• Published 7th Mar 2012
  • 97,558 Views, 4,778 Comments

Hands - Andrew Joshua Talon

A slightly more realistic take on the "Human in Equestria" story concept... For a given value of "realistic."

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A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction

By Andrew J. Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

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This couldn't be real. This couldn't be happening.

The fact of the matter is though, that these thoughts felt like mere reflex after literally everything else I'd been through. The universe had changed and denial wasn't going to help. Not with the high powered weapons pointed at us by humans and ponies. Princess Celestia immediately settled into her diplomatic mode: A soft gentle smile on her lips, her hands up and appeasing, her stance firm but not aggressive.

"I feel there's been a mistake," she said, loudly and clearly. "We are new here and we are unaware of what you mean-"

"SURRENDER OR BE DELETED ROGUE PROGRAMS," the ominous voice bellowed again, rattling in my ears. Celestia was unmoved, but me: I saw there was tension in the people and ponies. A tension that was this close to breaking. I cleared my throat, and stepped forward, arms held up. The guns were now pointed at me, instead of the Princess.

This was a crazy idea. But this was a crazy place, so maybe it would work. It was worth a shot, right?

"We're not programs!" I shouted. "We're Users! WE'RE USERS! I can prove it!"

Celestia stared at me, but didn't do anything else. There was nothing but the sound of the transport's engines burning above us. The vehicle slowly descended, long eight legs expanding out to land on the ground. It lowered its body, before another section descended. Four humanoids in black armor, orange lines glowing to define their lines, walked out like stiff legged robots. One advanced, a long glowing spear pointed at us. Her form was feminine, even through the bulky armor.

"Prove it," she said, her face hidden by shadow. I gulped, and focused.

"Open helmet," I stated. The armor peeled away, revealing my face. I looked at my gauntlet, and awkwardly held it up against my cheek. I pulled down, and winced as I cut my cheek with the sharp edge. I reached up, gathered some blood on my fingers, and held out my hand for the guard's inspection. She reached out and took hold of my hand. She got some blood on her own fingers, and lifted them close to her visor. She examined the red blood carefully.

"... Come with us," she stated.

"Can I ask where?" I asked. An intimidating silence followed. Celestia touched my arm.

"I believe we'll learn that when we get there," she said softly. She nodded to the guards, and they parted for us. We walked onto the moving platform, which retracted into the belly of the ship. Inside it was all orange light and projected controls and interfaces on glass. An Earth pony worked at the controls ahead of us, his hooves on glowing circular interfaces. The ship rumbled slightly, and the vessel rose up. Through the glass screens, we could see the pegasi continuing to orbit us as the vessel took off and began flying towards the urban areas.

"How did you know that would work?" Celestia asked softly. I shook my head.

"It was a gamble... But it paid off," I said. "Whoever built this knew about pop culture in my time, a movie called TRON."

Celestia nodded thoughtfully as she studied the view.

"And yet the city," she said, gesturing out the window to the expanding urban landscape ahead of us. It was immense, with hundreds of spires, skyscrapers, and domed buildings of every design and shape filling out a massive glowing skyline. I frowned.

"What about it?" I asked.

"It looks like an exact copy of Metropolis, the last great human city," Celestia whispered. "I only visited it once, but it stuck with me. That and I have a nearly photographic memory."

"Nearly?" I asked. Celestia smiled gently.

"There's a lot to forget when you're as old as I am," she admitted. "It looks like it hasn't changed at all... Aside from being inside a computer."

"Any idea who made all this?" I asked, as we flew through the air towards the tallest tower in the city. It was immense, rising from the center of the Metropolis like the tower of Babel climbing for heaven. We went up, higher and higher, to the very top of the massive edifice. The spider-ship docked, the legs locking into docking ports on a massive platform. The platform inside the ship itself descended, and it settled onto the smooth clear surface of the dock. I started as sounds I hadn't heard in what felt like years assaulted my ears: The sounds of traffic and thousands of footsteps and electronic whines, alarms and beeps. All faint, but there: The urban background noise.

It had been so long since I heard it, I felt myself becoming lost in the familiarity.

Celestia gently nudged me with her elbow, and I looked ahead. The guards were gesturing us forward. We walked out, all four armored humanoids flanking us like an honor guard. Ahead, a pair of gigantic, white glowing doors parted in sequence: Several inner doors, and a gigantic massive outer door. A yellow glowing figure walked with confidence, a long cloak waving behind her. And yes, she was definitely a her: The black bodysuit she wore clung to every inch of her like a second skin. She had a perfect hourglass figure, but any other details were hidden by the black bodysuit, the glowing cloak, and the completely enclosed and black helmet encasing her head. Her collar glowed more faintly, giving her the effect of a halo. On either side, keeping up with her strides, walked two more armored guards. Trailing behind her was a light blue Earth pony with a dark pink hair in pigtails. She was dressed in a similar black bodysuit with glowing lines outlining her form, and a holographic interface of some kind projected in front of her face. The pony looked as impassive as the humans, despite not having a mask.

Our guards stopped, and we followed suit. Above us, pegasi orbited like vengeful angels.

The mysterious woman and her entourage kept walking, until stopping just a few steps away. She stared intently at us through the helmet as the silence wore on. The tension mounted, before at last she spoke.

"... Who are you?" She demanded in an electronically distorted voice, harsh and menacing. Celestia cleared her throat in a gentle, elegant manner, and put on her most motherly face.

"I am Princess Celestia. This is Sir Andrew Shepherd, my knight," she said. "We come in peace."

"And you are human?" The woman asked, still harsh. I stepped forward, and nodded.

"Yes," I said. "The only ones in Equestria that we know of."

It was a fib, yes, but these guys might not take kindly to shapeshifting. Best to keep things simple. Besides, technically it wasn't a lie...

The figure was silent for a bit longer. Then, the tension left her shoulders as she relaxed.

The figure's helmet... Retracted, sliding away into nothing. A full head of curly, shining blonde hair fell to her shoulders. Her face was pale, making her freckled apple red cheeks all the more noticeable. Her eyes were a radiant blue, and her lips were thin like a cupid's bow. She stared at us in disbelief, tears bubbling at the corners of her eyes. She then smiled, the broadest, most honest smile I'd ever seen on another human being. I have to admit, tears came to my eyes too at the sheer emotion in her face.

Her guards were impassive, though the Earth pony looked just a bit shocked.

The woman strode forward, and jumped up to wrap her arms around my neck. She was shorter than me by almost a head, so I had to bend down just a bit to complete the tight hug. It was surprising, but the desperate hope in her face forced me to.

It was an expression I'd seen in the mirror far too many times before.

"I'm Molly Williams," she sobbed happily, "Welcome... Welcome home!"

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Author's Note:

Sorry it's a bit short. I had intended to have it last chapter but dramatic timing is everything.