• Published 7th Feb 2014
  • 640 Views, 4 Comments

The Struggle of Love and Darkness - EvelynMonroe

Shortly after the cleansing of Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna finds herself struggling with the painful memories of her past and her relationship with Celestia. Will she be able to redeem herself along side her sister as ruler of Equestria? Rated T

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Old Wounds Never Heal


This story takes place shortly after the return and cleansing of Nightmare Moon, now formerly known all around Equestria as Luna, Princess of the Night.

The moon and stars, so bright and majestic, decorated the deep night sky. The old castle, now shadowed by the Everfree Forest, gave off a welcoming shine reflecting off the enchanted moonlight. This once proud castle, graced by the very two rulers of Equestria, was now a distant memory. Here it lies, deep in the forest, nestled safely in it's grasp. It is a very quiet and eerie place.. yet something about it was mysterious, majestic, and invigorating.. No pony around for miles, no distractions, just the occasional sound of the brisk, night breeze rustling through the vast acres of leaves. Such a relaxing sound, one could truly find them-self here.

The old castle, now vacant for so many years, wept under the moonlight. Day by day would pass as it could no longer hold it's structure, dropping off a piece of itself onto the shrubbery surrounding the castle walls below. Once a beautiful and exotic garden, so filled with excitement and life, was now overgrown, cold, forgotten..

The castle could not help but smile this night as there was one visitor. Not often would someone venture so far to such a dark and mysterious place. It was rare, but it did happen. Deep inside the old castle walls, in the once grand throne room of the Equestrian Sisters, stood a lonely soul. This soul was hurting. Old feelings she thought she had overcome would slowly continue to tear away at her heart, each and every day. Some nights she was able to cope with it. Other nights she could not help but cry herself to sleep. She knew it was pathetic, but she did not care, for the pain ached strongly in her heart.

This was the one place she knew where she could forget about all her heartaches. After all, this was all she knew, this was her old home. Even though the once proud and mighty castle is now but a crumbling heap of mess, the loving memories she experienced here were still crystal clear. She treasured those memories. Unlike the strongest and most well-built castle, memories can withstand the sands of time, memories can withstand a thousand years. Reflecting upon those memories, she could not help but chuckle to herself as she brushed off a forming tear in her eye.

"Come on Luna, stay strong" she said to herself as she peered up at the two very impressive stained glass windows towering above her in the throne room. She first observed her sister's. There she stood, tall and proud, with her beautiful wings spread apart showing off their impressive wingspan. Behind her stood the sun, shining with all it's glory. It's rich, life-giving rays shimmering around her and the citizens of Equestria.

How this reminded her so strongly of the jealousy that resided within herself. She recalled how much every pony loved the sun and how fond they were of her sister. How the day would be filled with joy, laughter, and life.. yet the night was dull, emotionless, and lifeless..

She then glanced over to the right as she examined the representation of herself in the stained glass. There was a dark deep blue atmosphere with a glowing white moon residing behind her, with stars twinkling all around, teasing the midnight sky.. at least, that's what she remembered. What actually stood before her was a badly shattered glass window, just barely recognizable. It was dull, faded, and ugly compared to her sister's, which was still in pristine condition even after all these years. Anger immediately burned inside her.

"Always so perfect and lovable, it's sickening!" she fumed as she slammed her right hoof onto the ground, cracking the stone floor beneath her. Realizing that her emotions were getting the better of her, she quickly regained her composure.

"No Luna, do NOT think like that" she said, quickly averting her glance away.

"Ponies will come and go but my sister will always be there for me, and that is all that matters."

She paused for a few seconds as she stared at the cracked floor beneath her. Moments passed as she closed her eyes and lowered her head in defeat.

"Then why do I feel so alone.." she silently said.

She knew there was something missing, but she could not quite figure it out. The tears began to form in her eyes again, but this time she could not hold them back as they slowly began to trickle down her cheeks.

"Why do I feel like I shouldn't be here, like I am not meant for this life."

She began to sob silently to herself. Her heart wrenching inside her chest, feelings began to overwhelm her. Feelings of betrayal, of loneliness, of regret.. She knew these were old feelings. One thing however stuck out in her mind and she could not shake the thought. That dark and dreary night, it was a memory she will never forget, how could she?

"One thousand years.." she said under her breath. The more she thought about it, the more her sadness turned into anger and animosity.

"What kind of sister banishes their own flesh and blood for a thousand years!" Hatred began to overtake her heart and cloud her thoughts.

"If she claims to always be there for me then why hasn't she!"

She began to clench her teeth in anger, darkness began flowing through her veins and her body began to shake from adrenalin. She glanced back up at her sister's window, her eyes now glowing white with rage.


Fueled by animosity, she powered up a dark and reckless spell, directing it right towards the window of her sister. The impact took out both windows and nearly the entire wall with it, shaking the foundation of the castle. Collateral damage ran all throughout its delicate stone walls.

Completely shocked at what she had done, she immediately snapped out of it. Her old home, a safe-haven for her to clear her mind, to soul search, to just get away from the endeavors of life, has now been severely damaged. To make it worse, it was by her own doing, her own foolishness...

The room fell silent. Her heart wrenched in her chest once again as she battled with herself. Tears again forming in her eyes.

"It's my fault.." she sniffled. "Celestia was right.. she was right all along.."

She lowered her head back down to the floor, ashamed of herself.

"I am not fit to rule Equestria" she said softly.

She clenched her eyes shut, forcing the last of her tears to run down her cheeks. After a moment of silence to compose herself, she took off silently into the moonlight.

End of Chapter 1

Please proceed to the next chapter...