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PONID-21 Day 16 · 11:36pm Jul 19th, 2020

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Discord / Penny 1/21/2021 6:01 AM
You guys aren't going to believe the dream I just had!

Torch / Bob 1/21/2021 6:03 AM
New name? I kinda had the same vibe.

Discord / Penny 1/21/2021 6:06 AM
Huh? Oh! Yeah. Not sure why, but it feels right. Not sure though. Might change it to something else. I like Torch, very dragony.

Torch / Bob 1/21/2021 6:10 AM
Thanks. Feels good to know who I am and what I am. What were you saying about a dream?

Discord / Penny 1/21/2021 6:17 AM
Right. So there I was dreaming. It was a fun dream because we were all there having a cream pie fight, when I heard someone having a whole other kind of "cream pie" nod nod wink wink say no more!
When I found them, they were dreaming too, and you'll never guess. They're a noodle like me! But they didn't have as many awesome friends as I have (that's you guys) and they seemed worried about a bunch of stuff.
So I helped remind them that there is no point to being a noodle if you don't have friends to be noodly with. What's the point in being a god if you don't have mortals to mess with? /s
Anyway, she seemed to have a better handle on things. Apparently it was some kind of parellel world or a deeper level of reality. Don't know, don't care. She needed a hug and I gave her one. Lisa would be proud.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 6:20 AM
Why are you typing?

Discord / Penny 1/21/2021 6:12 AM
Just describing a dream. But I don't think it was just a dream because it felt too real. I think there was something noodly about it.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 6:15 AM
I am proud of you… Are you sure you want to be called Discord?

bɿoɔƨiႧ / Penny 1/21/2021 6:16 AM
Is this better? I don't know. All this name stuff seems like something I should probably be lampooning.

God-Noodle The Magnificent Rule 1/21/2021 6:17 AM
Damn. This one was too long. Wait!

God-Noodle The Magnificent Ruler Of The Entire Universe, Unbound By Name Lengths! 021 50:99 ZT
I should probably not do this...

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 6:19 AM
Penny, do you want a name?

Penny 1/21/2021 6:20 AM
Yes please. My name is problematic.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 6:22 AM

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 6:23 AM
What does it mean?

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 6:25 AM
Greek goddess of chaos. She busted into a wedding she wasn't invited to and started a war. Specifically, she caused the Trojan war.

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 6:26 AM
That's perfect! A noodly name if ever I heard one!

Torch / Bob 1/21/2021 6:29 AM
I'd say that this isn't how names should work, but I don't think our noodle is ever going to do what the universe expects of her. Right?

Torch / Bob 1/21/2021 6:40 AM
Huh. Gone quiet. Guess she really liked the name.


Seth 1/21/2021 8:09 AM
Uh, guys, I think you might want to casually go and see the boss. There's something going on outside and I think he might need some support.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 8:12 AM
On my way. Did you have fun last night?

Seth 1/21/2021 8:13 AM
Yeah. You might want to hurry. There are some guys in hazmat stuff approaching the front doors.

Camera footage shows Celeste Cunningham standing inside the front doors of Alrude Biotech's medical research campus. Through the doors that are partially covered with biohazard warning signs, people in big plastic suits can be seen advancing.

Celeste Cunningham begins talking, "Sorry to interrupt you all, but I've got a live report from within Alrude Biotech, where people are approaching in protective equipment. Waiting to welcome them is Doctor Howards, head of research, several members of his staff, as well as Lisa Trent and Penny DeSanto, both of whom are recovering patients here.

"As you can see, one of Doctor Howards' team is opening the door now…"

"I'm Doctor Philips from the CDC. We understand you have a new SARS-CoV-2 mutant?" The man in the protective suit asked.

Doctor Howards seemed to stumble with his words before just nodding. "You have all our research notes—at least I have been forwarding them."

Doctor Philips' suit nodded. "How long have you been instituting quarantine for? The reports I received were mostly regarding the actual bio information, but I'm going to need everything." Pausing, the doctor turned around. "Alright. I want a negative-pressure filtration tent set up here. We need an area for decon as well."

Doctor Philips turned his attention back to the inhabitants of Alrude Biotech. "Don't worry, Doctor Howards, we'll get everyone through th—These are two of your patients?"

Lisa Trent steped forward, standing upright and wearing a loose and long shirt that covered her from neck to her knees. "We came as representatives of the people infected. Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Anything at all." The second to move forward, Penny DeSanto didn't walk and didn't wear a stitch of clothing. She floated through the air, looking nothing so much as a Chinese dragon with an identity crisis.

