• Member Since 21st Nov, 2016
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Silver Inkwell

"Take me away to a dream and I will live like it was real, wake me up to reality and I'll live it like it was a dream."

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125 Followers, Q&A Time. · 7:59am Mar 23rd, 2017

Ask me anything you want.

Comments ( 8 )

How old are you?

Whats yours hobbys?

1. Uh, I was bored and someone on Discus said "Sunbutt"
And I was like "Sunbutt" and they gave me the link to the story.
And I was like, "Okay, I totally need an account to save this story."
And then I was 'born'.
2. I don't really do video games anymore, but I used to do Runescape.
3. I'm looking into welding.
4. He's okay I guess... (I haven't really listened to his music before so...)
5. Yes.
6. It's okay I guess.
7. Yes.
8. Well since I have actually gone scuba diving before I would say this.
It's very difficult to get it on.
So like? Eh...
9. Yeah, I guess, if I had enough Legos/ clay/ the right materials.
10. I've never really played around with a radio before so...
11. No.
12. Yes.
13. Nutella.
14. Right.
15. IDK, I never really asked anyone to compare me to anyone else before.
16. Oh, tough one. It's probably a tie between Cats and Dogs.
17. My boxer? He's probably a 1 (with 10 being the best.) [He used to be around 6, probably]
18. Uh, why?
19. I tried it once, I still can't stand up, but if I could, then yes.
20. I did.
21. I was bored one day and said, "Hey, let's watch this" (I was REALLY bored).
I watched one episode... and then the next... and then another... and then...
22. Voluntary, duh.
23. Not the boots, and I hate flip flops so sneakers it is.
24. I like painting, yes, but not enough materials or time.


2. Writing, duh.

1) What is your favorite kind of cheese?
2) White or wheat bread?
3) Who is your favorite band?
4) What college, if any, do you want to go to?
5) Have you ever thought to join the military?
6) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
7) What is your dream job?
8) Which eye is your dominate eye, right or left?
9) Have you ever gone fishing. If so, do you enjoy it?
10) What are your political views? (Guys, no flame wars please).
11) Star Wars or Star Trek? If Star Wars, do you like the prequels or the original trilogy? If Star Trek, do you like Kirk, Picard, or Janeway?

1.Swiss and/or American (but mainly Tillamook)
2. Either.
3. Can't really say.
4. Uh...
5. Yes.
6. Paris.
7. Being an author, duh.
8. Right, I think.
9. yes I have, no I don't enjoy it.
10. Republican, but I don't mind not voting.
11. Both. Original Trilogy.
For Star Trek it's a tie between Kirk and Picard.

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