• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 3,291 Views, 45 Comments

Fate's Dream and Forfeiting a Benign Gleam - sweeT2010Tooth

Princess Luna reveals that a dragon's nature of greed has no place in a shared relationship with the element of generosity. Spike might have to make a choice in letting Rarity seek out another love while Generosity and fate have their own plans.

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Elegant Beauty and Personality Always Attracts a Possible Advance

Spike awoke startled from a deep slumber. Regaining his ability to move both arms he promptly began patting and rubbing his face making sure this wasn't a dream. Looking around, Spike was greatly relieved to find the familiar scenery of Twilight's treehouse bedroom. He then pinched one arm to make sure this wasn't a ruse conjured up to give a false sense of security. Yelping in pain, he fully realized that the horrible dream was over. Twilight, who had been combing her hair in front the bedroom mirror, glanced at him after hearing his yelp of pain.

"What're you doing, Spike?" she asked still half asleep herself.

"I just had the most wicked and far out dream, Twilight! You shoulda been there. Princess Luna made me see some crazy stuff!" Spike said still trying to shake off the shock from the dream's realism.

"Princess Luna? What did she do - what did you do, Spike?" Twilight corrected herself mid-sentence with an accusing tone.

"ME?! I didn't do nothing!" Spike quickly replied. "She was quite upset with me having...feelings for Rarity."

"Really? Why so?" Twilight asked, curious as to why Princess Luna would take an interest in young love.

"Well, it has to do with a dragon's nature towards being greedy. She didn't want a dragon, potentially full of greed, to become too involved with the element of generosity's holder."

"I see but you have that side of you under control, right Spike?"

"Yeah, I do. However, Princess Luna believes it is only a matter of time before it resurfaces."

"...She's not entirely wrong," Twilight said returning her stare to the mirror image staring back while the brush was lowered from her hair. "All ponies have that potential darker side. The only thing we can do is try our best to not give into its influence."

"Um, Twilight. There was something Princess Luna showed me. I wanted to talk to you about it. It was the craziest thing I'd ever seen."

"Sure, Spike. We can talk on our way to Rarity's boutique as she has some clothes ready for me."

"Rarity's boutique?" Spike asked feeling a slight chill going down his spine. After what happened in the dream, he had wanted some time to mull over its influences on his feelings and relationship with Rarity.

"Yes. She absolutely insisted that a princess should not be seen without proper wear. Get yourself ready and we'll head over there in a bit. You can tell me all about what Princess Luna showed you in the dream on the way there."

"...Okay, Twilight," Spike nervously responded, crawling out of bed to get ready for the morning's schedule and activities.


"Wow, Spike! I knew about the reoccurring problems with dragon mayhem, but Princess Celestia never told me a tale about a different dragon unlike the others!"

"I thought you said you didn't know anything about dragons at all?" Spike asked unsure whether Twilight was telling the truth.

"Oh, I don't much at all about dragons, but I do know the destruction they caused many towns and villages unlucky enough to attract them. Now that I think on it with what I've learned about them I believe they may have been seeking items of interest."

"So you believe me when I say that a single dragon was different than the rest?"

"Of course, Spike. It sounds like he (or she) was resentful towards how that dragon's brethren behaved. Additionally, if your tale holds up, the dragon didn't necessarily want the diamond. I'm a little bit unsure as to why this dragon was crying, though."

"You and me both. But Princess Luna seemed very serious about wanting me to break off any potential bond with Rarity."

"Well, unfortunately we can't fully ignore the greedy nature of a dragon. I always thought your relationship was that of a young love, but I'm starting to wonder...you really love her?"

"...Yes. I believe I do," Spike said blushing in embarrassment.

"Okay, I guess I slightly misjudged your crush on her. Just don't do anything foolish. Although you may have these feelings we cannot disregard Luna's message."


Twilight and Spike walked the rest of the way to Rarity's boutique in silence. Spike had a lot of thoughts on his mind, but was relieved to find that Twilight believed his account of the dream. He needed time to think for he would be greatly hurt if harm came to Rarity due to the possibility of a resurfacing dragon greed.

Twilight walked up to the boutique door first and opened it calling out for her friend. Rarity seemingly jumped out of nowhere grabbing Twilight by the hoof and dragging her behind some curtains. After what seemed like a short while, both Rarity and Twilight reappeared with the latter wearing a simple light blue dress adorned with small sparkling white jewels.

