• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 21,142 Views, 440 Comments

The Mane Makes The Pony - MerlosTheMad

Pinkie Pie gets a haircut, and the ponies of Ponyville don't know how to react.

  • ...

Third Chapter : Temporary Solutions

"Aaahhahha..." Rarity sighed happily and reclined deeper into her soak in the spa's premiere hot tub.

Aloe and Lotus were seated at the edge of wide pool, each smiling with eyes shut. Both listened with joy at the sounds of yet another satisfied customer. "Is there anything more that we can get for you, Ms. Rarity?" Aloe chimed up, stretching out her neck over the water.

"Mmmhmm... What? Oh, yes, the weather is lovely out..." Rarity intoned absently, looking for all the world as though she were in another world altogether.

Aloe snickered lightly and trotted towards the wall. Along the way, she smirked at her sister, who returned the look back with an equally amused one of her own. "Such a delightful mare, and so easy to please..." she mused aloud.

Lotus nodded, still smiling. "Oh yes, very," she agreed, then went on. "Speaking of, I'll go and see to Pinkie Pie's manecut now, sister. I hope Hans is fairing alright being left alone with Rainbow and Pinkie Pie together." She laughed, recalling how mischievous the famous pair would get.

Aloe chuckled along, until she recalled something. "Oh, actually, Rainbow Dash already left, sister. Flew out the window, I think."

Lotus clicked her tongue in exasperation at the news. "Again?" Her hoof pressed against the door at the entrance, hesitating to open it and let out the heat from the room. "Honestly, that girl is too concerned with her image."

The two mares stared at one another in the wake of the statement, then burst out laughing.

"Is something funny over there?" Rarity called out, and leaned out of the hot tub with a smile.

Both spa-ponies gave the other mare innocent looks, "Noooo," they both sang in response, then began giggling again.

Rarity rolled her one eye uncovered by a cucumber.

Aloe turned and made shooing motions at her sister. "Well, in any case, you go. I'll keep Ms. Rarity company in case she needs anything."

Lotus bobbed her head once. "Certainly! I would say I would be back in a jiffy... but I think that cutting any of that forest on Pinkie Pie's head is going to take hours." She gave her sister a silly, slack jawed look, then pushed open the door. A cloud of steam billowed out into the hall.

Aloe laughed again. "Let me know if you need some hedge trimmers or a chainsaw."

Lotus chuckled at her sister's parting words, filling the hallway alongside the clip clopping of her hooves on the tile floor. That lasted until a different voice, loud and joyful sounding, could be heard leaking from out of the barber's room.

"So which word do you like more, Hans? Chimi-cherry? Or Cherry-changa? Chimi-cherry? Or—"

Lotus began snickering once more at the hallmark manner in which Pinkie Pie spoke to almost everypony, and it seemed her victim was now Hans. She paused at the door for a moment, listening to the sounds of Ponyville's newest resident getting broken in, so to speak. "Oh, Ms. Pinkie, are you ready for your haircut—"

Pinkie Pie looked over from where she sat, still as bright eyed and happy looking as always, and spotted Lotus standing in the doorway. "Hi Lotus!" she greeted the other pony, waving. "Am I ready? Well, I'm totally already getting one, so yeah! I'm ready."

Hans grumbled and nabbed Pinkie's hoof out the air, then tucked it back on her lap where it belonged.

Pinkie looked up wonderingly for a moment, then laughed. "Oops, sorry about that, Hans," she apologized.

Hans rolled his eyes, then used one hand placed on Pinkie's head to point her face back forward so he could finish. "Ms. Lotus, pink pony is very... how you say, verrückt." He sighed, and tilted Pinkie's head forward a second time, once again, so he could get at last get the remaining bit on her neck. "Hold still. Almost done."

Pinkie gasped a little. "Wow, already!? That only took, like, five minutes! Usually it takes Aloe and Lotus foooorever!" After a brief pause of giggling, she went on. "You must be good!"

Lotus blinked in disbelief at the situation in the room; as her sister had said, Rainbow Dash was gone, leaving her sister's new stylist and only Pinkie inside. "Pinkie, you, uhm, are trying a new look, are you? It's... very interesting. In fact, it is very boyish."

Pinkie, still mostly facing the floor, rolled one eye over to look at the spa-pony. "Hm? Boyish? What do you mean, Lotus?" she asked, thinking over what had been said to her. "I asked for the same haircut I always get here, the Pinkie Pie special!" Giggling, her hooves kicked until some annoyed mutters came from behind her, at which point she stopped again to be nice. "By the way, your new friend is so great! He doesn't laugh at my jokes much, and is pretty quiet, but he doesn't mind me talking all I want!"

