• Published 12th May 2024
  • 84 Views, 0 Comments

Wiltedverse Oneshots - WiltedBloom2013

A short story with many oneshots featuring versions of the CMC

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Wilted: What it means to be alive.

Equestria is a peaceful place... until you realize that this version has demons who've started to intigrate with the ponies.

One such demon is Wilter, but they also go by Wilted Bloom or simply Wilted.

Wilted has the form of Apple Bloom but... slightly altered. Their bow has become red with some tears and a notible horn-like shape starting to form, their coat and mane are also much darker, and their eyes now have black selcra with green glows for pupils.

Wilted also has the ability to summon the souls of their victims... Sweetie Belle(Called Sweetie Soul), Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon(The latter two being fused at a forehoof.)

Wilted stares at Sweetie Soul, who has a grimly gray mane, no eyes(most likely gouged out by Wilted), and a snapped horn and yet Wilted has one question... "What the fuck does it mean for one to be alive?"

Sweetie Soul stares back at Wilted, simply shruging as her re-animation has left her unable to talk. She uses her horn(which works better than it should for being snapped) to get Wilted a drink, which is some apple cider(Not the hard cider, to be specific. Wilter doesn't like being drunk) which Wilted happily drinks with the question on their mind.

Wilted, now in Hell's finest library, is searching for a book on life definition but has come up short. His green eyes, now masked to be red, is showing how much he hates his lack of information. The librarian, an old friend of their's as he helped them hide among the nightmares of normal Hell, "Hey, Wilter, you need something?" He asked having a seat in a chair as Wilted sits in the chair next to him.

"Alli... what does it mean for something to be alive?" Wilted asked while looking right at the librarian(Who is named Allistar).

"Mmmm, pregunta difícil," Allistar responded earning a sigh from Wilted...

"Alli, I know the question is a tough one, no need to use your knowledge of spanish against me... but what is the answer... to you?"

Allistar takes a moment to think about it, "Hmm... depends on the situation, if I'm being asked, the only thing that determines if something is alive is if it has a beating heart," Allistar says which... doesn't help much.

"So... then how are plants alive, they don't have hearts or else I'd be digging in them for food instead of literally murdering timberwolves by ripping them piece by piece just so I can have a meal," Wilted rebutted earning a glance from Allistar who simply shrugged.

"Maybe you should ask Zalga or one of those Creepyblooms for the more accurate answer," Allistar said as Wilted walked out.

Wilted walked in the Everfree, not their Everfree but Zalga's Everfree... she's been busy as the trees are starting to have a "Zalgo-like" quality to them. That means she's embracing her role as the "new" incarnate of evil.

"Hey, uh... Zalga? Can I ask a stupid question to you?" Wilted asked aloud before the called incarnate demon appeared in Sweetie Belle's form.

"Hey Wilter, what do you want to ask?" Zalga asked back, knowing full well the question isn't stupid. Wilted looks around careful before asking the question, "What does it mean to be alive to you?" well-deservedly earning a chuckle from Zalga.

"Are you asking this because you want to or because you're concerned about the ethics of the souls?"

"... Mainly about the souls like... why in god's fucking name do we have the ability to reanimate the dead for our own devices?"

"Because that's how EXE demons, even pacifist-class ones like you, have always been since the era of the original seven demons..." Zalga started.

"... because of X..." Wilted finished Zalga's statement knowing the story of X and how much of an asshole the guy was to his fellow demons. Zalga chuckled hearing that before moving to a flower and using some demon energy to give the flower an eye which... is just freaky.

"Yeah, good work Wilter, you know better than your peers and maybe one day you'll even become the demon lord and change everything but for now... you'll just have to handle with the ethically-questionable action of reanimation of your victims. As for the question, I don't have a definition of life, I slaughter anything that moves like my idol Zalgo," Zalga says with a hint of a dreamy tone.

"Thanks Zalga, that's helpful in a sense..." Wilted says in reply before leaving.

Wilted sits in a special building, a hut they constructed in their Everfree forest, looking at pictures of Apple Bloom and her friends... happy... "What answer does 'What the fuck does it mean to be alive?' even have?" Wilted asked themself. They looked through a scrapbook where they saw various moments in their life... including their "friendship" with the bitch-ass motherfucker that is Fabricator. Seriously, fuck him.

"If Fabricator was asked that question I know his answer..." Wilted prepared their voice to do a imition of Fabricator's voice, "'If it can die then it's alive, which means JUST LIKE ME KILL YOU WILTER!' God... I hate Fabricator," Wilted said not hearing the knock on the hut's front door.

A familiar yellow filly walked through the door, "Wilted? Is somethin' the matter? Ya haven't been seen all day," Apple Bloom asked before Wilted shrugged it off.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... been thinking, nothing to concern yourself with AB," Wilted said, hoping AB leaves soon. Too bad she isn't.

"Wilted, ah wanted ta ask ya ta come ta the crusader's clubhouse tomorrow because Scootaloo needs ya help ta come up with Cutie Mark ideas..." Apple Bloom says before having a seat next to Wilted and looking at them with a look, "... have ya been thinkin' 'bout Fabricator again? Remember, if they show their rotten head here, mah sister and her friends will put an end to them."

"It isn't that Bloom... it's a bit more personal... maybe I'll ask you later but... just don't worry, k? At least your sister is still okay with me taking you and the other crusaders to Hell for you to find your Cutie Marks, right?" Wilted said before AB nodded.

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