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The Last Jedi (Edit. Warning ye who enter. Venting and Whining ahead) · 7:02am Dec 19th, 2017








Stay as far away from this piece of flaming shit as you can. Don't go see it. Don't support it in any way. Just stay far away from it. If you go to the theatre, go see ANYTHING else other than this insulting chunk of garbage.

This guy, the Dishonoured Wolf, sums it all pretty well. Don't worry about spoilers cause this disaster of a movie is worthless anyway. See this video instead of watching the fucking movie and save your money.

Fuck The Last Jedi.




I walked out of the room half-way through the movie. Yeah. When Rey beats Luke... I walked back in after a few minutes after I vent my anger, then I left for good when Snoke died. Or so I thought, but I came back again just in time to see Luke die.

I cried. I fucking cried. I cried at the absolute butchering of one of my favorite trilogies, my favorites movies, and one of my favorite characters ever. When I was a kid I always hoped to one day be just like Luke Skywalker, to have his faith, his courage, his moral standing, his strength, his intelligence, his bravery, his outlook and insight to see good in people. This fucking movie made me so angry I threw what was left of my popcorn at the screen and stormed out in pure rage. I was so looking forward to this movie, I had such high expectations, to see Luke guide Rey and pass on the mantle with dignity and respect, for Luke to die sacrificing himself at some point to defeat Snoke, to see Leia pass on peacefully, to see Finn raise and become something of himself, fucking anything other than what we got. But no, we got this flaming piece of putrid, festering, vomit inducing, brainless, directionless, and utterly pointless shitstain.

Fuck The Last Jedi. And Fuck everyone involved in turning it into what it is. I ain't watching any new Star Wars films ever again. The original trilogy is Star Wars for me, now and always, and the prequel trilogy a guilty pleasure (Rogue One too). Fuck the rest.

Report Ekhidna · 1,270 views ·
Comments ( 49 )

................. I had respect for you. I had MASSIVE respect for you and you were one of my very first Spike writers that I actually liked...... a lot of that has gone down the fucking drain because of this...... whining post.

Gonna have to agree with 4752838 on this one. While I haven't seen the movie yet, the parts of this blog that I've read without spoilers seem like an extreme overreaction on your part.

I am very, very sorry. But please, see it from my point of view. Star Wars... means a lot to me. Luke was my personal hero back in the day... what they had done to him in this movie... I cannot forgive.

Maybe its all the rage I have in my system. But I just came back home after a late screening with a few friends and other Star Wars enthusiasts, and the anger I feel is blinding me. Right now I don't care, I had to vent somehow and at least prevent people who like Star Wars at least half as much as I hold it dearly in my heart from seeing The Last Jedi.

I have never done a whining blog-post before, always doing so with sarcasm and criticism previously, but this one... this one struck me in the heart, deep.

Again, I'm sorry if you lost your respect for me over this blog, VampDash, but I mean every single word. Please, at least try to understand that I just witnessed my childhood hero, a character I came to love and admire with all my heart, being butchered to pieces before my very eyes.

I wish I was overreacting, Echo, I wish I was.

Yet when I read this post I don't see that. I see a kid who can't accept that things have changed, that his hero isn't the pillar and paragon of good and he doesn't want to accept it. He can't accept Luke Skywalker has ACTUALLY CHANGED from how he was in the past. Sorry that reality had to set in for him but I actually liked it. And I would also point out his death was FAR from meaningless. Unlike Han? He got to go out on his own terms. He died at peace and in confidence that someone else was going to save the day. He died AS THE LUKE SKYWALKER WE KNEW FROM CHILDHOOD. To ignore that and focus on only the bad parts, only see the worst side of things, means that you have failed as a fan to see this message.

I agree. It did come across as whining.
But you know what? It doesn't matter, because to him, this is one of the franchises close to his heart, if how Ekhidna worded it is any indication. I myself don't have one, but if I did, you can bet I would be pissed if they did something like Lat Jedi did And I watched the movie, so don't accuse me of being a blind hater who parrots reviewers. Everyone has a breaking point, and this was it for him and others. I imagine the prequels were that for others.
I dare you to go see a movie of your favorite franchise-whether it be a continuation or adaptation being irrelevant- and not get upset or downright pissed if they ruined your favorite character.
If you lose respect someone for them voicing their opinion, that says far more about you than you say about them.