Lotus laughed a little nervously, starting to realize what had gone wrong. That is Rainbow's manecut. I recognize it anywhere. Her hooves began walking her back towards the door. "T-That's great, Ms. Pinkie... I'll just be a moment."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie nodded happily, watching the other pony go. Behind her, Hans snorted again and tried to hold her head still.

"I must go and fetch my sister and—" Just as Lotus was backing towards the door, she bumped into Aloe, who was coming inside.

"Lotus, are you— oof!" Aloe cut off.

Pinkie looked over at the sounds of commotion, which was usually her job. "Oof? Why would Lotus be oof? I thought she was just Lotus." She laughed again, at which point she heard a huge sigh erupt from beside her.

"It is finish," came the gravelly voice Pinkie had associated with the minotaur barber. "You look now?"

A hoof mirror, or in Hans' case, hand mirror, swung down and moved between Pinkie and the two spa-ponies piled on top of one another by the doorway.

Pinkie bounced in her chair, excited to see her old haircut restored to its former glory. She looked into the mirror, and froze in her seat as a result. That... thaaat's not my mane. Her eyes blinked in disbelief for a split-second, then, she screamed, then stopped again just as quick. Wow, she thought, staring wide eyed at herself, then screamed again, then stopped for the second time. Huh, my head feels so light now. Mom always did say I was an airhead... She was briefly amazed at just how free she felt, and the cause of that freedom was very clear to her.

"Is not that bad..." Hans mumbled, scratching his head. "This mean you not want to see tail?" His voice held a large amount of uncertainty.

By the door, Aloe heard the commotion and stood up angrily. "Pinkie? And, sister, honestly can't you watch where you're going— ah." She froze in the middle of standing up, staring at the mare busily looking at herself in a mirror at the chair.

Lotus grunted and slid out from underneath Aloe. "I was hurrying to come get you! It seems that there's been—" Before she could finish speaking, a panicked gasp, followed by a short scream escaped her sister. "—a mistake..." she finished, ears and tail drooping.

One of Aloe's hooves shakily rose and pointed at her customer. "H-Hans? What did you do!? You were supposed to cut Rainbow's mane! Not Pinkie's!" A string of decidedly heated Germane phrases poured out of her mouth, not all of them strictly accurate.

Hans gave his boss an indignant look, and folded his arms while returning his side of the story as he understood it.

Pinkie Pie was sitting still in the barber's chair, and without the hoof mirror from Hans, turned around to look in the one hanging from the wall, instead. What looked back at her was definitely her old face, her old muzzle, but completely different from that was the absence of the cotton-like, poofy hair, bouncing without a care on her head. In fact, her hair was too short now to have any poof at all, to the point where it just laid flat entirely.

Pinkie slowly raised a hoof up and ran it over her mane, a look of disbelief on her face. "This is... new," she said weakly.

Next, the near door burst open, and in ran Rarity, wrapped in seaweed and wearing a mud-mask from her spa treatment. She looked around the room frantically. "What's wrong!? Why are we screaming?"

Everypony in the room ceased their shouting at one another and looked over in shock after the door opened. They all locked eyes with Rarity. Pinkie jabbed a hoof in her friend's direction and began shrieking once again.

"Ms. Pinkie, that's enough yelling now, I think," Aloe pleaded while rolling her eyes.

Pinkie ceased crying out, then smiled. "Oh, alrighty!"

Rarity quirked an eyebrow at the other ponies, including her friend. "Did I miss something— iiiieeee! Pinkie!? What happened to your mane!?" She trotted into the room, staring all around at the field of horror inside, and understanding why everypony had been shrieking so. There was pink hair everywhere, and all of it obviously from Pinkie, who now had little more than a short, sad amount remaining on her head.

Hans began muttering in his language again, gesturing from side to side with one, meaty hand holding a set of clippers, while the other rested on his hip.

Rarity raised both eyebrows in surprise, just noticing the stranger. She briefly wondered how exactly she had missed the presence of such a hulk. "Is that a minotau—?"

Before she could finish, Aloe spoke up. "Alright, that's enough. Ms. Rarity, please return to your room? I will take care of things... I hope..."

Rarity hesitated from doing so. "But what happened? Pinkie, why did you get your manecut like... that!?" After tilting her head and studying her friend for a moment, she added, "Why, you look like a pink Rainbow Dash."

