• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen April 12th

Between Lines

A purveyor of intelligent literary commentary some of the time, and whatever I feel like the rest of the time.

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    Fallout Equestria: A Star to Steer Her By

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Between Lines Reviews Things He Likes and Why. · 8:36pm Dec 21st, 2014

Welp. Been kind of a rough month-ish for writing. Lots of craziness on my end. So! After chatting with my friends and reminding them that I can at times be of a witty persuasion, I've decided to take some time and talk about the things I like and why I like them.

Mostly writing, because hey, FIMfic, but let me take a brief moment to shout out to Guns of Icarus Online, Cloudbuilt, and Sun Age: Battle for Elysium. These are all fantastic games at the right price, and I know GOI and Cloudbuilt are on sale for the better part of a song right now. So go get those.

Anyway, today we'll be browsing through a very special folder of mine. Ever since libraries were introduced, I've made it a point to create one library devoted especially to those works that I feel rose above and beyond the common tale. It is these that I'd like to touch on today, simply because all my other categories of literature would take the better part of a week to sift through.

So, in some sort of order I can no longer remember, the 28 best stories as I see them on FIMfic.

"If You Ain't Got Anything Nice to Say..."
Right off the bat, I enjoyed this story because it was funny. Full stop. It's got the right touch of blatant absurdity, with a nice snowballing effect that makes you curious to see where it's going next. BUT, funny alone is not what places it here. No, what makes it aspire to something greater is the darkness in the fic. It's been said, (and I paraphrase) "were all men to know what others thought of them, there would not be three friends in the world," and this fic takes that premise and RUNS with it. It goes from amusing, to hilarious and harrowing to watch the story play out, and to see ponies subjected to honest assessments of themselves. Not to spoil anything, but the story really pulled ahead for me when Twilight's turn rolled around. It was such a frank and honest examination of her character, and especially her flaws, that really put this one over the top.

"Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger"
This one I read a while ago, and my memories are a bit rusty, but I remember what made it shine was how low key it was. It's very much a character piece more than an adventure, and it manages to capture the sense of wonder that comes with good sci-fi. It was fun to watch the characters interact, and some of the twists were really quite smart. All in all, it did a great job of pulling me in, and getting me invested in seeing how it all played out.

"Just An Assistant"
You might start to notice a pattern here in that I'll praise a story for being willing to go to a dark place. This story is just one such instance. It put a whole spin on the Twilight/Spike dynamic that I simply cannot unsee, and I'm honestly a little galled that I didn't pick up on it myself. It really opened my eyes to something that was sitting right in front of me the whole time.

"Halo: On the Wings of Angels"
Now, I'm going to throw up a disclaimer that I am one of the first in line to tear a crossover to shreds, and I'll cut in line to tear into a mainstream crossover. That said, this one I actually enjoyed. There was some handwaving, sure, but it actually got me invested in Twilight's journey both through space and as a character, and that's really what makes a good story. Halo: OtWoA: The only Halo crossover I ever liked.

"Where No Mare Has Gone Before"
This one was a loooong time ago. One of the better Pony on Earth stories I read, its review sadly suffers from my flagging memory of it.

"This Platinum Crown"
Oh god. This story. This story. This gosh dang beautiful story. This masterpiece is possibly the single greatest piece of worldbuilding on the entire site in my opinion. I simply can't offer it praise higher than that. Sure, the references get a little silly sometimes and I have to take a point away for that, but the meat of the thing is just so incredibly rich and ambitious I don't even care. The magic, the nations, the politics... it is probably the only story I've read that truly opened my eyes to what imagination could turn Equestria into. I wish this was the show. I wish this had been the show we'd been given.

Another golden oldie from my early days on the site. This one gets points for... well I think it might be overmuch to call it the *first* sympathetic changeling fic, it was certainly the first one I read and enjoyed. Nice, original worldbuilding for changelings, and just a grand old time as an adventure.

"The Immortal Game"
If This Platinum Crown is the king of worldbuilding, than TIG is the emperor of epics. This story turned Equestria into a true, sweeping adventure the likes of which I have seen imitated, but never surpassed. This thing blew my mind, and took me on a non-stop rollercoaster of dueling gods, dark histories, and some of the most downright impressive battles I've ever seen. Ending was the tiniest bit of a letdown, but I can understand why they went with what they did. It certainly does nothing to blemish the unparallelled legacy this story has left in my mind. For all its faults, its scope and mastery of vision have set a high-water mark in my mind that I have never since seen beaten or even matched.

