Aspiring Writers Association 44 members · 203 stories


Submit your story here.

Guidelines for making it into the official Library:
1. Submit your story to this Folder.

2. Have your story reviewed by at least three moderators.

3. Based on the judgment of the moderators, your story will be approved or dissaproved.

A minimum of 70% approval by the moderators is required to make it onto the Library Folder. Members can approve stories as well. An approval from a group member will count as one point. If your story receives 10 points then it will be put into the library regardless of the moderator's decision.

Please use your better judgment to decide if something is approved or not. A story can't simply be good in order to be in the Library, it must be excellent in some way, something that stands out within it's own genre. Do your best to keep you expectations high, having your story approved for the Library is an honor, not a public giveaway.