• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 3,013 Views, 22 Comments

Dark Magic - newHelm

Spike decides to try and end the war, but first he must protect the Elements of Harmony form King Sombra and the duke of the drakos.

  • ...

Why We Fight

It was war outside and Spike' squad was called on to fight, and the Element bearers were worried. Rarity sat off to the side and watched her friends.

Applejack sat with Twilight who was barely keeping it together as her brother and her best friend fought outside. Good old A.J. was doing her best to keep a conversation aimed on beating King Sombra, even with her brother along side them.

Pinkie Pie was doing her best to keep everypony happy, unsuccessfully. Although she steered clear of Rarity who would glare when she approached. She was still a little mad at her attempts at joy.

Rainbow Dash could barely lift her head from the ground and Fluttershy never left her side. Rarity was terribly upset at herself for not being with her, like Rainbow had been for her when her father had died, but she had a job at the moment.

She laid on the ground, paper in front and quill in magic. She tapped her chin and turned to the guards at the doorway. "Sir Bumble and Cloudcutter. I have another question. This one a slight more nosey. When his magic is used, what color is it?"

Cloudcutter had been glaring at her the whole time. Now was no different as he gave his short reply. "Green fire. You knew that." Rarity had not been able to get through his rocky exterior.

Bumble on the other hoof had been gushing at her attention. "Oh lighten up Cloud, she's just curious about a friend. We've heard enough about them to practically know the generous lady Rarity. As for your question ma'am, his magic only comes from his fire."

She sighed as she realized this road my in fact be a dead end. Until he spoke again.

He tapped his chin and raised a hoof. "It's mostly that swirling green, but some spells harden into constructs. I have seen him use a dark purple fire once though." He turned to Cloudcutter. "Only Burns, Hawk, and me were in the squad at the time. Cliphoof showed up after that. You came next with Cliphoof." A dark look was in his eyes when he meet hers again. "Macintosh, Hawk, and I were underground at the time so I only had a flash. Burns was topside, almost didn't make it. All I really know was when we got back up, everypony and every drakos was dead except them two. Matter of fact, we thought Burns was a gonner till Hawk saved him. Spike passed out after he calmed down."

"Ah, I see." She scribbled on the paper a moment. "Has his eyes ever changed?"

Cloudcutter went to reply but was cut off by his companion. "Hush you rude pony. It's alright, I can handle her. No ma'am, not that I'm aware."

She looked a little shy as she went ask the next question. "This may be overstepping my boundaries, but do any of you know about dark magic."

"This conversation is over." She looked up into the unkind eyes of Spike. Never in the time she has known him has she ever seen those eyes. He has been upset and angry, greedy to a fault, even hostile to adversity. She sometimes saw his glare he gave her as Nightmare Rarity, in her worst dreams. This glare topped them all. It spoke of reprimand and anger. "Sorry Rare, but keep your nose in your own affairs."

Bumble saluted him and looked apologetically at the mare. "Sorry sir, I saw no harm in the inquiry. I deeply apologize."

He waved off the lieutenant. "Whatever. Just be careful around this lot, they can be crafty. New post in five." Than he was gone.

Rarity looked up to the young colt. "Sorry about that. I ment no harm."

His hoof waved her off. "Nah, he gets like that after most battles. More so when there is losses."

"Still, sorry." She rubbed her front hooves together. I do have a more personal question, if I could?"

He smiled at her softly. "Shoot."

Her nervousness grew. "Has he meet any mares? Well I, I mean... Well you know..." Her hooves flew in the air in frustration. "I don't know! Never mind me!"

His smile grew into a massive grin. "Oh he's meet many mares, just not the way you mean. Something about a special filly back home."

Rarity hung her head as her two familiar guard left and were replaced by two crystal guardponies.

Purple fire radiated from Spike's body. It surrounded him in a dark glow as he paced in the small room. Macintosh, Cliphoof, Burns, Bumble, Brass, Hawkeye, and Cloudcutter all sat in chairs, calmly sitting and occupying themselves.

Spike slammed a fist into the table and glared at Bumble. "Why were you talking to her about dark magic?" A red hoof touched his side and he looked at the reading pony. "Yeah yeah, calm down." He turned back to the lieutenant, calm this time. "Sorry dude. Seriously though, why?"

Bumble scratched his head awkwardly. "I thought they knew, so I thought it was to help against Sombra. I'm sorry, that was incredibly stupid."

Spike rubbed his face roughly and took a deep breath. "Nah, my fault. I kept everything secret from them and kept that little fact secret from you. They don't know my lineage or where I get my magic. Personally, I would like to keep it that way. It's almost worst than showing them just how much of a killer I can be."

Cloudcutter didn't even raise his head as he replied. "Did that already. Nopony seems to hate you."

"Only cause they had a knife to their necks, figuratively."

Brass hovered in the air, wings beating furiously. "Dude, why does it matter. Good friends don't care, well they care but they don't judge. The white one was right there and she seems to hang onto your every word. I think she's just worried."

Cloudcutter put in his short and soul cutting two bits in. "She has a thing for you. Give her babies, she'll leave you alone."

Spike choked on air. "What! I'm not-! I can't just-! Shut up!"

The level headed captain chuckled at the scene. "Eeyep. Babies."

"You too!"

Hawkeye tapped his hoof on the table as he took another swig of his whisky. "As much as I'm interested in the making of babies, what do we do about Hammer's body."

