• Published 28th Apr 2024
  • 182 Views, 3 Comments

Simulation: Season 1 - Pinkamena666

A pony wakes up in Equestria with no memory of their past. As they search for answers, they quickly realize that this world may not be real and that the princess may be hiding a dark secret.

  • ...

Amnesia.exe (Pilot)

Author's Note:

Couldn't get to 5,000 words. Ma bad.

A cyan unicorn mare with long yellow hair gasped and opened her eyes. She quickly sat up and looked around. She seemed to be in a bedroom and was currently sitting on the bed. How did she get here? And what was her name? And why did all this feel wrong? She looked at her hooves before she leaped from the bed, landing perfectly. Trotting in a circle for a bit, she thought some more and more about what was happening. If she had no memories, she had to find someone to help her. Someone who might know her or, at the very least, know someone who knows her.

She headed out of the bedroom and found herself in the living room area. It seemed the house she awoke in was a single story house. She quickly trotted over to the front door and smacked into it. She groaned and stepped back, using her magic to open the door. Greeting her was the bright sun and a busy town full of other ponies. She stepped out and looked around at all the differently colored ponies. Were any of them like her? Didn't seem that way since they weren't freaking out. She knew it'd be a long shot, but she cleared her throat anyways.

"Does anyboy know me?!" She yelled hopefully.

A bunch of the ponies stopped and looked at her, but didn't say anything. She let out a sigh when they resumed walking. She hung her head and just picked a direction to walk in. Figures. That would've been far too easy. As she neared an outdoor café, her spirits lifted slowly and she quickened her pace, hoping for some food. When she got closer, she slowed down as a frown replaced her smile. She saw a mare handing some coins to the stallion behind the counter before getting her coffee. Money. Dammit. Of course. She just stood there, staring at a couple ponies eating what looked like a burger and fries. Her stomach grumbled and a groan escaped her lips. It was as if she hadn't eaten for days.

The food was right there. If she were a bad pony, she could just steal the food. Although, she didn't feel like the stealthiest pony, so she would most likely get caught right away. Perhaps she could use her magic to levitate some food out of the window? No, that isn't very stealthy either. How was her pickpocketing skills? Maybe she could swipe some cash from the ponies around her. She noticed that they kept their coins in a bag. She couldn't swipe a couple coins without taking the whole bag. And she'd feel bad taking all their money. She decided theft was out of the question and she just stood there, defeated.

"Well, food. You win this time. I think I'll go find somewhere and starve."

Just when she was about to turn away, a gray unicorn mare with medium-length purple hair and purple eyes trotted up next to her. "Were you the one screaming if anypony knew her?" She had saddlebags draped over her back.

The blue mare quickly looked at her and smiled. "Yes!" She exclaimed, excited and hopeful. "Do you know me?"

The gray unicorn smiled softly and shook her head. "Sorry, no. But, I can offer you something else?"

The amnesiac sighed in disappointment, but then tilted her head. "Something other than memories?"

The gray mare chuckled and pointed at the café behind her. "Food."

"Oh! That'd be... I-I couldn't ask you to... You don't even know me, and..."

"I'm Violet Ash. And, you... can be Sunflower."

"Sunflower?" The unnamed mare asked.

"Your mane reminds me of a sunflower and your coat reminds me of the beautiful sky."

The formerly unnamed mare smiled. "I guess that makes sense."

"Then, until you remember your name, you are now Sunflower."

Sunflower smiled and looked up. "Any name is better than no name."

Violet smiled. "Now, come on. Let's get some food in your belly," she said, before she trotted towards the dales counter.

Sunflower followed closely and read the menu as they got closer. They both ordered hay burgers and fries and a chocolate shake before they found an empty table. Violet then watched Sunflower start to jam the burger down her throat with a chuckle.

"Remember to breathe," she said before she casually took a sip of her shake.

Sunflower blushed and lowered her half-eaten burger. She had to chew a few more times before she was able to swallow the fake meat. "Sorry," she apologized with a gasp of air. "I was starving."

"So..." Violet said as she lifted her own burger with her magic. "Amnesia, huh?"

"It would seem so, yes."


"Know anyone who could help?"

Violet shrugged. "Nope. But, you could try getting an audience with the princess. She might know who you are."

Sunflower swallowed. "Can you do that? Just... ask to see the princess?"