So it's okay for someone to whine and complain at random but when someone has the guts to call them out THAT'S when it's wrong and horrible. And for the record I did see a butchering of my favorite character. I was mad. No scratch that try FURIOUS but guess what? I didn't just chew out the movie for that flaw. There were other legitimate flaws that I didn't like that actually hurt the movie. Just the butchering of my favorite character set me off something fierce. So don't come at me like you think I don't know how he feels. I do. And funny thing is. You wanna know what other movie had this happen to it? OH RIGHT! THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. But it's OKAY for that film to be worshipped on a fucking alter while you tear this one apart since it's 'Not a True Star Wars film' whatever that IS anymore according to purists.

You have to look at it from Ekhidna's point of you, not just your own. While he may have overreacted somewhat, that was literally his childhood getting shattered from his perspective. Also it's a bit shitty that you said you lost respect for him because of a post about a fucking movie, that is overreacting in itself. I'm not saying that Ekhidna is completely justified, nor am I saying you are the bad guy in this situation, but you have to have perspective.

And my respect being gone? That wasn't him voicing his opinion. It was him voicing it but acting akin to a giant child that broke it.

I watched someone whose comics actually did save me from suicide get mulched on the big screen. Guess what? I didn't throw a giant tantrum like this.

Well you are throwing a tantrum right now, over a post about a movie. While he may have sounded whiny, which he fully admitted to, you're kinda overreacting to this. I mean no ill will towards you though, you do you.

Throwing a tantrum... right. Breaking down someone else's whining and complaining and showing why it's actually sad and utterly childish is throwing a tantrum.









Even worse, I bought it on iTunes.
So now that flaming piece of shit will haunt my Purchase History for eternity.

Was the popcorn good?
How much hit the screen when you threw it in disgust?

After reading the comments - everyone chill !!

People are allowed to vent sometimes.

And for one-offs such as this I wouldn't consider it 'whiney'.

Maybe I am acting as a kid right now. But that Luke has changed is not the issue. The issue is that his character has been deconstructed into something that is completely not Luke Skywalker. The whole character of Luke was butchered in this movie. He had some good moments here and there, and I actually do agree that at least his death was the only thing in-character he had left, but everything else was just not. Luke Skywalker would've NEVER, EVER try to kill anyone over vague visions, much less his own nephew. If anything, Luke would've done everything in his power to prevent him from treading that path, much like his father, Darth Vader, did.

Next, why is the force a bad thing and suddenly sees Jedi's as secretly evil when he himself was the prime example to the contrary? With him facing the Emperor and denying the Dark Side even after being pushed to the absolute brink, stare at the abyss, and hold his ground in the end. He, who saved Darth Vader from himself and brought back Anakin Skywalker from that same abyss. And now thinks that his father was turned evil by the Force and not the Emperor? Uggghhh.

And just to clarify something, I care not that Rey defeated him in a one on one combat (despite she having absolutely no logical reason to win aside from plot), I just found it entirely stupid. A girl that is less than a Padawan beats the most powerful Jedi Master? That is silly.

And not just Luke, Leia... oh god, Leia... the most she showed, ever, in relation to the Force was her empathy and ability to sense the peril of others. There was SJW and feminism laced all over the movie, massive plot holes, and Snoke... way to waste such a promising villain.

I did like Kaylo to an extent. And as I stated before, Luke's death was actually touching and had some meaning behind it. But everything else? No.

The way you present this criticism of the author's post feels a bit unjust though. It's not as if he personally insulted you, he just complained that he very much disliked a movie due to its course of events that conflicted with his emotions. All I'm trying to say is lighten up a bit

You're misunderstanding what the movie was saying yet again but why is that a shock.

You must really hold Star Wars on a high pedestal if the movie got you THAT angry. I mean, some people liked it, some people hated it. I might belong to the latter, and I do have a little trouble understanding what's so likable about it, but actually ruining it for others who might be enjoying it in theaters is going a little far.

Maybe he should take your advice as well.

Finally someone gets it

I see you everywhere, why do we like the same stuff so closely?

You see, that's how you should have presented your criticism. If that's what you meant overall, I would not have said a word to you. You came off with an edge, so my bad for not understanding, but you did seem a tad emotional. Once again, I mean no ill will.

