• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 18,436 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Meets Texas - xd77

A 5-year-old boy is brought into Equestria through a portal while he is asleep.

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Chapter 1

In an orphanage in Dallas, a young boy named Nathan was getting ready for bed, putting on his pajamas, and a Texas rangers hooded jacket, because it was a cold night. On his bed was his stuffed bear he named Eddie, and a small yellow Pokémon backpack that had his Nintendo DS with about 10 or 11 Pokémon, Yu Gi Oh, and other video games, a doodle pad, a music player, and a portable charger for his DS and music player, a kids Bible, and other stuff. Now he always kept his backpack and teddy bear with him for love and entertainment, but little did he know that tonight his dream of getting adopted was going to come true.

As he was just about to go to sleep a thought came to his mind, he almost forgot to say his prayers, every night before he went to sleep, he would always pray that God would find him a family.

"Dear Lord, ah' pray that you would help me find a family, and keep mah' friends and the nuns safe as we go into another day of teachings and lessons on your Word, and thank you for giving me the courage to stand up to mah enemies amen."

Nathan crawled into his covers, clutched his bear in his left arms and his backpack in his other arm and fell asleep, now he was a heavy sleeper so he didn't seem to notice what was happening outside in the sky. Up in the clouds, a swirl of light being formed by wind gusts and water vapor from the clouds started to spin, creating lightning and wind as it began to spin, it started to grow into a black hole, but this black hole had no effect on anything in Dallas, except for one thing, Nathan.

The black hole portal started to turn into a swirl of light as it neared the window of Nathan's bedroom, suddenly the room began to shimmer and sparkle, and Nathan's sleeping body, along with his teddy bear and backpack began to float up out of the bed and out the window.


Princess Celestia and Luna were staring out at the balcony watching the beautiful night sky, they were just sitting there thinking about their royal duties, when a flash of light appeared in the night sky.

"Sister, what was that?" Luna asked, holding Celestia in fear.

"I don't know Luna." Celestia said, "But it appears to be heading for the Crystal Empire, GUARDS!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled in an orderly voice.

"Yes your highness." The guards said

"Inform Princess Cadance and Shining Armor that there is some kind of a meteor heading straight for them."

"Yes your majesty." The guards said then they flew away.



Shining Armor and his wife Princess Cadance were shutting down everything for the night and were heading straight to bed when a knock on the door snapped them out of their tired looks. Even though they were bushed from the long work they pushed their butts through, they had no choice but to walk up towards the door, a second knock was heard, this one really made Shining Armor lose his patience.

I'M COMING!!!!!!!!!!! he said in a cranky voice, when he finally opened it, it was none other than two royal guards from Canterlot.

"What is it guards?" Shining asked

"Captain, Princess Celestia sent us here to inform you that........" but before he could finish, a sudden crash from behind him caused him to jolt in shock and awe, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and the guards turned around to see that this thing that crashed wasn't a meteor, but some kind of an alien creature, the crash also managed to wake up some crystal ponies, this creature had crashed landed just inches away from where the crystal heart had floated, but didn't manage to break it.

This creature was very small looking, the only patch of fur it had appeared to be on his head, but the rest of his body was covered in clothing, the only other part of his body that was visible to them were his hands and fingers. Laying right next to him was a teddy bear, and some kind of a yellow bag with pictures of strange creatures they had never seen before, plus it had some kind of a strange word imprinted on it, Cadance levitated the bag up to her face to get a closer look, then sat it back down.

"Princess Cadance, what do you think it is?" A crystal pony asked

"I'm not sure, but something tells me that it doesn't walk on four legs." she said, this surprised everypony. They had never seen such a creature like this before.

"Cadance, what are we going to do with it?" Shining asked

Cadance answered, "I don't know, but from what age it is, and its size, I don't think it can take care of itself, especially out here."

"Yeah, we were thinking the same thing too." a crystal pony said, Cadance and Shining Armor looked at them with serious looks, like they were reminding them that it was royal business and that they should go back to bed.

"Look, you all we're sorry all this woke you up, but you all need to go back to bed, leave all this to my wife and I." Shining said.

"Yes sir." they said leaving this creature under choices with Cadance and Shining Armor.

"Guards, inform Celestia and Luna what we have and have them come here to the Crystal Empire first thing in the morning."

"Yes Captain." the guards said, they then departed back for Canterlot, Shining then looked at his wife, then looked down at this creature and his bag and teddy bear.

"Honey, let's take this creature inside and get it someplace warm to sleep, because I think it's going to be a cold one tonight." Cadance said, "I'll carry him, you get his stuff."

