Help With Your Story 105 members · 468 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Group Admin

Welcome to the Rules!

A short message: I'll be updating the when I think of new rules.

1. This is the basic rule, No fighting.
2. No NSFW. This ain't an NSFW group!
3. Respect everypony! Who wants chaos? No one. Except Discord
4. Don't post a thread that makes fun of/attacks another user's story
5. Please don't put "I need an editor", "Check out my story" etc. in the main page's comment section. Just put it in the forum.
6. Use a correct tag for threads. {Art} if you're looking for art, {Editor} if you're looking for an editor, {Review} if you want a review of your story or if you just reviewed someone's story, {Question} if you need an answer, {Show and Tell} if you want to show and/or promote a story/art/best works, {Blog} if you just thought of something or wanted to tell something you thought of.
7. You must fill out this form when you post a review:

Title: Put the title of the story here.
Author: Put the author of the story here.
Characters: The characters are supposed to be here.
About: You can put the story's long or short description.
Goodies: 1. List five good things about it.
Baddies: 1.List five bad things about it.
Opinions: Put your opinions here to help the author make it better.

8. Everybody must be active! Lazy users shall be executed in a week (Just kidding, nothing will happen to you if you break this rule)
9. Please don't spam. please?:fluttershysad:

Welp, just report it to an admin or me if you catch someone breaking the rules. I will give you 3 warnings.

Punishment: Banishment for who knows how long according to the rule you just broke.

What exactly does and doesn't count as NSFW?

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