"So, darling? Do you like it? I fashioned this piece after the night sky in observing it for hours on end. I was beginning to think I wouldn't come up with anything until I spotted a certain group of stars shining brighter than the others. Then, I knew I had found 'IT' - Princess Twilight Sparkle!" Rarity said watching her friend's eyes carefully for approval.

"Well, the constellations are correct from what I gather. I think you outdid yourself, Rarity," Twilight said admiring the dress. "How much would you like for it?"

"Oh, don't be silly darling! This is a favor for a friend!" Rarity said dismissively waving one hoof forward in denying payment.

"But Rarity, you can't profitably run your business by always giving away free clothes to friends, especially with costly gems attached. Don't you have to make a profit?"

"I'll manage," Rarity said letting her attention get distracted. "SPIKE! MY WORD! Whatever happened to your arm!?"

"Huh?" a surprised Spike asked looking down at both his arms. Other than a bruise left behind from the pinch earlier in the morning nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "What're you talking about, Rarity?"

"Did you fall darling? That's a nasty bruise!" Rarity exclaimed grabbing Spike's arm and dabbing the bruised spot with some nearby liquid that stung a bit.

"Hey! Ouch! Rarity, I'm fine. Just must've pinched myself too hard this morning."

"Even so, you are my spikey wikey. I can't have you coming in here injured without proper care, now can I? I'll have that nasty boo boo taken care of in a flash."

Spike caught Twilight snickering to herself out of the corner of his eye. She tried to stop laughing but continued in private behind a raised hoof. Having taken care of Spike's emergency, Rarity turned to Twilight who lowered the hoof back to the ground hiding her laughter.

"So, everything fits nicely, dear? Nothing too tight or hanging too loosely?"

"No, it feels and looks good, Rarity. I really should be paying for it, though."

"Nonsense, Twilight. I insist you take it as a gift."

"...if you insist. Any big plans today, Rarity?"

"Oh! Now that you mention it, yes I do! It is quite opportune that Spike came with you today," Rarity said to Twilight now turning her attention to Spike. "Spike, darling, Fancypants himself has invited me and one guest to a party later tonight in Canterlot. I would like you to be my guest. I won't take no for an answer."

"Right on! Sure, Rarity! It sounds like it'll be a lot of fun."

"Fantastic, darling! Ooh, I'm so excited!" Rarity said trotting in place. "Even Prince Blueblood is going to be attending!"

"Prince Blueblood? Isn't that the stallion who treated you horribly at the Grand Galloping Gala?" Spike asked with a claw raised to his chin trying to remembering this 'Prince Blueblood.'

"Yes, the same one that treated me badly. I figure giving him a second chance after such a long time couldn't hurt. Maybe we just got off on the wrong hoof."

"But Rarity, he acted very rude even using you as a shield to avoid getting hit with cake. Don't you remember?" Twilight said putting her two bits into the conversation.

"I remember, darling. He certainly doesn't know how to treat a lady, but perhaps that is something that can be learned. Perhaps I can give him a reason to treat a lady more appropriately if given the chance. It would be wrong for me to judge too early."

"If you say so..." Twilight said almost muttering to herself.

"Well, I still have a few dresses to make and orders to fill. If Spike would be so kind to stick around, we'll head for the train station in a bit for Canterlot."

"Sure," Twilight said. "We didn't have too many things scheduled today. I'll see you later, okay Spike?"

Twilight said this with a wink before heading out of the store's doors.

"But! Twilight the dre-"

"-you'll be fine, Spike. Just remember that a one in a million chance is still worth a shot."

Before he could say anything more, Twilight disappeared into the streets leaving him behind with a quizzical expression crossing Rarity's face.

"So," Spike said letting out a nervous laugh. "How about we make those dresses?"


Once again being in the presence of Rarity's beauty, Spike couldn't help but love the little things he saw. Her coat remained sleek like any other day, her eyes still beheld an enchanting blue, her voice lifted his spirits with a comforting tone, and her personality was endearing in such a way that his accompaniment felt great joy everywhere they went. The best trait was her personality for it perfectly matched the elegant mare's beauty.

The two boarded the train heading to Canterlot with a means of meeting up with Fancypants at a local cafe. Finding a seat of their own, Rarity took notice of a small crying colt sitting across from them. The colt's mother sat next to him reading a newspaper in disregarding her son's outcry. Rarity tried to ignore this as the train began its way towards Canterlot. However, as minutes came and went she couldn't sit idly by listening to his cries.


Rarity cleared her throat trying get the attention of the colt's mother.

"Ahem, ma'am your son's crying."

