• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,059 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 33: What Happens In The Royal Bathchamber...

Twilight Sparkle packed yet another bag, carefully tucking a loose streamer back into it before latching it securely and levitating it to Pinkie to add to the ever-growing pile. She hadn’t originally come with any luggage, but Pinkie had declared that she needed more party supplies and had then proceeded to buy out half the shops in Canterlot. It would have been all of them, had Twilight not managed to convince her overzealous marefriend that the poor citizens might want to celebrate a birthday or two themselves sometime over the course of the next month, and that buying all of the party paraphernalia would probably make some ponies unhappy.

Pinkie was currently busy stacking the packed bags onto a cart to make their departure a little easier. Twilight, meanwhile, was once again running calculations on their relative weight ratios compared to the lift-generating power of the unfortunate pegasi who would be bringing them back to Ponyville by royal chariot.

She had, of course, considered simply teleporting the both of them, but she wasn't certain she wanted to attempt such a feat again without performing an extensive study on what it was she had done, exactly. Even a rough estimate of the power required to perform that particular leap had made her quail; had she done a single thing wrong in her extremely hasty and grief-stricken state... Well, suffice to say she could have easily destroyed large swaths of Ponyville, not to mention a good portion of the castle. Any further experimentation would require numerous safeguards to be put in place before she would even consider attempting it.

While it was good to know that her range was apparently far greater than she had ever imagined, the risk was simply too great—especially given that it was a mere hour’s flight to Ponyville. She could see now why the Princess chose to travel by chariot even though she was perfectly capable of teleporting.

There was also the option of train, but that would take several hours longer, and after these last few days Twilight was quite ready to return to some semblance of routine sooner rather than later.

Pinkie sat down hard on the last of their bags, interrupting Twilight’s train of train-related thoughts while also causing a few balloons to squeeze out through the cracks and drift lazily up to the ceiling. She wiped a hoof across her brow and let out a relieved sigh. “Whelp, that’s all of them! Phew. Maybe I did go a little overboard...”

Twilight chuckled good-naturedly; Pinkie had gone more than just a little overboard, naturally, but she was prepared to overlook to her marefriend’s eccentricities. She only had to look into Pinkie’s eyes to see why. Every time she did, she glimpsed something she had never expected to see from anypony who wasn’t family or Princess Celestia herself: Love. Pure, unconditional, selfless love. It scared her, just a little. Pinkie seemed to be able to forgive her every fault. It wasn’t until now that she had truly realized what a huge responsibility that posed to her, just to be worthy of it.

“Um, Pinkie?” Twilight couldn’t help but point out, ”I think we might’ve saved some space if you hadn’t inflated the balloons first.”

Pinkie continued bouncing on top of the bag even as the latch threatened to give way from the strain. “Nah, this way I just have to open the bag and they all come out on their own! It’s all about time management, Twilight. Trust me, I’ve run all the calculations on P.P. vs. P.T. and have determined precisely how to get the most party out of the least amount of time. I can show you my notes sometime, if you want.”

“P.P. vs. P.T.?” Twilight asked, perplexed.

“Party Preparation vs. Party Time,” Pinkie explained quite seriously, registering mild surprise at the fact that Twilight would be unfamiliar with such commonly-used technical terms in the field of partiology. ”When you need to throw a party at a moment’s notice, every second counts! And this is my special talent we’re talking about; did you honestly think I was just flying by the seat of my pants?! Because I don’t even wear pants! Pfft, I mean, pants, right? So not me. Especially not the flying kind! Just the occasional dress. Or some fishnets, maybe. Panties, sure, but…” She blinked. momentarily lost as to how she got on this subject, only to recall a moment later. ”So stop being silly, Twilight!”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have doubted you,” Twilight mumbled distractedly. Pinkie had apparently somehow lost her somewhere around the mention of either ‘fishnets’ or ‘panties.’

“Hey!” Pinkie said, scrambling over to Twilight and wrapping her hooves around her. “No more of that! You didn’t make me sad, so get that pout off your puss.”

“Puss?” a flustered Twilight said, not without a note of alarm.

