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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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  • 1 week
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 2 weeks
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 3 weeks
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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  • 5 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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Fic recs October 10th! · 6:19pm Oct 10th, 2013

bats just posted about his first Fimfic-versary, so of course I had to go look up mine. I registered with the site on September 2nd, 2011. I’ve been here for over two years how did this happen

Also, I was thinking about doing a Halloween-themed rec toward the end of the month, and to that end, I wanted to ask for suggestions. Nightmare Night stories, actual Halloween-themed stories, scary stuff, creepy stuff, the works. I'll top it off with a rereading and discussion of NIGEB, which is one of the best scary ponyfics I've ever read. Drop links in the comments, but do stick to shorter fics if you want me to read them all. :B (And yes, you can recommend your own.)

H: 2 R: 2 C: 1 V: 1 N: 2

Happy Birthday, Fizzypop! by ItsTheWhinyGuys
Genre: Character Piece
I was just reminded that this fic existed and I had to reread it. Welcome to season 1 fics about blind bag recolors! And of course, this hasn’t aged too well. It’s telly and simplistic at times, and it also drives home just how bad Hasbro is at farting out pony names en masse. (Except for Waterfire. Waterfire is fucking amazing.) But this was one of the first major “twist at the end” fics that I ever read, and it was absolutely mind-blowing at the time. The majority of the story is just so chipper and colorful that you never see the end coming. (Except now that I told you there’s something to see coming, of course.) It still gave me a bit of a chill to read now, even having known it was there. The best part is that it ends on a happy note, to complete the emotional rollercoaster. I actually find myself reacting more positively to this story than I had anticipated. If you missed this somehow (years and years ago), do give it a read.

Biblical Monsters by Horse Voice
Reading by Scribbler
Genre: Pony on Earth
I remember that, when this was first released on Fimfic, I was quite excited to read it, and I’m very pleased it came up in this round of audiobooks. That said, I need to critique the reading first. Scribbler’s quite good, as I’ve stated previously, but this time around, she added things into the story that are not actually there in the text. In one case, it really adds nothing to the story and may as well have not been done; in the other, it more or less gives away the ending, not that I didn’t have my suspicions going in. (That passage, as it turns out, comes from the sequel; see below.) Furthermore, the voices she used to read this story caused me to make a number of assumptions about the characters and setting that turned out ultimately to be untrue and caused chapter 2 to invoke some severe mental whiplash. I honestly don’t suggest listening to the story. But reading it? Oh yeah. This is a very literary story from stem to stern, including the delightfully sparse description that makes it feel like those old classics you think you know because you've heard so much about it, but that defy expectations entirely upon reading. Twilight Sparkle accidentally transports herself to Canada (somewhere on Vancouver Island, if I’m not mistaken) and ends up in the company of a pair of lighthouse keepers. That’s pretty much where everything goes wrong. This is a treatise on the incompatibility of our culture and Equestria’s, not to mention the improbability of a pony showing up at the doorstep of someone who actually knows about them. Thanks to a misunderstanding of goals and an unfortunate comparison used by Twilight, she plays into the religious zealotry and apocalyptic fears of one of the two human characters, and things go poorly for her. What’s really great about this story is that it doesn’t take sides in the conflict, and it certainly doesn’t demonize humanity as so many other meeting of cultures fics tend to. The actions of the main characters, though couched in their culture, do not represent those of the species at large. If anything, it’s the Equestrians who are painted in the worse light by the end. (There’s room for interpretation, too.) This is a wonderfully dark and chilling piece that is absolutely worth the read. If I haven’t read anything else by Horse Voice, Imma be changing that forthwith.
Highly Recommended

Biblical Monsters: Lost Angel by Minalkra
Sequel to Biblical Monsters
Reading by Scribbler
Genre: Missing the Point
(The only way this story could have more caveats prior to the review if it was marked mature too.) So, this is a sequel to Biblical Monsters which is, by all accounts, endorsed or at least approved by Horse Voice. And if you ask me? It should not have been written. It takes a wonderful piece of literature and removes all the nuance, mystery and subtlety, not to mention a good deal of the characterization, rendering the original in stark black and white and tying up all the loose ends. Biblical Monsters is not a story that needed tidying up. Down to the prose, this feels like a pale imitator, cheapening its predecessor simply by existing. The one nice thing I can say about it is I liked Celestia’s characterization, but that is not enough to justify this written crime against another story. (That story spurred me to write my last journal entry should come as no surprise.)
Not Recommended