The colt's mother peered out from behind the newspaper only slightly acknowledging what Rarity said.

"Ignore him. He does this all the time."

Rarity tried to do just that but his cries persisted. She looked from mother to colt and back to the mother hoping the situation would resolve itself. After a while, she couldn't sit across this crying yearling any longer without doing something. She reached into the bag sitting between Spike and herself retrieving a single cupcake given to her by Pinkie Pie. It had a little happy yellow sun on top sure to turn a frown upside down. She began to hand it to the colt who stopped crying and noticed the cupcake. However, the mother took notice too and slapped it out of her hoof.

"How dare you! Someponies just don't know how to mind their own business! Giving my son a cupcake! What're you playing at!?" fumed the mother.

"I'm quite sorry, ma'am. But I thought he needed a little cheering up as I thought ignoring his outburst would be an abhorrent folly."

"Listen to you! Trying to tell me how to raise my own son! It is no wonder a snobbish pony like you doesn't have a stallion or yearling! Get up, son! We'll try sitting in another car with a less rude pony!"

The little colt started to cry again while being led away to the adjacent train car. Rarity was a little shocked at the display of rudeness.

"Why, I never...!" Rarity said picking up the cupcake and its pieces lying on the floor. The little happy yellow sun remained intact. Finding her seat again, Rarity stared at the smiling face. "Why is it that everypony only sees me as a snob?"

"I don't see you as a snob, Rarity," Spike said trying to cheer her up.

"Thank you, Spike," Rarity said letting out a sigh. "I try to put on my best appearance everyday, but at times it just isn't enough. Everypony expects me to be perfect - I try my best - but it seems like something is expected of me that I cannot readily give. I'm not perfect, darling. I have my faults as do most others. Listen to me wallow in...whatever it is ponies wallow in. In the end, Spike, what does that make me? The most pathetic pony?"

"Twilight says you mirror the resemblance of a diamond."

"A diamond?" Rarity asked looking at Spike.

"Yeah. I dunno what she meant by it so I asked and she said this: 'Rarity's cutie mark consists of diamonds and she was inherently gifted with magic providing a means of finding rare gems. Out of all the gems that could have been her cutie mark it had to be diamonds. My theory is that the cutie mark symbolizes her dealings with the pressures of society, for diamonds are crafted under immense pressure. Diamonds are not perfect albeit most ponies assume so from a first glance. First a rough diamond needs to be cut in order to optimize that diamond's dispersion of light. Even then, every diamond still carries with it some impurities.' Crazy, huh? Leave it to Twilight to use book knowledge to explain everything."

"Not crazy at all, darling. I most assuredly have impurities in my personality. Everypony expects perfection so it makes sense that, when those impurities surface, I'm seen in a bad light. You know, Spike? Opalescence is a mean kitty but she's also beautiful in most ways. Maybe I see much of myself in her."

"I see what you mean. I like her but, even in having scales, that cat can do some damage."

They both had a good laugh at this comment. Looking at each other, both Spike and Rarity felt an increasing warmth in each other's company. For a while they continued to stare at each other until Spike realized what was happening. He blushed and turned to look out the train car's window watching the passing scenery. In the window's reflection, he noticed a slight smile cross Rarity's lips. He loved to see her happy. That smile always meant everything to him. If anything, she was the most beautiful diamond he had ever seen. Letting her go would be the hardest thing to do but he'd do what's best for her.


Rarity and Spike walked through the busy streets of Canterlot searching for the cafe to meet up with Fancypants. Bustling with activity they walked down the street admiring the many sights. The two let their eyes wander to the numerous nearby stores advertising their wares, the restaurants with sounds of conversational chatter, and the advertisers lining the streets trying to garner attention. Rarity wanted to visit the stores but the meet up with Fancypants was paramount. He is the most important pony in Canterlot, after all. It would be unwise to make him wait. Rarity was glad that the train arrived in time for their proposed meeting.

Walking along admiring the busy activity on the street, the two finally arrived at the cafe where Fancypants sat at one of the tables placed outside with Fleur Dis Lee hanging on his shoulder. After finishing up a talk with the cafe's waiter, he redirected his look to see Rarity's approach.

"Ah! Splendid! The mare of the hour has arrived!"

Fleur Dis Lee only partly noticed this arrival still hanging onto her husband with a bored look on her face.

"Yes, thank you darling! I'm quite flattered to be invited to one of your extravagant parties," Rarity said trying to sound humble in the midst of the most influential pony of Canterlot.

