander, you don’t understand that power is too dangerous,“ Twilight said in a pleading tone.

“Oh, I understand all right,“ Xander said as his voice was full of anger. ” I understand you want to take my power away. Well, too bad, you can’t have it.” He then fired toxic slime from his suit gauntlet at them. Everyone managed to dodge it on time before the slime hit them.

“Oh, great, now he can fire slime at us,” rarity said in disguise.

“Xander, you need to stop,” Twilight said.

“No, I do not need to stop,” Xander said. “In fact, what I need is to destroy you and let my machine destroy this pathetic city, and soon everyone shall fear the name Xander.” He then stops for a second and taps a finger on his chin. “You know, Dr. Xander doesn’t sound right, especially with my new body. How about, from now on, you call me Toxzon?”

He then threw a bunch of green slime on the floor, which immediately took the form of slime monsters. "Attack," Dr. Xander, or in this case, Toxzon, orders the monster.

The monsters fire a large stream of slime at them, only for Wallflower to form a large shadow shield to protect them from it.

“Oh great,“ Rarity said in disguise. ”Not only are these monsters made of slime, but they can fire slime at us.”

“Oh man, up rarity "Applejack said.

“In case you forget, I am a lady,“ Rarity said.

“Guys focused,“ Twilight said, getting their attention. ”We only have thirty-five minutes left before the machine is activated, and the entire city is doomed." She said this as she looked at the timer on the machine.

Immediately after Wallflower dropped the shield, Pinkie Pie threw as much of her explosive goods as she could at the slime monsters, destroying all of them instantly. After that, she forms an ice canon and fired an ice boulder at Toxzon.

Toxzon, however, simply makes a toxic cloud of gas and slime on his feet and flies into the air to avoid the attack. He then flew towards them while firing a laser blast at them. But rarity simply forms a diamond shield and deflects the blast at him, causing him to be shot out of the air and onto the ground on his back. Before he could get up, Wallflower formed a shadow tentacle and grabbed him by the leg, lifted him in the air, and slammed him hard on the floor. She repeated this process over and over again before throwing him in the air and causing him to fall in the path of Trixie, who gathers as much energy as she can muster to form a large ball of magic, which she uses to blast him back in the air and onto the ground. He got up and was suddenly punched in the face by rainbow dash lightning fist who had used her super speed to run towards him. She then used her super speed to rapidly punch him with her lightning-covered fists. However, before she could punch him again, Xander grabbed her fist and touched her away. Applejack ran towards him, and Toxzon did the same. Both sides quickly grapple with each other.

“Dang it, this guy is as strong as me,” Applejack said, as she was surprised, like everyone else, to discover he is now as strong as she is. Rarity decided to help by forming a large diamond fist and used her power to have it flow in the air and punch him in the side. He was punched to the other side of the room, where Fluttershy formed a giant tornado, which sucked him in. As he was spinning in the tornado, Pinkie Pie filled it with water, and as soon as she was done with that rainbow dash fired her lightning attack at it, shocking Toxzon, who was still in the tornado.

The tornado subsided, and he began falling to the ground. However, Toxzon manages to regain his bearing and quickly form another toxic cloud to float in the air. While he was in the air, he fired a large number of missiles at them, only for both twilight and sunset, to catch them with their telekinesis and redirect them at him. The missiles hit him, causing him to fall to the ground. He got back up and slammed two fists on the ground, creating a shockwave that blew them back. After he blew them back, he made two blades come out of both gauntlets of his suit and charged at them. Rarity, being the first to recover, formed a diamond sword and shield and charged at him. Both swords hit with one another as their evade and trade blows with one another. Toxzon swung his left blades at rarity, only for her to duck. He swung his right blade downward at her, only for her to position her shield above her, blocking the attack. Immediately after rarity blocked the sword, Sunset teleported in the air and punched him in the face with a flame cover fist, causing him to stagger backwards and into a shadow tripwire that Wallflower set up, tripping him backwards and causing him to fall on his back and on the floor. Rainbow Dash immediately jumps on him and starts rapidly kicking his face with her lighting-embedded feet before jumping off him. Twilight then uses her telekinesis to lift him in the air before slamming him on the ground over and over again.

