• Member Since 30th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2014


More Blog Posts72

  • 502 weeks
    I'm sorry

    okay i cant stand it anymore im so so so so sorry to my two friends Brony kaiju and 2006midnight for doing this but i jcst cant stand this anymore you two where the only ones i could talk to who would get and understand me no one ells does though even with all this information right in front of them they wouldn't get it but you two i give a big thank you to you two but i to everyone ells i give a

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    44 comments · 659 views
  • 503 weeks
    i never thought this would happen

    Never in my wildest dreams did i ever think someone would deticat a story to me it made my heart feel so happy that someone would take the time and do that and the story described my emotions so perfictly that you have to read this story to know how i feel then you will understand what i am truly saying here is the story

    3 comments · 408 views
  • 504 weeks
    thought this would be fun to here

    i was at the mall on my moble phone using fimfiction with Jessie looking material for our costomes and new shoes and Lily need new hair bands what ever they are but what i didn't notes that theres a man following us and when i split from Lily and Jess to look for material the man was still following me so when i was in a store that sold fabric the man came up to me and asked me a question he

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    30 comments · 556 views
  • 504 weeks

    Hay every one i feel so much better today now with Halloween coming up is anyone doing something for it me and Jessie do something every year, this year im going as Pinkamean Dian Pie the Cupcake killer and Jessie is still thinking i guess but last year we went as two team fortress characters i went as the gender swaped scout and Jessie went as the doctor person who ever that is i don't know team

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    39 comments · 465 views
  • 504 weeks
    .... I'm sorry i have reached my breaking point

    I'm sorry if i annoy so many of you i just got into something i didn't think would go the way it would but i falled to do what i said i was going to beacuse of my feelings the person i was talking to wasn't very nice but out of respect i will not ever say his name on this blog or anwcer any quetions about what happened i see it know a a privet matter but this isn't what this blog is about it is

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    9 comments · 508 views

Hi I am soooooo sorry · 9:18pm Sep 4th, 2014

I'm so sorry for all the trouble i caused all of you, if you saw my last blog post you should have seen this comment

thanks but its gonna be hard to convince me this time calm i love that you care about me its just i dont see what you all see i dont see why i should live if all im gonna do is suffer i can reach the life support system i could un plug it if i wanted to but i dont want Jessie in the hospital when i do :ajsleepy:

I am so sorry if I worried you all I promos you all i am alive. And if you all know calm winds you should have seen this comment on my last blog post

>> rainbowangel409
No Angel... you are right. Convincing you isn't going to be easy because after what you've been through all this time... i can understand why pulling the plug would look like a release.
We can say "i'm so sorry" we can say "i hope thing get better" and we can say "keep your chin up" all we want, but it's not going to change your life. We can only offer you the comfort that SOMEONE out there cares, we can't offer you direct comfort.
That is precisely why i said you have to live for whats in front of you. We can't hold your hand, but Jessie can. We can't give you hugs, but Jessie can. We can't show you love... but Jessie can.
Jessie is only one person, but she can do more for you than all of us put together ever could. You said the look on her face when you were revived was devastating? Can you imagine what would happen if you died?
Death is an irreversible easy way out. You'll be free of what ailed you... but it will destroy those who loved you... it will cause them more pain than could ever have inflicted on you. Think of those who truely care and can show you love angel, even if it is only Jessie. THINK OF HER. Please...

i have thought so much about my life and the past and iv thought about the future, Calm your right i cant imagine what it would be like for Jessie i can imagine her even waring a black dress at a funeral not my funeral not ever, she is there for me she is the love of my life and i will always be there for her as she is for me, than you calm wind for helping me see the right way it shouldn't mater if I had a bad past it is the past nothing can change it but i have the option of having a future with Jessie, with my siblings, my mother, my friends,....... and when i bare my new child his or her too and Jessie needs me if im going to carry our child so i am glade to have her, thank you.
And i give a thank you to all that help me through this every single one of you
- snowflakes in the snow
- FamousLastWords
- Brony kaiju soldier
- PrinceSS Charming
- Spiderman here
- Soaring Soarin
- SoarinDashFanZ
- Majestic potato pheasant
- Darth Redbeard
- Unbridled Dolly
- Calm Wind
- DarthSylar12
- PlayBitz
- Fantasia Archsage
- Commander Rainstorm
- Kestrel
- Skiing567
- blackmaskthebrony1256
thank you all for helping me through this i am very grateful to have you all as friends i am happy that you where all willing to help me thank you all so so sooooooooooooo much and again im sorry if i worried you all, and im sorry i didnt respond to all of you comments i was sleeping but thank you just thank you all so much for caring about me.
till next post,

