• Published 28th Apr 2024
  • 230 Views, 13 Comments

Spike Piece - Rock-Lee

Spike being a pirate searching for one of the most important treasures on the world

  • ...

How everything started

It was a normal day on a lonely island in the East Blue, which was known as the weakest sea in the world. But on that island, a boy of perhaps 12 years old would be hiding on the roof of a tavern late at night. Beneath him, a group of aristocrats would be gathered, using the island as a facade for an important meeting. They seemed to be guarding an important map.

"So... You're saying this is a map that can lead to... That place?" a man with blond hair would say as he looked at a closed scroll on the table.

The boy, crouched on the tavern roof, watched attentively as the scene unfolded below him. With narrowed eyes, he listened carefully to the words of the man with blond hair. His heart pounded as he tried to decipher the meaning of that mysterious map. He decided to remain silent, waiting for the right moment to intervene.

"As I said, yes, I firmly believe this is a key piece to discovering the much-acclaimed 'One Piece,' but I am still unable to decipher it," the other man, taller and more robust in appearance, would say, somewhat frustrated by the other man's attitude.

The boy shuddered at the mention of the legendary "One Piece." He knew that map was no ordinary thing, and his curiosity was further ignited by the words of the robust man. Cautiously, he slid along the tavern roof, stealthily approaching the edge to better hear the conversation without being detected. He was determined to learn more about that mysterious map and its connection to the greatest treasure of the pirate world.

"(The One Piece... I've only heard legends of that place... But if these men believe it exists, maybe I can try to steal that map)," the boy would think nervously, swallowing hard.

The boy, with excitement and nervousness pulsing through his veins, closely observed the men discussing the map. Stealthily, he edged closer to the table where the scroll lay. His sweaty hands trembled slightly as he prepared to take the next step in his audacious plan.

The aristocrats, absorbed in their conversation, did not notice the presence of the boy lurking in the shadows. With calculated movements, the boy crouched slowly behind one of the men, reaching out cautiously towards the scroll. Just as he was about to touch it, a sudden creak echoed beneath his feet, alerting the men to his presence.

The man with blond hair spun around abruptly, surprised by the sound. His eyes met the boy's, who remained still for a moment, caught in the act. Tense silence filled the room as the boy and the men stared at each other, assessing each other in a game of wills.

"..." The boy quickly grabbed the scroll, narrowly avoiding a sword that was about to cut his hand, leaping backward to give the tall man time to remove the sword from the table, and the blond man to grab his gun and aim it at Spike with a trembling hand.

Adrenaline pumped through the boy's veins as he faced the men, his hand gripping the scroll with determination. He watched cautiously as the blond man raised his gun, his trembling pulse reflecting the tension in the room. Quickly, the boy assessed his options, his mind racing as he searched for an escape.

"Stop right there, brat!" shouted the tall man, brandishing his sword skillfully as he advanced towards the boy with steady steps.

The boy instinctively stepped back, his eyes gleaming with determination as he held the scroll tightly. He knew he couldn't let these men stop him, not when he was so close to uncovering the truth behind the mysterious map.

With a quick movement, the boy dodged the sword's strike narrowly. He moved with agility, his mind working at full speed as he plotted a plan to escape. With a sudden turn, he ducked under another sword strike before lunging at the man and managing to push him several meters away surprisingly.

"What the heck!?" The burly man would get up from the ground to see... a surprising sight, Spike was with his arms and legs covered in thick green scales and long sharp claws on each hand, several spikes would come out of his back down to a tail that came out of his lower back, and several fangs would be seen protruding from his lips. "You're... a Devil Fruit user!?"

The burly man stepped back, surprised by the boy's sudden transformation. The boy's eyes gleamed with fierce intensity as his features changed before the men's astonished gaze. With a defiant smile on his face, the boy, now transformed, prepared to face his opponents with his new power.

"That's right!" exclaimed the boy, his voice resonating with a strength that hadn't been present before. "and you won't stop me so easily."

Name: Spike Drake

Devil Fruit: Toka Toka No Mi: Dragon Model

Bounty: 10,000

"Curse... This is bad," the swordsman would say as he stood up angrily.

"(DARN DARN DARN!)" Spike would think as sweat dripped down his forehead, but without losing his defiant smile to maintain his mask of security. "(USUALLY MY FRUIT SCARES EVERYONE BEFORE I HAVE TO REALLY FIGHT! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE IT WELL!)"

The men, on the other hand, watched the boy with a mixture of surprise and concern. They had underestimated the boy, failing to realize his true potential as a Devil Fruit user. The man with blond hair tightened his grip on his gun's handle, his gaze fixed on the transformed boy. He knew facing a Devil Fruit user was a dangerous task, but he also understood the importance of ensuring that the scroll did not fall into the wrong hands.

Meanwhile, the burly man, recovering from the boy's surprising blow, rose with determination on his face. His sword gleamed in the tavern's light, ready to be used in defense of his objective. However, a sense of unease crept over him as he watched the boy with his new abilities, wondering how they could overcome such an unpredictable enemy.

"(I must remain calm and think clearly)," the boy reminded himself as he evaluated the situation. With a quick observation, he noticed that the man with blond hair had his eyes fixed on the scroll, while the burly man prepared to attack again. Deciding he needed to act quickly, the boy lunged towards the blond man, hoping to catch him by surprise. The man, surprised by the sudden attack, barely had time to react as the boy approached quickly. With a swift movement, the boy deflected the man's gun with his tail, sending the gun flying before landing a direct punch to the man's face, which he narrowly avoided.