Pinkie turned and looked at the mirror again, then laughed. "Huh, I do... and, I didn't ask for this haircut, Rarity." She faced her friend again, and quickly spotted the ashamed look on Aloe's and Lotus' expressions, as well as the confused one Hans seemed to be wearing. "Buuuut, I think I know what happened. You see, Hans here is from Germane, and didn't understand what I was telling him it seems. He's new to Ponyville, so he doesn't know me or what the Pinkie Pie special is. On top of that, I bet Rainbow Dash was just here, because the window was open and there's a couple blue feathers stuck on the sill on that side of the room. So that means—"

Pinkie Pie paused, one hoof upraised right before finishing, then began looking around as though she had lost something.

Rarity tilted her head worriedly, and exchanged a quick look with Aloe. "Pinkie? Is everything alright?"

"Uhm, yeah... Well, I can't find my bubble pipe..." Pinkie was looking around the floor, while both of her hooves patted around her head.

Meanwhile, Hans raised an eyebrow, then retrieved something from the pocket of his shirt and held it out to the pony. "Is looking for this?" He also pointed towards a plastic bowl sitting on the table, filled to the brim with random toys, balloons, food, and what looked to be a small alligator.

Pinkie's eyes lit up at seeing her pipe. "Oh, there it is!" She laughed and accepted the item from Hans, then stuck it in her mouth. "Now, where was I?"

Aloe sighed and pressed one hoof against her heart, leaning back against the wall for support. "I believe you were just getting to the part where we owe you an apology and a refund, Ms. Pie..." She was joined by her sister after a moment.

Pinkie looked over at the other pony, then gasped and hopped out of the chair at what looked like signs of sadness. "Oh, no way Aloe! I mean, yeah... it's tooootally different and proooobably going to freak some ponies out, but I'm over it!" She giggled and grabbed both spa-ponies in a bone crushing hug.

Lotus coughed and wheezed out, "Really? Ho' Cele'tia..."

Rarity, frowning weakly over the scene of hair carnage in the room, quickly set about unwrapping herself and washing the mud-mask off her face in a nearby sink.

Pinkie released the two. "Yup! I mean, this should be a great prank for Dashie if nothing else." She laughed again, then slowed some until it trailed off. "I mean... manes grow back anyway." She trotted towards a nearby mirror and began looking herself over again, tilting her head this way and that while sticking her tongue out. "Wow, yeah this will take some getting used to..." One hoof lifted her forelock up and brushed it back. "I'm sure that it'll be great for some laughs though!" She made a confident grin back at herself. "...Right?"

Rarity turned to eye Pinkie worriedly, really not sure about what to expect. She had known Pinkie for a few years now, and had become quickly aware of just how serious the condition of her friend's mane could be. "Pinkie," she began, wiping off the remnants of her mud-mask with a towel. "Why don't we get you home, darling? Pinkie? Are you there?"

Pinkie was staring at herself in the mirror, not answering. In a flash though, faster than Rarity or the others in the room could track, Pinkie zoomed out the near door, leaving a small vacuum of empty space in her wake. Missing from the counter was the bowl that had been filled with Pinkie's belongings and pet.

Rarity spun around in a circle, feeling as if the air itself had been sucked out of her lungs. "P-Pinkie?" she called out, eyes tumbling in her head. Once she'd regained her senses, she ran towards the door and looked out into the hallway. "Pinkie!" There was nopony there, and without waiting she charged outside after her friend. "Wait!" All the while she was quite aware of how damp and matted her own mane was.

Aloe ceased spinning slowly and put both hooves on her head in an effort to help regain her own senses. "Oh dear... Well, that could have gone worse. Our reputation may suffer for a little while, now..." Once the presence of crippling nausea began to abate, she stood up and leaned on a nearby counter for support.

Lotus watched Hans, who was already sweeping the literally mountain of Pinkie Pie's mane and tail hair. She gasped in response to her sister. "Pinkie would surely never do that to us!"

Aloe held a hoof against her muzzle for a moment, then swallowed hard and looked over at Lotus. "What? No, I meant Rarity! If anypony sees her after leaving our spa looking like that, who knows what the mares will think now."

Lotus grimaced a little and shrugged. "Oh, they already have all kinds of odd rumors about specialties you can pay extra for here. Maybe this will work out and actually increase business." Chuckling at the idea, she trotted towards the door. "I still feel terrible though, even if it was an honest misunderstanding... I will have to keep a closer eye on Hans, I guess."

Aloe traded an awkward glance with the minotaur as his name was mentioned. Sheepishly, he raised his palms up at the ceiling in a confused gesture. "Yes, we wouldn't want something like this happening again, after all."

Fluttershy sipped delicately at her straw, absently enjoying the fizzy drink she had gotten, all while listening to the still frantic unicorn sitting across the table from her.