Spike lowered his head. "It's in the tombs. If his family has a grave plot for him, it will be moved after the war."

"He's another orphan though."

"Cadence has reserved a field to be a military graveyard. Monuments are being made now."

"Oh yes, another monument! Here lies young dead ponies! Another never was, never has, never will. It sickens me that two drakos die fifty years ago and war breaks out now. Oh look, somepony died, let's kill thousands more. It almost seems as if the reaper has a contract with those monsters."

Spike gripped the table, but only sadness filled his face. "Close enough. Come on Hawk, let's get you to bed."

Spike puffed his cigarette as Macintosh approached. "Cig bud?"

"Eeyep." Dust fluttered as he landed with a thud.

"Ruff having to watch over little sis and her friends slumber party?"


"Did they pry?"

"Nope. I was told to tell you somethin."




"Color can't lie."

"Damn. That's how she figured it out. Do you think I need to tell them?"


"Good, I won't."


"To prove you wrong for once. And I don't want them looking at like I'm evil. If I told Rarity, she would hate me, Twilight would banish me, Rainbow and A.J. would chase me out of town, and poor Fluttershy would never get over the fact that a friend of hers was a worst monster than any dragon could hope to be."

A chuckle escaped from the pony's lips. He gave a smirk to his partner.

"What, no! I am nowhere as bad as Twilight! She flies off the handle on a late paper, I'm as level as a board."


"Fine, you win, this time."


Spike laughed, it was genuine and felt good. "One of these days. I'm also gonna beat you in a fight too."


They laughed for a moment before enjoying the calm. Spike looked to the sky and sighed. "So Hawk's goin back to his old unit."


"They expect us to do a suicide run with the girls?"

"Nope. Me, you, and Burns."

"Ah, we take out the duke, then they get Sombra."


"Brass, Cloud, Clip, and Bumble staying on babysitting duty?"


"Good, they'll keep them safe."


Spike rose from his spot. "Well it's my turn on watch. Good night big guy."


Spike clutched his sword anxiously as he walked to his post. "What am I gonna do with her? Can't ignore her, she has a problem with making herself noticed. If she ever finds out the truth, I'm as good as dead to her."

Spike twitched his tail at a slight noise and turned to Brass as he walked slowly towards him. A circular motion of his hoof told Spike he had lost track of time. As he went to go to his room, they drew their swords and spun on the sudden voice in the silence. "Spike, be a dear- ahh!"

Rarity stood there with two swords inches away from her. "Well now! That is no way to treat a lady!"

They lowered their swords as Spike, grinning, rolled his eyes at her. He turned to Brass and pointed to his head, than mouth, than at Rarity's door. Spinning on her, he raised a claw to mouth, hushing her. He dropped to three legs and grabbed her front leg, dragging her to her room.

After her door shut, she spun on him with a stern glare. "How-?!"

His finger had snapped to her lips. When he knew she would be quiet, his finger lowered. In a hushed whisper, he explained. "Quiet. The guard has to be able to hear. Your voice could overshadow an enemy intrusion or distract his ears away from it. Worst case scenario, you need help and all he hears is the same noise you've been making. Now, what is it you need?"

Her glare remained stern but she complied with the order. Her whisper was stressed and loud for a whisper. "You know very well what I want to speak with you about. I also know you know all about what I'm talking about. You've been keeping secrets from us, from me. Did you not think that my keen eye would not pick it up? So, tell me, now!"

Spike backed up a bit. A sheepish look on his face as he turned his head away. "Nope no clue what you're sayin."

Her face scrunched up and flew to his. Inches away she whispered more quietly, but with anger. "You are not an idiot, so talk!"

He returned her glare and pushed his forehead into hers. "I kinda am an idiot thank you! I have no clue what you're sayin! And even if I did, I kept it secret for a reason!"

"So you admit it, you have a secret! Why won't you tell me?!" She pulled her face away and all the fight seemed to leave her. Eyes watering, she pleaded with him. "Do you not still trust me? Have I given you reason to doubt me or my intentions?"

Eyes shut tight as he rubbed his temples. "It's not a trust issue Rarity, but a me thing. I can't talk about it to anypony."

"Have you told her?"

"Her?" He cocked his head at the white mare. "Her who?"

"You know who I mean." She glared half-heartedly at him before turning away. "That somepony special back home."

Smiling, he went to speak, but was interrupted. "That same somepony who I had to sneak around her home to find out you've been writing to. Even when you disappeared and we all worried, she knew just what you were up to and said nothing. You wrote to her and left the rest of us in the dark. Have you told her of your secret yet? Am I not as good as her? Am I not as beautiful? Am I not as good of a friend? Not as trust worthy? Tell me Spike, you use to never keep such secrets. Why?"

His head lowered and the sorrow in his heart showed her just how much pain he endured. "Only one pony knows just how deep my secret goes, because she told me. I can tell you this, drop it. When I say it's filled with darkness and evil, trust me. No greater evil exist. Good night fair Rarity." There was none of the charm or flare he normally used as he said those words. He left without looking back at her.

Before the door closed, he heard her whisper out to him. "Just because something is evil, does not mean it can't be used to make something beautiful."

He strolled down the hall away to his own room. Tears rolled down his stoic face. "Yes it does. No good ever comes from evil."