Hurricane’s Fall by Biochi
Reading by Scribbler
Genre: Tragedy
This is apparently the first installment of a series called “(The Most Inappropriate) Hearth’s Warming Tales for Foals”. That parenthetical explains the reason for the comedy tag, which feels out of place when actually applied to the story. It did confirm my suspicions about what the author was trying for, at least. Hurricane’s Fall is a story-within-a-story, read to the mane six by Luna, the joke being that it is a terrible thing to hear read on a holiday, and therein lies the problem. By itself, the story of Hurricane’s Fall is a delightful tragedy. I’ve always liked the view of pegasus society as militaristic, even prior to Hearth’s Warming Eve, and this really explores the ramifications of pegasi as a species. I mean, if you live in the clouds, right next to all the weather, what do you do with a flightless foal? I’m sure nowadays, there are more humane solutions, but ancient Equestria was hardcore. There’s just enough here to really capture Hurricane's struggles with power, duty and motherhood, and overall I thought it was brilliant. Unfortunately, framing the tale the way the author does absolutely ruins it. There’s an attempt at “boy, isn’t Luna out of touch” humor, but the reaction of the mane cast just drives home one point: that story is fucking horrifying. It saps all the enjoyment from it, replacing it with a load of yucky awkwardness. So as a look into ancient Equestria, this has merit, but I’m definitely not going to read more of the series.
Vaguely Recommended

Interventions Are Magic by Butterscotch Sundae
Genre: Comedy?
Whether you will like this story hinges on two things: can you believe Twilight Sparkle has a drinking problem, and do you think alcoholism is funny? I’m fine with the first item, as to the second, ehhh… Honestly, this story just made me think of how long it’s been since I read The Party Hasn’t Ended, which was rather a seminal moment in my early fanfiction career in this fandom. (It turned me into a PinkieDash shipper and probably set me on the path of Ship All the Ponies.) This story feels old, by which I mean not terribly good and I think the author can do better. Just about every attempt at humor is entirely off-base, I don’t think this is really how interventions work, a large part of the story is taken up by Twilight yelling at her friends and insinuating things derived entirely from fanon, and it ends with a bloody friendship report. So even if you can wrap your mind around the offputting central idea, I don’t think there’s really anything here to recommend.
Not Recommended

Do Not Serve These Ponies by Thanqol
Reading (Part 1) by DeftFunk
Genre: The Maddest of Caps
The question I returned to again and again was What the fuck am I reading? This is balls-to-the-wall ur-wackiness that does not stop to take a breath. The dialogue cracks wise. The narrative cracks wise. This is the closest I’ve ever come to actually reading Douglas Adams. Lyra stars as a one-liner-spouting uber-hippy, with Bon Bon as the slightly naive and much-beleaguered Watson to Lyra’s opiates-induced-delirious Holmes, as it should be. This is a story about horrors from beyond the stars, hats and cones of shame, and a conspiracy-driven, human-obsessed Lyra (remember the part of Anthropology I liked?) who is nevertheless originally rendered and something of a supervillain. This is a phenomenally impressive story to watch unfold, as nary a beat is missed. In fact, the beats go so un-missed that I’m pretty sure a few were added. That would explain the plot, twisting as it does like a meth-addicted ballerina. I didn’t even mind the lack of LyraBon by the end. This is absolutely perfect.
Highly Recommended

The Battle of Fort Book by PinkamenaPiePrincess
Reading by Scribbler
Reading by Midnight29 and Zethis
Reading by Savrin Drake
Reading by slickdash
Reading by Snogwritts
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Child’s Fantasy
I really appreciate authors who can write children well. It’s so easy to forget that child logic is often vastly different from that of adults. I’m pleased to say that this story absolutely nails the viewpoint, which was essential to pulling it off in first person. It’s all the little touches that make this work, like the idea that military ponies don’t smile. This is also a very believable rendering of Twilight as a filly, which just makes the whole thing extra adorable. My only complaint is that the aftermath of the “battle” is given to us in reality instead of fantasy. I’d have loved to see the make-believe scenario carry all the way through, or at least have a callback at the very end. It didn’t ruin my enjoyment of the story, though; there are far worse things that could have been done.

