• Published 9th Jul 2013
  • 9,302 Views, 108 Comments

An Elusive Heart. - Mr101

Barb has just turned eighteen and tries to tell Elusive how she really feels about him with the help of Dusk Shine, but some things never go quite according to plan.

  • ...

The best gift of all.

An Elusive Heart

‘Dear Diary,

Well, my eighteenth is tomorrow, and to say I’m excited is the understatement of the century! Bubble Berry’s been preparing this party for me for literally a month; the whole town’s turning up apparently!

But that’s not why I’m excited, well; it’s part of the reason why. The main reason is I’m finally old enough to finally tell Elusive how I feel about him, THAT’S why I’m excited.

Dusk Shine always said my crush on him when I was younger was simply that, a crush, but now that I’m older I know it’s more than that, and so does Dusk.

Though, I’m not sure if Elusive feels the same way about me, I think he knew I had a crush on him when I was younger but didn’t seem to acknowledge it, other than that one time when It was my birthday…’

“BARB?! Are you still up?” Dusk Shine called up the stairs.

“Uh… no?” Barb replied, then slapping her forehead realising what she just did.

“… You just replied to me, Barb.” Dusk Shine said in a flat tone. “Now get to bed, you’ve got a big day tomorrow!”

Cursing under her breath she rolled her eyes and finished writing in her diary.

‘But I have to tell him, I need to get this off my chest and out of the way and find out if he feels the same way about me. And if he doesn’t well, I just hope we can still stay close friends.

Tomorrow, I will finally have this weight lifted off my chest.’

Dotting the last sentence with a smile on her face, she hugged the diary to her chest giggling before hiding it under her pillow and turning off the bedside light and settling into her bed to sleep.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

As Solaris’s first rays of sunlight peaked their way into Barb’s room, she blinked her eyes in rapid succession before sitting up. She let out a loud yawn as she stretched her limbs and smacked her lips, she then grinned remembering what the day was.

Quickly getting out of bed, she went straight to the bathroom to freshen up and brush her teeth. After having a quick shower and drying herself off, she rummaged in her drawers pulling out a fresh set of underwear, a yellow tank top and a pair of shorts and quickly getting dressed. Looking at her reflection and giving a nod of approval to herself, she began to head downstairs ready to start her morning chores and make breakfast before her day truly began.

As she descended the stairs, the smell of pancakes drifted into her nose and she inhaled deeply. Her stomach growled with hunger and she quickened her pace to the kitchen and was slightly surprised at the scene. Dusk Shine was in the kitchen making a large amount of pancakes, most were burnt or stuck to the ceiling or walls and he was covered in pancake mix.

“Dusk?” Barb asked, a smirk forming on her face.

“Oh hey, there’s the birthday girl!” Dusk grinned.

Before Barb could say another word, the pancake in the pan Dusk was currently making suddenly exploded covering his back, the wall and the cooker in pancake mix. Barb, who had covered her eyes as it blew, opened them to see Dusk staring at her with a blank face and slow blinking eyes.

“Uh… I tried making us breakfast for a change… but I don’t think I’m doing it right...” Dusk chuckled nervously. “I mean the book said…”

Barb burst out laughing and pushed him aside and began to make a new bunch of pancakes, Dusk protested but Barb pushed him out of the kitchen with a giggle, stating he had done enough and should go get changed.

After a while, Dusk came back downstairs cleaned and in a new outfit. Barb placed the plate of pancakes on the table and the two sat down to begin eating.

“I did try Barb… I just wish you let me finish though.” Dusk muttered.

“And if I had done that, the kitchen would look like a warzone by now.” Barb grinned back.

“…Shut up.” Dusk stuck his tongue out at her.

Sooooo.” Barb started. “Do I get a present?”

“I don’t know, do you?” Dusk smirked.

Barb stuck her tongue out at him and threw a pancake at him, Dusk laughed catching it in his magic and lifted a package that was on the counter over to her. With a grin she took it and began to feel it, trying to determine what it was.

“It’s not another book is it?” She asked teasingly.

“N-no, it’s not!” Dusk lied. “And what’s wrong with getting a book on your birthday anyway? I mean when I-” He stopped when he noticed Barb giggling at him. “Oh… you were teasing me weren’t you?”

“Maybe.” She giggled and stuck her tongue out at him again.

Dusk shook his head with a smile as he continued to chew on a pancake, watching her as she began to open the box, after tugging and struggling with the outer wrapping for a moment; she finally pulled it off with a loud rip and gasped at what was inside.

“Happy Birthday Barb.” Dusk grinned.

Inside was what Barb had expected, a book, but the book in question was a book on dragons and it looked ancient. She took it out and held in her hands and slowly dragged a palm over the cover, she was surprised to feel the leather bounding of it and carefully opened.

Dragons: an essential history of their culture. By Starswirl the Bearded…” Barb read aloud.

“Figured, since you kept trying to find out about the old Dragon’s culture I decided to try and find that and Prince Solaris allowed me to take that from-“

Dusk was cut off as Barb walked over and gave him a warm hug; he smiled and returned it patting her back gently.

