• Published 12th May 2024
  • 386 Views, 1 Comments

Next Steps - ShadowblazeCR

It had been several years now. The two Wonderbolts had married, gotten to the height of their careers, and now a question arose. What are the next steps?

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A Family Legacy

For most of her life, Rainbow Dash had been going too fast to think. Her timeline had been about getting to the next goalpost faster than the last. During it all, she had made many friends, enemies, and eventually a lover.

This had been completely new to her. Everything else was something she had practiced, trained for, or had her whole life. Friends were a commodity, and Fluttershy had been there since the beginning. The rest of her friends had trickled in and stayed over the years; a guarantee that would always be there.

Yet, when the possibility of romance became present, Rainbow Dash had no rehearsal. She had no chance to prepare, because it was suddenly something she saw potential in. It had clicked, after years of denial to even the worst of matchmakers. Rarity had been right after all.

Soarin’ had been everything she had never realized she needed. Rainbow Dash had gotten complacent when joining the Wonderbolts, and his competitiveness, loyalty, and integrity had pushed her to keep going.

“As long as you’re around Dash, I will always need to be better.” Soarin’ had told her soon after they started dating.

Initially, she had thought that it was another comment to keep her on her toes. Something like they had said to each other over the first couple years in jest.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll always be there to make that happen.” Rainbow Dash had replied, not catching the deeper meaning of either of their comments.

Eventually, once they had been dating for about a year, Soarin’ had finally revealed that he hadn’t been crass. He was in fact discussing how he thought she was making him better, and essentially was him asking her out.

She had unintentionally replied with affirmation. This had led to several misunderstandings over the next months that they now looked upon fondly.

It had taken Rainbow Dash asking outright, the two of them snuggled into a bean bag having watched a movie for most of the night. A tradition after several months of weekly movie nights. Her muzzle pressed into his shoulder had been the wake up call.

“Wait, hold on.” She’d shot up from the bean bag, springing out of it to face her friend.

Soarin’ had sat up on the bag, propping a forehoof on it, “Yeah, what’s up Dashie?”

“Is this a thing?” She gestured back and forth between them.

The confusion on her face was evident. There had been a light bulb that had went off, something in the situation had finally checked the box. But for some reason, Soarin’ didn’t look like the same had occurred to him.

“I’m not really picking up what you’re trying to say,” Soarin’ continued to hold a look, his eyebrow cocked as well.

“Are we dating?” Rainbow Dash almost screeched.

“Are we not?”

Soarin’ had told her eventually that it was one of the most nerve-wracking moments of his life. Eventually, time had healed the moment, crafting it into an inside joke. The couple had begun shortly after to ask each other the question whenever someone else asked them about the other.

Once the dating had actually been established, the two had quickly gotten into a groove. This had diverted many of their would-be cliché dates into competitions. Even anniversary presents had been a way to one up each other.

“Training wing-tips?” Soarin’ had shook his head in exasperation when their second year anniversary gift came out of the box.

Rainbow Dash had grinned back at him, “Oh no no, not training tips. Specially made, heavily weighted tips to help you with those pinpoint turns you’ve been working on.”

His eyes had lit up in recognition, “For the Ponychev’s Cobra?”

“Well, after I get some reps with them first of course.” She had replied. And it had continued like that for their whole time dating.

Even Soarin’s proposal to Rainbow Dash had been competitive. Sweet. But still a challenge.

“You know all those years ago when I said that when you’re around, I always feel the need to be better.” Soarin’ had begun, grabbing her hooves in his.

“Of course,” Rainbow Dash had given him a kiss. Compensation for admitting it.

He continued, getting on his knees. “I always thought about being a bit selfish with your competition. Any time I saw the competition with others, I thought, she should be competing with me, not them. But, now that we’ve had our back and forth, I know that I want that forever. So, for better bouts or worse outcomes, would you marry me Rainbow Dash?”

There had been a pause. Not for consideration, but for composure.

“Yes! Yes!” Rainbow Dash tackled Soarin’, wrapping her forehooves around his neck and kissing him.