Rarity was an absolute mess, but, she often would get that way when something worrying arose, and Pinkie Pie sometimes was worth worrying about. The situation at hoof, though, seemed a little strange.

"Wait, what is—" Fluttershy raised a hoof up and tried to interrupt with a quiet voice.

"—And you'll never believe this, but the pony that did it wasn't even a pony at all! And they didn't speak Equestrian either, I guess. Did I mention that? Oh, but that's besides the point, and the point is simply that who knows what—"

"Rarity—" Fluttershy tried to say again, then scrunched her face up delicately when her friend kept rambling over her. Oh dear, she thought helplessly. This all seems a little extreme for just a little manecut accident... She briefly considered the possibility of misfortune befalling Pinkie's hairstyle. I always thought her hair was indestructible, too.

"Hi girls," a strained sounding voice greeted out of the blue.

Rarity stopped talking mid-sentence, and turned along with Fluttershy to face Pinkie Pie, slowly walking towards their outdoor table.

Pinkie gave her two friends a weak smile, her eyes shifting between them both nervously.

Fluttershy's ears laid themselves back on her head, confused by what she saw. "Rarity, I thought you said that Pinkie's mane had been completely destroyed? It looks... fine to me." Briefly, she considered the possibility that her friend was having a nervous break down of some sort.

Rarity stuttered and blinked wide eyed at Pinkie Pie. "B-But, I swear! It was— There was almost nothing left! It was an exact duplicate of Rainbow's manecut!" She nearly fell out of her chair, then scrabbled her way over to her friend. "Pinkie, did— What happened? And are you alright, dear?"

Pinkie stopped where she was, now being faced down by Rarity. "O-Oh, yeah, I'm fine, Rarity. Yup! Nothing wrong at all here." She let out a confident sounding laugh, though it was clearly fake. "Uhm, how do I look, girls?"

Fluttershy tilted her head, wondering more and more about what was going on. Pinkie is acting odd though... "You look good, Pinkie. You got your mane cut?" she asked quietly.

Pinkie laughed again, but nervously. "You could say that..."

Rarity leaned in close, her eyes narrowing as she inspected her friend's mane closely. She believed she had spotted the cause of her friend's miraculous hair regrowth. "Pinkie, do you have cotton candy on your head?" One hoof reached up to tentatively give the hair a poke.

Pinkie's eyes began shifting all around guiltily, and a rather noticeable, nervous sweat appeared on her brow. "N-No... Uhm, It's funny though, I hear that quite a lot these days about my hair... Hah... hah." She sighed, then reached up with a hoof and removed the wig of candied sugar atop her head. "Oh, you got me... I guess this was a silly idea after all." Sadly, she trotted up and sat her rump down on the ground beside Fluttershy at the table.

Fluttershy gasped a little and held both of her hooves up to her muzzle on reflex. "Pinkie, oh my goodness, Rarity wasn't joking about your mane. She wasn't joking at all."

Rarity walked up, frowning weakly, and sat on Pinkie's other side. "Well, the concerns of your hair's health from wearing candy over it aside, it did look a bit like your mane, Pinkie..."

Pinkie shrugged and sighed again. "Oh... it's fine... I'll get used to it... My new look... just feels really weird, and different, and weeeeird..."

"And looks just like Rainbow Dash's," Fluttershy added, staring openly at Pinkie's new mane style.

Pinkie Pie laughed lightly, nodding twice.

Fluttershy could hardly believe what her eyes were telling her she was seeing. "Pinkie Pie... you look like an entirely different pony." After she had already spoke, she remembered that the entire incident had been an accident, and slapped a hoof over her muzzle. Oh, Fluttershy, you dummy, you have such a big mouth.

Pinkie looked over and gave her friend a weak smile. "Yeah, Fluttershy, it's pretty... uhm, different alright, ehheh." Her smile sank again quickly, and she began stirring a hoof around on the table. "It doesn't look bad though, right?"

"No!" Fluttershy exclaimed, then remembered herself and stopped staring. "It looks so good, Pinkie, really." Quickly, she leaned over the table and laid one hoof on her friend's.

Pinkie looked taken aback, then smiled broader. "Thanks, Fluttershy," she replied, some of her normal cheer evident. "It is super... duper different, but I guess I can get used to it..." She trailed off, rubbing one foreleg with the other sheepishly.

Fluttershy put on a sad look for her friend, feeling every little bit as upset as she thought Pinkie did for the accident that had befallen her.

Rarity let out a sad breath. "I can't help but feel somewhat responsible. If I didn't always take up both of Aloe and Lotus' time, then maybe they could have saved your hair..."