“Thanks Dusk, think this is the first book you’ve gotten me for my birthday I’m actually looking forward to reading!” She teased again.

“Hey! All of the books I’ve given are… you’re teasing me again aren’t you?”

Barb just stuck her tongue out again and ducked avoiding a pancake launched at her by Dusk, the two laughed for a moment before finishing off their breakfast and cleaning up. As Dusk went into the main part of the library to do some reading, Barb’s mind drifted to what she had written in her diary the previous night.

She wanted to make sure today went off without a problem, using the party later on as the best way to tell Elusive. But she wasn’t sure how to make the rest of the day go perfectly, she had read dozens of romance novels over the years but wasn’t sure which one had the right way to pull it off, she contemplated asking her friends if they had any ideas but she frowned when she thought about what advice they would give her.

Applejack would say to be honest with Elusive right of the bat but she couldn’t do that; she would need to build up the courage first as well as wait for the right moment. Rainbow Blitz probably wouldn’t give much advice, Barb knew he wasn’t all into that mushy stuff anyway and would probably just say act confident and big yourself up which Barb didn’t want to do, she wanted to be herself to Elusive. That much she was certain of.

She outright refused to tell Bubble Berry, not because she didn’t trust him but because he would immediately suggest holding another party for her to tell Elusive, meaning in front of everypony and Barb didn’t want that pressure. There was always Butterscotch but he was too shy and timid to probably offer any really good advice she though, so that left Dusk, essentially her big brother.

Whilst Dusk himself was single, he had experience in the past having dated Applejack’s elder sister for a few months and he was the only pony Barb felt she could truly ask help from. Nodding to herself at her decision, she followed him into the main part of the library.

“Hey Dusk, can I ask you something?” She asked.

“Sure, what’s up?” Dusk replied closing a book.

“Well… It’s k-kinda about Elusive…” Barb said rubbing her arm.

“You’re planning to tell him today that you love him, aren’t you?” Dusk asked casually.

“Well yeah and.” Barb paused and blinked in confusion. “Wait… how did you know?”

“Barb... aside from the fact I’ve known how you felt about him since we first moved here.” Dusk started walking over to her. “You talk aloud when you write in your diary…” Dusk whispered.

Barb’s cheeks went bright red as her tail stiffened.

“Y-you heard me?”

“Dear Diary.” Dusk began with a smirk. “I had a dream about Elusive again, he was such a gentlecolt. He took me to the gala and we danced and danced…”

“S-shut up!” Barb shouted blushing.

She picked a pillow up and bashed Dusk with it who was laughing loudly, holding his hands up in defence.

“Ok, ok I give in!” He chuckled.

“Dusk!” Barb pouted. “This is serious!”

“Ok Barb, what’s the issue?” Dusk asked sitting on the sofa.

“Well… I want to tell Elusive how I feel today… but I don’t really know how to, I mean, I want today to go off well but I don’t know if I should just tell him now or wait or…“ Barb said trailing off as she twiddled her thumbs

“Well, if you want my opinion.” Dusk began. “Wait until later to ask him at the party, that way, you can spend the whole day with him and be able to give him subtle hints.”

“You really think he would want to spend the entire day with me?” Barb asked looking up at him.

“Well, of course, after all it is his Barby-Warby’s special day.” Dusk teased her.

“S-shut up…” Barb grumbled but couldn’t help giggle.

“And just remember to be yourself, no need to be like Blitz.” Dusk said.

“Ok… well, I’d better go and see him then.” Barb said standing up with a confident smile on her face.

Barb got up and quickly walked to the door and opened it, she turned around to Dusk and gave him a cheery wave.

“Wish me luck!”

Dusk smiled as he watched her leave, he chuckled as he got up from the sofa and began to sort out the books, a small smile on his face.

“Barb… you don’t even need luck today.” He chuckled.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Barb made her way through the town humming happily to herself as her smile refused to leave her face, she was greeted by passers-by who would wish her a happy birthday or simply say hello to her. As she kept walking she tried to avoid sugarcube corner as she didn’t really want to be stopped by Bubble, she knew that although Bubble was going to be throwing her a party later, it wouldn’t stop him from throwing a random surprise one during the day. Something, she was desperate to avoid.

However, it seemed the day decided it wanted just that.

As she poked her head out around the corner to make sure the dash to the boutique was clear, as it was near sugarcube corner, she was about to make a move when something tapped her shoulder. Looking back she saw no one was there and shrugged, guessing she had imagined it and turned back only to leap in the air with a startled yelp.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAY!” Bubble Berry shouted.

Barb clutched her chest panting heavily, her eyes still wide in shock as Bubble began to dance around her singing a birthday song for her.

“On your very special day!”


“So happy, happy, happy birthday to you!”


“Now make a wish and blow out the candles and eat your big fat cake!”


Bubble stopped dancing and smiled at her.


Barb let out a sigh before speaking again.

“What are you doing?”