"Yes dear." Shining said, levitating the creatures things, while Cadance levitated the creature on her back. Just as they were approaching the doorway to their quarters, it began to snow.

"Heh, good thing we decided to take this thing inside, otherwise, it would've frozen to death." Shining said.


They had found the guest bedroom and laid the boy's things on its side, then they tucked him in. Because of the fact that this little thing was so cute, Cadance kissed him on his head.

"Cadance why did you that?" Shining whispered

Cadance giggled softly, "I'm sorry honey, but he's just so cute." She said following him out the door, when Shining wasn't looking Cadance looked at this creature asleep and she smiled, gently closing the door behind her.


Morning had approached the Crystal Empire, as Celestia's sun was beginning to rise, the light began to shine and light up the city, in the Eiffel Tower-like palace where Cadance and Shining Armor lived, Nathan was waking up but through one second of his P.O.V. when he looked around he saw that his bedroom was all shiny and was made of crystals, and from a good look his bed was made of crystals as well. But with a double look his Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh posters were nowhere to be found, his closet wasn't there, his night stand, toy box, etc. everything in his room wasn't inside there at all.

As he got out of his bed that he had been sleeping on, he looked around and saw that none of his shoes were anywhere to be found.

"Maybe ah'm dreamin'." he said with his cute little Texas accent, but with one quick pinch..."Ouch, no ah'm awake."

He looked back to his bed and saw that all that was with him was his teddy bear and his Pokémon bag, he went up to the door and opened it to see if he could try to get the orphanage leaders' attention.

"Mah Ladies?

No one replied, the only other sound out was the wind hissing through the window, quickly he dashed back inside his room, he still couldn't figure out where he was or what was happening, but then his shoe thoughts came back to him, if he was going to explore this strange place he was at, he had better found something to keep his feet safe from any kind of sharp object, but then it hit him. He opened the second pouch in his bag and found a pair of heely's tennis shoes.

"Ah' knew these would come in handy." he said slipping them on, "And they still have their wheels."

He also saw that he was still wearing his pajamas and his Texas rangers jacket, but he knew that until he could find a place where he could get some clothes, his sleep clothes would have to do. So he slipped on his backpack grabbed his teddy bear and headed towards the door, as he was walking through this shiny crystal built hallway he started getting scared, not because he was alone, but because of the fact that he wasn't in his bedroom at the orphanage back in Dallas.

"Oh man, ah' am going to be in big trouble when the nuns discover ah'm not in mah' room." he thought fearfully to himself. All his fearful thoughts soon paused when he heard people talking downstairs.

"Maybe it's the nuns." he thought, Nathan quietly followed the voices down the stairs until he came to a door that was closed, inside he heard the voices, Nathan put his ear on the door and listened quietly

"He's not an ordinary boy Aunt Celestia, he's really a cute little boy." said the voice of what appeared to be a woman.

"Princess Cadance, I still want to see him." Said another female voice

"Yes, we must know what he is." said yet another female voice

"Come on Cel, he's really cute, I think you'll love him." said a male voice

There was a sigh then a slight giggle, "All right let's go see this creature."

Suddenly, Nathan heard not footsteps but a different kind of pacing they sounded like hoofs stepping towards the door, quickly, he sprinted behind a flower stand and hid, as he was hiding he peeped behind and saw that these weren't humans nor the nuns that ran the orphanage but.....horses, but they weren't ordinary horses, they looked like winged unicorns, one was pink, the second was white, and the third was a dark blue, then another came out it looked like just a regular unicorn, with a blue mane and tail, the pink winged unicorn had a tail and mane which consisted colors of purple, pink, and white, and was wearing a gold chest piece and a small gold crown the white winged unicorn had a flowing mane and tail which had colors of pink, blue, and green, and she was wearing a gold necklace and crown, the blue winged unicorn had a flowing hair which color matched her skin, and it was wearing a black chest piece which had a picture of a crescent moon on it, and she was wearing a black crown.

Also from a good view these unicorns had what looked like tattoos on their flanks, the pink one had a mark of a crystal looking heart, the blue one had a black blot with another crescent moon on it, the white one had a mark of the sun. And the regular unicorn had a mark of some kind of a shield with a dark pink star centered in it and on top were three stars.

Nathan thought about all this, "Why would mythical creatures that didn't exist on his world need 'tattoo's' on their flanks?"

