• Member Since 30th Aug, 2015
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Lighttone GryphonStar

I write stories because I enjoy them. I want to do better and am willing to take any advice to improve.

More Blog Posts380

  • Monday
    Saffron is searching for answers continues

    The brand new side story to the SWWC series continues with it's first proper clop scene. Saffron has to get information from Burnt Oak while keeping him very happy. Some kinky old man stuff is going to happen in this one.

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  • 1 week
    Saffron is searching for answers on what happened to Canterlot

    A brand new side story to the SWWC series is here. This time around, Saffron goes in search of answers to what happened to Canterlot. Hoo'far is offering up quite the price for these answers. The true question is, just how far will she go to get them?

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  • 1 week
    June Schedule - Hoodwinked Returns - SWWC Season Finale - Three New Clops - Where Is Everypony?

    Hello, everypony. Enjoying Pride Month! I did plan to have a gay fic come out this month but after the utter chaos that was May I've decided to trim back on some clops. Not to say its over, but outside of finishing Sleeping Dragon and posting a holiday piece, the only other clop you are getting is another side story of SWWC.

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  • 1 week
    Sleeping Dragon Sequel

    Yes, as revealed at the start of this month, at the end of this month, I've brought back Sleeping Dragon for another story. This time, Coco and Sassy how to watch Spike... and not sscrew him. Sorry if I can't say anymore. I currently have a massive headache.

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  • 2 weeks
    Where is Everypony has a new chapter

    Yeah, this is a slow burn, especailly at the rate I'm posting them, but trust me. The pacing is on purpose. I don't want Spike to be just thrown at the monster instantly. For now, the added mystery around each disappearance is growing with this chapter as Spike has no idea how close he is to the truth.

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The Next Preview of Journey To Heartwarming - A Monster and A King. · 5:58pm Nov 16th, 2017

Anyway, sorry for the late post, I know that I have told everypony that the preview would go up Wednesday, but yesterday was a little crazy for me so I didn't get much done. Either way here is the next preview of the story I have set for July. Now remember this is still a rough draft, I'm showing this off to get your reaction so I can improve on any problems so give me as many comments as you can.

Miles across through the water stood a great castle. It stood against the waters, completely unaffected by the giant waves that thrashed against it. Inside the castle, many sirens stood guard. They refused to move despite the shivers quickly covering their bodies.

The siren in the front, a bold blue one with a dark green mane in a lime green brigandine armor and a royal blue cape stood ready. He smiled as he felt the cold hit his face. “The beast will soon be here.”

“Yes, my King,” a red siren approached. “Soon we will have revenge for what he did to our land. But most of all…” The red siren stopped and looked away.

The king looked to his general. He placed his hand upon the soldier shoulder. “It’s okay to talk about what happened. I above all of you want my revenge for what he did.”

Suddenly, a white mare in a nurses uniform ran onto the field. The red siren’s eyes went wide upon seeing her. “What is it beloved?

She looked to him for one moment before turning toward the king. “Your majesty, King Crisis Blue. I’m sorry to bother you at such a time.” She bowed to the king. “But sire, it has begun.”

Crisis Blue looked to the nurse and frowned at her words. He gripped his sword tightly and looked toward the red siren. “Fugue Dazzle, defend these walls until I return. Do not let that beast in here.”

“I understand my king,” he bowed as the king took his leave.

The king turned toward the path that the mare had come from. He took a deep breath as he walked before breaking into a run. He passed by many empty chambers, the sounds of screams filling the castle as he went in deeper. They became louder and louder the further in he travelled.

Soon he came upon the source of the sounds, a room that glowed with a fiery light. His eyes strained and his breath weakened as he reached for the knob. He turned it and opened the door. Inside was a mare screaming over a bed covered in her blood. Nurses left and right tried to clean the blood as the main one stood by her head with a rag in her hand.

“Just keep pushing my queen,” the main nurse urged her.