The gray mare smiled and nodded. "She's actually quite friendly, although..."

"Although what?"

"Well, no one's seen her in a while, actually. She's clearly busy with something. At least she can still raise and lower the sun and moon."

Sunflower sighed. "There's a lot I need to learn, apparently. So, how do we at least try to see her?"

"Oh, that part's simple. I'll take you to the castle after we eat."

Sunflower and Violet boarded the train and sat down in a seat. "Here we go," Violet said with a smile.

"Yeah, I... don't know how I feel about you spending all this money on me."

Violet waved it away with her hoof. "No problem. I have a good job."

"What do you do?"

"I actually work for the town's fashionista, Rarity. She makes a ton selling her clothes in various locations throughout Equestria so she pays her employees well."

"Oh, so you... help make clothes?"

Violet giggled and shook her head. "Nope. I just have knowledge about clothing so I can assist the customers in the shop. I have actually talked some customers into buying the more expensive outfits. Ka-ching, amiright?"

Sunflower smiled. "I wonder what job I could do around here. Maybe I already had a job before I lost my memory."

"It's possible."

Sunflower looked out the window as the town disappeared, being replaced by open fields. "This land is gorgeous."

Violet smiled. "Perhaps you could be a farmer? Applejack may be looking for help."


"Her family runs Sweet Apple Acres just outside town. It's a pretty big farm and, after the passing of her grandmother, running the place has become taxing on Applejack and her brother. However, she's pretty stubborn. Turning down any help, claiming she could do it all herself."

Sunflower chuckled and looked at her new friend. "I take it you asked."

"Three times. She's nice enough not to get annoyed if you keep asking, but stubborn enough to keep saying no."

"I see... Well, I could try that..." Sunflower looked out the window again. "What if Celestia can't see me?"

"We'll think of something."

"Trying to see the princess?" A pegasus mare asked them from the seat next to them. She had a fluffy yellow coat and short black hair. "Heh. Good luck. This is my third time trying this month."

Sunflower looked over at the pegasus. "Does anyone know what's going on with her?"

"Seriously?" The pegasus asked with a light squeak. "Oh, girl, where have you been?" Sunflower just shrugged. "For almost a year, now, she's been getting busier and busier. No pony knows why."

"Can't hurt to try."

The pegasus let out a deep chuckle. "Well, I can't argue with that. Because I'm trying again today. Number four, baby!"

A black earth pony mare in front of the pegasus rolled her green eyes with a deep sigh. She had long purple hair and was wearing purple socks on all four legs. "You won't get in," she said with no emotion.

"Now now, Viper... No need to be rude," the pegasus cooed.

"I'm not being rude. Just truthful. You should give up now."

"A little late since we're already on the train," Violet said with a smile.

"Right," Sunflower agreed. "Would be a waste of money. We an at least try."

Viper rolled her eyes again. "Suit yourself."

"So, she's Viper," Violet said. "My friend's Sunflower. I'm Violet. And you?"

"Honeycomb, sweetie."

"Honeycomb," Violet repeated. "Nice to meet you."

"You, too."

Violet then looked at the earth pony. "Nice to meet you, too, Viper."

"We didn't meet."

Violet eyed Honeycomb, who just shrugged. Sunflower looked on with interest. None of what she was seeing was familiar. Not even the train. Did that mean she never rode the train? Or was her memory loss worse than she thought? Was it possible that nothing would jog her memory anymore and that she'd have to figure everything out for the first time for a second time? Had she lost her memory before? Obviously, she couldn't remember. Her silence seemed to get Violet's attention.

"Sunny?" The other unicorn asked.

"H-Huh?" Sunflower asked as she snapped back to reality. "Oh. I was just thinking."

"Remember anything?"

"No, and that's the problem. What if I never remember anything?"

Violet sighed and thought for a moment before she smiled. "Whatever happens... I'll be here for you."

Sunflower smiled back. "Thank you. Also, whose house did I wake up in?"

"Probably yours? Did you look for pictures?"

Sunflower slapped her face with her hoof. "Crap. I didn't think of that."

Violet chuckled. "We can check when we get back."

The train stopped at the Canterlot station and the ponies disembarked. When Sunflower left with Violet, she was greeted to a sprawling city full of fancy-looking ponies... and a few that looked less fancy. Probably from other towns like they were. Violet led her towards the castle in the distance. Up ahead, they could see Honeycomb also making her way towards the castle.