Pinkie ignored her. ”If you’d like, we can go over my math sometime and you can double-check for errors. I know you love that kind of thing. But I’ve gotta warn you: this is advanced stuff we’re talking about! And we’re not even delving into the metaphysics of the party cannon! I mean, if you were really interested in that I guess I could draw you up some diagrams, but some of the designs use non-euclidean geometry and those tend to really makes my eyes hurt whenever I try to draw them—”

“Wuh-wait, what, what to do you mean by—” Twilight asked, her mind already all a-boggle. Then she paused, inwardly debating whether it would be really worth further delay to finally get some answers concerning one of her marefriend’s many mysteries. In the end, however, she regretfully decided to put it off—at least for now.

“I think I’ll take a raincheck, Pinkie,” she said with a sigh. “You can show me what you mean after we get back home. Okay?”

“Sure!” Pinkie replied, notching her smile up another inch. Without further comment, she produced a soggy-looking piece of paper out of the aether and orally passed it on to a very bemused-looking Twilight.

Its incorrigibly curious recipient eventually just couldn’t resist: “What’s—”

“Raincheck!” Pinkie replied cheerfully. “Duh!”

Looking, open-muzzled, from the dripping, hoof-drawn ‘check’ afloat in her magical aura to the brightly-beaming pink mare who had, it seemed, been carrying it around this entire time just in case the opportunity to use it as a punchline presented itself, it didn’t take long for Twilight to stop resisting the urge to crack a smile.

“Pinkie, you adorable, insufferable little—”

A voice behind them loudly cleared his throat, causing them both to turn.

“Ms. Sparkle? Your carriage is ready.”

Twilight nodded hurriedly, blushing for some unfathomable reason.

“Thank you. We’ll be right there.”

This is a bad idea, Celestia thought as she waited by the royal chariot to see her beloved student off. Luna’s suggestions aside, she just couldn’t think of any conceivable way to approach a subject like this without sounding like a needy filly in her head. This was exactly why she had always waited for the other pony to make the necessary overtures in the past.

Approaching the pony that held her affections felt selfish and... wrong somehow. After all, who would deny her? Her position and undeniable level of power made most ponies unwilling to do so. If she said ‘jump,’ they would likely ask ‘how high?’

How she wished it was that way with the nobles who came to court; somehow, they were the exact opposite, having no true regard for her wishes whatsoever and only ever paying her lip service, at best.

Why can’t it be the other way around? I would rather have to work to earn the trust and affections of a pony I love and have the unquestioning loyalty of the government instead.

She shook her head irritably. These were useless and dangerous thoughts for a pony like herself. She actually needed more ponies who would question her, not less! Maybe not quite to the degree that most of Canterlot’s resident nobility did, granted, but at least they kept her from considering herself infallible...

“Silver bit for your thoughts, sister?”

Celestia turned to Luna, struggling to keep a flash of irritation from crossing her features. Her younger sister was ostensibly here to provide ‘moral support,’ but to Celestia it felt a lot like being chaperoned. Still, Luna was going to be distracting Pinkie just long enough for Celestia to attempt to determine Twilight’s current feelings for her. That was undeniably a blessing, since Celestia would no doubt have found it completely impossible to broach the subject whilst Pinkie Pie bounced happy-go-lucky circles around them.

The Element of Laughter generally did not treat even the Solar Princess herself as more than just another pony who might be sad or lonely. Pinkie simply held no special regard for a crown, and while that may have been be a touch overwhelming for its bearer at times, in the end it was actually a major point in Pinkie Pie’s favor: Honestly, what better pony for a regal, often-deferred-to mare like Celestia to be in a relationship with?

Celestia chuckled as she recalled the first proper meeting she’d had with the mare. She had watched in shock and amusement as Pinkie had jumped up on the table and snatched food— cake, no less—directly off of the Royal Plate. Bold the nobles may be at times, in their own, petty little conniving ways, showcasing many forms of veiled disrespect... But who other than Pinkie Pie would ever dare pull a stunt like that?

“Nothing important, Lulu.”

Luna chuckled melodiously. “Not getting cold hooves, are you? But lo! Brace yourself, the moment is at hoof!”

A mountain rolled into view—although, after a bit of squinting, it quickly resolved itself into a large pile of suitcases, stacked sky-high upon a dangerously-creaking cart, which was being hauled by the aforementioned pink pony. She seemed to be in very high spirits, humming a tune while, inexplicably, swinging a rubber chicken around in her mouth.