Crisis Blue moved closer to the bed as the grip on his sword weakened. He rose up his free hand and gripped the queen hand tightly. “Don’t give up, soon you will be free of this curse.”

The queen looked at him and weakly smiled at him. Her screaming softened and her hand pulled him closer. “Crisis, my love. Please don’t be angry with--”

Crisis Blue’s eyes strained into a near tear. “I’m not angry at you. I’m angry at the beast that defiled you with this curse.” A tear fell from his eyes and his teeth gritted.

The queen’s smiled turned into a frown as her eyes widened. She pushed him away as the final pushes broke forth. Her scream intensified as she pushed with all her might. The nurses backed away out of fear as the sound became more terrifying. The bed shook as ice began to cover it. It spread from a certain point outward over the sheets, slowly covering the queen’s body.

The king trembled upon these sounds as he rose from the bed. He looked at the sword in his hand, the grip returning. He looked to all the nurses. They turned their faces to him. Soon though they looked down as they walked toward the exit. They left the room without saying a single word.

He took a deep gulp of breath and gripped his sword tighter as he lifted it above the bed. The queen weakly raised her hand to the sword. His eyelids fell as he turned the tip downward. “Don’t worry, my love. I will avenge you.”

On that, he dropped the sword downward. The screaming stopped and the ice halted its movement over the bed. The queen shivered as she reached for the king. Her hand pulled at his armor until her shivering stopped. The fires in the room went out and the glow vanished. The room went completely silent upon her hand falling to the bed.

Moments passed like hours as he nurses stood outside of the room expecting an answer. They looked back and forth to each other. Finally one of them even reached over to look. However, they quickly pulled back as Crisis Blue let out a rageful scream. They held their mouths as they ran away.

The king’s roar echoed through the castle and carried through to the outside. Outside Fugue heard the roar of his king and turned away. His wife grabbed her mouth in horror. Fugue pulled her close and placed his head over hers. “I’m sorry, I knew he would do it. It was needed if we were to win.”

Suddenly they pulled away as snowflakes began to fall around them. The wife looked to the sky. There was no cloud in sight. “How? How are there snowflakes?”

“Snow and cold shall always follow in his wake. Be warned, for the first sign of him is a snowflake.” Fugue looked upward as he gripped his sword in its hilt.

“Soldiers, soldiers,” one of the sirens on the watchtower shouted. “He's here--” Instantly he was stopped as the snowflakes swarmed around the watchtower. They moved like blades in the wind, cutting through the tower until it toppled to the ground. The sirens scattered out of the way as the tower shattered like glass.

“Stand your ground.” Fugue pulled out his sword. He swung it up high, shouting to the sirens around him. Hearing his words they shook free from the shock. He pointed his sword toward the opening that had been made in the castle and the sirens charged toward it. He smiled in hope as they charged out of the castle. He looked to his wife before joining them. “Stay safe.”

“Come back alive,” she reached over and kissed him.

He pulled away and smiled greater as he turned and he charged forward. He ran over the remains of the watchtower and jumped onto the now frozen ocean around them. He slipped slightly but held his footing. Straightening himself, he quickly found his footing and ran across the ice. He looked to see his soldiers already clashing with the beast.

Many of the soldiers were already turning to ice in the claws of the beast as he tossed them to the ground where they would shatter like the tower did before. The beast stood strong and larger than any of them knocking more down as he moved. The sirens threw spears at him, they tore through his back and shoulders yet he refused to relent.

Fugue held his sword in front of his face and began to sing in a strange language. The sword glowed with his words. Once the brightness of the sword was too much he stopped his chant and swung. Sounds from the sword moved through the air cutting like a saw. The beast charged forward not stopping upon hearing the sound of the attack.

The attack hit head-on, digging into his flesh and pushing him back to the ground. Fugue rushed forward and jumped into the air. He landed and dug his sword deep into the beast's back. The beast flailed as it rose up.