"I'm kinda nervous," Sunflower said as she looked at Violet. "If I do get to see her... she's royalty."

"You'll be fine."

"Have you ever met her?"

Violet smiled. "Yeah. Once."

"What was she like?"

Violet's smile widened. "She's amazing. She's so beautiful and her voice is so calming. You could be having the worst day of your entire life... but one talk with her could make it all better."

"She does sound pretty amazing."

"You'll like her. You know, if-if you get to see her, that is."

The two approached the front gates of the castle where they saw Honeycomb talking with a guard. She let out an audible sigh and turned to leave. When she saw Sunflower and Violet, she smiled and trotted over to them. "Sorry, girls," she said. "Still a no-go."

"Seriously?" Sunflower asked. "That sucks."

"There's always next time, Sunny," Violet said as she patted her friend on the back.

"Oh, I wouldn't count on it," Honeycomb sighed. "She's been unavailable for a while. So... i'm gonna go hit up a restaurant. Feel like joining me?"

"Abso..." Sunflower began, before she looked at Violet.

The gray mare smiled and nodded. "Sounds like fun."

As they turned to leave, a guard quickly approached them. "Pardon me," he said, getting their attention. "Sunny, was it?"

"Um..." the cyan mare said as she stepped forward. "Sunflower, yes, sir. How can I help?"

"The princess wants to see you."

All three mares went wide-eyed and a few passing ponies stopped and stared. Sunflower wanted to ask why but figured it was best to just go with it. She cleared her throat and smiled as she began trotting forward. The guard nodded and began to lead her away. Sunflower looked back and gave her friends a confused look. Violet and Honeycomb shrugged.

The guard brought Sunflower past the gates and up to the large, regal castle adorned with banners and golden pony statues. There were large, stained-glass windows that seemed to tell a story. Probably some important historical event that held some significance. The guard led her up the stairs to the large front door, using his magic to open it. Inside was a gran staircase with a red carpet leading up to it. There were hallways to the left and right and the floor had a black-and-white checkerboard pattern.

"Wow," Sunflower muttered, before the doors closed behind her.

She turned around with a light gasp, releasing a sigh when she realized where the loud bang came from. When she turned back around, she saw a tall white pony standing at the top of the staircase. She had both a horn and wings and had a kind smile. As she made her way down the stairs, Sunflower slowly made her way closer.

"Princess," she said in awe, noticing that the tall mare's mane flowed all on it's own as if it were more ethereal than actual strands of hair. "So... pretty."

The alicorn smiled and stopped at the bottom of the stairs, where the unicorn waited. "I am Princess Celestia. It is a pleasure to see you again, Sunflower."

"Again? You know me?"

"Of course I know you."

"Then, can you tell me about my past? I seem to have... amnesia."

Celestia placed a hoof on the mare's shoulder. "Do not concern yourself with the past. Your former life was... less than ideal. Use your amnesia to begin a new, better life."

"Was my past life really that bad?" asked Sunflower. "What was I like?"

"It is best that we do not discuss it, should it cause you to relapse."

"What actually happened to me? I awoke this morning in a bedroom I didn't recognize."

Celestia was silent for about a couple seconds longer than the comfortable amount, making Sunflower feel nervous for a split second. But, then, "I am not sure. Many things can cause amnesia. Head injuries, traumatic events... Perhaps whatever you did before you went to sleep caused you to have amnesia when you awoke."

"That doesn't explain why no one in town knew me."

"You weren't the most social."

Sunflower then smiled. "But I did make two new friends. One, so far, I'd call my best friend."

Celestia's smile widened. "Oh, I am delighted to hear this, Sunflower. You are already making great progress."

Sunflower gave her a smile in response. "But... why was it so important to see me? A lot of ponies want to see you."

"I had to know you were okay. As for the others, I am in the middle of something extremely important and I do not have time for everypony."

"Oh. I see. It's just... I think it'd make them happy to see you again."

Celestia paused for an uncomfortable amount again before speaking. "Are they not happy?"

"Well, they don't seem sad, but I bet there's a reason they want to see you."

"I understand." Celestia sighed. "I... suppose I could figure out a way to make time."

Sunflower smiled. "I'm sure it would mean the world to them. My memories don't go back past today, but... I hear they've been trying for months to see you. My newest friend, Honeycomb, said she's already tried three times this month. She's here on her fourth attempt."

