
Viewing 1 - 20 of 222 results

IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #1 · 1:25am Sep 17th, 2020

I know there are some people and groups that are starting to do rewatch threads and reviews for episodes of the show, and maybe eventually I'll at least go back and touch up on my reviews from Seasons 1-4 (and possibly Seasons 5 and 6) to better reflect my opinions of them now that I've had more time to think about them, but for right now I don't quite want to do that. What do I want to do is go back and update some of my comics reviews from years past, particularly the early ones for at least

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Episode Re-Review: Call of the Cutie · 4:48pm Jan 31st, 2021

So after a long string of episodes that were average at best and insanely bad at worst, the show really needed something to get it back on track. Surprisingly, the choice to do so was to a pilot episode for a planned spin-off, and Meghan McCarthy was tapped to write it. Given the success the CMC would go on to have within the show itself, was this episode the burst of quality the show desperately needed? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: Owl's Well That Ends Well · 6:37pm Feb 12th, 2021

Well, at long last the show decided to do a Spike episode. He had kind of gotten "A Dog and Pony Show" but nothing where he was the solo star. But who did he get to write his first focus episode? None other than Cindy Morrow, the woman who had gone from average at best with "Griffon The Brush Off" and "Winter Wrap Up" to just plain awful with "The Show Stoppers". But hey, M. A. Larson and Amy Keating Rogers could bounce back from missteps, so who's to say Cindy Morrow couldn't do the same?

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Episode Re-Review: Luna Eclipsed · 6:56pm Feb 17th, 2021

So after not being seen at all since the pilot, Princess Luna had indisupitably become the Brony fandom's mascot. Entire headcanons had been written around "Woona" based entirely on her design from Season 1 and what little we had seen of her in the pilot's closing minutes. But then this episode came along and would be Luna's official re-debut into the show. This episode was so popular in fact, that during the only major marathon The Hub ever ran (the "We Heart Ponies Fan Favorite Mareathon" in

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Episode Re-Review: Hearts and Hooves Day · 6:59pm Mar 2nd, 2021

This episode had a good deal of hype surrounding its initial release, even though it ended up getting leaked by Apple ahead of its planned airdate. The Hub ran a marathon leading up to the special entitled the "We Heart Ponies Fan Favorite Mareathon", consisting of what people had voted as the ten best episodes of the show up to that point (with "Luna Eclipsed" taking the number one spot). Considering Season 2's second half had sputtering and the first half had ended with some of the most

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Episode Re-Review: Putting Your Hoof Down · 6:36pm Mar 4th, 2021

Oh boy, this episode. Even to this day it's still hotly contested with some regarding it as one of the worst episodes (if not the worst) of the entire show (it was one of only two episodes to get negative points when Mr.Enter was just a pony reviewer and one of only two he gave an Animated Atrocity scorecard to during that time) while others seem to regard it more fondly (or at least don't seem to hate it as much). This episode's production history is interesting, Charlotte Fullerton is

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Episode Re-Review: Dragon Quest · 6:37pm Mar 6th, 2021

So, after getting a Twilight focused episode I guess it was natural to have a Spike focused one too (probably not by design, just like I don't think they meant to have Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom focused episodes back to back). But Merriweather Williams was in the writer's seat, and by this point Merriweather didn't seem to have anyone willing to defend her writing. So, is it possible that time has lessened the sting of this episode like some of her other works? Well, let's find out.

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Episode Re-Review: The Return of Harmony Parts 1 and 2 · 8:12pm Feb 15th, 2021

While Season 1 was drawing to a close, Lauren Faust was working on her plans for the grand finale for that adventure show she had wanted FiM to be. She didn't have much of a concept at first beyond just Twilight defeating Discord, an enemy even Princess Celestia couldn't defeat, and ascending to alicornhood and taking over from Princess Celestia right on the spot. Heck, Discord hadn't gotten much beyond just causing chaos. It was only once Lauren started binging Star Trek: The Next

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Episode Re-Review: Equestria Games · 5:45pm Apr 15th, 2021

So, for the penultimate episode we got to see the Equestria Games actually play out, perhaps a sign of things to come in the next season for major developments (though I personally wouldn't be surprised if they meant for this to be in Season 3 originally when they working on a full season, and shelved the plans when it was cut to a half season). Ultimately though, it would end up becoming a Spike episode, a sudden and unexpected shift that was given no prior indication (leaks were almost never

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Episode Re-Review: The Cutie Map a.k.a Cutie Markless Parts 1 and 2 · 4:08pm Apr 18th, 2021

An unexpected development occurred after "Rainbow Rocks" came and went in theaters with better fandom reception, but not much else to its name. Hasbro and Discovery Family parted ways over The Hub, owing to the fact that the network had never lived up to the potential either company had wanted even in the era of cord cutting. So Hasbro gave up its stake in the network and control reverted back to Discovery Family, throwing everything into question. Although re-runs still continued on Discovery

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Episode Re-Review: A Bird in the Hoof · 9:02pm Feb 10th, 2021

So, what was next for Season 1 after the weirdness and stupidity on display in "Over a Barrel"? Well, apparently this, an episode written by Charlotte Fullerton whose track record was very uneven. But hey, she was able to improve from "Look Before You Sleep" by writing "Suited For Success" which was the show's breakout episode. So maybe she could get Season 1 back on track? Well, let's find out.