Report rainbowangel409 · 627 views ·
Comments ( 61 )

Hey, I'm glad you saw the light, err... so to speak. You'll get through this like you always do :raritywink:

And Calm is right, we can only provide you with wishful thinking, we can't actually make things better for you, but we'll do what we can! :twilightsmile:


No problem :twilightsmile:

I know they're just empty words for the most part coming from me, but you gotta keep your chin up and look to the future. Live for your love and your future baby, look forward to tomorrow. :raritywink:

i will look to the future and think before i make a decision and i will stay alive for as long as i can :twilightsmile:

After everything you've been through don't expect me not to be there for a friend who has gone through so much throughout her life. You're one tough person to have soldiered on this far and I'd give you a purple heart for braving through everything:heart::heart: I know about things that are military. When you think about all the crazy shit that has happened over the years through out the world we should be thankful alot of it is behind us but the people who have lived through it have experinced hell in there lives and they only want to tell their stories. I'm glad you thought about the love of your life because when you think about it she's your everything and you know she'd have been so devastated if you took that course of action. Many people in history have chosen this path and alot of these people have no morals in their lives such as japanese soldiers wilingly killing themselves because they were taught it was dishonorable to their emperor if they surrendered or suicide bombers who would not think twice about taking any innocent people with them. You have the support of all of us as your friends who have kept up with you over the past couple days and more importantly you have a woman named Jessie who is going to spend every waking moment of her life making you as happy as you make her and when you get married it will make the both of you even happier. That is all I have to say and like I said earlier I'm not gonna stop being there for any of my friends who need me the most. Your heart beats strong and only you can keep it beating even stronger than before:heart::heart::heart::heart:. Live life to the fullest and never dwell on any bad experiences you've had.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile: It's good to know you're doing ok.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile:


Yeah, that's actually one of the things I've said about suicide before to someone else on this site... "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." You'll get out of this someday, nothing lasts forever, not happiness and not pain. You've dealt with more than your fair share of pain, so I'd like to think happiness will be coming soon :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much i am so glade to have you as a friend
I beleav the worst is over for me They have found my dad and he is going to be in jail fora long time and they even found his so called 'friend' that was with him when they violated me so they are both going to spend a long time in jail i am free from all the hurtful words my father has told me i am free from the betting i am free from him and while they where doing so test they found out that he isn't even my father it seams i was a girl that was kidnapped from my mother and my dad no my kidnapper told her that he was the father and faked it the inter time so i have yet to meat my really father who the doctors said they have all ready contacted him and i just cant wait to meat him i just hope he isn't what my kidnapper was like :twilightsheepish:

2427942 I'm happy to help and so long to those douche bags I hope they rot in jail for all the shit they put you and Jessie through.

I'm so glad we were able to reach out to you :twilightsmile:

I may have said those words to you, but i had everyone else behind me. They all wished for you to live just as i did. You have friends here Rainbow. We all care. This fandom never leaves a good person behind, ever. :raritywink:

We will always be here to comfort, listen to, and support you in any way we can. :eeyup:

Also, i read the comments, so he's not your real father? That actually really warms my heart. It was so wrong to me that a man would be so cruel to his own flesh and blood. I'm so glad they caught him and put him in jail, you deserve some peace.

Also, you're going to meet your real father? That warms my heart even more! Finally, some happiness you deserve! I hope all goes well with him :eeyup:

I'm happy you're all right. If you ever need a friend let me or anyone else here know. We're here to help. Godbless.


Well that's certainly a twist! :rainbowderp: I think you're right in saying the hurt is over. I'm sure your parents will be so happy to see you. I hope you're happy now :pinkiesmile:

You also get to introduce Jessie :twilightsmile:

You would not know how ELATED I am to hear that! You really had me worried. I couldn't have you turn into Cousin. As Kestrel so perfectly put it, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. And it's so enlightening to know that that soulless man is being put away. Tell us how it goes when you meet your real parents!
It's truly amazing to know that you are seeing a brighter day. Just knowing that someone as sweet as you was being hurt so badly, and knowing that there was nothing I could do about it, it made me feel guilty and ashamed. You could not believe the smile on my face as I read this(which happened to really hurt because I just got home from marching band rehearsal, but it was worth it). "Happy" is the biggest understatement of the century right now. I feel euphoric.
Just know that, if you ever need someone to talk to, not only am I here, but also everyone else is here. We love you Angel. :heart:

eeyup i do i hope this guy who my dad is excepts me and i cant wait to see my mother again she has all ready meet Jessie guess i forgot to say that my mom was my real mom :twilightblush:

i will be sure to ask if i need help :twilightsmile:

yeah i cant wait to meet him and the doctors looked into his files and they said he lives in Missouri not to fare from where i live its about a two hour drive so it will be awhile till i meat him :twilightblush: but i am so existed :raritystarry:

Thanks a lot Angel. :twilightsmile:
Calm could have not said it better.

thanks and its just my dad that im meeting my mother is my real mother guess i didn't say that :twilightblush:

yeah he is a good friend :twilightsmile:

2428061 Oh, well that's good too. How did your mother take you being a lesbian? Did she know about all the stuff you went through?

She is okay with me being a lesbian hay my older brother who is 26 is gay so she is fine with it in fact she loves Jessie so much they get along so well, and she knows about all the things i have gone through know in fact she visited me yesterday :twilightsmile:


Missouri's a good place :raritywink: not that I'm biased XD

Although just stay well away from Ferguson if you go :ajunsure: I'm not sure if things have simmered down over there yet.

2428088 Well that's comforting to know that at least SOMEONE so far has accepted you for who you are. I may be a Christian, but I'm okay with homosexuals. Heck, three of my good friends are homosexuals(one of them is you :trollestia:). My uncle is gay.
Those who are unique are also the same as everyone else. Words I live by. (I happen to have Asperger's Syndrome and am deaf in my left ear. But I'm fine. No one treats me differently, so I don't understand how homosexuals are treated differently) It's good that you are getting the happiness that is long overdue. I hope it can stay that way :twilightsmile:

2428088 Let me know how meeting your dad went. I happen to live down in the furthest southern state.

2428101 You gotta actually write out Applejack.
:applejack + unsure: = :applejack unsure: = :applejackunsure:
Sorry, just helping you out, don't take this the wrong way :fluttershyouch:

2428107 Okay, okay, I got this. (I happen to be horrible with geography)
So you live in... Either Texas or Florida? I happen to live in Florida :moustache:

okay i will promos :twilightsmile:
oh wow it mustbe tuff for you when you have a disability and def in on ear :rainbowderp:
i herd about Ferguson it's a shame about the death of one when we should all just exsept each other for who we are not on the color of our skin its hard having to chues between two sides so i just don't chues one and i just wait for it to stop :derpytongue2:

2428139 Eh, it's okay. My friends and roommate know and accept this. I also have ADHD, but it isn't too bad... at times :pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh:
Lol, but on a serious note, I do happen to know how it feels to be isolated, incase you've ever felt that way. So we could talk if you need it.

2428139 I hear ya kestrel events like that are horrible.

2428170 Eeyup!:eeyup: I live in central how about you?

Comment posted by PrinceSS Charming deleted Sep 4th, 2014

2428173 Aaaand, that's where our - surprisingly long - similarities end. I live in Gainesville.

2428199 Oh, you aren't too far. :twilightsmile:
And Rainbow Angel, sorry if you get offended by us having a conversation on here :twilightsheepish:

oh no im not offended go ahead :heart:

2428221 Oh okay. I remember an author had yelled at me for having a conversation on one of their stories :fluttershysad:
2428215 I've noticed that I keep running into people that live in Florida. I think someday we're all going to be neighbors and not even know it. :rainbowlaugh:

oh wow tatsreally mean i dont care if anyone has a conversation on my storys or blog posts i really don't :twilightsmile:

2428274 Eeyup I agree with ya there.

2428286 Well that's good. Seriously, the world needs more people like you.

2428288 Oh my gosh. I just realized I spent 3 HOURS on this site! I finally corrupted convinced my roommate to become a brony, yet she still thinks I spend way too much time on here. I've really gotta get off of here; may the day that Trig was invented be cursed. But it was nice talking to you.
And Angel, I wish you the best of luck with meeting your dad.

Glad to hear this:pinkiesmile:
I wish you all the best :heart:

2428306 Aight catch ya later Gator. I might go and PTFO on battlefield on my xbox one or play some minecraft on my 360.

This world is pretty cruel and will do some messed up stuff to you but no matter what you can't let the world keep you down you got to stand on your own two legs keep moving forward I know that you've gone through some fucked up stuff but I hope the future holds good things for you

Thank goodness! We were all incredibly worried! :pinkiesad2:

I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're all very glad that you realized that you're not the problem. And what did I tell you? I want to know EVERYTHING about your new life with your biological dad! And he better treat you right or I will kick him so hard his 2nd cousins will feel it.

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