This is one of those stories that you know you should finish. Just from what I've read, I know I should. I really should. Maybe I will today? That sounds like a good idea. But yes, fantastically rich AU world, even from what little I've seen so far. It's a testament to its ability to fascinate that I haven't even finished it, yet have included it here with full confidence that it belongs.

"Pillow Case"
Honestly, this feels like the most *real* Pony on Earth story I've ever read. The fate of the world is not at stake, there are no heroes or villains. It's just an adorable bit of culture clash that's not too light, not too dark. It feels... I almost hate to say it for being called a fool on it later, but it feels *honest.* It feels like we're seeing characters, and not the pawns of fate and high adventure. They're just people, and that sort of balance and self restraint can be far harder than flinging some armies together.

"Exit Though Canterlot"
I'm a guy who's willing to overlook a story's flaws, provided it has vision. This story's got just a TON of vision. Much like "Just an Assistant" it took something I took for granted and spun it on its ear. I wish I could say more, but that one instance of how it totally shifted my view on Octavia just completely outshines anything else I could say. Another story I need to finish.

"Castle Walls"
Honestly, this one's partly in here in a memorial capacity. What we had were the beginnings of a great new Equestrian AU. What we have now is an incomplete languishing after the second chapter. Here's to you, Castle Walls, you will be missed.

"Terms of Employment"
Concept. This one is 100% concept. I can give it props for concept, main character, and... really not much else. I know that sounds harsh, but... it was so unique it earned it a spot up here anyway. Another sadly incomplete story.

This one earns a WTF spot because it's such a bizzare mashup of characters that still manages to work. I'd kind of have to put this one in league with Pillow Case just for being such a unique and well-done character study. I'd still rate Pillow Case a little higher, but it's a gold and silver situation.

"Left With a Kiss"
Hmmm, when I first put this in here, it wasn't yet complete. Now that it is... I'm gonna say it's grandfathered in. Nice worldbuilding and interestingly damaged characters make this a memorable piece, and one that (misgivings aside) ultimately deserves to be up here. Ending was a little sweet to my taste considering the tone of the rest of it, but I suppose you can't lose 'em all.

"The Song of Syhlex"
I love, absolutely love, stories that paint a darker picture of Celestia. The thought that she ruled the throne of Equestria for longer than most empires have stood, without being on some level a force of godly fury is just absurd. I think this story is one of the best executions of the concept, and so deserves a spot on this list.

"First Impression"
This story gets in here mostly because Griffon the Brush Off was such total crap. With one hand it gave us Gilda, then with the other took her away. This story is possibly the most elegant retcon of that terrible, terrible episode I've read, and I love it for that.

"First Contact is Magic"
Eakin wrote it. I decided to put it in here. I think I might have been looking for Arrow 18 when I did that. Ah well, I'm sure it's good. I think.

This fic... I do love this fic. I've already vouched for a love of dark, and this one fits almost perfectly into that mold. I enjoy the concept of paying a price for power, but being willing to pay that very price. I think it's a fascinating look at Rainbow Dash with some spiffy worldbuilding to boot. Kept me hooked from beginning to end.

Sequel to Faster, this one shares a lot of the strengths (he he) of Faster, and likewise receives a commendation. Incomplete, though I dearly wish it wasn't. I least I spoke with Einhander and have some idea how it would have finished out. Cold comfort, but comfort all the same.

I swear I'm gonna put this thing in a category all its own. It, the Immortal Game, and TPC. This is the changeling story. No others need apply. Visionary may have been the first I enjoyed, but this one is the best by far. It paints a rich picture of changelings, neither good nor bad, with a hero who's flawed and not particularly special, but in such a perfectly Samwise Gamgee way that you can't help but love him. Top of the top, 10/10.

Just as I like dark fics, I like reversals too. This is the best subversion of Blueblood I've ever seen. If I were using a mic, I would now drop it and walk away.

"Minding the Gap"
I liked this fic because it took something so mundane for a relationship, and made it appropriately strange for the circumstances. Once again, as is the theme, it took what I'd expected or hadn't thought of and turned it on its ear.

"Bad Future Crusaders"
It's no Immortal Game, but dang if it doesn't come close. Characters I love, a future I want to explore, and all sorts of fun touches like the outside world being more technologically advanced than Equestria. A new favorite but one of the best.

"Conversations in a Canterlot Cafe"
I've always been a fan of old Goldfur, and the sort of wacky social conventions they're willing to play with. I'll say straight off that the dialogue can be more wooden than a spruce forest, but somehow everyone comes out endearing enough that you really don't care.

"The Sun and The Rose"
This is the ONLY HiE that made it on this list, and really the only one I'd argue is a real romance. Again, top marks in my most important areas: Dark, Worldbuilding, and Characters.