Dance With Me by RoyalFlush
Reading by Scribbler
Genre: Romance
Ahh, the LyraBon I was so wickedly denied in Do Not Serve These Ponies. Stories like this and artwork like the one Scribbler uses in her video are why I love this couple so much. We just get a little peek into the daily lives of a pair of ponies who love each other very much. And I dare say this story features the perfect Lyra characterization: eccentric, but grounded, which is to say not completely delusional. That said, there is a line early on about humans that I felt just did not belong here at all. Furthermore, the first half or so of the story is just Lyra recapping Best Night Ever, to very little effect. The dancing scene definitely could have been longer, but I did at least appreciate the denouement. If you can’t take the slightest hint of fanon Lyra, though, you might want to look elsewhere.
Recommended for LyraBon Enthusiasts

Man, when was the last time I had one of each rating?

Report PresentPerfect · 1,635 views · #fic reviews
Comments ( 17 )

Eh, I was happier with Biblical Monsters before I found out it was originally posted without the Tragedy tag in order to lure in readers who would have otherwise avoided it.

People who do that kinda suck.

1409536 In fairness, I may be overemphasising it a bit. I'm going on the exchange I had with the author here, and upon reread the impression I get is a little more mixed that I was remembering.

I really appreciate the endorsement, and I hope you like my other works as well. :twilightsmile: I expected this review was coming, as was waiting on pins and needles to see what you thought.

There are a few things I feel I should address...


That wasn't exactly what happened. I debated with myself over whether it was necessary to include the Tragedy tag, or if the Dark tag was enough. In the end, I made the wrong decision. I didn't realize till people pointed it out, that "Dark" is not very specific, and this was one of the reasons people got so mad at the end. At least, I hope that was my thought process. The memory is hazy, and sometimes I remember it the other way. It really bothers me to think I might be capable of that sort of dishonesty.

One thing's for sure, I'm going to ask my editor about tags the next time there's any uncertainty.

Twilight Sparkle accidentally transports herself to Canada (somewhere on Vancouver Island, if I’m not mistaken)

Correct! I assume you did some research on James Cook? That would make you the first one who has, as a result of this story.

she added things into the story that are not actually there in the text.

This was actually the result of an honest mistake. There was a scene at the end of Chapter 1 that she clean forgot to record, and by the time either of us realized it, she had posted her recording of Chapter 2. The radio play-style scenes are there to attach the missing scene to the beginning of Chapter 3, but also necessitated a closer attachment to the unofficial epilogue. So while I still like it, the audiobook is a very strange piece of work.

Speaking of which...

Official Sequel to Biblical Monsters

More "Optional Sequel," if you'll forgive my nitpicking. There are three reasons I endorsed it. The first was that it eased some readers' pain. My ending really hurt some people on an emotional level, and I wanted to make them think, not to hurt them. The second was that it eased my pain. I unloaded a lot of my own emotional baggage into "Monsters," and the optional ending brought redemption and forgiveness to my mind when I needed it. The third reason is the most depressing. Numerous commenters assumed that Celestia would destroy the world out of revenge, and would be right to do so. So when I saw an opportunity to show how wrong they were, I took it.

Minalkra actually said he wrote it because he needed closure, so he didn't intend for it to be high art. Rest assured, he's done much better work.

1409741 Yeah, my initial comment bothered me enough that I dug up our brief conversation on the subject because I was worried I was spreading misinformation. It took a while to find BH's blog post, I ended up checking (well, searching for my username) every page of comments on the story and all of your related blog posts before I remembered whose recommendation I read it on.

Down to the prose, this feels like a pale imitator, cheapening its predecessor simply by existing.


I love Happy Birthday, Fizzypop. I actually enjoyed it more the second time I read it than the first time.

for a Nightmare Night fic rec, might I suggest this? Gabe just started writing it... http://www.fimfiction.net/story/137452/da-de-los-muertos

Biblical Monsters is a fic I have no problems with story-wise, as I have enjoyed the same sci-fi "stranger vs predjudice and ignorance" premise throughout the dozen or so iterations I have previously encountered it.

