• Member Since 26th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen April 30th

Harmony Pie

Rapists can climb

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  • 233 weeks
    I’m 17 and I’m leaving 👋

    Goodbye weirdos

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  • 285 weeks
    16th Birthday

    Aw, heck. It’s that time of year again. I cannot believe it’s been 3 years on this site. That is far too long great. As you all know, I’ve been highly inactive. I still have ideas, no doubt, but the motivation is fizzling out—I haven’t had any interest in the show for like a year already. It’s a great platform for writing though, and I’ve definitely learned a lot much from it.

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  • 322 weeks
    Modern/Fantasy Story

    So, as you guys might remember, I was planning on entering the writeoff competition. And... that didn’t happened. I made an account and wrote almost 3,000 words, but I just couldn’t finish. It was stressing me out too much, for some reason, and I couldn’t find the time with everything else going on. Not that it really matters to any of you, because it was never meant to be posted on this website

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  • 324 weeks
    New Story

    First off, I just wanted to thank you all again for your condolences with my late grandfather. It is very appreciated.

    Also, as you probably noticed, I posted a new story. Well, “story” may be a bit generous; it’s just a bunch of ramblings and mini fics, but still. (I updated it earlier today, and was a bit confused when it didn’t show up in the recently updated)

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  • 325 weeks
    My grandfather’s dying

    He’s currently on hospice, and is expected to pass in the next few days. I’ve never really dealt with something like this before. My grandmother (his wife) had broken her back a while ago, but I never really realized the full gravity of the situation. She’s okay now. But I don’t have hope anymore. He’s been battling cancer, and unfortuntely, he’s losing. I have my first high school musical

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Shipping: Yay or Nay? · 10:02pm Mar 21st, 2017

In terms of my own stories (which are far and few between—sorry!) what do you think I should stick to? Or, what are you looking for here? I would really like to know your opinions (and perhaps a couple ships!) I've never tried a longer romance story (my longest being The Music Box)... which could be interesting, to say the least :P

So, vote?

Moar Shippy-shipping:ajsmug::heart::raritywink:



Comments ( 33 )

I used to... but now I ship Pinkity.


Because they just look so cute together!

Classic ship.

Either one will be positively adorable since it'll be written by you. :twilightsmile:

I ship TwiShy Its adorable

Shipping is always nice and you write it well.


*hmm-ing intensifies to the millionth power*

I'd say shippy-shipping. :moustache::heart::unsuresweetie:

Because shippy-shipping has more ship and I like ships. My favorite ship is the Millenium Falcon, though.

As a confirmed non-shipper I'll say I can accept any ship an author manages to sell to me. But you have to sell it to me. Write the love story, and make it made sense? Good for you. Start you story with the relationship already established and expect me to accept it just because? Shame on you.

An author can make any ship work. The trick is, you have to actually go to the effort of making it work.

wasted a perfectly good opportunity to say "yay or neigh"

4466644 My god they are perfect! Just hope she doesn't eat her too fast.

Well about shipping. I'd say go for more friend-shippy but try new pairs. After you've gotten used to these new characters then try some romance stories with them. This will can help in all kinds of ways. (Unless your me and the characters you intend to friend-ship look like a couple.

Comment posted by Violet Rose in The Rain deleted Mar 21st, 2017

That depends on the ship. PinkieDash-shipy-ship, RariJack-Friendship Odd Couple style. I can go on but it really depends on the ship in question.

I am like a harbour. I ship all the ships.

I think they're both really great forms of shipping. But remember, you can also try to portray a relationship between family; such as brothers and sisters, or parent and child. That's still love, so, in a way, I consider that to be shipping.

There's never enough RariJack!

But I can't think of very many friendshipping stories about Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

Assuming that was the real thrust of your question, both would be good things to have more of.

Ship everything

Everything is dependent on execution, and I have every confidence that you'll nail it!

The good ship RariJack should set sail once more. :rainbowlaugh:

Though honestly, both kinds of shipping have their appeal. :twilightsmile:

I quite agree with you. I enjoy a relationship story much more when it draws me in and makes me want these two characters to be together. Show me the why and the how or even the why not. Make it believable and you as an author are doing the story justice.

Nay. I want to see more friendshipping. Of course, if that's okay with you.

Whatever is more comfortable for you to write. :twilightsmile:

Friends-ship. If you wanna write romance, idc, but you'll have to take at least 15k(+) words and several chapters to get me to like it.

Yay, I ses.


As in more shipping. (Or whatever you are comfortable with)

The joke is I made a spoonerism... ish halfway.

Whatever makes you feel comfortable. But I prefer friend-shipping.

I would also like to add a word in favor of friendshipping. It's underappreciated, and that's really a shame - doubly so as this is Friendship Is Magic we're taking about here. We are writing in a setting where acts of friendship can literally do miracles, because friendship generates magic.

Not all relationships have to be romantic to make entertaining reading, and it would be nice if friendships got more attention.

Don't care which; your stories are cute either way.

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