• Published 21st Apr 2014
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Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant - Wanderer D

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Loyalty Mission 5: Derpy's Quest Pt. 7

Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant

Loyalty Mission 5: Derpy's Quest Pt. 7

By Wanderer D

The group stood in front of the salvaged escape shuttle, which was currently being cooled down and processed by the ship's automated systems to remove any possible space radiation resulting from a nearby mass effect explosion, or simple exposure to unknown materials or eezo.

Elora could see them all, distorted, through the cracked window. Whatever they wanted, they'd better be ready. If the Pathfinder thought she was going out without a fight, she was severely mistaken.

She just had to wait, she'd jump out the moment they opened the pod and surprise them with her celerity and unspeakable dexterity. She'd hold one of them hostage until they dropped her off in Kadara.

Even though she was still recuperating from their last fight and her leg was in bad shape, she was far from useless. She was Elora, dammit, and if she could survive Sheppard in the Milky Way, she'd survive the Athame-damned Pathfinder.

Even with Ryder's weird new powers. And that stupid Remnant army of hers. And the stupid Nexus.

Elora frowned. Well. She's show them all, one way or another.

Eventually, the mass effect field containing the pod itself faded and for a moment, nothing happened. Elora took a deep breath, bracing herself.


She heard the servos and the doors hissed open. She tried to run out, but her right foot didn't move as she planned and snagged on the edge, so instead of flying out in a fury of biotics, she stumbled out, in a far less impressive way than she had intended.

At least she didn't fall.

Holding her gun forth, blinking away the embarrassment and vapor from the pod-cleaning, she snarled… only to find herself staring at several guns of varying destructive capacities. All pointed right at her.

Elora gulped, dropping her gun and slowly raising her arms. Her eyes studied the crew and grew wide. "Oh, fuck me."

"Maybe," Twilight Sparkle answered, "but only if—" she stopped when Octavia gave her a look. "I mean, nooot likely?" She sighed when the glare did not disappear. "Okay, no, but you still have to answer my questions."

The asari looked up, eyes resting on the Krogan, who hadn't lowered his shotgun. "Um… help?"

"Sure." The Krogan said. "After you answer Commander Sparkle here."

"Commander Sparkle?" Elora chuckled nervously, "Surely you jest, um… what's your name?"

"Urdnot, Wrex."

Elora flinched.

"Commander Sparkle," a female voice emanated from a nearby VI hologram, "I have identified the asari as Elnora, who Commander Shepard showed mercy to during a mission in Illium. She pretended to be an uninitiated member of Eclipse, but it was later found that she had been bloodied already."

"Thanks, EDI," Twilight spoke up. "That would be the same mission where Shepard met Justicar Samara, correct?"

"That would be correct, Commander."

Elora had left behind the name Elnora when she had found out exactly how lucky she had been when Shepard had allowed her to live. At first, having convinced the squad that was mowing down Eclipse had been cause for self-congratulating. When she had found out who exactly she had survived, she had understood that it was time to scram.

Her contacts had informed her of the Andromeda Initiative, and she had taken advantage of her access to erase most of her history. She was smart enough to be of value to the future security teams, and the idea of establishing her own little empire a couple of centuries in had been too alluring to ignore.

But she knew who Urdnot Wrex was. And Krogans didn't lie about that shit.

"Um, E-elnora was my sister! Not me!"

"Ehehehe." Wrex rolled his shoulders back. "Don't push it, Asari, EDI scanned you the moment you stepped out of the pod."


"I also did not scan your DNA as you emerged, but given your response it is safe to assume you are indeed who the initial scan revealed to be," EDI added.

"Indeed," another of the four legged creatures said. She was standing on her hind legs, as casually as any bipedal, and had a freaking Black Widow on her forelegs, resting at ease. Her purple eyes had narrowed and there was a certainty about her that Elora did not want to push.

"You had one of our species in your ship," Commander Sparkle spoke up, eyes narrowed and drawing Elnora's attention to her, "and we want her back. She's just a foal."