“Duh! Wishing you a happy birthday silly!” He giggled.

“I know that, I meant why did you have to scare me like that?” Barb asked.

“Well it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if you saw me, would it?” He giggled again.

Barb groaned and rolled her eyes, typical Bubble Berry.

“Well, thanks for the song, Bubble. But I need to go and-“

“But… don’t you want to eat the special cupcake I made you?” Bubble’s lip wobbled as his mane suddenly flattened.

Barb groaned internally, she needed to go and see Elusive before it was too late but, she felt bad for Bubble. Bubble always went out of his way to make his cupcakes and other treats as delicious as physically possible, and always went the extra mile for a friend’s birthday. With a sigh she rubbed the back of her neck and looked up at Bubble, who was sniffling softly.

“I suppose I can come and-“

“GREAT!” Bubble interrupted. “I know you’re just going to love it!”

Before Barb could say anything else, she was quickly dragged into sugar cube corner by Bubble and immediately plonked into a seat. As Bubble ran into the kitchen and the sounds of pans clanging filled the small shop, Mr and Mrs Cake came over to her.

“Hello Barb, happy birthday dear.” Mrs Cake said.

“Thanks.” Barb replied with a smile.

“Where did I put it this time?” Bubble said from the kitchen.

Mr Cake sighed and shook his head as Mrs Cake giggled.

“I swear that boy would lose his head if it wasn’t attached to his neck…”

“FOUND IT!” Bubble cried out.

Before anyone could blink, Bubble appeared beside the table with a large grin on his face. In his hand was a silver platter with a cover on it with a small tag that read.

‘To Barb,


Bubble! Xx’

Barb couldn’t help but smile as Bubble placed it down on the table; they heard a crash coming from upstairs followed by the sounds of raised voices as Mr and Mrs Cake sighed.

“That’ll be the kids… I’ll go see what’s happened this time.” Mr Cake sighed as he left the room.

“Well.” Bubble grinned. “Aren’t you going to see what’s inside?”

“You already told me, it’s a cupcake.” Barb replied.

“Not just any cupcake!” Bubble giggled as he pulled the lid off, unable to wait anymore.

Barb’s eyes widened as her mouth opened, her eyes glistening at the cupcake. The cupcake itself was clearly chocolate from the colour but what caught her attention was the white icing dotted with several gems, Barb could see sapphires, emeralds and rubies as well as powdered gems acting like sugar. Bubble giggled as he closed her mouth for her and looked at her with a large grin.

“So do you like it huh, huh?” Bubble asked.

“Bubble…” Barb started. “It looks… amazing!”

Bubble began to bounce in place, clapping his hands happily as Barb began to eat the cupcake. Barb couldn’t help but let out a soft moan as she chewed on the treat, the different gems mixing perfectly with the sugar.

“Solaris that was the best cupcake ever! Thank you! Barb sighed happily.

“I’m glad!” Bubble giggled. “And it’s time for more!”

“Wait more?”

Barb didn’t get a reply; Bubble had quickly zipped back into the kitchen and was rummaging for something. Barb was grateful for the cupcake but she really needed to get going and glanced at the clock, Mrs Cake noticed she was looking worriedly at the clock and smiled. The yellow mare placed a hand on Barb’s shoulder causing her to look back up at the mare.

“Do you need to be somewhere, sweetie?” She asked Barb.

“Y-yeah, I really appreciate what Bubble did, but…” Barb drifted off.

“You want to go see Elusive don’t you?”

“How did you know?” Barb asked her.

Mrs Cake giggled and gave a reassuring smile to her.

“Just a hunch, quickly slip out of the door and don’t worry about Bubble, I’ll keep him at bay.”

“Thank you Mrs Cake.” Barb smiled. “I’ll see you later, and tell Bubble thanks again for the cupcake!”

Mrs Cake watched as Barb quickly exited the shop, giggling to herself.

“Go get him sweetie.” She said softly.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Barb exited the shop and let out a sigh of relief, with a smack of her lips with her tongue, reminding her of the delicious taste of the cupcake she set out towards the boutique, this time determined not to let anything stop her. She wasn’t trying to avoid her friends on purpose, she just wanted to spend as much time with Elusive as she could before the party and besides, she had all the time in the world at the party to hang out with all of them.

Lost in her thoughts about what to do at the party, she didn’t notice the stallion in front of her and walked right into him, falling backwards onto her rump.

“S-sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” Barb apologised.

“Not to worry partner.”

Barb looked up to see Applejack grinning down at her, his hand outstretched offering to help her up. She grabbed his hand and with a mighty heave pulled her up onto her feet.

“Thanks Applejack.” Barb said.

“No worries, now ah heard it’s some special dragons birthday today. Ahm I right?” Applejack grinned.

“W-well yes but I-“

“An’ here’s me without mah gift.” Applejack said stroking his chin. “Ah know! You can have lunch with us today! We were jus’ bout to get ready.”

“No really Applejack its fine.” Barb replied.