"I see. Tell her I apologize greatly and will try to work in meetings to my schedule. And, please, reassure ponies that what I am doing is for the best of all of Equestria and its inhabitants."

"I will tell them, princess."

"I appreciate the help, Sunflower. Now, apologies, but I must be getting back."

"I understand. It was great meeting you. Again."

"And you, as well," Celestia said with a kind smile, before she turned and headed up the stairs.

Sunflower watched her for a moment before she turned back to the guard that brought her. "Okay," she said as she approached him.

Outside the gates, Violet was seated and watched Honeycomb fly around as they waited. When they heard the gates open, Honeycomb landed and Violet sprung to her hooves. "Details!" Honeycomb shouted excitedly.

Sunflower approached them and rubbed the back of her head. "She knew me. And, the strangest thing? I think I recognized her."

"Really?" Violet asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Nothing else here seems familiar... except her."

"Well, how could you forget her?"

Sunflower smiled, too. "True. She also said my past life was... not ideal. She was pretty vague about it but was happy to see me making friends."

"E-Excuse me?" Came a timid voice. All three mares looked over to see a lime green earth pony mare with long, curly, reddish-orange hair accessorized with a red bow. "Did you, um... meet the princess?"

"I did, yes," Sunflower said with a smile. "She told me to tell everyone that she's busy with something important to help all of us and that she'll try and make time for visits soon."

"Oh, that's a relief," the green mare said with a sigh.

"Are you having problems, uh..." Sunflower trailed off as she indirectly asked her for her name.

"Oh! I'm Ivy. And, n-no, not really. She just always has good advice and... is really nice to talk to."

"Sunflower. And I can agree with that."

"We're about to go have lunch," Violet said with a smile. "Wanna come?"

"Oh, no, I... I have things to do. Thanks, though." She then began to trot off. "Nice to meet you."

"You, too," Sunflower said with a wave good-bye. "She seemed nice."

"Timid, but nice," Violet agreed.

Honeycomb turned her attention to her friends. "Shall we go eat?"

The trio sat down at a table inside a fancy Canterlot restaurant as Sunflower looked around with a light groan. Violet chuckled and patted her back. "Don't worry, Sunny."

"What's wrong with her?" Asked Honeycomb.

"She's worried I'm spending too much on her."

"So, how'd you two meet? It seems like there's something interesting going on here." Once the waitress took their order for drinks, they resumed their discussion. "I heard something about remembering?"

"Yeah," Sunflower sighed. "I have amnesia. All I remember now is a very very very vague image of Celestia. So, I know I knew her at some point, but..."

"And, I'm helping feed her until she gets a job," Violet finished.

"Did you check your house?" Honeycomb asked with a smile. "Maybe you have a safe?"

"Would I remember the combination?" Sunflower asked with a cheeky smirk.

"Point taken."

"Any other jobs out there besides a very small chance at working with Applejack?"

Honey thought for a moment. "Well... you could help Twilight in the library in Ponyville... Or the Mayor... Or Sugarcube Corner... There's probably jobs here, too. Ask around."

"What would you like to do?" Violet asked.

Sunny thought for a moment. "Um... I don't know. I have no clue what I'm actually good at."

"Could always learn something new?" Honey suggested. "Which, in your case, could be everything."

"There has to be something I'm good at," Sunny said as the waitress came with their drinks. "Oh! I wasn't looking at the menu."

Violet smiled. "We'll start with the nachos, thanks."

Sunny watched the waitress smile and trot off to put in their order. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess."

"No need to apologize for that."

The cyan mare sighed. "I wish Celestia told me more, so I'd know where to start. I had to have some kind of job, right?"

"If she didn't tell you, maybe it was a bad job?" Honey suggested. "Oh, girl, what if you were, like, an assassin, or something? Some kind of hitmare?"

Sunny frowned. "I doubt that."

"How do you know?"

"Come on," Violet chuckled. "There's no way. Maybe she was in a gang? Or made a terrible mistake at some point. Something to give her amnesia that Celestia refuses to fill her in on."

"Maybe," Honey said before she sipped her soda. "You are quite the mystery, Sunny."

"What about what you do?" Sunny asked Violet. "With Rarity."

"Oh, it's pretty tough. Especially when you get the wrong customer. Not good for... somepony with amnesia."

"If you like animals, you could help Fluttershy," Honey suggested.


