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I realize that this is a rather unexpecting thread, but, in light of my behavior yesterday, I'd like to both apologize and provide an explanation for how I was acting, particularly to Pyro the Reader and Chill Sweet.

You see, a lot of times, I tend to have shifts in moods, behaviors, and personalities. Sometimes, I tend to behave in ways that are completely different from my usual personality, which is someone who's normally a nice, warm, and loving person. How it happens is something beyond me, but let's just say...when something makes me angry or grumpy, I change into someone who is just like how I was yesterday.

For that, I'm truly sorry for behaving in such a way. It's not how I normally am, and it certainly doesn't represent what Conservative Christians are actually like. All I was doing was trying to be honest and give my interpretation of things, and suddenly, things got out of hand because of me. Probably a reason why I don't want to be partaking in debating about things, because doing so tends to cause me to be rather snarky and rude.

So, with all that said, I will be declining myself from ever partaking in any kind of debate to prevent things like yesterday from happening again.


You see, a lot of times, I tend to have shifts in moods, behaviors, and personalities.

That actually happens to me, too. That’s actually part of the reason why I don’t normally involve myself in debates, too. Sometimes I still do, though, but not very often. :twilightsmile:


Sometimes, I tend to behave in ways that are completely different from my usual personality, which is someone who's normally a nice, warm, and loving person. How it happens is something beyond me, but let's just say...when something makes me angry or grumpy, I change into someone who is just like how I was yesterday.

Believe me, I know what that feels like. Sometimes when I get really mad or frustrated, things start to go through my mind, and then I look back and I'm like, "Holy cow, did I really want to do that?"

But see, that's when you have to stop, take a deep breath, and really think about what to say or do next. And of course, it never hurts to pray. :)

I tend to be like that as well. While I'm usually cool and collected, I can get really irritated from time to time.

You really didn't say anything terrible. I've seen far, far worse. You didn't call anyone a f@ggot or compare then to a certain Austrian politician, you're good.


Probably a reason why I don't want to be partaking in debating about things, because doing so tends to cause me to be rather snarky and rude.

Matthew 5:30: And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

You're doing the right thing brother if you truly believe that these debates lead you down the road of anger and hatred.

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