“Ah won’t take no for an answer!” Applejack grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“Well… ok but not too long, I have somewhere I need to be.”

“Oh don’ you worry none.” Applejack said.

As Barb and Applejack headed down the road to the farm, Barb frowned, slightly downhearted that she was going to lose more time to spend with Elusive. Soon enough they came to the farm and were immediately greeted by Apple Buck, Macareina and Pappy Smith. After a round of wishing Barb a happy birthday they ushered her into the house and she gulped at the sight.

Applejack had given the impression they would be making lunch and she would simply be joining them, but the table was already covered in various apple treats and there was a chair at the end with a label with her name on it. Barb raised an eyebrow in suspicion as she turned to Applejack.

“Applejack… why’s there a seat for me already? I thought you said you guys were only just about to get ready for lunch?” Barb asked.

“Well I uh… ah meant to say that we were uhm…” Applejack nervously glanced at his siblings quickly.

“It was mah idea.” Apple Buck said. “I figured that you’d wanna come round anyways, and Pappy suggested settin’ a place for yah just in case.”

Barb looked to him as Applejack behind her mouth a quiet ‘thank you’ to Apple Buck, unable to think of a reason why Apple Buck would lie, and that the Apples were famous for their hospitality she shrugged her shoulders and took a seat.

Soon the meal began and the Apples happily chatted with one another about things Barb figured they would talk about, farm work, apples the usual things. Although Barb wanted to be with Elusive right now, she had to admit the food was delicious, there was salad, apple fritters and a large apple crumble Pappy Smith had made.

“Ah almost forgot!” Applejack suddenly said standing up. “Barb, can ya close yer eyes for a sec?”

“Uh, yeah sure?” Barb replied confused.

Applejack waited till Barb had closed her eyes before disappearing into the kitchen, Barb tried to peek but felt two hands over her eyes.

“No peeking, Barb.” Apple Buck snickered.

Barb pouted as she waited for Applejack to come back, she heard his hoof steps on the floor and suddenly a delicious smell assaulted her nostrils causing her to inhale deeply. Apple Buck removed his hands and Barb couldn’t stop herself from grinning.

On the table was an apple pie, and like the cupcake earlier, it had powdered gems over the top of it instead of sugar. Barb took a forkful of it and let out an audible moan of happiness, tasting the emeralds inside the pie.

“Happy Birthday Barb!” The entire Apple family said.

“This is amazing, how’d you make it?” Barb asked taking another bite.

“Well, ah asked Dusk the other day how I could go ‘bout making a special pie for ya, and he gave me some books with some recipes and provided me with some crushed emeralds and there ya go.” Applejack grinned.

“He says that, Barb, truth is I was the one who had to actually make it.” Apple Buck whispered.

“Ah heard that.” Applejack replied.

Barb giggled as she continued to eat her present, soon the meal began to wind down, Macareina and Apple Buck returned to doing chores as Applejack waved goodbye to Barb, smiling to himself.

“Hope ah bought him some time to finish it, go get ‘im Barb.” He chuckled.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

As Barb made her way through the town once more, the warm feeling of the pie still inside her she saw Butterscotch approaching her with a worried expression on his face.

‘Not another distraction…’ She thought with a grumble.

“O-oh, Barb!” Butterscotch panted softly. “I’m so glad I found you!”

“Look Butterscotch, no offence but… I kinda need to be somewhere.” Barb said rubbing her arm.

“Oh, but I could really use your help. I have a little lizard who simply refuses to talk to me and I thought with you being a reptile, you could possible tell him to take his medicine?”

Barb pouted and was about to try and think of a way to get out of it before seeing Butterscotch look at him with big, innocent eyes. Barb sighed to herself, always a sucker to help somepony out who gave her the eyes she rubbed the back of her neck.

“I suppose I could give a little-“

Barb was interrupted as Butterscotch suddenly began to push her towards the path that led to his house, a happy smile on his face.

“Oh, thank you Barb. This really means alot to me!”

Barb sighed but smiled to herself, she didn’t mind helping Butterscotch truthfully and she knew that some of the lizards he looked after sometimes would give him some trouble which she could fix. After walking at her own pace after Butterscotch apologised several times for being as he called it, to assertive, and pushing her along the path, they both soon came to Butterscotch’s cottage.

“He’s just in there Barb.” Butterscotch said opening the front door.

As Barb walked past him, he saw Angel peeking her head from the corner of the building and he nodded to her, Angel saluted before disappearing again and Butterscotch entered his home.

“So…where is he then?” Barb asked.

“Oh no, I think he’s hiding.” Butterscotch said worriedly.

“Come on then.” Barb sighed. “We’d better find him.”

The two began to search up and down the cottage, trying to find the missing little lizard. Barb was completely unaware of what was happening outside, Angel was running around organising every single bird that Butterscotch took care off into a tree.

After searching for twenty minutes with no luck, Barb sat down on the sofa letting out a frustrated groan. Butterscotch took this time to quickly lean into the kitchen and give a little whistle, from under the fridge, the lizard in question scuttled out and into the living room.