"Well," Doctor Philips said, "I don't suppose you could just wind the clock back on all this?" That it was a joke was obvious.

Penny DeSanto seemed about to snap the fingers on her paw-hand, but then reached up and rubbed her jaw. "I don't think I can do that. You see, if I undo it all, then I wouldn't exist as I am. There's a paradox there, and I don't want to tempt the universe to notice me too much." Completely opposed to the doctor's response, Penny DeSanto seemed dead serious. "I think it would be like going back in time and killing my parents."

"Please, be careful what you ask Miss. Eris, she has a tendency to take things far more literally than you could ever imagine." Doctor Howards shot Penny DeSanto a wink. "Shall we discuss this further in private?"

"That might be a good idea." Doctor Philips looked directly at the camera, allowing a view of a man in his early thirties that looked as thin as a rake.

The camera pans back to Celeste Cunningham. "That's it for things here. I'm getting the signal from our liaison that—"

Outside, where the CDC people in their containment suits were already starting to unload equipment, several people in military garb were engaging in an argument with someone in a protective suit. The camera focused in and zoomed.

"It seems all is not quite as calm as we'd hoped." Celeste's voice sounded serious.

The scene cuts back to the news desk. "We're sorry, Celeste. We have to cross back now, but we have people monitoring your feed who will be ready to cut back if any new developments occur."


Mike 1/21/2021 9:21 AM
@Derpy / Lisa @Eris / Penny Are you two okay? What happened?

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 9:24 AM
Military guys from darpa got here a little late. They figured anything involving strange things that might have military applications were theirs. Arrived about twenty minutes after the CDC guys, though.

Gabby / Ass 1/21/2021 9:26 AM
Far out. So what's happening? Do you need any help?


Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 9:27 AM
Gabby? Cute name.

Gabby / Ass 1/21/2021 9:28 AM
Thanks! It just came to me about an hour ago. I feels right.

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 9:28 AM
You own it, you hear me? And if you ever want something to be angry at, gimme a call and I'll make you some Daleks or something to shoot.


Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 9:29 AM
I think we're fine. The CDC guys are reading the military goons chapter and verse about them having jurisdiction. Apparently they'd gone the whole hog and brought a few lawyers with them.

Karen 1/21/2021 9:31 AM
Anypony need any help or just want to chat today?

Steve 1/21/2021 9:34 AM
Actually, I'd like it if @Suzy and me could get a dual one?

Suzy 1/21/2021 9:35 AM
Yes please!

Karen 1/21/2021 9:36 AM
That would be fine if Suzy agr… Great! I take it you'd like this after lunch?

Suzy 1/21/2021 9:38 AM
Before, actually. We've done all the prep for lunch, but still have to do it for dinner.

Steve 1/21/2021 9:39 AM
Before… That. We can get our kitchen-hands to handle serving.

Interview with Carrot Cake (Suzanne Timmons) and Cup Cake (Steven Smith)
male and female, respectively
age 35 and 38

Transcript of conversation with notes added from my clipboard.

ST (Suzanne Timmons): Thanks for seeing us on short notice.

SS (Steven Smith): Yeah. It's been hard to catch you on a day when somepony wasn't having a massive crisis

Notes: Both Suzanne and Steven were professional chefs before this started, and during their time here have managed to exchange sexes, become ponies, and still retain their talents for cooking. Perhaps even exceeding their previous skills.

Notes: Using their original names and initials as their new initials are the same.

KS (Dr. Karen Simpson): Sorry about that. If I'd known all this was going to happen, I would have had my own team here offering help and advice. What can I help you with today?

Notes: Steven and Suzanne looked at each other and giggled a lot.

SS: We're married!

ST: Yup! We didn't want to tell anyone yet, but we needed to know we're not insane.

SS: My name is Cup Cake.

ST: Hardly surprising with that ass. Damn… Oh, sorry. My name is Carrot Cake.

Note: Yes. This was going to be a confusing day.

KS: Would you like to elaborate?

ST: Before all this we'd never met. The more pony we became, mentally, the more…

SS: … we fell for each other. We also tend to finish…

ST: … each other's sentences. It's crazy, you know? My mom said one day I'd meet a guy who like Cup is to me, but I'd never seen it happen. Never felt it.

SS: Carrot is just… He blows my mind. Any time I can't quite get a flavor profile right, he knows what to use.

ST: You do the same for me!

SS: Only on sweet things. You're the master of savory.

ST: Yeah.

Notes: They spent several moments just gazing into each other's eyes. They were practically teenagers with their first big love, but there was something more here. For one, they were both adults approaching middle age.

