
Viewing 1 - 20 of 33 results

Rewriting Chapter 11 · 5:44am Aug 22nd, 2015

So... title explains it all.

I've noticed that some people who have read chapter 11 have been rather annoyed with the way Mockingbird was portrayed. And to tell the truth, I've come to the conclusion that those are some pretty accurate criticisms. In a scene where I was trying to go for tension, anger, and strong misunderstandings between two siblings, I instead delivered angst, whining, and melodramatic dialogue.

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The situation at hand and a little something as an appetizer · 9:52pm Mar 5th, 2018

Well, folks... January and February had been lost months for me. I had a nasty sinus-bronchitis, that took almost all of February. Took a visit at a specialist, they suspect I have something chronical, since I always had bronchitis over the years, once I got sick. I don't hope that this is true, but hey... I can adapt. Currently I'm having these stupid cortisone inhalators in the morning and evening. Meh...

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Random Ideas (Start) · 3:42am Nov 2nd, 2012

My brain is weird. It makes these really creepy/confusing plot devices or creatures that seem logical at the time. This is just a starting point.
First one:
Something that can give birth to itself, transferring most of its/hers memories through. Obviously, the creature can't be male. Based of that one polyp that can alternate between a larval state and an adult state.

Report AppleTank · 285 views · #random idea #rebirth

If nothing happens · 5:43am February 25th

Hello everypony! :heart:

If nothing happens tomorrow the first chapter of Nightshade will be new and not so new. It will be relatively different but not so different it will change the story.

I will continue to keep you posted as I work. :twilightsmile:

What are your thoughts on the new Cover?

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DC Universe: Rebirth (part one) - The day Earth Prime stood still · 4:40am Jul 1st, 2016

Alright, after summarizing the surprising amount of corporate hijinks that compose DC's EPIC! adventure to crawl out of a sales' hole, up to the top and then falling back to the hole only to dig even deeper. But enough of that already. We're here today to see how is DC going to get out of the new hole they're in with this new shovel called DC: Rebirth.

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Critique Review: A Hero's Rebirth · 10:02pm Nov 4th, 2015

Hello, everypony! I am the Critique.

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DC Universe: Rebirth (part two) - An ode to the old world. A symphony for the new · 6:40am Jul 2nd, 2016

Hello everyone Wave here and we still have half a book to review. since in the previous review we already had an intro, let's get a quick re-cap now.

- Wally West is lost in a Speed Force like place, apart from existence and is trying to get out. He's from the pre-Flashpoint universe. For some reason, he's wearing his Kid Flash costume instead of The Flash one.
- Wally managed to get himself known to Bruce Wayne, who can't remember him. However, Batman is now on the case.

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Look to the Future · 8:54pm Nov 6th, 2015

So... as some of yveou ha noticed, I had finally updated one of my stories (Fallout: Equestria - Infinite Potential), after being so quiet for the past month and a half. I am so sorry for that. There were several reasons as for it, so it wasn't just my laziness that got in the way.

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Raiding with WoW Classic · 9:49am Mar 21st, 2021


Yes I am alive · 9:14pm Jan 23rd, 2023

Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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DC Rebirth: Recommendations? · 4:19am Mar 8th, 2017

Well, I missed most of Rebirth up to date. Yes, it's been a hard year on my end and from all the things I would like to have back, one would be my comics.

Somewhere behind me I got lost, now I'm searching deep within the dark.

So, people, if you were to made me read only five of the DC Comics: Rebirth or the DC's Young Animal lines (counting mini-series and one-shots), which ones would you recommend?

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January 24th, 2016 Update - Scroll #6 Announcement! · 3:32pm Jan 23rd, 2016

It's been a hard month. Mid-terms, parents, neglecting homework to participate in a fan-base. It's hard work, very hard work, but hard work does not go unrewarded. It took a month to finish, but I finally managed to finish Scroll #6 - The Accusation Proclamation. The chapter follows Twilight Sparkle and her events leading up to Scroll #7. In a way, it's the key for the lock. I understand that my past book hasn't gotten the attention I figured it would, but I don't care. These simple pieces of

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General update... again · 8:57pm Jul 30th, 2020

Sorry I've been so quiet, everything's been busy since the last blog post, aaand this is apparently my 100th blog post so I wanted to save it for something special, but meh, can't think of anything.

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My birthday's coming up, wanna Q&A? · 10:02pm May 6th, 2022

So my 30th birthday is coming up, on May 19th, and I was thinking that, since 5 years ago I made such a highly pessimistic blog post on my 25th birthday, I thought I would celebrate another important checkpoint slightly differently. You know, distract myself from growing older and closer to death and some other things...

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Inazuma: Rebirth · 1:09am Feb 10th, 2016


Announcement to all Rebirth fans · 10:17pm Aug 24th, 2019

I am officially starting work on the sequel to the story. Yes, you heard right. After much deliberation, Rebirth is getting a sequel. More after the break.

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The Return of the War Games · 4:26am Jun 17th, 2019

So, I've been away for a number of years, and honestly? I'm angry at myself. Sure, at the moment, I can justify it by saying that it's because my internet is so bad at the moment, but in the end, that's just an excuse.

I'm reviving my old story, Future Tactics - The War Games, for a good reason.

The story was fun to write, and is fun to write. However, this post is a double-header for a reason.

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Been Working On A Deconstruction Fic · 8:29am Aug 31st, 2019

Lately, I've been looking at a fic series entitled 'Friendship is Failure' by Dakari-King-Mykan.
I won't say anything about the writer but if you've heard of him and his work, you might know the reason why I take issue with this fic series.
The series is meant to reflect on friendship not solving every problem but how it comes out says more about the problems in regards to moral character of those it doesn't help than those who would insist it does.

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Update on writing and other stuff · 12:26pm Apr 12th, 2019

Hi^^ Thought I would pop over and update you all about how my writing is coming along and tell you some other stuff.

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I passed my driving exam! Aaand update on writing... Also Game of Thrones' next episode^^ · 4:01pm May 10th, 2019

So yep, I passed my driving exam, and I'm now waiting for the license, should take about two weeks^^ Ugh, finally, everybody will stop bother me about it... actually, passed it a few days ago, but had been too busy to sit down and write a blog post. Anyway, just thought I would share it with you :twilightsheepish:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 33 results