After she slammed him on the ground one final time, Toxzon immediately got up and, from his gauntlet, released a sound wave attack, which, due to the equestrian magic he now possessed, is now stronger. Rarity quickly forms a diamond barrier in front of them to block the attack, only for the attack to break the diamond barrier and blow them all back. Toxzon took this opportunity to fire another slime attack at them, only for Fluttershy to blow it back at him and on his face. This blinded his vision, allowing Pinkie Pie to throw as much explosive goods as she could at him, causing him to stagger backwards as he used his hands to shield himself from the attack. Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie then fire their respective elemental attacks on him, which electrocute him. While he was still recovering from the attack, rarity had formed diamond boxing gloves on Applejack hands, and immediately she ran towards Toxzon and quickly hit him in the face over and over again. The combined hardness of the diamond and her super strength was so strong that after punching him one last time, Toxzon fell down on his back, out cold.

“It's over,“ Rainbow Dash said as she raised a fist in the air. "We won.”

“Not yet,” Twilight said, pointing to the machine, which now has two minutes until activation. ”We need to shut it down now.” Twilight quickly ran towards the control panel of the machine, quickly typing on it as fast as she could to switch off the machine. All of her friends were gathering around her, looking at the machine with their faces full of fear, as their hope that Twilight would be successful in deactivating the machine. The timer was slowly going down, with each second going by both Twilight and her friends fear increased.

“Come on,“ Twilight said to herself as she continued to type on the machine, ”and done.” She and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at the timer and saw they were one second away until the machine was activated.

“Cutting a little close their twilight,“ Rainbow dashed said , wiping the sweat off her forehead.

“Yeah, I was,” Twilight said. ”Now all that is left is to turn Xander back to normal, and all this will be over.”

Immediately after, she said that everyone turned around and saw that Toxzon was now gone.

“He's gone,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah, pinkie, we can see that,Sunset said before speaking in a serious tone. “We need to find him quick before he gets too far.”

Immediately, everyone left the room to look for him, but to no avail, as they couldn’t find any traces of him.

After calling Black Light and giving them their reports of what happened in the battle, they immediately sent agents to pick up and dismantle the machine and send the plutonium back to sparkle industry. They also began sending agents and pulling in all their resources to find Toxzon. Star Swirl had told them to go home for the day, as he would inform them of any updates.

Currently, the guardians of harmony are at sugarcube corners, enjoying some food and beverages.

“So to recap, not only do we now have to worry about stray equestrian magic and Grogar and his forces, but now we have to worry about a crazy mad scientist who is infused with equestrian magic.” Sunset spoke as she drank her smoothie.

“Well, our lives just got more complicated,“ Rainbow said as she took a bite of her cake. ”And I thought it couldn’t get more complicated.”

“You and I both dash,” rarity said.

“Well, it doesn’t matter,” Twilight said, gaining everyone's attention as she spoke in a determined voice. “As long as we are together, we can overcome anything from stray equestrian magic to dark ancient evil to mad scientists. No matter what, we will win, as nothing can beat the magic of friendship.”

Hearing that, everyone's spirits were lifted, and they nodded in agreement with her.

“You right, Twilight, as long as we are together, we can’t lose,” Sunset said with her face full of determination. This is reflected by everyone, as they all agree that as long as they are together, they will be able to overcome anything.

In the dark of the night and in a dark alleyway in the city, a figure is seen sitting down. This figure is none other than Toxzon. He sat there unmoved, even when it suddenly started raining. He didn’t make a single attempt to move as his mind thought back to a certain group of heroes that filled his mind with anger.

“Those guardians of harmony might have won this battle, but the war has just started,” he said out loud. ”They, along with everyone else in this world, will feel the wrath of Toxzon.”

“That is correct, my friend,“ Fishy said from inside the barrels. “We will show them all.” He and Toxzon began to laugh evilly as they plotted their next plan of action.
End of chapter 6
End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,. Wallflower,Trixie ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Author's Note:

In case you haven’t figure it out Toxzon is a character from max steel that I decided to use for this story and yeah he is an independent villain that is not working for grogar. In the future I might consider putting more independent villain in this story. Leave a comment on you ideal of what independent villain I should add in the story and I might add them.

And don’t forget to leave a comment on what you think of this chapter.

Next chapter: The artifact of an ancient hero