It wasn't just that but yeah it was one of my more really major complaints.

Dude, you sound like the people that lost their shit when Lucas had the 1997 extended editions released, every sequential edit Lucas had made, the release of the Prequels, and fuck like a sizable chunk of people with the release of The Return of the Jedi back in when it first came out.

So what Rey beat Luke, Luke beat Vader in The Return of the Jedi. And so what Luke died, Hello Force Ghost!

Bitch, they killed Han in Force Awakens, and they are going to have to write how Leia died off screen for the next movie. GET OVER YOURSELF! Fuck there were people that were pissed to no end that Obi-Wan died, hence the whole Force Ghost ret-con as seen in Empire Strikes back.

"This is the end for you, my master."

Well if that's all, then carry on ol' chap. My business has been concluded, buenos noches.


As I stated, it means a lot to me for very, very personal reasons. Luke most in particular. But now I can feel myself calming down, so all this really helped me. Personally, I love it for the journey and some characters that strike close to home (Luke, Han Solo, Darth Vader, Lando, Boba Fett, amongst others). I don't consider myself as a purist or something idiotic as a "True Fan"; if you like something for whatever reasons, you're a fan, end of story. But Star Wars, much like other franchises like The Lord of The Rings, The Witcher, Metro, and a couple more hold a dear, personal spot in my heart, and in this case, one of my favorite characters of all time too.

Again, I apologize, but thanks for your input.

Oh yeah, they were good and I hit the middle of the screen... alongside almost everyone else in the room.

Thanks for being understanding, dude. I just needed some time to cool off. And though I was acting without thinking much, I still mean every word I said.

Meh, you just needed to vent. I help people with stuff like that everyday so I had no trouble understanding where you were coming from. Buenos noches senor Ekhidna.

You're acting like this is going to make up for what this was. Look I get being mad.... but this is ridiculous. You actually do less favors for yourself then you think. People only are on your side right now because you seem hurt and they don't think you could handle criticism. This isn't..... I really hoped you would have liked this movie. You don't and I respect that..... but this? This isn't excusable. Throwing a whole blog post together because of what happened in the movie and actually going 'STAY AWAY!' is just..... I can't condone and defend that. That's just disgusting in my opinion. You shouldn't tell people to stay away unless it's like..... The Garbage Pail Kids or Drop Dead Fred. This isn't one of those cases. But hey what do I know. I'm one of the many who did like it and felt the ending was satisfying. I'd explain and counteract each one of your previous points but I get the feeling you wouldn't listen and just throw another blog post together to complain about my comment. That's how childish and whiny this comes off as. I don't even trust I'll have a rational conversation with you.

Buenas Noches, Señor Hotpocket.

Haven't seen it yet, but I will be.
I've been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember.

That said, I am FAR more interested in the side-story movie coming out early next year that is titled 'Solo'.

Who's being childish now, Vamp? I have clearly stated my motives and reasons. If you don't understand where I'm coming from with this, that's fine. I put that big sign of STAY AWAY! because that is how I feel about the movie. You liked it? GOOD! I am happy you like something I genuinely don't. I was venting, and I was whining, but I still stand strong in what I stated. I hate this movie. With all my heart and soul. But that doesn't mean I dislike or hate others who like it for what it is. Yet you immediately dismiss me, thinking me unable to hold a solid, logical discussion with you, just because you're not even bothering trying to understand that I hate this movie that is less than a pile of flaming shit in my eyes.

I hate it and I want people to stay away from it. Do I have any power to enforce my point of view on others aside from what I'm doing now? Of course not. But I am glad that people can like things I don't, because that's what they like.

Do I think this movie is worse than the Emoji Movie? Hell no. Worse than Cannibal Holocaust, The Room, Drop Dead Fred, The GPKM? Not even close. As a movie, despite the several script plotholes it has, I would actually recommend it with a solid 7/10. But as Star Wars fan? I cannot recommend this movie, even though I kinda liked the Force Awakens (still peeved about Han Solo). It is simple as that in the end, I realize now.

I accept I made this blog in a moment of anger and frustration, wishing nothing more than whine and vent, and that is indeed childish of me. But you must also admit that your own anger at this blog is also childish to a degree, much like my own is towards The Last Jedi.