“Oh, there you are you silly little lizard.” Butterscotch said.

Barb looked at him unimpressed; she crossed her arms as he sheepishly grinned at her.

“You knew where he was the whole time, didn’t you?”

“I… uhm… yes.” He replied with a nod.

“Ok, then can I ask why you wasted my time exactly?” Barb sighed.

“Well… I was waiting for Angel to finish getting everything ready.” Butterscotch said with a kick of his hoof.

“Getting what ready?” Barb asked him.

Before he could answer, the door was opened and Angel appeared in the doorway, signalling the two to come outside. Butterscotch giggled softly and followed Angel outside followed by a slightly annoyed Barb.

However when she got outside, her expression changed from annoyance to a smile as she took in the sight of what she must of guessed was at least fifty birds, ranging from local to exotic.

“Okay everyone, a-one, a-two, a-one two three!” Butterscotch said.

Barb sat on a nearby chair and listened as the birds began to sing in birdsong ‘happy birthday’ to her as well as ‘for she’s a jolly good fellow’; the sounds of the birds singing in perfect harmony and pitch nearly brought Barb to tears. She couldn’t help but smile as they sang and swished her tail slightly in time with the birds.

When they finished their songs, Barb applauded them with a grin on her face, Butterscotch and the birds all bowed as she walked over and gave him a hug, causing him to let out a surprised squeak.

“Thanks Butterscotch, I really enjoyed that.” Barb smiled at him.

“Y-you’re welcome Barb.” Butterscotch smiled back.

“And thank you all as well.” She giggled waving to the birds who chirped back.

Barb felt a poke to her leg and looked down to see Angel tapping her foot expectantly, giggling again, Barb crouched down and gave Angel a scratch under her chin.

“And thank you to Angel.”

Angel happily leant into the scratch before Barb stood up and said her goodbyes before heading off to the town, Butterscotch waved with a smile before turning to Angel.

“I hope Elusive has finished what he’s doing… it’s nearly time for the party.”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

As she made her way towards the town, she clocked from the position of the sun that it was getting late and she quickened her pace. She failed to hear the sound of a pegasi land behind her.

“Hey Barb!”

Barb lept out of her skin for the second time that day as Rainbow Blitz suddenly stood beside her, Blitz couldn’t help but burst into laughter as the young dragoness panted whilst holding her chest.

“Don’t do that!” Barb cried. “It freaks me out when you and Bubble do that”

“Ah come on, lighten up.” He chuckled nudging her side. “It’s your birthday after all!”

“I would if everypony stopped trying to give me a heart attack!” She grumbled.

Blitz couldn’t help but snicker as Barb pouted, the two carried on walking beside one another as Blitz talked about how the party was going to be so awesome. Just before they got to the town though, Blitz saw the Carousel Boutique and suddenly remembered what he was meant to be doing.

“Oh hey, Barb. I forgot I needed to show you something!”

“Show me what-“

Barb suddenly cried out as Blitz picked her up bridal style and shot into the sky, she clung to him for dear life completely taken aback by what he was doing and closed her eyes. After what seemed like an eternity to her, Blitz landed on the ground.

“Ok, we’re here and-“Blitz was interrupted as Barb lightly punched him on his head. “OW! What was that for?”

“Next time you’re going to pick me up like that, give me a warning!” Barb said.

“Fair point.” Blitz snickered.

“And where are we exactly anyway?” Barb looked down and saw they were standing on the clouds and clung onto Blitz tighter. “And why are we on the clouds?!”

“Because, there’s something I wanted to show ya.” Blitz smiled.

“And what’s that?” Barb asked him.

“Well, I was trying to think of what exactly I could get you for your birthday that would be like, really awesome.” Blitz started. “And then I thought, why not give you something awesome, something you will always remember?”

“And… what’s that exactly?” Barb asked raising an eyebrow.

“This.” Blitz smirked.

He walked to the edge of the cloud and Barb looked over, she gasped as she looked at the view before her. Aside from the one they were standing on, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky that could be seen. She could clearly see the entire of Ponyville and the surrounding area, in the distance she could clearly see Canterlot and the mountain it resided on. The view was truly spectacular.

“Wow Blitz… the view is incredible!” Barb said softly.

“It gets better.” Blitz grinned.

“Wait, this isn’t the gift?” She asked.

“Nope, THIS is! Hold on tight!”

Before Barb could say anything Blitz lept off the cloud and shot towards the ground, gaining speed with every second. At first Barb let out a startled scream as she felt the wind rush past her, but slowly her panic began to fade and her excitement built up as she experienced a surge of adrenaline as they continued to plummet towards the ground, the speed reminding her of a carnival roller coaster with all the g-force rushes they brought.

Barb began to shout out in pleasure, whooping and hollering as they continued to go faster and faster. Blitz chuckled and began to arc to be level with the ground in order to avoid hitting it, as they shot over the town, they began to slow down before coming to a stop just on the edge of the town and Blitz gently landed on the ground.