"Don't be silly! I wouldn't dream of having such an extravagant party without a rare gem such as yourself! I must say you look absolutely stunning even in casual attire. I'll never quite understand how you manage to pull it off but, dare I say, you express yourself splendidly in your outward appearance!"

Rarity blushed from the compliment and took a seat sitting across from Fancypants with Spike taking the other chair. She couldn't help but smile until she noticed a familiar stallion approaching from behind Fancypants with an entourage of servants in tow.

"Oh! It's you!" the stallion yelled out in shock after meeting eyes with Rarity. "What is the meaning of this, Fancypants? I didn't expect to be thrown into a meeting with the commoner that ruined my perfectly groomed coat at the Grand Galloping Gala!"

"Come now, Prince Blueblood. That attitude is most unbefitting from one of high royalty. I invited Rarity and you here today to make amends. If you would kindly take a seat, we could discuss tonight's agenda for the party."

"Hmph, I'll stand thank you very much lest I be assaulted by this mare again," Blueblood said turning his head to the side in defiance.

"...Suit yourself," Fancypants said raising an eyebrow at the royal stallion with Fleur Dis Lee making a comment how she loved stallions with attitude. "Anyways, tonight's attire will be formal wear. It is not to say this will be a tuxedo event but I'd like to keep standards up in the dress code. We'll have classical music for the enjoyment of you both. If you'd like something else, let me know. There will be a table set up with many delicacies that I hope fit your fancy...though I'm not sure I have something for a dragon. What fits your tastes, young dragon?"

"Um, precious jewels like diamonds and sapphires," Spike said trying not to intrude too much on Fancypant's generosity.

"That's quite an expensive appetite you have there, young sir. Wouldn't you say so Prince Blueblood?"

Prince Blueblood still had his head turned away trying to not partake in mindless babble.

"Excuse me, Prince Blueblood. Darling? I'm sorry about the incident at the Grand Galloping Gala but you were acting like an enormous royal jerk who needed to be reminded that proper manners need to be shown to others not just yourself," Rarity said trying to catch the royal stallion's attention.

"Says you, commoner. I'll have you know I am most respected among those who meet and serve me." As Blueblood said this many of his following servants looked at each other with disagreeing eyes.

"Well, it looks like your servants have something else to say about your behavior," Rarity said catching onto their looks. "One of royal nobility should not think highly of themselves without first consulting those that serve them."

"Well said, my dear!" Fancypants said raising a glass in agreement.

Prince Blueblood peered at his following servants and then, for the first time, at Rarity.

"Who are you to lecture me on the mannerisms of royal nobility?"

"Why one who knows Princess Celestia herself, of course!" interjected Fancypants. "You are speaking to the element of generosity who saved this very town from a changeling invasion with her friends! Don't you remember that wedding, Prince Blueblood?"

"I do...such a travesty to defile such a pristine occasion," Blueblood said gaining curiosity in the mare sitting before him. "Perhaps I misjudged her."

"Indeed you have, Blueblood. Now you know why I wanted you both to reconcile your differences."

"Excuse me, Prince Blueblood. Can I talk to you in private?" Rarity asked.

"I suppose..." he halfheartedly replied.

Rarity got up from her seat and walked with Blueblood across the street to talk in private. Spike watched as Rarity did most of the talking with little acknowledgement reciprocated by this royal stallion. There were a few moments when the royal stallion replied, but it was too difficult to figure out what was said.

"In truth, young dragon, I had a slightly more profound reason in inviting those two out to this meeting. I guess one can say I'm trying to play the part of matchmaker. Maybe I'm going the wrong way about it, but I'd hate to see opportunities like this pass by without at least trying," calmly stated Fancypants while staring at the two across the street.

Worry bubbled up in Spike's mind. He knew this royal stallion is a complete jerk. He's certainly not the right one for her. Yet, he's also the one that Rarity always wanted to be with retold in many stories about him. Spike looked down at his own claws. Why did this have to be how things turn out? In being a dragon, he'd only bring pain to Rarity. That stallion could also cause the same amount of pain. However, could a relationship blossom with a royal prince instead of one with a dragon whose fate will eventually lead to greed? Spike couldn't figure out what was best for her.

Spike thought about it until he realized he might have to let her go. It wouldn't serve any good purpose to hold out for love not reciprocated.

"M-maybe it's for the best," Spike muttered to himself still looking at both his claws. A single tear escaped his eye and he watched as it landed in his left palm reflecting the smile Rarity had given him on the train.