The two Wonderbolts had taken the tabloids by storm with their wedding. Planned by Pinkie Pie, executed by Twilight Sparkle, and hosted in the Canterlot Castle by Celestia and Luna it had been, of course, competitive with Princess Cadence’s wedding. Thankfully without the invasion of changelings. Everything had went smoothly, and Equestria had welcomed the new couple with fervor.

And now, a couple years later, they continued their time with the Wonderbolts in the form of trainers, producing the next generation of class acts.

Something currently pressed upon Rainbow Dash’s mind. It was all perfect, but there had always been the next rung on the ladder. The next steps on the climb to their goal. There had to be something, a higher goal, or a cornerstone to what they had built.

“So…” Rainbow Dash began, her legs were swinging with the cloud swing they sat on.

“So?” Soarin’ replied inquisitively.

She didn’t know how to start. It was so easy usually, with them becoming more and more in tune with each other over the years. Now though, Rainbow Dash didn’t want her husband to think she was doubting their successes. They were at the peak of their careers, medals, trophies, and pictures adorned their walls.

Even so, she knew there could be that final bookend to their life. A legacy to continue what they had started.

“We’ve done a lot these last few years.” She began.

“I’d say so,” Soarin’ replied, pushing her on to continue.

“And it’s nice, to really summarize it. I couldn't be where I am without you here, and I don't ever plan on giving that up." Rainbow Dash was blushing now. She might be the Element of Loyalty, but she was a mare of action, not words. "There's still more to do, that feeling, the tickling in my stomach, is telling me. I'm not just restless, I know it."

Soarin' hummed, it was a lot to take in and to give. "I understand. You'll be like this for the rest of your life though, Dash. I saw it happen with my dad. He spent three decades with the Royal Guard, and finally after he retired he went straight to another job. Started his own business and all that. It's fine to want to do more, it's in our nature."

"Yeah, I mean that's it." Rainbow Dash was floundering in her explanation, "But not. Like...it's like I need proof of it. Something to pour my efforts into that show I really am what I say I am."

Soarin' began to laugh, enough that his shaking body shook Rainbow Dash's as well. "Dash, love, I know exactly what you are thinking of. Do you?"

“No Soar, that’s why I’m rambling.” Rainbow Dash gave him a shove with her shoulder, “Come on tell me what you’re thinkin’ then.”

His laughs subsided, “Dashie, I think you want kids.”

That had been the moment it all made sense. There really was nothing more that she wanted other than that. An opportunity to show the culmination of everything she worked for could really translate into other ponies. In a child, her child, Equestria would be seen through a new lens. She needed that change in pace. Wanted it really.

“Huh, yeah actually. That’s exactly what I’m thinking about.” Her heart was beating faster at the revelation, and her body was feeling fuzzy. “But what do you think? Would you want to be a father?”

“Of course I would,” Soarin’ gave a grin. “Number one parent does sound pretty nice.”

Rainbow Dash groaned, “Yeah right, you know that I would be the one they would call first anyway. Somepony has to be the cool parent.”

“So you’re saying I’m going to have to be the bad cop.” Soarin’ sighed. “As long as I get to fly with them to school most of the time.”


The couple continued to discuss plans. Some mundane, and some life changing. It would happen, the Wonderbolts would be taking the next steps in their lives. There was guaranteed challenges that came with parenthood, but at least she would have Soarin’ with her throughout the speed bumps.

Every title Rainbow Dash had earned and possessed so far had a different, special tone that was associated with them. Wonderbolt. Element of Harmony. Quad-Crown Seasonal Champion. Savior of Equestria. But the new title that stood on the horizon was inticing.


That did have a nice ring to it.

Author's Note:

Something quick here to get another idea I had out of my head. Maybe a slight ramble on my take on this stuff, I can't say. Mostly just wanted to give some more fluff to SoarinDash and its ship.

While I'll always be a die hard OctaScratch fan, I think SoarinDash is a simple and effective ship that lets good slice of life come from it. There will always be more to come from me, however long it takes, and I'm sure there's plenty to get out of the ship.

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to comment. Anything is something.

Comments ( 1 )

this ship gives me life 😩

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