He helped Barb up who was wearing a goofy grin and was panting softly, Blitz chuckle, knowing the rush she just felt having experiencing it every day.

“That… was… AWESOME!” Barb exclaimed loudly.

“Told ya it would be.” Blitz chuckled. “Well I gotta go get ready for the party, I’ll see ya later kid!”

“Hey, I’m eighteen Blitz!” Barb said.

“And I’m twenty three, so you’re still a kid in my eyes.” Blitz replied sticking his tongue out at her.

Before Barb could get a response in, Blitz took off once more into the sky and headed for his home. Barb pouted and stuck her hands in her pockets before walking into town, a smile crept onto her face however and she soon began to hum happily again.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“Oh, cheer up Barb.” Dusk said with a smile. “You’re still going to see him.”

Barb let out a sigh and looked up at Dusk, she had gone straight to the boutique after the thrill ride with Rainbow blitz and was saddened to see the shop was closed and neither Elusive or Silver Belle were at home. She had gone straight home feeling slightly depressed that she hadn’t gotten to spend the day with Elusive but couldn’t help feeling a little happy to, after all she did have a nice day after all. The food that Bubble, Applejack and his family made for her still tingled on her taste buds, the beautiful song Butterscotch and his birds had orchestrated still played in her ears and her heart still thumped from the thrill of Rainbow Blitz’s free fall.

She had gotten home and told Dusk Shine about what had happened and he had reassured her that sometimes these things happened; he also reminded her that he would be arriving soon at Sugarcube corner for her party anyway and would be more than happy to spend time with her. This had cheered her up slightly and the two got ready for the party, as it was a special occasion Barb had, albeit reluctantly, agreed that the party would be formal attire.

Dusk was wearing a dark purple tuxedo with a black tie and white button shirt that had his Cutie mark on the breast pocket; whilst Barb was wearing a form fitting black dress which Elusive had made for her a few days prior to the party. They quickly made their way over to the shop where the majority of the town was going to be, and as soon as they walked in the door they were assaulted with the shouts of the town wishing Barb a happy birthday, as well as the blast form Bubble Berry’s party cannon.

Soon after that the party began to kick into full swing, the music was being blasted out of speakers by the local Dj, Dj – Colt7 and the drinks had been provided by Wheat Brew. As the party continued, Barb noticed that Elusive still hadn’t turned up and was getting a little down about it. But it was soon replaced with happiness when at last, he finally appeared.

He entered the shop wearing a dazzling white tuxedo that had a dark purple button shirt, Barb had to stop herself from staring as she was lost for words on how truly handsome she found him to be. He spotted her staring and smiled waving to her; she immediately blushed and hid her face in her hands embarrassed as the others chuckled.

“Happy birthday Barb.” Elusive said to her. “Sorry I’m late.

Barb blushed as he took her hand and leant down, placing a kiss gently on it and couldn’t help but smile at him.

“You look beautiful tonight.” Elusive added.

“T-thank you.” She stuttered.

“Would you like to dance?” He asked her.

Barb didn’t answer, she only nodded and Elusive smiled as he took her hand and lead her to the dance floor, at first she was nervous and found it slightly awkward dancing but soon came into a comfortable rhythm along with Elusive, who was still smiling and kept his eyes locked with hers. Barb felt her cheeks burning again and looked away as Elusive chuckled softly.

The song changed tune to one that was slightly slower, and Elusive took this as a chance to take her hand in his and his other on her waist. Barb’s cheeks went bright red as she shakily placed her hand on his shoulder and the two began to slow dance with one another, Barb’s an Elusive’s eyes never leaving each other’s.

This is happening; it’s really, really happening.’ Barb thought to herself.

Sitting in a booth, the others were watching the two dance and Applejack nudged Dusk.

“So has Barb told him yet?” He asked.

“Not yet, she wants to wait for the right moment.” Dusk replied.

“Wish she’d hurry up.” Blitz said. “We all know Elusive is just waiting for her to say it.”

“Well, Blitzy.” Bubble giggled. “Elusive wants to hear her say it to him, so he can say it back to her.”

“I know, I know, I just want to see them kiss already so we can get back to partying.” Blitz replied.

As the song changed and the two began to feel a little tired from the dancing, they walked over to a booth and joined the other elements.

“So Barb, you had a good birthday so far?” Blitz asked her.

“Y-yeah… t-thank y-you guys!” Barb replied blushing.

Barb was sitting at the end of the booth seat and had unintentionally leant on Elusive’s shoulder; she was smiling happily and closed her eyes gently, letting the moment sink in. It may have not gone according to plan today, but she was finally spending some time with Elusive, and whilst they may not have been alone, she had at least danced with him.

“Shall I get us some drinks, Barb dear?” Elusive asked.

“D-don’t worry, I’ll get them.” Barb offered and got up before Elusive could argue.

“She’s very nervous, isn’t she?” He smiled.

“Well wouldn’t you be, in her situation?” Dusk said.

“True… but that’s what I love about her.” Elusive smiled.