"Not so fast, brat!" shouted the burly man, lunging towards the boy with his sword raised high.

The boy, with the scroll in one hand, prepared to defend himself from the incoming attack. With agility, he dodged the first sword strike before counterattacking with a series of quick and precise movements. His claws clashed against the sword blade, creating sparks in the air as they fought for control.

Meanwhile, the blond man got up from the ground, recovering from the boy's surprise attack. With a furious look on his face, he lunged towards the boy with determination, determined to retrieve the scroll at any cost. However, the boy was ready to face him, his senses sharpened by the power of his Devil Fruit allowing him to duck at the exact moment the blond man was about to give him a strong kick to the face, starting to have to dodge and block attacks from both men at the same time and slowly losing control of the situation.

The boy found himself in an increasingly complicated situation, facing two determined and skilled opponents. With each move, his mind worked at full speed as he searched for an opportunity to turn the tide of the battle in his favor. Despite his bravery and skill, he knew he couldn't afford to make mistakes in such an intense battle.

The men, on the other hand, pressed hard, seizing every opportunity to try to snatch the scroll from the boy. Their attacks were coordinated and calculated, demonstrating combat experience that the boy had not yet fully acquired. However, the boy refused to give up, his determination burning with renewed intensity as he fought to stand firm against adversity.

With a quick movement, the boy managed to dodge a sword strike from the burly man, sliding along the floor with feline agility. He quickly got up, his mind analyzing every move of his opponents as he searched for an opening to counterattack. His claws gleamed in the tavern's light, ready to defend against any threat that stood in his way.

Meanwhile, the blond man advanced with determination, his gaze fixed on the scroll that the boy held tightly. With a fluid movement, he attempted to snatch the scroll from the boy, but the boy responded quickly, deflecting the attack with his tail before launching a precise counterattack that forced the man to step back momentarily.

The boy seized the brief respite to assess the situation, his mind working at full speed as he searched for a strategy to turn the tide of the battle. He knew he couldn't afford to make mistakes.

"(I haven't tried...)" Spike would think while breathing heavily, remembering the stories of dragons he had heard in legends, majestic creatures capable of unleashing powerful flames that consumed everything in their path. With a flash of determination in his eyes, Spike decided it was time to test the true power of his Devil Fruit.

The boy, concentrating his energy, invoked the element latent within him. With a defiant roar, an intense blaze erupted from his mouth, engulfing the men in a dance of voracious fire. The scorching heat filled the room as the flames spread, forcing the men to retreat before the destructive power of the boy transformed into a dragon.

The men, surprised by the sudden manifestation of the boy's power, struggled to stand firm against the fury of the flames surrounding them. The burly man wielded his sword in a desperate attempt to protect himself from the flames, while the blond man fought to maintain his composure in the face of the attack. The flames danced around them, fueled by the power of his Devil Fruit, enveloping the men in a fiery storm. With determination in his eyes, the boy prepared to take advantage of the confusion caused by his attack to secure the scroll and escape from the tavern before it was too late. However, before he could move, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, blocking his path.

"Stop right there, young dragon!" exclaimed a deep and authoritative voice, causing the boy to halt in his tracks.

The boy turned to the figure, his gaze filled with surprise as he saw a man dressed in a long coat and a mask covering half of his face. His penetrating eyes stared at the boy, assessing him with an intensity that made the boy instinctively step back.

"Who are you?" asked the boy, his voice cautious as he prepared to defend himself.

The man, not revealing his identity, calmly extended a hand towards the boy, his expression serious but serene.

"My name doesn't matter," replied the man. "What matters is what you will do next. Will you use your power to sow chaos and destruction, or will you find true strength in kindness and compassion?"

Spike would observe him for several seconds, opening and closing his mouth before finally closing it and looking him up and down, confused.

"...I see you're still unable to decide that," the masked man would say with a tone of voice that showed... nothing, nodding to himself as he withdrew his hand. "It will be interesting to know which one you'll choose, young dragon."

And so, as strangely as he arrived, the man would walk directly into the flames, leaving Spike totally confused, but not a minute would pass before Spike would just shake his head and repeat his attempt to leave the burning bar.

Once outside, Spike stopped for a moment to catch his breath, his mind still spinning with the masked man's words. Despite the confusion he felt, he knew he had to focus on the task at hand: protecting the scroll and uncovering the truth behind the mysterious map.

With renewed determination, Spike set off, running through the streets of the island as dark smoke rose into the night sky. He knew he couldn't stay in one place for long, not when the men behind the scroll would surely pursue him relentlessly.

"...Curse, the boss is going to kill us," the blond man would say as he sat next to his companion by the burning bar.

After a few minutes of running, Spike would take refuge while recovering the much lost energy from having his Devil Fruit activated for so long, breathing heavily as he held the map firmly. Although he had managed to escape with the scroll, he knew his adventure had only just begun. With determination in his gaze, he spread the map on the ground and began to examine it carefully, searching for clues that would lead him to the legendary "One Piece."

"Although there's a small problem, Spike," Spike would say to himself as he looked at the map with determination. "you don't know how to read maps."