Pinkie looked at Rarity like she was crazy, then shook her head. "Nooo, silly, it's nopony's fault, not even Hans! I just... gotta get used to looking not-Pinkie-like for a little while..."

Rarity frowned and sat up to inspect Pinkie's head closely. "I just wish such a misunderstanding about your beautiful mane could have ended you up with a more befitting style is all—" She cut off, then sat back down grinning innocently. "Oh, but it looks great! You look really good, I mean it."

Fluttershy sighed and rolled her eyes where she sat, while Pinkie gave Rarity another small smile.

"Thanks, Rarity. But yeah, it's just a haircut after all..." Pinkie laid her head down on the table, then looked out across the outdoor restaurant at a group of ponies. They were looking at her, she realized, and pointing. "It's weird," she said and looked up at Rarity. "I've almost never felt nervous in a crowd, but having a haircut that's so different is making me really nervous, girls. Almost like I really am a different pony altogether."

Fluttershy and Rarity traded a quick look, Rarity looking a bit nervous and biting her lip, while Fluttershy looked lost.

"You don't say? But Pinkie, that's silly." Rarity intoned quietly, and gently rubbed her friend's shoulder with a hoof.

Pinkie nodded, her head still resting on the table. She kept watching the group of ponies studying her until they turned and left. "Yeah... I mean, so far other than some odd looks nopony's treating me any different, but what if that changes? What if—" she gasped and sat up. "What if they don't think of me as the same Pinkie Pie!?"

"That's ridiculous, Pinkie," Rarity scoffed. "Don't let this worry you. I'm sure everything will go back to the way it was with a little time, you'll see."

Pinkie furrowed her brow and gave Rarity a doubtful look. "Really?"

Fluttershy rested a hoof on Pinkie's other shoulder and gave her friend another comforting look. "Really," she added in as well.

Pinkie Pie sniffed, and started tearing up slightly. "Oh, you girls are the best!" She brought them both into a tight hug with both forelegs. "Yeah, I guess I am being a little over the top." She giggled at that. "It's just so strange, everypony was staring nonstop until I got that wig! Tons of ponies kept walking up to me and saying how great it looks. I never would have thought that would ever happen. I guess they were just so used to my old mane... Right, girls? Girls? Oopsie—"

Upon noticing her friends' purple expressions, she laughed weakly and let them both drop from her grip. "Sorry," she apologized, "My mind has been scattered like marbles on a hockey rink all day!"

Rarity waved a dismissive hoof, gulping air. "Oh— That's quite alright Pinkie." Meanwhile, Fluttershy was busy taking heaving breaths, her wings flapping hard on her back to help out.

Pinkie hummed and sat down again. "Still... I gotta go and think about things... Maybe buy a real wig... I wonder if they make any extra large in pink?" She paused a moment, and rubbing her chin absently, then stood up quickly and began trotting away. "Thanks for talking to me, girls! Let me know if you would like to... to party later? Uhm... Well I'll talk to you later!"

Rarity and Fluttershy watched, a little speechless, as Pinkie Pie trotted away, looked around a building corner, then quickly ducking out of sight.

"Oh dear, I hope Pinkie Pie will be alright." Fluttershy cringed inwardly somewhat, worrying profusely over her friend's well being. "She never does take change very well..."

Rarity gulped and sat back down. "It's just like I said, she is going to feel different for a while with ponies reacting like this, and that means she won't know how to act! Her initial behavior had given me hopes she wouldn't mind this and would just breeze right past it, but who knows?" She traded her nervous look between Fluttershy and glancing at the table. "Perhaps if we throw her mane a get well soon party?"

Fluttershy stared at her friend a moment, then tittered uncontrollably.

Rarity frowned when her other friend continued to laugh. "What? I wasn't being funny, I was being serious!" Idly, her hooves busied themselves in trying to straighten her mane, which was still sorely windswept and frizzed.

Fluttershy slowed some and smiled. "I know, and I think Pinkie being less silly than usual has left room for you to become the silly one, Rarity. That was pretty funny." Her head tilted, a sly grin painted across her muzzle and directed at her friend.

Rarity stared back a moment, then gasped. "That's not something that can really happen, is it?"

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "I was just joking, Rarity. Ponies don't just change how they act overnight... well, most of them..." She gave a thoughtful look at her soda, then took another quick sip. Pinkie seems almost... scared though. She knew, she recognized fear and shyness better than anypony. How could I help? Think, Fluttershy... think.

Author's Note:

One more chapter to come fellows. It will more or less be both the climax and resolution.

It will be entitled 'The Mane Requiem'. :twilightblush: