• Member Since 8th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Fashionably Late


Silver Spoon was Diamond Tiara's best friend and the two tormented the CMC when they were blank flanks. The CMC went on many crusades to find their special talents, and when they found them?
They went on many more crusades to help other pony's find their special talents. As for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? With the CMC's help Diamond Tiara rediscovered her special talent and worked to be a better pony. And Silver Spoon? She started fading into the background.

And Discord? Well he decided to be a good samaritan and send Silver Spoon off on her own pokemon adventure.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 14 )

So will you be using original Moves, Abilities and/or pokemon in this story?

Original Moves, Abilities and pokemon? No. No I will not, or atleast I'll try and stick to canon and only divert when necessary. Such as guessing what certain Moves would look like such as Payday or Payback since to my knowledge they weren't used in the anime/cartoon. I'd either have to say that Payday teleports loose change for the attack or have pokemon that use that move literally print currency to throw around.

I seen Payday in the anime. I think it creates loose change, not teleport it

It has been used in the anime yes. Episode 123, Spinarak Attack, of Pokemon: The Johto Journeys. The Bulbapedia article does state that "glowing white balls of energy come out of the charm on its head". I was just hoping for a more explicit answer, but it does seem like Payday does create loose change. Still, at the time of this writing Payday should not be a move that'll be seen in this fic, unless I end up writing in a money loving character like Flim and Flam.

I wonder how Silver Spoon will react to learn that James was once a member of the rich and wealthy?

Oh boy, that episode. By itself it's a hoot, just hope I can do it justice...man oh man. Explains so much about James.

Question, will you add the banned episodes or not? I Mean one of them explains how Ash has caught 30 Tauros

Good question, and it depends on the episode.

Episode 35, the one where Ash caught 30 Tauros, will be included because of that stint. I mean how else am I gonna shoe horn in 30 Tauros that Ash just has for regionals. I've just gotta tone down Kaiser's gun play because pointing a gun at a child, loaded or not (always treat the gun as if it is loaded), to stop him from singing is not funny here in the west. Everytime a gun has appeared in season 1 it's usually treated as a serious threat (episode 12 Here Comes the Squirtle Squad, episode 34 The Kangaskhan Kid, episode 54 The Case of the K-9 Caper!). That was the main reason it was banned in the west, Meowth wearing a certain moustache is not the reason and it was probably done as a reference to detective/buddy cop shows.

I'm going to include episodes banned in South Korea (and already have done so with episode 4 Challenge of the Samurai...sort of considering I skipped most of it). Because I don't have beef with the Japanese...as far as I know...

Episode 38 Electric Soldier Porygon, I'm on the fence on this one. It's a boring episode that I think is going to be more trouble for me to adapt than is worth and we don't miss much from it. If I do add it in then it's either going to be like episode 3 and a new character is going to be thrown in unexpectedly or it's going to be like episode 4 and I'll slowly work my way through the episode before throwing my hands up and having someone probably Discord force the plot along and end that episode.

Holiday Hi-Jynx I'm thinking of skipping, not because of pre-purple Jynx but because Santa Claus shows up...I just...why? I mean, I know the reason why he's here, it's the 90s and Santa Claus must make an appearance in your children's media, but...why? Writing in technicolor magic talking ponies is one thing, it's just my mind has trouble comprehending Santa Claus is in the Pokémon anime.

Episode 18 Beauty and The Beach I pretty much have to skip because an old man pervs on Misty (depending on continuity Misty is either 10 or 12, so she is underage either way), Misty later on competes in a beauty/swimsuit contest and comments that it is embarrassing and degrading and she only competes to pay back Moe for accidentally stealing his boat and crashing it into a Gyarados submarine and the pier and to pay back Brutella, and Team Rocket competes in said beauty/swimsuit contest with James wearing...prosthetic...breasts... James, I like ya man, but you fill people with emotions that are weird and deeply confusing. The episode was purely filler and underage fanservice. Changing the rating on the story ain't gonna help. Frankly this is probably going to be the only one I skip for a good reason, a very good reason.

So yeah, those are the banned episodes for season 1. If ya got anymore questions I'm more than happy to answer here, and frankly I've got my own question. Ash's Bulbasaur is coming up quickly, episode 10 Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village, and I'm thinking an easy of differentiating Ash's Bulbasaur from Silver Spoon's is to give a nickname for one of them, probably Silver's, and since I suck at naming things I'll just ask ya'll for input if ya mind to give it.

I still wonder whatever happen to that giant Dragonite?

Dunno, recently thinking it was just apart of the Island of Giant Pokémon. That episode is coming up quickly. Feel sorry for Bill either way.

Some questions

  • Will Sabrina's dad will use his psychic powers on Ash to do that embarrassing dance?
  • Will Silver Spoon catch a Ghost Pokémon?
  • And will Silver Spoon talk to Erika how its not right for barring people from her gym for not liking her perfume because some can't afford it or worst; are allergic to the ingredients in it?

Some answers.

Yes, Sarbina's dad will use his psychic powers on Ash to drop his pants and dance. It would be criminal not to.

Initially no, Silver Spoon wasn't supposed to catch a ghost pokemon. But you asking that, me remembering the Motostoke gym challenge and having not written that chapter yet...well I only had one more pokemon for her to catch so I could fit in a ghost pokemon. We'll see.

Silver Spoon won't be talking to Erika about barring people from her gym for not liking her perfume. I'm actually going with the dub version where Erika didn't actually bar anyone from her gym and that it was her overzealous underlings who barred Ash from challenging the gym despite such discrimination not holding up in a, presumably, government run organization.

for me bye bye Butterfree is the most emotional goodbye in the series great chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Thanks for the praise. I don't deserve it! Hoping the next few chapters are just as good, if not better!.

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