Her eyes grew wide when she spotted Luna, and she immediately ran over when the latter beckoned, chatting animatedly with the younger princess while still clenching the chicken in her teeth.

Behind her, looking quite embarrassed, followed Twilight Sparkle. She was acting a lot more like the studious, eager-to-please mare Celestia had come to know over the years, now, and that fact made her feel strangely ashamed at the moment. Around Pinkie, Twilight had been smiling, had been happy, but now... She actually seemed cowed by her mentor’s mere presence.

There really never was any chance of this working, was there Twilight? Celestia sighed.

“—Princess Celestia?” Twilight said, looking up at her and tilting her head expectantly.

Celestia berated herself for getting lost, once again, in the boundless mire of her private thoughts.

“I’m sorry Twilight. What did you say?”

Twilight looked down, apparently disheartened. “Never mind. It wasn’t important.” She studied the lines her awkwardly shuffling hooves had drawn on the ground. ”I suppose I should be going now... But, um, thank you. For, well, everything.”

“Of course, Twilight. You’re very important to me.” Her voice threatened to catch in her throat, and Celestia paused for a moment to collect herself. “Can I expect you to regale me with letters about your new relationship, now?” Her eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly as she hastened to clarify: “Your emotional state more than any, erm, physical activities the two of you might wish to engage in, I mean.”

Twilight blushed heavily, apparently realizing she had somehow managed to embarrass her teacher. “Um, yes. Of course, Princess.”

Celestia supposed it might seem odd to anypony that even she could be shocked; after all, she should, by rights, have experienced every kink in the book by now—possibly even invented a few new ones.

What can I say? I do enjoy the classics...

“Um... Hi Princess! I really wanted to thank you for being so supportive these last few days. Well, you’ve always been supportive of course, but lately in particular, I’ve just been feeling so very lost... I’m sorry for barging in on your day court and crying all over you and having you find out about my silly little crush like that and—” She took a deep breath. “Just... Thank you.”

She looked up at last, hoping for a loving (or at the very least approving) smile. What she found instead was a completely blank expression, not even being aimed at her.

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight said, looking up at her and tilting her head expectantly.

“I’m sorry Twilight. What did you say?”

Twilight’s face fell. Her teacher wasn’t even giving her the time of day. She looked like she was focused far more on Pinkie’s babbling to Luna.

Perhaps she had gone too far? Had she crossed some boundary by teleporting where she did? Had she lost Celestia’s respect, along with everything else?

“Never mind. It wasn’t important. I suppose I should be going now... But, um, thank you. For, well, everything.”

“Of course, Twilight. You’re very important to me.” Celestia paused, which only made Twilight feel worse: she didn’t need to be lied to on top of everything else. “Can I expect you to regale me with letters about your new relationship, now?” Another one of those awkward, telltale pauses. ”Your emotional state more than any, erm, physical activities the two of you might wish to engage in, I mean.”

Twilight blushed heavily. Great work, Twilight. On top of everything else you managed to gross her out. “Um, yes. Of course, Princess.”

Twilight waved sadly from the chariot after they had boarded, trying to figure out just what had been wrong with her longtime teacher and Princess just now. Pinkie sat next to her, still fiddling with the rubber chicken. Behind them was their luggage, which, by some miracle, didn’t appear to be causing their chariot to crash spectacularly.

I didn’t take Twilight long to realize that she had forgotten to factor in the lift generated by helium in her calculations.

To her everlasting surprise and embarrassment, it turned out Pinkie had included that variable in her own calculations. A fact which very nearly ended up making their flight an extremely delayed one; there was just something about the bubbly pink mare whipping out a chalkboard from her mane to demonstrate her vast talents towards party-related logistics. Twilight had felt attracted to Pinkie Pie before, but after hearing her talk advanced mathematics, complete with chalk-dust on her nose, well... It kind of made her feel like she was going through her first heat all over again.

While thoughts of Pinkie in a schoolfilly’s uniform were certainly entertaining, however, they weren’t particularly conducive to helping her figure out why the Princess had seemed so very off just now. It had all seemed to have started from the very moment she’d first seen her teacher, here in Canterlot. Celestia had seemed distracted—even saddened. To say that that was unusual would be a huge understatement: Celestia rarely showed even the slightest hint of melancholy, and certainly never in public. Before now, Twilight had only seen any sign of such moods during those rare, unguarded moments when she had caught her teacher unawares, late at night. She’d always wondered, back then, why the moon had seemed to make the Princess so sad.