“So when do ya think she’ll admit to ya?” Applejack asked.

“Soon.” Elusive replied. “I know it seems harsh to not tell her how I feel, but I want her to tell me herself, so that she’s one hundred percent certain.”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Barb slowly started to head back with two drinks in her hands; she was shaking nervously and was trying to remain calm.

‘Focus Barb, you’re doing well, you just need to calm down a bit.’

She looked up from looking at the cups and saw Elusive watching her, a warm smile on his face. She smiled back to him and approached the table, completely oblivious to what was going on around her. Before she could react, one of the dancers accidently bumped into her causing her to lose her balance and cry out in surprise, time slowed down as the drinks flew out of her hand and splashed all over Elusive’s suit, staining the whiteness.

The music came to a stop as she looked up from kneeling on the floor at Elusive; he looked at his suit in surprise then at Barb. Barb slowly stood up, horrified at what she had done.

“Elusive… I… I...”

Barb felt her eyes water up and she ran out of the shop, just before breaking out into a sob. Everyone looked slightly concerned and looked to Elusive who was visibly upset, not about his suit but about Barb. Dusk got up and was about to head outside to check on her when he was stopped by Elusive, he looked at Elusive and Elusive smiled to him before heading outside.

“Barb?” He called out softly.

He didn’t get a reply, instead he heard sniffling coming from the alley next to the shop and slowly looked down it, on the floor with her knees to her chest and tears streaming down her face was Barb.

“Barb, you ok?” Elusive asked sitting next to her.

“I-I’m sorry!” Barb blurted out.

“What for? My suit?” He asked her.

Barb nodded and sniffed again refusing to look at him.

“It doesn’t matter Barb.” He smiled. “Nothing a wash can’t fix.

He wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him gently.

“Re-really?” She sniffled.

“Mhm, why should this ruin a wonderful evening?” He smiled at her.

“B-but it hasn’t been a wonderful evening.” She whispered sadly.

“My, whatever do you mean?” He asked her.

Barb let out a sigh and swallowed her nervousness, she told him about what she had discussed with Dusk, apart from her feelings for him, and that she had spent the day trying to spend time with him only to be distracted by their friends, she then told him how she felt she had ruined the one time she could have spent time with him this evening by ruining his suit.

“Elusive…I-I have something I want to tell you.

“And what’s that Barb?” He asked, knowing full well what it was.

‘This is it Barb, now or never’ She thought as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

“I-I….I love you.” She whispered. “B-But if you don’t l-love me back that’s fine we c-can-“

She was interrupted as Elusive pulled her chin gently to look at him, she blushed as she looked into his dazzling blue eyes and felt her heart beat rapidly. Elusive leaned in and locked his lips with hers and she widened her eyes in surprise but quickly dissolved into the kiss, rolling her tongue with his as he placed a hand on her cheek and closed his eyes. Barb let out a soft moan as they continued to kiss, feeling her cheeks burning more and more by the second.

After a few moments, they broke they kiss in order to catch their breaths and she stared into his eyes blushing furiously.

“Barb… I have a confession to make. I asked the others to keep you occupied so I could finish making something for your birthday.”

“B-b-but I thought the dress was my present.” Barb whispered, still savouring her kiss.

“No, this is.” He smiled, pulling out a box from his pocket.

Barb opened it slowly and let out a loud gasp, her eyes widening again as tears filled the corners of her eyes.

“You remember, all those years ago, that fire ruby you gave to me on your birthday?” He asked.

Barb simply nodded, staring at the contents of the box.

“I’ve been aging this diamond for months now, shaping it and carefully looking after it.” He lifted the contents of the box up slowly.

It was an elegant gold chain with a pendant made from a beautiful pure diamond in the shape of a heart inside a gold bracket, and it shone in the proudly in the light of the moon. Elusive slowly slipped it around her neck and smiled.

“A beautiful necklace, for the most beautiful dragon in all of Equestria.” He smiled.

“Elusive… I-I…” Barb stuttered.

“Barb… I love you.” Elusive smiled at her.

Barb’s heart skipped a beat and she felt her tears roll down her cheeks, not of sadness but of joy. She suddenly leaped into Elusive and wrapped her arms around his neck and locked lips once more with him, Elusive was more than happy to return the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist, as they kissed they were suddenly interrupted by a squeal of happiness and turned to see that Bubble was watching them, tears in his own eyes and he quickly vanished before they heard him shout.


“I guess we better go back in.” Elusive chuckled.

Barb giggled as Elusive wiped her eyes of her tears and held her close to him with her arm, his hand intertwining with hers. As they stepped back into the quiet room the room suddenly exploded into cheers and applause, Barb looked over the crowd of ponies grinning with joy as she felt her eyes water again and looked up to Elusive who smiled back to her.

“Happy birthday Barb…”

He leant down and locked his lips with hers again, causing the room to go absolutely wild. Barb melted into the kiss as her silent tears of joy rolled down her cheeks.

It was the best gift she had ever received.

The end.

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors feel free to let me know.