Fugue winced in pain as the beast's blood splattered over his arms. “Bring him down!” He wailed in agony as the blood began to freeze up his arms. Hearing his words every siren nearby jumped forward stabbing their own swords into the beast.

His blood splattered over many of them. The frost like blood began to freeze him to the ground. The sirens were willing to let themselves be frozen solid if it held the beast in place.

Fugue’s wife ran over on top of the ruble as she heard his screams. “Fugue!” She looked at him as tears fell from her face. He looked at her and smiled, chanting one final song.

“Vivat Rex!” was his final words as he pulled with all his might. He ripped out his sword as it glowed a new color, tearing the beast’s back wide open. Blood splattered over the entirety of the beast as well as Fugue. They were both frozen to the bone.

Fugue’s wife grabbed her mouth as the battle went silent. The remaining sirens stood ready for anything. However, things seemed to stop. Fugue’s wife rushed forward. She ran to the frozen block. One of the sirens tried to stop her but another stood in that one's way. She slowed as she got closer. She came to a dead stop upon them. She looked at her husband lying dead on top. She placed her hand upon it. A cold wind blew over them as the silence became deafening.

Without warning, cracks began to form. The mare trembled upon this as she backed away. However what happened next sent shock waves through them all.

“You took what was mine!” the beast spoke as the ice shook. “YOU TOOK WHAT WAS MINE!!” Chunks of ice broke away as he pulled his body free. With one final twist, he broke free completely and jumped forward. He grabbed the mare in his jaws and fell into a roll.

The remaining sirens rushed forward. They tore their weapons into the beast, all of them aiming for his mouth. The beast arose and swung the mare around in his jaws. She wailed in agony as she pulled out of the sword hanging out of his body. She stabbed the sword under his eye, making him let go of her.

He dropped her to the ground and pulled away. He reached for the sword, pulling it out. The sirens ran over to the mare only to find her somehow unharmed. Two of them pulled her up and moved her to safety.

Meanwhile, the beast took the sword and beat it against the ground as he twisted and shivered. His wounds ached, yet he threw the sword to the side and reached into his cloak. “You took everything that was mine. You took that what was mine.”

“Yes I did you beast.” the king stepped out of the castle. He stood ready at the entrance. His sword covered in red maroon colored blood. “And you defiled what I loved.” He held the sword toward the beast.

The beast smelled the blood coming from the sword. His eyes widened, “NO!!” He roared as he pulled out a large viking sword with a bone handle and runes over the blade.

The king smiled at the massive sword. He held up his own sword and pointed to the beast. “Do you worse beast?”

The beast swung his sword downward. It broke through the ice around them and sent out blizzard-like winds. The king jumped to the side and charged forward. He jumped into a roll in the air. His sword sliced into the beast’s arm, cutting the limb completely off, making the beast drop the massive sword. The king landed and smiled as there was no ice on his own sword. The King turned around and charged again. This time though the beast grabbed him and threw him back into the castle.

The king crashed into several walls before landing with a hard thud. He pushed at the ground, ignoring the blood pouring from his mouth. His eyes widened as the beast charged into the castle and bit his teeth into the king’s arm. The force of the movement pushed them deeper into the castle, making much of it crumble around them. Once the beast had stopped his movement, he lifted the king into the air, before tossing him to the side. The beast took a breath and spat up the blood pouring from him. He turned away from the king and ran down a hallway.

The king slowly arose. He found his arm completely broken and blood was pouring out of his side at a fast rate. He found that his crash had screwed a long piece of wood through his stomach. It was too big to remove, so he left it and stood his ground as the castle crumbled around him. He knew where the beast had gone to. He looked to his siren citizens as they ran out of the place. He gritted his teeth and shouted to the nearest subject, “Burn the castle. I will not let the beast leave.” Hearing his words, they set fires as they left. He smiled as the fires quickly covered everything in sight. He spit up some blood and looked toward the hallway that the beast left through. He took the sword into his free hand and pushed forward.


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