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IDW Comics Revisited - Main Series #21 · 2:05am Oct 4th, 2020

With "Reflections" done we're getting close to the end of these re-reviews. I'm only going to go up to Main Series #24 since I think all my reviews on the issues since then are still pretty relevant and still sum up the good and bad about them pretty well, at least for the ones I reviewed. The ones I didn't review I don't plan to ever review and others have already rightfully ripped them a new one.

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Episode Re-Review: Power Ponies · 3:00pm Mar 28th, 2021

Season 4 was chugging along just fine five episodes in, the season seemed to be firing on all cylinders and although there were still divisions within the fandom most were accepting of the new changes. And now it was time for the first of what would be three Spike focus episodes for the season. Considering the reputation Spike episodes had garnered by this point, it was really worrying and concerning to have one now when only "Secret of My Excess" had been a success with Spike in the lead role.

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Episode Re-Review: Games Ponies Play · 2:56pm Mar 21st, 2021

So, with Spike's own story taken care of, Dave Polsky was ready to write what at the time seemed likely to be the show's penultimate episode and a nod to Fawlty Towers in plot. Yet this episode was almost guaranteed to be overshadowed by what came next and what it would mean for the show and the fandom. Dave's most recent work had included "Too Many Pinkie Pies", the story for "Spike At Your Service" (which Merriweather Williams horribly revised) and a collab for "Keep Calm and Flutter

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Episode Re-Review: The Crystalling Parts 1 and 2 · 6:49pm May 13th, 2021

There's no denying that as envelope pushing as Season 5 was, it did not end putting its best foot forward. Starlight Glimmer's redemption and inclusion into the main cast left a lot to be desired, and the theme of "Explore Equestria" hadn't really come into play outside of three map missions (one of which was retreading familiar ground within Manehattan). The big movie that had been announced by the time Season 5 hit the airwaves was starting to draw away a lot of talent, and many other old

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Episode Re-Review: Gauntlet of Fire · 3:27pm May 16th, 2021

So after four episodes of at best good but not groundbreaking or envelope pushing, Season 6 was in desperate need of something to give it a boost in the arm. All attention was being focused on two upcoming episodes that would involve Starlight making a new friend and Rainbow Dash finally becoming a Wonderbolt. But first, a Spike episode was in order which should've been a recipe for disaster given the overall inconsistent quality of Spike focus episodes. And this one would be done by Joanna

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Episode Re-Review: The Fault in Our Cutie Marks · 4:54pm May 20th, 2021

Never before or since was there an episode that was so greatly out of order between its production order number and its actual airing number. This episode was ninth in production order, but nineteenth to air for its season, a whopping ten episode stretch! Perhaps there's a reason for that though, because while Ed Valentine did write this episode the story is credited to both Meghan McCarthy and Josh Haber and both were very busy. It may also be because the original plans for this episode were

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Episode Re-Review: No Second Prances · 4:18pm May 17th, 2021

So now Starlight Glimmer was getting a focus episode, an episode carrying rather high stakes considering how devisive she still was. And this episode was being touted largely for the return of a certain fan favorite character who fans had been dying to see more of since Season 3. Nick Confalone was writing this episode, and by now he'd proven himself to be a pretty competent writer. But not only did this episode go on out to be overshadowed by what came next, but nowadays it tends to be seen as

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Episode Re-Review: Top Bolt · 4:49pm Jun 4th, 2021

For the third and final map mission of Season 6, we were going to be playing it safe once again and visiting the Wonderbolts academy with Twilight and Rainbow Dash. The two had last been paired up for "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3", not exactly the best outing for either of them. And Season 6 had last focused on Rainbow Dash during "28 Pranks Later" which was not a good showing for her. To top all this off, it would be our first Wonderbolts episode since "Newbie Dash". So a lot was working against

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Episode Re-Review: To Where and Back Again Parts 1 and 2 · 6:30pm Jun 5th, 2021

So, just as Season 6 looked like it was falling apart at the seems after a season that had seemed to mostly not be taking chances, it was time to bring it to a close. Apparently, they thought it'd be a good idea to let Starlight Glimmer get a two parter all to herself, an honor that had not been given to any other mane six member besides Twilight (or even to Spike). Considering Starlight's two focus episodes had been hotly contested and hadn't exactly made her look good, there was cause for

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 222 results