KS: I'll be honest here. I'm seeing slices of other people coming through in everypony… everyone. But so far I don't think it's harmful. It seems more to be a side of the person that was always there, perhaps even a side they were missing. This is all highly unprofessional, but I would say if it doesn't hurt anypony, and you're both having fun, why not?

Notes: Well, I was right about one thing, it was unprofessional, but it felt right to say. Damn it, they're so cute together and they feel right together. They even do all the cute things couples do together. Why can't there be a little happiness out of this mess?

ST: That's… pretty good. I don't think we're hurting anyone.

SS: Tell that to my…

Notes: Carrot Cake stuck his hoof in Cup's mouth.

ST: Karen doesn't need to hear that, Cup.

Notes: Cup Cake divested herself of Carrot's hoof.

KS: So I gather you're comfortable as who you are?

ST: Yeah. I'm Carrot Cake, a stallion.

SS: And I'm Cup Cake, a mare. It just feels right.

ST: If only we didn't feel like crap from the flu symptoms still.

SS: Oh! I know a cure for that!

KS: Why don't you two go and take care of that?

Post session notes: Life. I'm finding myself erring more and more on the side of "go with it". The changes are affecting me, too, and like the others I'm not immune to their effects.

—Doctor Simpson


Karen 1/21/2021 11:49 AM
No horn and no wings still. I can barely type and am using a stick to do most of it here. My teeth are starting to round out and the great orange floof that is my mane and tail are beyond belief. I've never been able to grow a lot of hair, but this is insane. I'm also now comfortable in saying that I'm no longer female. It looks like I'm joining the club of the guys, but I don't feel all that comfortable about it yet. I guess that will come. The oddest thing is my dreams. I'm finding out more about pony bodies by focusing on just listening to them. I started keeping a dream journal.


Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 11:56 AM
Karen, if you don't get your fuzzy butt to lunch so I can hug you, I will get Eris to hunt you down. Do you want to be responsible for that?

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 11:56 AM
She'll do it, too. I'm a pony-seeking missile, and my payload is hugs.

Karen 1/21/2021 11:59 AM


James 1/21/2021 12:03 PM
So my feet are pretty messed up. I can't stand flat anymore and everyone started giggling for no reason. Apparently I said "everypony".


Emergency Medical Hologram Mk. 2 1/21/2021 12:11 PM
Welcome to COVID-19 Treatment Chat, @Cele! Please @ me and give your patient ID number.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 12:13 PM
Let me fix that. I know you don't have one.


Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 12:14 PM
There you go. @everyone @Cele is Celeste Cunningham.

Torch / Bob 1/21/2021 12:15 PM

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 12:15 PM
Greetings, mortal.

Ember / Kat 1/21/2021 12:16 PM

Cele 1/21/2021 12:17 PM
Wait, Kat? You were Bob's friend, right? Err, I mean Torch. Sorry.

Torch / Bob 1/21/2021 12:18 PM
No probs.

Ember / Kat 1/21/2021 12:18 PM
Yeah. Not the first time I've changed my name, but definitely the best time!

Cele 1/21/2021 12:20 PM
Derpy made me get on here. She said she wouldn't let go until I agreed. So here I am and -- it's pretty cool.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 12:20 PM
It's true. Once you're on the hug train, there's no getting off.

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 12:21 PM
Not gonna lie, Hug Train would make a great band name.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 12:22 PM
It'd probably be a genre. Hugcore.

Cele 1/21/2021 12:25 PM
@Ember / Kat Would you be interested in an interview about it?

Ember / Kat 1/21/2021 12:31 PM
Sorry for the delay, wanted to think about it.
I'll do it.

Cele 1/21/2021 12:33 PM
I won't do it live, and I expect it will take some takes. I want you to tell me if I'm saying something that offends you, okay?

Ember / Kat 1/21/2021 12:34 PM
That the pony starting to take hold?

Cele 1/21/2021 12:36 PM
Just trying to do this right.
Possibly a little bit of the pony coming out. Hehe.

Ember / Kat 1/21/2021 12:38 PM
When do you want to do it?

Cele 1/21/2021 12:39 PM
I'll talk to Harvey and get back to you. Last I saw him he was taking as many pictures as he could of Torch.

Torch / Bob 1/21/2021 12:40 PM
I said he could.

Cele 1/21/2021 12:41 PM
Yeah, he said he had a release from you. If you ask me, I think he's in his element here. When the network sent us a care package of camera equipment, he filled up every memory card they included and asked for more.

Gabby / Ass 1/21/2021 12:44 PM
I kinda like doing photography. None of that professional stuff, though. Just birds and plants usually.