Comments ( 108 )

While I'm not a fan of anthro or rule 63 Rarity, I gave you a chance thanks to how well you did with Chaotic Love.

And I was pleased with it. Good job, pal. :ajsmug:

Thank you, that means alot to me. :twilightsmile:

That was a good read. I'm glad I read it.
Short, sweet, and genderbent.

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

The cover art is pretty good. Where can I meet this...Ss2sonic?:duck:

2849441 Neat. Hey, one question.
stallion or mare.:duck:

I loved that art peice, glad someone is using it already

Would you believe me, if I said I found this again whilst browsing my faves on DA, and I wrote the story today? :twilightblush:

Dang that cover art is adorable! Along with the rest of the story! Good job, pal! :pinkiehappy:

That was pretty cute.


I don't know what kind of question is that, but I'll go with mare.

Thank yooou. :rainbowkiss:
Thank you. :twilightsmile:

2849513 Are you a boy or girl? female or male?:twilightsmile:

Herp derp. Oops. I'm male. :rainbowlaugh:

2849561 :rainbowlaugh: Okay. Are you gay,strait, or bi?:trixieshiftright:

2849586 Okay, do you specifically only like shipping, or other things too?:duck:

;n; I would of seen this before it was out if only I had Skype... Stupid no wifi or laptop access

Miss you ;~; :heart:

2849717 I miss you too dude ;-; *mumbles angrily* fuckin family... Shitty 'holiday'... No wifi or laptop....

Jesus, leave the poor guy alone.

A ship fic? With both Rarity and Spike in Rule 63 mode....and it's actually well written? :rainbowhuh:

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: I LUV IT SO MUCH!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

It's safe this time? I can finally come out of my fallout bunker?

Edit: I've had bad experiences with rule 63 ships.


I usually don't read R63, but when I do I read Mr. 101. Stay Classy.

:twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush:w-wow! I don't know what to say! I LOVED IT! You truly have a gift for making people blush! THIS IS AWESOME! Please keep writing!:pinkiehappy:

Okay, I can dig Adventures From the 63rd Dimension, and I do like Spike and Rarity (canon shipping away!) but this was... well.
It was pretty dislocating when everyone was discussing that they all knew that Elusive and Barb both liked each other. We see the whole thing from Barb's perspective (alright, it's in third person, but it follows Barb exclusively until the end), and whether or not Elusive loves her back is the big Damocles sword hanging over her the whole time, so having that resolved for the audience before it's resolved for Barb made the whole last third or so a bit pointless, or at the very least drawn out, especially when Elusive out and says "Yeah, I love her and everyone knows it". I can get that it's a badly-kept secret, but there's no tension if at least someone isn't in on it.
Also the whole "Oh bugger I've ruin'd Elusive's wonderful suit I must flee the scene of the crime" bit seemed contrived, or at the very least that it could've been resolved in a way that didn't feel so overblown, even within the context of the story. By that point we knew they were going to get together, so what was the point, other than just to get her and the big E outside?
But maybe that's just me.

Awww, that was cute.

Its so cute ohmygosh X3:twilightsmile::raritystarry::pinkiehappy:

Rule 63, Rarity/Spike, AND Anthro? Has someone been peeking at my Christmas list? Definitely another for the read later list.

You know, for all the disgusting and terrible and probably illegal things I do on a minutely basis, it really is nice just to sit and read a cute little story like this.
I squeed myself.

An anthro story that doesn't involve awkward, painful-to-read sex?


What a nice little story :eeyup:

anthro pls go

This was really sweet! I really liked this story! :heart:

This is the first completely r63 fic I've read and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Well this was extremely cute. You did a very good job with this.

That was amazing I think you should write more romance if they all end up this good

I went into this because of that picture of Barb. I thought that was awesome and I went into this. I hate R6, but this was awesome. Good Job, and I hope to see more of your works.

Also I noticed this "Barb giggled as she Elusive wiped her eyes..." Just thought I would bring it to your attention.

'Twas rather feely :heart: Gave me nice feels, the sort of feels reserved strictly for TwiPie.

One thing I could point out is Elusive's displayed demeanor. It was a little... flat, and I think that's something Rarity could never be. I mean, sure, he is in the midst of romance and confessions so i suppose he would be a little dreamy, but every action and piece of dialogue he performed made me think of Le Lenny Faise doing said actions or words.



"Oh bugger I've ruin'd Elusive's wonderful suit I must flee the scene of the crime"

Not gunna lie, that made me laugh more then it should:rainbowlaugh:, thanks for your feedback as well by the way.:twilightsmile:
Thank you guys.:twilightsmile:
You're welcome.:rainbowwild:
No u.
Thanks, and cheers for that spot with the error, I'll fix that in a momentino. :twilightsmile:
Thanks, and yeah I get what you mean, I was trying to play it so that Elusive didn't give to much away to her about his true feelings but I think I made a bit of a boo-boo on it overall. :twilightsheepish:

Good job! Very cute little story.

Rule 63 Spike is cute.

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