• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago


Greetings World. You may call me Nyronus. I write stories, among other things. My hobbies include existential ennui, being Princess Luna, and Saving the World. Feel free to hit me up on Steam to chat!


Twilight and Celestia share two moments across time.

A story about growing up.


A special thanks to all the friends without whom this story would be much less. You guys are the best.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Inb4 "There's already a fic named Progress!"

Yeah, you should probably consider changing the title to avoid confusion. :applejackconfused:

saving the world from giant hippo invasions

Waiting eagerly for this episode.

That was nice. Finally, more happy Twilestia.

Price of Progress. Oh yeah :3

As someone who has reached what is currently considered "middle age" (43), I an honestly say the only way I've changed since 20 or so is more conviction, and a better understanding of myself. I still collect Transformers, work from home and make enough to afford a 3 bedroom house and a nice car, and spend my casual time reading fanfiction, playing video games, and hanging out with my friends. Except for fanfiction (it didn't exist back then) and the working from home, it's just like when I was 20.

This was wonderful, thank you.

Yesterday is history
Tommorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift
That's why it's called the present

Oh my... nearly had a heart attack when I scrolled down and saw "Progress" pop into view. Bummed when it wasn't the Progress, but this looks like it shall be a wonderful story too! :twilightsmile:

Amazing one shot, great work! Made me think of this song and I could see Celestia singing it to Twilight.

Kung Fu Panda. By the way, when Master Oogway left the physical world... one of my favorite cinema scenes ever. :pinkiehappy:

3341240 No, it's from the first Kung Fu Panda movie. :eeyup:

Howdy! Would you like to submit this story for judging for the monthly Twilestia contest? You have a chance to get your story submitted to the "Contest Winners" box, which is currently empty and so would get your story lots of views and make people more inclined to fave. Make a contract with me and become a magical girl enjoy new popularity in your stories. :pinkiesmile:

Actually, I was referring to my interaction with fanfiction, not to fanfiction itself. :pinkiesmile:

that was great!

I rather enjoyed this as well.

I'll admit I was thrown for a moment when the scene transitioned and suddenly Twilight goes from a filly to her alicorn form already in a relationship with Celestia, but after that, it progressed rather well. (See what I did there.)

Being a bit more detailed now, I'd like to know a bit more of just how Twilight ended up in the situation that she is currently in. I was able to guess at a few parts, but I'm left wondering how she became in charge of budgeting instead of studies, being responsible for construction jobs over magical theories, and things like that. I no longer buy the excuse that she's a princess so naturally it's part of the job, because I haven't seen Cadance build crap since she picked up her crown, let alone manage budget sheets, and Luna does even less. Celestia is so far the only pony that manages that stuff, and even that is speculative.

Twilight's mindset for being overcrowded with work was marvelous, however. I love how it wasn't just a once sentence question to get her to dump. It took leading and baiting to get her to finally admit how overwhelmed she is, and how much she wishes things would just be simple again. While many of us would wish for such a thing, Twilight is defined by her persistence to be the best she can be without complaint, and you got that down stone cold.

Celestia was also played very well, with her carefree demeanor helping to coax Twilight from her slump, much like she always does. Provided, her role was actually surprisingly sparse, at least in relation to what I read, but I figured there would be more reminders and speech. Then again, that's how I would write it, and you did a great job with how you wrote it.

Overall: B+; You got down all the necessities plus a little more, but a few jarring transitions and unexplained circumstances leave the scenes a little emotionally empty. Where it matters though, you delivered.


Being a bit more detailed now, I'd like to know a bit more of just how Twilight ended up in the situation that she is currently in. I was able to guess at a few parts, but I'm left wondering how she became in charge of budgeting instead of studies, being responsible for construction jobs over magical theories, and things like that. I no longer buy the excuse that she's a princess so naturally it's part of the job, because I haven't seen Cadance build crap since she picked up her crown, let alone manage budget sheets, and Luna does even less. Celestia is so far the only pony that manages that stuff, and even that is speculative.

Oh, that much is easy to imagine. She wanted to do something important, such as build a new research facility, or start up a new class. Some problem came up that would have blocked her from doing it, like finding money in the royal budget. Like any determined problem-solver, she started rooting out the things blocking her and solving them. Twilight has always had problems delegating, and in any case it isn't that hard to imagine the pony that wants to do everything having the drive to fix everything. And it's not hard to slip further and further from what you intended to be doing; not hard at all.

So, between Twilight's personality and her ambition, it's pretty easy to see how she could have gotten caught up in the minutiae.

So I uh, read this. About five days ago. I usually do some kind of review here, but, well. This was the kind of thing I read for fluff and happy feels. It pretty much delivered on that front, so I don't have a whole lot to say about it. I did sorta kinda illustrate the ending scene though, so maybe I can get away with not bullet listing everything I thought about it. :pinkiecrazy:










>> Roughly accurate representation of my actual reaction

Good read I'm gonna read your other stuff now

Still a really sweet story in 2020.

The same thing in 2021--I mean it's really a lovely story!!! Why I read it so late?

An amazing story to read in 2024.

Incredibly heartwarming story. :pinkiesad2:

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