I do have 2 universal critiques of this type of story.

One is that it is always written with a predetermined outcome. The message is wasted with a happy ending, therefor it cannot have one. This means that the characters are very innefectual in their own plot, something I do not prefer in storycraft.

Secondly it presents a very stifiling "coin toss" version of probability where posibilities have only a desirable and undesirable outcome. This is a relatively common genre based pitfall. For instance, when a young woman has car trouble and has to seek shelter at a nearby farm house, she will often either meet a cold blooded killer or the love of her life. It's not like she could have just been given a meal and a phone to call AAA? This is why I seek originality and new ways of telling stories, and this one is neither.

That said I think a few things you mention in your review such as the story not taking sides are very much a YMMV thing, since the events are very emotionally charged.

I do feel that this is one classic story type that does not translate well as fanfiction (not "ponyfic", fanfic in general) because it relies on higher concepts to make its statement, and emotional investment in the characters heavily interferes with this.


>>This was actually the result of an honest mistake. There was a scene at the end of Chapter 1 that she clean forgot to record, and by the time either of us realized it, she had posted her recording of Chapter 2. The radio play-style scenes are there to attach the missing scene to the beginning of Chapter 3, but also necessitated a closer attachment to the unofficial epilogue. So while I still like it, the audiobook is a very strange piece of work.

The audiobook was a hodgepodge that, while I'm proud of some bits of it, makes me cringe a little today. It doesn't do much for one's credibility to, um, completely forget a third of a chapter when posting it. Very much a "D'oh!" moment. I hope pray like to think I've improved a lot since then or at least haven't screwed up quite so badly. Likewise the accent thing. When I first started reading it I skimmed the whole thing and liked what I saw, so I got out the mic, set aside some time and recorded the first couple of chapters. Then the 'Oh bugger, they're Canadian? But I've already been recording in Cockney and Welsh for three hours!' moment arrived when I ran across the James Cook reference. At that stage it was a case of either go back and re-record everything or plough ahead and made an apology at the end. I chose the latter ... helpled immensely by the fact that when unplugging my mic right after recoridng Lost Angel I managed to break it and thus wouldn't have been able to re-record it even if I had wanted to.

So ... yes. A reading I am somewhat proud of, given that I learned a lot from the experience (plus the scrambling to include the missing scene did ultimately prod me into writing, casting and producing my own radio play for real, so that bit wasn't entirely usless). However, Biblical Monsters stands as evidence that one should take much more care if one intends to do this sort of thing, with the plethora of mistakes and embarassing recollections serving as a lasting reminder to myself to READ MORE CAREFULLY BEFORE GETTING OUT THE MICROPHONE!

That said, wow, apparently you've been a busy bee with my back catalogue, presentperfect.

... That sounded so much better in my head.

Um ... thanks very much and I hope none of my other readings rub you up the wrong way like Biblical Monsters did.


the scrambling to include the missing scene did ultimately prod me into writing, casting and producing my own radio play for real

That was part of the inspiration? :rainbowderp: Well, perhaps it was meant to happen, then.



sounds dumb

what the heck does that even mean

0/10 pretentious fanfic bullshit


Indeedly doodly. First ep should be out this month, too, provided the last two pieces of art arrive on time.

Author Interviewer


Correct! I assume you did some research on James Cook?

No, I looked up the name of the place that was mentioned in the story. Started with a Z. Didn't actually show up on Google Maps, but the name was given to a town and some of the other things lined up as well.

More "Optional Sequel," if you'll forgive my nitpicking.

"Official" in the sense of "endorsed". I will actually change this. :V

There are three reasons I endorsed it. The first was that it eased some readers' pain. My ending really hurt some people on an emotional level, and I wanted to make them think, not to hurt them. The second was that it eased my pain. I unloaded a lot of my own emotional baggage into "Monsters," and the optional ending brought redemption and forgiveness to my mind when I needed it. The third reason is the most depressing. Numerous commenters assumed that Celestia would destroy the world out of revenge, and would be right to do so. So when I saw an opportunity to show how wrong they were, I took it.

I"m not a big fan of people who can't take open endings, myself. Let 'em suffer. On the other hand, clearing up mischaracterization of Celestia (like I said, she acted the way I expected!) and dealing with your own hurts are a better reason to have such a thing. I still say it was unnecessary, from a literary analysis standpoint at least, but then I do love tragic ponyfic.