Cele 1/21/2021 12:45 PM
You should talk to Harvey. Just mention you like photography and you'll end up with a camera and someone who won't shut up about how to use it.

Gabby / Ass 1/21/2021 12:47 PM
Is he in chat?

Cele 1/21/2021 12:48 PM
No. Are non-infected allowed, or is this just for us infecteroonies?

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 12:49 PM
"Infecteroonies"? Do you normally do that, or more pony?

Cele 1/21/2021 12:50 PM
I don't normally talk like that…
Pony, I guess.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 12:52 PM
It's fine to get him in here if it means he can help with stuff.

Camera is focused on two women sitting on couches facing each other at a ninety-degree angle. One is a young woman—Celeste Cunningham, a journalist—the other is a dragon—Ember, formerly Katrina Hobbs.

"Okay, you two ready? I got the camera recording. Whenever you'd like to start…" Harvey Curtis said, sounding like he was more than done with things.

"Yeah, I promise we'll get a good one this time. Okay, sixth attempt." Celeste held up her hands and brought them together in a clap.

Celeste closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. "I'm here today interviewing Ember, one of the subjects of the recent SARS-CoV-2 vaccination study at Alrude Biotech. Ember, thanks for agreeing to this."

Her face a little unreadable, Ember managed a smile that didn't show row after row of teeth harder than diamonds. "Thank you, Celeste. It's a pleasure to be here."

"Why are you here today, Ember? What story do you want to tell the world?" Celeste looked calm and collected, but anyone who knew her would be able to tell she was nearing the end of what she was physically capable of.

"That we're okay. Things haven't exactly gone as expected"—Ember held out her arm to show off the scales that adorned it and ended by flashing her claws—"but I don't think anyone is upset about this. Certainly not me."

"You sound quite the opposite, if you don't mind me saying."

"That's because this has corrected a mistake that happened twenty-three years ago. I wasn't born female, but I've always been a woman. I was in the process of undergoing surgery to correct that when COVID hit. First, all surgery that wasn't emergency-related was canceled, then I wasn't willing to risk recovering from bottom surgery and catching—"

"Sorry, Ember, I believe it would be best to explain the terminology used here. Bottom surgery is a term for when a transgender person has gender reassignment surgery below the belt. Did I get that right?" A worried look adorned Celeste's features.

Ember nodded, trying to reassure her host. "Absolutely. There's other names for it, but I wanted the wrong bits gone. It would have been quickly done, with less than a week in hospital, but a week of laying there wondering if I'd catch something that could kill me? No thanks.

"So, when I saw this trial come up, I thought it would be a way for me to get it over with, or even become immune, so I can go and get my surgery done without freaking out. As it turned out, it made my life complete."

"What about your humanity? From what I understand, the doctors here have been unable to take anything but the most rudimentary of samples, and everything they've found has proven you to be, well, a dragon."

"A female dragon." Ember smiled again, but this time she didn't hold back displaying her teeth, but gave a wink to the camera for good measure. "I'm still me, Celeste, deep down inside. Okay, so the docs here overshot the mark a little, but I'm willing to cut them some slack with the dragon thing since I'm physically female now and I can fly."

"And there we have it. The first in what I hope will be a series of short interviews with the people inside Alrude Biotech." Celeste held her smile for as long as she thought would be needed before letting out a little cheer. "How was that?"

"That should be perfect," Harvey said. "Want to see it played back?"


Cele 1/21/2021 4:15 PM
I'm only doing this because it was the only way out of a hug. Again. Here goes.


Cele 1/21/2021 4:18 PM
I can't type in #day-4.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 4:23 PM
Oh, right. You can only make one post there an hour. I set that up to stop people from chatting in there. Let me drop that real quick.
Okay, try again.


Cele 1/21/2021 4:25 PM
My fingers are getting stiff and I think my days of wearing heels might be just about over. Over the last two hours, my feet have arched more and more until, now, I'm walking practically on my toes. My fingers are almost useless. I don't know how I'm managing to type as well as I do – whenever I look down at my hands my typing slows to a crawl, but if I look up and touch type it's fine.


Cele 1/21/2021 4:29 PM
Thanks. Sorry I screwed that up.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 4:31 PM
No stress. Thanks for taking the time to fill it out. Did you have a look around in there?

Cele 1/21/2021 4:33 PM
Yup. Seems like what I'm going through late in the day is what everypony else got during the morning.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 4:37 PM
Huh. You're right. @Karen do you want to report this to the doc or should I?

Karen 1/21/2021 4:40 PM
You might as well do it. You have his email.

