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Hello people, and welcome to my first review. If you have questions or comments about the review itself then please post them here as I'm more then happy to answer them. I love discussing things with people, so don't take this review as an 'absolute as a professional' or anything since this is an opinion from a general reader.

The Story: My Dearest Twilight

EMy Dearest Twilight
Twilight, I know we’ve been good friends for a long time now. Perhaps now might be the time to ask you out on a date? I love you so much. Yours, Nighty.
Uz Naimat · 1.3k words  ·  34  0 · 459 views

Summary: The story itself is just shy of 1,500 words, so the read isn’t terribly long or demanding for someone with a time constraint. It’s a simple story of Twilight Sparkle's parents taking that first step in discovering if they can be more than friends. 

Analysis: The story is very short, and limits my ability to say much without potentially spoiling the story itself, but I’ll do my best to avoid doing so. 

Now, I won’t really say what’s in the story itself, but I can say there is heart, and meaning to the words. It’s Night Light’s love and memories for Velvet we as a reader get to see, and personally I found them heartfelt- he’s reliving each of these cherished moments. It is this emotion that carries Night Light throughout the story we as a reader get to enjoy as Night Light provides context for reasons to pursue a relationship with Twilight Velvet. 

It's this established history not seen or touched upon in the show that allows itself to shine as we're exposed to real situations that many of us might have experienced growing up ourselves at one point in time. Unfortunately, all of this feels null if you were to read the description. 

In a few short sentences it reveals too much information. Having read the story, and rereading the description makes it seem more like it's paraphrasing the story than providing a hook to make me find out what the story is about. Anyone on the fence could read the description, and call it a day and that ruins what is  a nice read. 

Rating: 8/10   

I don’t like providing an actual numerical grade as I feel it cheapens the experience, but for simplicity sake I will. I did enjoy the story, and appreciate a good short story I don’t have to invest too much time into as I’m either busy or trying to catch up on other stories. Yet once I finished reading, I was conflicted as to why I felt hollow to what was a really sweet story, but reading the comments of fellow readers helped me understand what I was missing. 

I do agree with FanofmostEverything’s comment that the delivery of the story was hindering its potential. While I was fine with its delivery, it created this feeling like something was missing, and that somehow I had read part of a greater story than what was presented to us. Reflecting on this left very sure this is what I was missing from the story, and while not everyone will agree, I feel the story will improve if there is some additional context…  

Perhaps an opening with Night Light debating with himself if Velvet and himself would be a good match which leads to him recalling all of the cherished memories? Or an ending with Velvet recounting what Night Light had said prior to asking her out to a giggling Cadence? I really can’t say other than it felt like there should have been more, but what is here is definitely worth the read if you’re looking for a quick story with emotion backing it up.

Thank you so much for the review!

Group Contributor

It's no problem at all, and please if you feel like one of my points was unfair or off please tell me so we can chat about it! Personally, I love interacting with people and having a conversation.

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