Minalkra actually said he wrote it because he needed closure, so he didn't intend for it to be high art. Rest assured, he's done much better work.

I will have to take your word on that. Admittedly, if I hadn't had your original to compare it to, I might have liked it better. That's the danger of continuing someone else's story, I suppose.

If he finishes it with enough time for me to read it. <.< It's on my to-read, at least, it looks promising.


The audiobook was a hodgepodge that, while I'm proud of some bits of it, makes me cringe a little today. It doesn't do much for one's credibility to, um, completely forget a third of a chapter when posting it. Very much a "D'oh!" moment. I hope pray like to think I've improved a lot since then or at least haven't screwed up quite so badly. Likewise the accent thing. When I first started reading it I skimmed the whole thing and liked what I saw, so I got out the mic, set aside some time and recorded the first couple of chapters. Then the 'Oh bugger, they're Canadian? But I've already been recording in Cockney and Welsh for three hours!' moment arrived when I ran across the James Cook reference. At that stage it was a case of either go back and re-record everything or plough ahead and made an apology at the end.

I'm rather impressed you came up with the character voices you did right on the spot, then. I get the feeling you do (or did) a lot of sight-reading rather than pre-reading stories before you record?

That said, wow, apparently you've been a busy bee with my back catalogue, presentperfect

I've got all your fic readings in a playlist. I've hit a spot where they seem to be fairly short, too, so I'm going through them quickly. I'm really looking forward to hearing Shutdown. :D

... That sounded so much better in my head.

Have I ever told you you're adorable? :duck:

(FYI, I'm TakeWalker on YouTube, so this is not our first conversation. :B)

Um ... thanks very much and I hope none of my other readings rub you up the wrong way like Biblical Monsters did.

At least now I understand why it affected me the way it did. The only other one so far was Derplicity. Like I said, I already know you're good, and these are your earliest works, so I'm keeping that in mind. :)

There was something so innocent about those seaon 1 google doc fics...

What does hold up well is Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie does not do well in all these epic adventure fics, but she's perfect for slice of life stuff, and I think we've forgotten that.


I'm rather impressed you came up with the character voices you did right on the spot, then. I get the feeling you do (or did) a lot of sight-reading rather than pre-reading stories before you record?

Currently I have close to a hundred fic readings in various stages of editing. My work schedule and other RL stuff means that I don't have much time for sitting and reading for pleasure these days, so when I pick a fic to turn into a dramatic reading, I can usually only give it a quick skim. Sometimes this means I can get halfway through a shortfic and abandon the attempt if the SPAG is too bad (I have been known to attempt a sentence seven times before calling it quits because the punctuation makes it so difficult to understand). :twilightangry2:

I admire you for being a prereader. My actual job involves a lot (a LOT) of editing incredibly bad writing and trying to be nice about it. I couldn't imagine doing it in my spare time too. :raritydespair:

I've got all your fic readings in a playlist. I've hit a spot where they seem to be fairly short, too, so I'm going through them quickly. I'm really looking forward to hearing Shutdown. :D

Looking at the reviews you've done, I think I can guarge around about where you are. I'd be interested to know your opinions on some of the upcoming ones - especially A Silent House, since that one seems to slip under people's radars a lot and it handles the age-old cliche of character death in a rather believable way, I thought (though I am, admittedly, biased, for reasons I state at the end of the reading).

When you're done with my playlist, might I recommend Goombasa and Doctor Cobra next? The latter intersperses regular readings with clopfics, but thankfully he labels them as such, so they're easily avoidable if that's not your bag, but he has produced some really top notch readings of well-written fics (his renditions of The Trouble With Sympathy and Blue Steel Railway stand out in particular).

Author Interviewer


My actual job involves a lot (a LOT) of editing incredibly bad writing and trying to be nice about it. I couldn't imagine doing it in my spare time too.

I would rather do it as a job. Pre-reading fanfic doesn't really work as experience, it seems. ;_;

And I've got like a two-page list of fanfic readers for when I'm done with yours. D: I'll add those guys into, but it'll probably be a while. (Oh look at that, prince of penguins was already on it!)

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