"Voyage's End"
This story is probably the reason I can't really remember what Eakin's first contact story was about. I could praise the writing or the characters, but really it boils down to how the story captured the wonder of first contact, and that drive to reach out and touch the stars. My favorite first contact story on here, even more than Arrow 18.

"Forbidden Memories"
Dark ancient Celestia history again, but here the presentation really shines like an absolute beacon. Not only does it give us characters stumbling across Celestia's secret, but it happens so organically, and how they react to it is beautiful. Syhlex made it on here, but Forbidden is arguably the cream of the crop.

Somehow, this last entry didn't make it on here, but as soon as I started this list, I knew it had to.

"Biblical Monsters"
I've had dark stories in my list. I've had character studies in my list. I've had first contact stories in my list. This tops them all. It captivates with a grim fatalism that is... it defies description. Reading this was like taking a hammer blow. I loved it. I love all these stories, but this one is the one that I'd have to call the best, above all, in here. More than anything, it manages something special, it manages for its darkness to achieve that level of honesty that makes it truly chilling. This is one of those rare stories where, upon seeing it, you find yourself sitting in front of the screen and admitting to yourself "that would happen."

Anyway, That's my best of the best. I flagged a bit in some points, and honestly I really should have devoted this list to a "worst of the worst" or at least "flawed stuff I loved but is still disgustingly flawed, but this is what I went with.

If anyone else loves these, or thinks they're unrepentant crap, I'd love to hear!

Report Between Lines · 870 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

very nice. I'll let singularity dream know you're doing reviews.

I'm glad to see that you enjoy the same stories I do. Means you are a upstanding moral individual. Plus I like the fact that you did a whole post about the stories you really enjoyed. Wouldn't mind seeing the 'flawed stuff I love' stuff through. I've got quite a few guilty pleasures of my own that fit into that category.

Also, you have been absorbed by THE MASTER LIST.

Wait a second I'm not on this list

2670995 You speak for yourself!


I thought we were friends man. How could you do this to me


So, wait.

Are you telling me.

That you're asking.

How could this happen to me?

Aww, thank you so much for the addition of S&R on this list. It makes me feel good to know that people enjoy it.

2715210 It's my pleasure, and like I said, only true HiE that made it on the list. You really did a bang-up job. Also, "humanity's greatest passtime" was a cute little treat as well.

WGP is a complete crackfic. I'm equal parts shocked and flattered that it's doing so well.

By the by, there was a SEQUEL to the Blue-Blood groundhog day fic? Readin'.

Uhhhh... anyway, were you joining in on the 'The More Most Dangerous Game' competition?

2716145 Oh, the sequal is AMAZING. Where The Best Night Ever could at best be described as your basic high-concept premise, "This Platinum Crown" just runs with it, and really makes an amazingly fleshed out world while doing so. It feels like the difference between the story you though you should write, and the one you wanted to write.

I'm flattered that you're curious, but no, sadly. I'm not particularly fond of any of the subject stories, so that kind of puts me off this round. FoE was alright, but not good enough to get me to abandon work on my own projects, which, despite evidence to the contrary, continue to be worked upon.

Why didn't someone tell me I'd been reviewed here? :pinkiegasp: I really appreciate the praise.

I'm also glad to see enough time has passed that reviewers can now mention my story without starting a flame war. :facehoof:

2914708 Hey, it deserves it. Most powerful story I've read on this site, bar none.

Found this little gem while looking for how you felt about "Twilight became an alicorn in only a year". I get the feeling I might have gone too far.

As for the content of the post, I find myself agreeing with many of these stories and adding the ones I have not read into the "to be read" list. (I don't care if it is 400 fics long, I'll get to it... maybe.)

I am disappointed that incomplete stories are on here like Halo: On Wings of Angels. But your list has had me look back at stories I originally wrote off as gimmicks. Not that I should be one to judge since I have read some pretty shitty stuff and liked it, probably even worse than gimmicky.

3858780 Yeah, upon reflection I think I put the argument in a thread where people were debating whether the first few seasons took place inside a year, and I argued they hadn't since we had multiple cycles of winter episodes, and Celestia's wording was vague enough to be interpreted liberally.

Sadly I cannot search my old thread posts to find it again.

I personally like multiple years passing; it allows for growth. Though for the targeted audience, a year is a long time. As people get older years become shorter and shorter since they become a smaller fraction of someone's life.

Maturation for whatever age the Mane 6 are would not span just one year in my opinion. I feel it also does more of a disservice to her friends cause it lessens the impact they had on Twilight's life. But I also do not like Alicorn Twilight since her accession seems trivialized. The author JawJoe really put into words what I was feeling.

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