Subject: Day 4 Observation (community-infected patient: Celeste Cunningham)
5:20 PM

Celeste had shown typical changes so far in her progression, but she made a very good observation herself on her 4th day. Whereas all other directly infected subjects, and our first community infection (Doctor Karen Simpson), had their lower extremities start to adapt to toe-walking before they started their 4th day, Celeste Cunningham only noticed these changes taking effect during the afternoon.

I only have her word that this has happened, but there is no reason to doubt it. I will have further examinations performed tomorrow.

—Doctor Howards

Peter Howards' Journal

Finally. Doctor Phillips isn't exactly a representative of the medical boards, but I am well aware he has all my notes and papers. I can expect a letter of termination any day now, though it will be awkward since I'm still quarantined here with everyone.

Lisa and Penny. Derpy and Eris stood at the doors when we opened them. I wondered what they were doing, but it was obvious. They were standing guard. I had no doubt that Eris would have done something to protect me if anything had happened.

How do I convince these people that I am not their hero?

Eris: Duh, it's because we like you and you're a good man. So you made a mistake. We all do that. Yours hasn't hurt anyone yet. I know I shouldn't be snooping, doc, but I worry about you, not just for you. If you need a hug, come outside and join us while we watch Zombeavers. All I can promise you is that you will get hugged and you will laugh at the stupid movie.


Emergency Medical Hologram Mk. 2 1/21/2021 6:43 PM
Welcome to COVID-19 Treatment Chat, @Peter Howards! Please @ me and give your patient ID number.

Peter Howards 1/21/2021 6:45 PM
I don't know how this system works. I put my name in and something wants more?

Eris / Penny 1/21/2021 6:45 PM
Doc! You got my message? @Derpy / Lisa get your fuzzy butt over here and let our friend chat.
Also, when she has you sorted, you better come out and watch this movie with us.

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 6:46 PM
Oh! Here, let me fix that for you.
Okay, you should be able to see the chat stuff.

Peter Howards 1/21/2021 6:49 PM
Thank you. Are you sure it wouldn't impose?

Derpy / Lisa 1/21/2021 6:50 PM
If you don't come out and watch the movie with us, I'll make it my mission to hug you all day tomorrow.

Peter Howards 1/21/2021 6:52 PM
Then I best comply. I'm on my way out now.

Prev ——^—— Next

Supreme Noodle: Have you thought about using your powers for good?

"There's a lot of stuff I could fix, and some I definitely plan to. Derpy's cooking up some ideas for a band now, she wants to use my magic in that somehow." Eris, wearing a name badge that read Hello, my name is Supreme Noodle, let out a sigh and waved her paw around in the air. "But, there needs to be something else. Don't get me wrong, peace in the middle east would be nice, ending racism too, all that kind of thing, but that all involves messing with what people think and feel. I don't like the idea of doing that. It feels like a path I could take that wouldn't be very noodly of me."

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

Support me on Patreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Please use your FimFic name as an alias. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
Ender Voidwalker
KFS Crimson
Vi Watch

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

Report Damaged · 632 views · #PONID-21
Comments ( 6 )

Well, well, sounds like our esteemed noodly physics modifier is going to be joined soon by our esteemed physics ignorer.

Also, probably for the best the CDC got there first, and brought their lawyers just to be on the safe side.

Upvote for Lore cameo.

Wait, I can't upvote blog posts? D:

"Not the first time I've changed my name, but definitely the best time!" <-- You have no idea how much I love this line omg.

Scorch? I don't remember any dragons named Scorch. I might have missed some episodes.

Ask Dr. Phillip: If catching this virus give you some supernatural power, why would you afraid to catch it? It is my impression that most human dreams to be able to fly or use magic.

5315929 Crud, meant to be Torch.

Fixed, thanks.

Still loving the crossover with the David Silver story. Noodles transcend time and space.

God-Noodle The Magnificent Ruler Of The Entire Universe, Unbound By Name Lengths! 021 50:99 ZT
I should probably not do this...

Please don't break the server, Pennycord. Computers do not deal well with chaos.

I'm Doctor Philips from the CDC. We understand you have a new SARS-CoV-2 mutant?

Oh boy. That does not sound like a person ready to accept the personhood of nonhuman sophonts...

The CDC guys are reading the military goons chapter and verse about them having jurisdiction.

Oh. Well, that could be worse.

Hmm. Orange floof on an earth stallion... I admit, I'm drawing a blank on this one. That one doctor who looks like he could be Twist's father? I'm probably forgetting someone obvious.

In any case, good to see some spin control at work for the patients. We'll see how the public reaction turns out.

Back on Day 13, Penny told her she was eventually going to be a unicorn.

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