"Yeah. Rabbits. Bears. Birds. I'm sure she could use the help of a unicorn. And there wouldn't be anything to learn apart from what she could teach you."

"Hmm..." Sunny muttered as she thought. "That sounds good, but... what about the pay?"

"Oh, yeah," Honey muttered. "I doubt she could pay you much. But, it never hurts to ask."

"True. At least there's options close to home."

The waitress returned with their nachos and set their plate down. "We still need a few, thanks," Violet said. The waitress nodded and left. "So, anything stand out to you?"

Sunny sighed. "Honestly, they all sound doable. I'll start with Applejack, since she probably pays a lot. Then I'll try Fluttershy. I'm not really looking to deal with frustrating customers."

Honey smiled and ate a cheese-covered chip. "Good call. I don't have amnesia and even I sometimes wanna quit."

"I'm sure you'll do just fine at whatever you do."

"Such an optimist," Sunflower said with a smile. "But I'm still nervous. What's Applejack like?"

"You mean besides stubborn?" Violet asked with a chuckle.


"Well, she's... honest. Hard-working. Reliable. Nice."

"Fluttershy? I'm assuming shy?"

Violet smirked. "Oh, yeah. But, she's also kind, loyal, reliable, and very soft."

"Soft?" Sunny asked. "Like... her fur?"

Violet blushed. "N-No, no. Her voice. She's quiet."

"Oh!" Sunny exclaimed, before she chuckled and grabbed some nachos. "I thought you felt her up, or something."

"Goodness, no. I don't think the poor thing's ever been with another. She doesn't let it faulter her, though. She's always so cheerful. You know, when she's not running in fear from her own shadow."

"And, what about Sugarcube Corner?"

"That would be Pinkie Pie," Violet replied as she took another chip. "She's borderline crazy, but very sweet. And really good at making cupcakes."

"Baking," Sunflower said as she stared at the chip levitating in front of her face. "I can already smell the smoke." She took a bite as Honey chuckled.

"That would be the chips," Honey said. "Their lightly toasted."

After lunch, the trio headed back to Ponyville. The train ride back was nice and peaceful and no one said a word. As they disembarked at the Ponyville train station, Sunflower glanced over to see Viper in the far distance. The black mare was resting under a tree in the shade. As she watched, she wasn't watching where she was going and bumped into something white.

"Oh! I'm sorry," she apologized, taking a step back.

The white mare turned to her and smiled tiredly at her. "No problem," she said, sounding as tired as she looked. She had long, messy deep scarlet hair that covered the entire left side of her face. "It happens. Hey, you're cute."

"I'm Sunflower. This is Violet."

"Heya," Violet greeted with a wave.

"Scarlet Rose," the white mare said, before she tilted her head. "Whatcha two up ta?"

Sunflower and Scarlet eyed each other, wondering what was up with this mare. "Um..." Sunny began. "We're headed back to my house."

"Ah, cooool, dude. Can I join you?"

"Sure?" Sunny said questioningly. "Are you okay? You seem... out of it."

Scarlet let out a lazy chuckle. It sounded fake but, in her case, it was probably real. "I'm just enjoying all the lovely ponies." She looked over at a passing orange mare. "Hey, cutie." The orange mare smiled at her with a blush but kept walking. "Damn. There goes another one."

"Wait. Are you just standing here hoping to get a date?"

Scarlet did her tired chuckle again. "There doesn't have to be a date."

Sunny blushed. "Ah. Okay, then."

Scarlet's smile slowly faded into a frown. "Oh, I hope didn't weird ya out too much. I'd still like to come along with ya, okeh. I'm not really gettin' any action here, and I'm getting boooored."

Sunflower smiled. "You didn't weird me out. I just haven't met a pony like you. Yet?" The white pony's mouth opened slightly as she tilted her head, signaling that she was confused by the use of the word yet. "Oh. I have amnesia. You're the first pony I've met that's... like you... since I woke up."

"Ooooohhhhhhhh, that makes sense," Scarlet said as her tired smile returned. "Welcome back."


"Come on," Violet said. "Let's go see if your house has any answers."

The four ponies stood outside what they assumed was Sunflower's house. "You sure this is the place?" The cyan unicorn asked.

"It's where you cam running out of screaming," Violet said as she trotted up to the door.