But one thing was for sure, he had to find a way out of there, he suddenly saw that the door that led outside was only an inch away from him, so he slipped back on his backpack, grabbed his bear and went over to the door, only to find that it was locked, but no matter how hard he tried, the door would not budge, suddenly he heard the sound of hoofsteps coming down the stairs, he tried to hide but then felt himself levitating and surrounded by pink aura.

"Aunt Celestia this is the creature that landed here last night." said a female voice

"Yeah, I think this little guy was the flash of light that sparked Equestria." Said a male voice. Then gently he was put back on the floor on his feet, that's when he ran to a corner and covered himself in fear. These unicorns saw him cowering and walked towards him.

When Nathan uncovered himself from his fearful ball, he looked up and saw that these horses were staring at him, not with the typical look of a regular horse, but they had sad concerned looks.

Nathan slid his bag and teddy bear towards them, "Take whatever you want, please don't hurt me!!!!!!!" He whined in terror, as Nathan curled up in fear he felt something soft wrap around him, he looked up and saw that it was a wing.

"Shhh, calm down sweetie, we're not going to hurt you." Said a female voice.

"Who said that?" Nathan asked.

"Look behind you, sweetie." said the strange female voice, then it struck him, he looked around and saw that this wing was attached to the pink unicorn that he saw exiting the room he passed by earlier, he looked up at her face and saw she was smiling at him.

"Ya'll can talk?" Nathan asked.

The pink winged unicorn smiled at him, "Of course we talk, I take it you have never been around talking ponies before."

"No, ah' guess." Nathan said.

"Well little one, My name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadance, this is my husband Shining Armor, and my aunt Celestia and Luna." they waved their hooves at him.

"Nice to meet ya'll ah'm Nathan."

"Pleasure to meet you Nathan." Shining Armor said rubbing his arms, then Celestia and Luna came up to talk to him.

"So uh, Nathan, tell us what are you, we haven't seen a creature like you before." Luna said.

"Ah'm called a human, and ah'm five years old." Nathan said, he then heard Princess Celestia and the others giggling at him.

"What's so funny?" he asked

"You're accent, it's so cute." Cadance said

Nathan blushed, "Thanks."

"Well ah' have one question, why is everything in here so shiny?" Nathan asked

"Because you're in the Crystal Empire." Celestia said

"The what?"

"The Crystal Empire." Cadance said

Nathan was puzzled, "There's no 'Crystal Empire' in Texas."

"Where?" Cadance asked


"What's Texas?" Shining Armor asked

Nathan knew that these ponies had not known about his world, so he decided to tell them all about Texas.

"Texas is a state in a country called the United States of America, biggest one ever. And it has the best country music, great food, awesome sports, cowboys, rodeos, everything you can think of, in fact ah' have a road atlas with a picture of Texas here in mah' bag."

Nathan reached into the bottom zipped pocket of his bag and found it a road atlas, he opened it to the page where Texas was and show it for the ponies to see, all four of them lit up their horns and the atlas levitated up from the ground, this surprised Nathan, he had heard of winged unicorns and regular ones, but he had never seen them do something like this.

"How do ya'll do that?" he asked

"Well, if you're a unicorn or an alicorn, you are born with the power of magic within, which gives you the power of levitation that you use with your horn." Luna said

"Is that what you all are called, alicorns?" Nathan asked

"You are correct." Luna said

Meanwhile Celestia was thinking and said, "I need to inform Twilight and her friends about this."

"Who's 'Twilight'?" Nathan asked

"She is my faithful student who has just become a princess like us, and she is Shining Armor's sister." Celestia said

"Mr. Shining, ya'll never told me ya' had a sister."

"I sure do." Shining said

"Well, Ms. Cadance, what country am ah' in?" he asked

"You're in Equestria." she answered

"Ah've never heard of that country am ah' on another world?"

"I'm afraid so dear."

Nathan started to get scared he was alone on another world with talking ponies, suddenly he felt himself being levitated, it was Cadance, she levitated him into her forhooves and hugged him tightly.

"Shhh, don't be scared, we'll work this out, I promise." Cadance said

This got Nathan to calm down, as he was starting to get use to them, Princess Celestia took out a scroll and quill and started to write a letter.

"Dear Princess Twilight"

"I must inform you and your friends to come here to the Crystal Empire at once, Cadance, Luna, Shining Armor, and I have discovered a small bipedal creature, known as a human, he's five years old, and he's really cute, we don't know much about him yet, but he's going to remain here in Equestria until further notice."

"Yours Truly"

"Princess Celestia"

She then rolled up the letter and it poofed in a whiff of magic smoke.