That's the problem. TELLING PEOPLE TO STAY AWAY. That's where the problem lies in it dude and you're not seeing it. You're basically saying 'DON'T GIVE THIS MOVIE A CHANCE BECAUSE I SAID SO'. You're already telling them that no matter what they think the final word is that the movie is a pile of trash.

Again. Unless it's literally the second coming of The Emoji Movie or Drop Dead Fred? I don't see people liking to be told to stay away from a movie purely because your opinion says so.

Oh, and one more thing, do you know what would be even more childish of me? Delete this blog and bury it. But I won't. Because I want to come back and see on a later date this thing I made, to remind me I lost my cool and wanted to vent in an admittedly idiotic fashion.

That's strange indeed. No offense to you, but I don't think I've ever seen you anywhere.

As someones who's never seen any of the Star Wars movies, I can honestly say I had no intentions if seeing it to begin with. Still, the disparity between the critics reviews and the reactions of the fans seemed a bit odd to me. That feeling only got worse after a good number of the reviews I've seen online focused more on the diversity of the characters than the story itself. It harkened back to the Ghostbusters remake for me. I'm not saying that the new Star Wars is as bad as that was nor am I saying women taking the lead a la Aliens is a bad thing. My point is, though, that when reviewers shift the focus away from the story itself, it usually means they're trying to get us to ignore it. Normally, I try not to pay attention to RT reviews because they aren't as good but when the contrasts are as stark as they were for this, I get a little wary. So, as a movie itself as a vehicle for telling a story, was it that bad?

Comment posted by VampDash deleted Dec 19th, 2017
Comment posted by VampDash deleted Dec 19th, 2017

I'm with you on this one man, haven't seen it and don't plan to. Though this is just a symptom of Hollywood's inability to come up with new material forcing this nonstop stream of reboots.

Yes. It was that bad. Massive plotholes, Ray is now a Mary Sue that has everything handed to her. And the Feminism and SJW propaganda are so painful to watch, though nowhere near as bad as in Ghostbusters 2016. As a movie itself, I would recommend it because it looks absolutely beautiful and the soundtrack is amazing, but from a storytelling perspective, not taking into consideration long-standing fans or any casual viewer into consideration, it is a heavily flawed movie.

I adore Alien and Aliens, and Ellen Ripley is my main heroine of all time.

What both of you don't understand is that the more you tell me to stay away from this movie the more I want to see it ((even if it takes pirating to get it)) because I want to see what's actually wrong with it.

Also I haven't seen Rogue One or The Force Awakens.

The thing, people has to actually like new things that come from Hollywood. But we the fans rarely do.

I'm trying to think of a movie I've seen advertised in the last few years. So far it's just spider man, marvel, a Tarzan reboot, star wars, then a handful of politically charged flicks. ( examples of any given side accounted for):rainbowlaugh:

No...No...the Feminazi's and Politically Correct arrived to Star was too...please tell me I am hallucinating...

Luiz #46 · Dec 24th, 2017 · · 3 ·

yup, the movie is garbage...

From what I heard gender politics played a huge part in this movie's downfall. But what do you expect when J.J Abrams priorities a diversity quota before making a good movie.

The game may not be good but you have to at least admit the portrayal of Luke is not only done way better than The Last Jedi but he is exactly what most of us hoped he would be like in the film. Hope this helps.

Maybe it's just me but I actually took a lot away from the prequels in Anakin. To be careful of my emotions, to show patience and to be weary of those that speak constant sweet words without any tough love. As a millenlial I could really relate to him in his confusion and frustration. He was the "chosen one" but what should that mean? He is better than the others but that feels meaningless. Obi-Wan is less powerful than him yet he still shows him up somehow but he refuses to reveal why. He is the most powerful person in the jedi order so he should be on top yet he isn't and they constantly make excuses that make no sense or that he at least doesn't understand.

One thing I do fear is that the sequels can never have a large EU grow up around them. Despite how hated they are the prequel EU was just as large and expansive as the one of the Original trilogy. If anything it's better because the prequels have a much more cohesive and well thought out world.
The fact that the EU thrived and made tons of material set during that era means that even if the movies themselves were hated they didn't really damage Star Wars at all.

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