"I did not come running out screaming," Sunflower protested. "I simply ran out, looked around, and asked if anyone knew me."

Violet smiled and opened the door. "Come on."

"Hey, I know I apologized for bein' weird back there..." Scarlet began. "but if any one of you wanna do it, I'm toooootally down for that."

The other three mares stared at her before Honey spoke up. "Why you telling us that now?"

"Just wanted to let y'all know, ya know? I think you're all very attractive, and stuff, so..."

Sunflower smiled. She knew it was odd for a friend to come out and say stuff like that but, for some reason, she liked it. It made her feel good that another found her attractive. And for some odd reason, she hoped the mare would continue. However, when Scarlet said nothing else, Sunflower turned to Violet.

"Let's head inside," she said, following her friend and leading the other two inside.

"What are we looking for?" Honey asked as she fluttered across the room.

"Pictures, safes, anything," Sunny said as she entered the kitchen.

Scarlet stepped into a room and smiled. "Hey. I found the bedroom."

Violet rolled her eyes and kept checking the bathroom for prescription bottles. Nothing. She left the room as Honeycomb turned to her and shrugged. Sunflower turned the faucet on in the sink before turning it off. With a sigh, she did it again before she left the room. Nothing.

Scarlet ran her hoof over the bed and closed her eyes. "Mmm... So many possible memories." She opened her eyes and looked around the room. There weren't any pictures anywhere that she could see. "Seems like somepony could use some good memories." She then left the bedroom and saw the others waiting for her. She shook her head. "Nah, man."

"How can there be nothing?" Sunny asked. "Did I not make any memories at all? No pictures?"

"That hitmare thing it looking more plausible," Honeycomb said seriously.

"Cut it out," Violet snapped. "She's not a hitmare."

Scarlet trotted up to her. "I know this isn't exactly what you wanted to find, but... we're here fer ya, dude. And, I know it isn't much, but I did find your bed. It was very soft. And comfortable. Definitely big enough for twooooo..."

Sunflower smiled. Even though she was being hit on, this mare was cheering her up. Maybe that was her actual intention? "I appreciate the offer, Scarlet."

"You can call me Rose. The flower of looooooove."

Sunflower giggled and gently bumped her. "Stop it."

"What now?" Asked Honeycomb.

"Get a job?" Violet suggested.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea," Sunflower said with a smile. "I'll start with Applejack." She then looked at Scarlet. "Coming with?"

"Oh, the farm?" Scarlet asked with a sigh. "I'd rather not walk aaaaaaaaaalllll that way, ya know? I'll hang back here and... try and find someone to sleep with."

"Fair enough." Sunflower could see Violet and Honey blush every time Scarlet brought up sex, but she didn't mind at all.

The group all headed for the front door as Honey fluttered on ahead. "I need to be going to. I'll find you when you get back."

"Alright," Sunny said as she waved good-bye, watching her new friend fly off. "I wish I had wings."

"See ya," Scarlet cooed as she trotted off.

Sunny eyed Violet with a light smirk, making the unicorn tilt her head back in confusion. "What?" Asked Violet. "What are you..."

"Hey, Scarlet," Sunny said as she ran over to the mare.

"Ya, dude?" The earth pony said as she turned around.

"Have one for the road." Sunny then gave the mare a kiss on the lips.

"Aw, man..." Scarlet muttered. "I wasn't ready."

Sunflower chuckled. "Maybe when I get back."

"Well, then, hurry up, dammit."

Sunny giggled again and gently bumped the mare with her flank before heading back to Violet. The other unicorn just stared at her. "What? She was literally asking for it."

Violet snapped back to reality and smiled. "Well... I can't argue with that." The two then trotted away from the house and towards the farm. "What was it like?"

"Nice, actually," Sunny replied. "She smelled like roses."

As they walked, neither of them noticed a flower nearby vanish, before coming right back.

Comments ( 3 )

"Does anypony know me?!" She yelled hopefully.

"Come on," Violet chuckled. "There's no way." Maybe she was in a gang? Or made a terrible mistake at some point. Something to give her amnesia that Celestia refuses to fill her in on."

"That would be the chips," Honey said. "They're lightly toasted."

"It's where you came running out of screaming," Violet said as she trotted up to the door.

End of errors.

As they walked, neither of them noticed a flower nearby vanish, before coming right back.


Out of curiosity, would this fall under the cyberpunk genre? :rainbowderp:

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