• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 4,806 Views, 94 Comments

Pierce the Heavens - The Truth of Chaos

"Later... Bro..." The last words spoken by Kamina before his death. As his eyes closed a final time, he soon learnt that the universe doesn't always make sense. But sometimes, that's a good thing.

  • ...

Episode 2 Part I - My Name is Kamina!

Author's Note:

Hey there! Decided to start posting the notes at the top, so when the mech names come up I can translate them. So yeah, next chapter, probably filled with typos. Tell me if you see any!

*Fighting Spirit

Opening Song - Minna no Piisu/Everybody Peace

"Luna!" Celestia called from her chambers, during the early hours of the evening. She hoped her sister would move quickly, for she wanted her opinion of a very important matter.

She was going throughout the Royal Mail, lifting each one with mild interest and reading the pleas of the many. The ones she read however were theses of the common ponies, leaving the pile of letters from nobility to the side. Most of the comers were very humble with their requests, and they were ones she could easily give. As she had read through each one, a single letter from a pegasus from the south had given her a letter of heroic recommendation. She opened the letter, and her mild interest changed to one of surprise.

The story of a warrior who saved several commoner folk from the chains of Diamond Dogs, beating every one with strength alone. She read further into the story, as it told of a technological mobile fighter known as a 'gunmen' that far surpassed modern engineering, and a being known as a 'human'. Celestia thought she knew of such a creature, but had forgotten all about it. After all, she rarely had time to look into old myths and legends. This human, known as the mighty Kamina, freed the commoners from slavery, and even punched his way through rock and stone to he surface.

Such a story would be outrageous, and she chucked it to the side, originally, until she read the next letter. It was from a young farmer mare, who told of the same story but in more depth and detail. How the hairless ape had obtained an item he dubbed as a 'Core Drill' and from that point on he constantly gave them hope for their futures. She described the human as twice a pony in height, with his bear skin showing, but wearing what he called pants, long covers of cloth that hid his legs. He bore a patch of spiky blue fur upon his head, and blue marks across the upper part of his body and was visibly scarred. His crimson eyes seemed to stare into the very soul of every being, but his smile gave all who listened to his strength. Celestia couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as she read the next lines, describing that he was an excellent motivational speaker, even though some things he said would have sounded ridiculous in any other voice.

She then told of his bravery, facing down the diamond dog alpha in single hand to hand combat so that she and her family to escape unharmed. And even though he was covered in cuts and bruises once he had returned, he did not fall without getting up. It seemed that through sheer will alone he managed to activate the mobile fighter as well, as it did not seem to respond well to it's activation. It told of how he took all the prisoners back to the surface, as free ponies. It was then they parted ways, choosing a guide of his choice to lead him to the nearest city, and left the ponies with a smile and wave. The griffon he had chosen was all but happy to oblige.

It was then that Celestia called for her sister, and the princess of the night did come.

"Luna... Do you know what a human is?" She asked, frowning as she tried to remember. The name was all too familiar.

"The creatures of old legends, yes. I do remember." Luna replied, raising a brow as she recited her memories. "Creatures that did not have the ability of magic, but had an almost unnatural skill for surviving anything, no matter the circumstances. It is said they can be killed, however, but it even then they go down fighting." She stated, then frowned at her sister. "Why?"

"Read this. I have already read another like it, but I am unsure such a thing could be true."

Luna hovered the letter before her eyes, and skimmed through it. She widened her eyes the further she went, and after a minute, she finished and looked up at her sister.

"And there is another letter that verifies such a fable?"

"It seems so."

"Do you think this is a trick? Perhaps some... Practical joke?"

"It's too detailed and creative to be a practical joke. Even Discord wouldn't bother writing such a lengthy letter." Celestia grimaced, and stood. Walking from her bed to the balcony overlooking Canterlot. "What trouble will come of this..." She said with a heavy tone of worry.

"'P.S.'" Luna interrupted, Celestia turning to see her sister unrolling the bottom of the letter, revealing a part that she missed. "'My grandfather wishes to know how it is possible ponies can grasp things with their hooves.'"

The sisters looked at each other oddly, before Luna dropped the letter onto the floor. She placed her right hoof on it and lifted it, her eyes widening at the implication of such a thing. "How DO we grasp things?"

Celestia herself was baffled, opening her mouth to answer before closing it, unable to make any words come into her mouth without trying to think of them first. Immediately she took a quill and began writing a letter to her most faithful student. Within the minute it was finished, and she enveloped the letter in a green fire, transporting it to the Princess of Friendship.

"Now, back to the topic at hoof..." She stated, taking a deep breath. "The previous letter was one of heroic recommendation."

"Well... If this isn't fable... We should. He fought off an entire legion of diamond dogs just so the prisoners could all escape. And according to this letter, he fought an Alpha to keep this mare's family safe. In hand to hand combat. We both know that when it comes down to that alphas are rarely beat." She nodded slowly at her sister to answer her untold question. "This 'human' is a hero. And we should reward him for his efforts."

"You're right." She said, smiling before taking another paper and grabbing her quill. Quickly writing down upon the paper, before taking the envelope and reading the address. She wrapped up the paper and hovered it over to her sister,

"Take this to Commander Stormfront. He is to fly to the farm where this family lives and find the location of the Diamond Dog base. He is to bring them back to Canterlot in chains for trial."

"Sister... Do you think this human will be trouble?"

Celestia closed her eyes and Thoth on the subject. "We can only hope he will not be. Now go, swiftly."

Luna nodded, and taking the note of orders, rushed to the barracks. Celestia sighed and glanced up at the star filled sky, her heart filled with worry before she trotted to her bed.

"I'm so huuunnngryyyyy!" The mighty demon, hero of freedom and paragon of masculinity exclaimed, his stomach rumbling and captivating his mind with the thoughts of food.

"Don't worry, sir. We're nearing on the city now. Once there, I'll buy you some food, and be on my way." His griffon guide said, chuckling at his temporary companion. "After all, it' she least I can do to repay you."

"Thank you, my friend." He smiled back at the griffon. "So Githus, the ponies are divided into three different kinds. Earth ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi."

"There's also the rare Alicorn, which serve as royalty, and the crystal ponies, the ponies of the crystal empire." Githus added, before smiling at the human. "What about you, human? Are you the last of your kind or something?"

"No, not the last." He said with a shrug. "But I might as well be. From what you've told me, it seems that I'm on a completely different world." He took this moment to look up at the stars in the sky. "But someday, I'm going to find my way back. I still have a lot to do."

Githus simply stared on before turning to the road ahead. "So, how did you find that gunmen thing anyway."

Kamina grinned, and halted the walk. Pulling the core drill from the dashboard, he lifted it high for his friend to see. "You were the one that dug this up, right? Those diamond dogs wouldn't know a real treasure even if it smacked them in the face. Is thing emits a glow whenever you get close to the gunmen it activates. Thanks to you, we were able to find this mighty beast-" He took time to pat the forehead of the offline gunmen, "-and defeat our jailers."

"So that's why you asked for the drill back then..." Githus said in understanding. "If only those mutts knew."

The griffon glanced at the rising hill before them. Lifting himself upon his wings, he rose to the level of the low clouds, something Kamina still found odd. As he glanced from his height in the sky over the hill, he grinned joyfully, swooping down to the human. "Kamina, the city isn't far! You can see from the hill!" He said with excitement, Kamina himself grinning in delight and placing the drill back into the activation a lot, and the mech roared to life with a turn of the drill.

"Kamina... What are you going to do once we get to city?" His griffon friend asked politely. "After we eat, of course."

"Well, try and find out if I can get home. If not, maybe I'll go exploring. After all, there isn't any dark forces trying to take over the world!" Kamina paused and looked up in the sky to his friend. "... Is there?"

"Eh, every year or so." Githus mentioned. "Mainly in Equestria though. And each villain falls one after the other before the Bearers of Harmony."

"The what?"

Githus looked at him strangely, but chuckling he remember how Kamina was new to the common world. " Well, the Bearers of Harmony are a group of ponies, a unicorn, two pegasi, two earth ponies, and an Alicorn, that use the magic of the Elements of Harmony to save Equestria from peril." He explained, before looking onwards as they reached the top of the hill.

Kamina was utterly surprised. Before him was a place filled with tall blocky buildings, with large gravel paths and such light it emitted into the sky. He was impressed, thinking of the amount of work that must have gone into such a place, before his stomach once again churned.

"Hehehe... I can't wait to eat... Wait..." He turned once again to his friend, now even more worried, his face caught in an expression of distraught. "Do they have meat?"

Githus grimaced at the word, and shook his head. "No real meat, no. That kind of food as been bad in all the kingdoms due to the peace treaty from the princesses. But to make up for it, ponies have created an artificial version which tastes exactly the same. And it has no bones eight, so you have less chance of choking."

"I see... Guess I have to taste it for myself."

Kamina's mech then began dashing down the hill towards the city at full speed. Githus shrieked in surprise and dived after him. "Kamina wait! If the city guard sees something of this size running into the city, they might panic and think it's an attack!"

With this, Kamina pulled the brakes, the mech pressing it's feet into the ground as it started to slow, the feet digging deeper and deeper as it lose it's pace, leaving a two parallel trails behind Faito* when it finally stopped. "You're totally right!"

With that, he leaped off to the side, finding a small patch of bushes. He sat the mech down, and pulled out the drill, the machine offline and hidden. After that, he began running down the hill himself at such a speed Githus thought it should have been impossible on legs. "Wait, that's just as bad! Kamina!"

This did not stop the human from running right into the city populated with ponies. Running along the path that joined up with a dead end street, he zoomed passed the buildings and into a heavily populated cross road. He glanced around, amazed. The buildings were much tall than anything he'd ever seen. The bright colourful lights glowed in the darkness of the evening, doing a much better job to lighten up the area than the full moon's pale glow.

He glanced around, and saw ponies of every shape and size, wings, horn or just plain hooves, each one was unique in the pastel colour and brightly hued manes. After a few moments of staring however, he noticed everypony in the street had their head turned and was looking at him.

"Hey! Do you guys know where I can find some food?" He asked, but the staring ponies only answered with stunned silence. "Eh, come on. One of you must know, right?"

It was then Githus caught up. Puffing heavily, he looked at the blue haired hero in mild annoyance and frustration. "Kamina! Do you have any idea how many problems this might cause?"

"It doesn't matter right now." Kamina replied, uninterested. He pointed someone out from the crowd, a unicorn. One of cyan coat and a cyan mane donning a white strip. Her yellow eyes were staring intently at the tenacious demon leader, not blinking once. "Do you know where I can find some food?"

"Y-yes! I know the way! I can take you both there!" The unicorn replied, quite excited, before smiling nervously. "B-but could you answer some questions I have in return?"

"What kind of questions?" He asked, raising his eyebrow in curiosity.

"Just s-some stuff about..." She laughed lightly and embarrassingly and rubbed the back of her hand with her hoof. "...humans and all..."

"Oh! That's it? Well, I'm sure I can answer a few things after I have some food in my gut!" He exclaimed with a hearty grin, before his stomach rumbled again. "So, what's your name pony?"

"My name is Lyra. Lyra Heartstrings, sir." She replied nervously, trying her best to smile and control her behaviour. "What's you name?"

Kamina grinned, and glanced around. He had father quite the crowd. It was time he made himself known to the world. Pointing towards the heavens, he closed his eyes and his mouth curved.

"I am the man that wishes freedom for every being! A demon lord of power and mas-"

"His name is Kamina." Githus interrupted, knowing just how long it took for Kamina to introduce himself.

"Hey!" The holder of the core drill frowned heavily at the interruption. Stamping his foot down in annoyance.

"So... Food?" The griffon reminded, completely ignoring the outburst. Lyra nodded, feeling a bit more confident.

"If you'll... Um... Follow me." She said, and began trotting down the street that went north on the crossroad. Kamina sighed and caught up with the group, a bit upset.

"Man, I had like a whole crowd of ponies hinging on my every word. Why'd you have to go and ruin that?"

"Because by the time it takes you finish, I wouldn't be surprised if the city guard showed up when you did." Githus replied, rolling his eyes. "Let's just go eat, okay? Before we're all brought to the guard station."

Ponies still stared, but not in silence, as they watched the trio walk off, their murmurs being of the mysterious human and his purpose here in the city of Manehattan. And this murmuring quickly spread throughout the city and was quickly caught by the guards of the city, which then sent messages of their own to the royal guard of Cantelot, while moving out to learn of the situation.


Comments ( 27 )

That's Kamina for ya. Finds himself in an alien world and the first things on his mind are freedom and food.

Wow, just got through 5 chapters and I have only a few things to say. First, WELL DONE!! It's been so long since I've seen a Gurren Lagaan fic, doubly so with ponies in anyway. Second, you've Nailed Kamina perfectly! I can hear is voice in my head and feel the fire in my veins as he speaks! Third, I want to say that the idea of Gunman in Equestria is interesting, and I'm curious as to how Equestria relates to earth. And finally, I wish you well, as I know how real life can get you down.

But know there is at least one soul who is watching, eagerly waiting to see your own fiery spirit take form on the page, giving new life to a hero of all Mankind!!



A Fellow Gurren Lagaan fan.

FREAKING AWSOME! All though this might get ugly from a misunderstanding....

3947260 The humans spread throughout the systems, galaxies and maybe dimensions, but were recalled to fight in the first Anti-Spiral war.

Maybe that's what happened. Or maybe when the humans were defeated some managed to flee (to fight another day) and seek refuge and hiding in Equestria, but their ganmen too damaged to repair and the humans too few in numbers to repopulate.


Only problem was how you described Lyra. She isn't cyan. Cyan is what Rainbow is :rainbowwild:. I can't say what color she actually is, but definitely not cyan.

This looks good, just... get yourself a proofreader. your spellcheck isn't good enough.
3951953 She's a mint/lime-green.

That's the color I was looking for :facehoof:

Yea, you need a proof reader, but other than that, its totally BAD-ASS!!!!

Lyra is not Cyan. Cyan is what Rainbow Dash's coat is. Lyra is Minty green... I'm sure there is a different name for it though.

Also, what is she doing in Manehattan?

i seriously doubt reading Kamina will be the same as watching him, but I'll check this out anyways

glad to see I'm not the only one who wondered about the hooves. I wouldn't be surprised if Kamina heard more about the main six, It has been officially confirmed that there legends have spread far and wide, probably even more so with the defeat of the dreaded Lord tirek.

Why has this fic not updated yet? :fluttershysad:

So, is Githus pronounced 'GIT-hus' or 'GITH-us'? Honestly, it could be either.

Please continue. And if Kamina has to fight one of Equestria's 'villians'(and I uses the term loosely) PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEE DO NOT LET THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY BEAT THE 'VILLIAN'! I want see some Giga Drill Breaker up in here!

this is great you must continue


Another great story is dead. Author hasn't been on for 30 weeks and it has been nearly a year since the last update. Unfavorite.

This was really good!
...Please update soon? :rainbowkiss:

i just read all the chapters that are out now and i just have to ask what the fuck are you smoking? i want some, it sounds amazing.

Story's dead, as much as it pains me to say...

*goes and cries in a corner*

I hate having to see another funeral for lost stories. 😒

It's nice to know that humans are still treated as myths in some fanfics... That theory is becoming less of a reality as the years go on.

I thought lyra was mint green?

or ponies in general.

If you'd like I could let you use an OC of mine that could be like a second gunmen pilot.

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