"You're not going to get anything out o—" she didn't finish her sentence before she was encapsulated in the strongest biotic hold she had ever felt. She tried pushing with her own to try and break free, but the stupid creature's control was beyond anything she had ever felt.. even worse, the visible field wasn't blue! She gasped. "Y-you're just like the Pathfinder! What's with the weird biotics?!"

"The Pathfinder?" Commander Twilight asked, eyes narrowing, "who's that?"

Elnora thought fast. There was a way out after all. "Um, space pirate! W-with a crazy ship and crew! She destroyed my ship and stole the little crea—uh, whatever it is you are! I promise!"


"Was she still alive?" a soft voice asked, and one of the creatures flew in front of Elnora. She had soft gray fur, a blonde mane, and a lazy eye. It was adorable. Too adorable. "Was Dinky okay?"

"Um… yes." Elnora replied, looking away from that soulful look. "She was. Look, I can help you find them if you set me free," she promised.


"I have retrieve the star charts from the remains of Elnora's ship," the body-less voice said. "We don't absolutely need her help to navigate the quadrant now, but it would be advisable to obtain a probable heading."

Elnora blinked when the apparent VI turned to "look" at her. "We could simply space her."

Commander Twilight smiled, and Elnora suddenly felt like she was back in Illium, with a single chance to live and a gun pointed at her head. But the choice had been made for her this time around.

This "Commander Sparkle" one was scarier than Shepard.

"We'll figure out what to do with you when we find Dinky. Your well being, possible freedom, and future, not limited to the next couple of centuries, depends on many things, Elnora... including the safety of the daughter of one of my crew members. For now, you are going to be held responsible for anything that might happen to her, am I understood?"


"Alright, so where did this Pathfinder guy go?"

"She's not a guy, she's a bi—she's um, a human female."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Well? Where did the bitch go?"

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Sunset asked.

"I told you, I already set the beacon." Liam leaned back. "It's just a matter of time, SAM knows where we are."

Dinky jumped when a new voice cut through the comms. "Oh, we found you half an hour ago. I'm just debating whether or not to pick you up!"

"Cora!" Sunset said with false excitement. "How about you call it even and pull us in then?"

"I don't know, Ryder, remember you had a meeting with Tann?"

Sunset cringed.

"Well, since the Pathfinder was gone, who do you think had to talk to him? I think you can wait a bit more.

Sunset poked Dinky.


"What was that?"

"Oh my," Sunset drawled. "I guess big, mean, Cora wants innocent little Dinky to suffer in a closed box for a few more hours. What could possibly go wrong with keeping a child in a small, dark room for as long as Cora wishes?"


"Miss Shimmer? Who's Cora and why is she angry with you?" Dinky asked, rubbing a hoof on her withers, where Sunset had poked her.

"Ryder! You have a child in there with you?! Why the hell didn't you say that?!"

"Oh, maybe if you had asked," Sunset said, shrugging, even though Cora couldn't see her. "But you were too busy berating me for saving her from space pirates." She turned to face Dinky. "Are you hungry? Because we could have gotten something for you to eat half an hour ago, if mean aunt Cora hadn't gotten mad at us for saving you."

Dinky sniffled. "S-she didn't want you to save me?"

"I did! I mean, I didn't know—gah! Fine! Kallo! Bring them in!"

Dinky felt the whole crate they had been floating in, shake, and Vetra gently held her. "When gravity returns, we don't want you hurting yourself."

Dinky nodded as she slowly felt weight return to her and watched as Sunset and Liam drifted down to the floor, where she joined them soon after.

Outside, there was hissing and what sounded like water hitting the crate for a few more moments. Then, vaguely, she heard a male voice outside announcing it was safe.

"Welp," Sunset said, "Time to meet the crew, Dinky."

"Yeah," Liam said with a smirk, "time to meet the crew, miss I-want-to-conquer-the-universe-and-go-home-in-blood-fire-and-glory."

Sunset tilted her head. "One galaxy at a time, Liam. Now that half of Andromeda is mine, I just need to take over the rest, and then the Milky Way… I think that should be enough."

Liam's smirk faded. "Wait, you're joking right?"

Sunset didn't answer, following Vetra and Dinky out.

"I mean it, Sunset!"

Author's Note:

Slowly, but I'll finish it.

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