In hindsight, Twilight was forced to conclude that it had been her own visit that had caused this mysterious change in her mentor’s attitude. She had laid her burden on shoulders that had carried the weight of the sun, the moon, and an entire nation, without complaint, for thousands of years. Yet her comparatively insignificant problems somehow seemed to be causing that majestic back to falter, threatening to unsettle the whole load.

I’m sorry, Princess.

She had tried to say much the same mere moments before, but Celestia had been too distracted to hear her. She felt horrible; only now did she see, without a doubt, that this sudden bout of sadness was all her fault. Foolish little Twilight, carrying a torch for all these years, unable to accept that her wonderful teacher could never possibly feel the same way about her. And worse still, she was letting those latent feelings affect her relationship with Pinkie, who deserved her undivided love more than anypony.

Impulsively, Twilight slid closer to Pinkie and wrapped her forelegs around her, causing the other mare to squeal happily.

Stop staring at the sun, Twilight. Her brilliance will blind you.

Twilight shook her head sadly. As metaphors went, that was a pretty weak one—far too literal.

A foalish crush had rendered her blind, incapable of seeing what she already had in her forehooves. She used those very hooves to squeeze her beaming marefiend just a little tighter, here and now.

Pinkie was no Celestia, it was true, but likewise, Celestia was no Pinkie. Each was incomparably wonderful in her own right. It was time to grow up, set aside hopelessly unrequited feelings, and focus on loving Pinkie just as deeply as Pinkie loved her.

And as Twilight looked at Pinkie, seeing that wide smile and the inextinguishable twinkle in her bright blue eyes, it suddenly seemed like the easiest thing in the world.

“Hi, Woona!” Pinkie shouted through clenched teeth, scrambling to see her dance-partner-in-crime. She spat out the rubber chicken and stuffed it back into the mane from whence it had came. “Did you sleep well?”

Princess Luna was unable to keep a smile from creeping onto her face as Pinkie approached. She had grown very fond of the concept of ‘fun’ ever since those first attempts to reconnect with her subjects, and Pinkie Pie’s presence seemed to ensure that fun of some type or another wasn’t far behind.

“Hello, Pinkie! Are you ready to go home, then?”

Pinkie paused, giving an exaggerated pose of deep thought, her hoof stroking a non-existent beard before fiddling with an equally imaginary mustache. “Well, yeah! But also no! I mean, I love Ponyville, but I’ve had sooo much fun here...” Her smile faltered slightly, then reasserted itself firmly, like a soldier snapping back to attention. “You are coming to my ‘Welcome back to Ponyville’ party, right?”

“Did we not just have a home-welcoming party for Twilight?” Luna inquired, a mite confused.

“Luna, Luna, Luna,” Pinkie said disapprovingly. ”Luna, Luna, Luna.” Her face brightened and she continued, in a singsongy voice: “Luna, Luna, Luna... Hey, your name is really fun!” She bounced around the alicorn, chanting her name. But then she halted suddenly, remembering that she had just been asked a question. “Wait! Sorry, you asked me something? Oh! Yes, well, you can never have enough parties! I mean, well, sometimes, like that one time... But I forgot it was my birthday! Anyway, usually you never have enough, like... almost all the time.”

“I shall take your word for it,” Luna replied simply.

She was looking over Pinkie’s shoulder, in that way that Pinkie had come to associate with ponies being distracted by something other than herself, while simultaneously trying not to seem rude. She considered it to be a major party no-no, but in this context it only made her curious.

She crept around Luna, peeking out from behind her wing. “Sooo… What are we looking at?”

“We are watching my sister forget about her long centuries of experience with social interaction to bumble around a conversation like a newborn foal,” Luna replied. Then she started when she realized the other mare was no longer in front of her. “Pinkie?”

Pinkie snaked her head around from her lofty position on Luna’s back, stretching her neck in an improbable fashion. “Here I am!” Her head snapped back into place like a rubber band. “So why is she bumbling? Does she bumble a lot? Twilight bumbles all the time!” She laughed at the thought. “Bumble, bumble, hey, that’s what bees do, right? Is Celestia going to dress up like a bee? Did you know Twilight likes to dress up?”

“We have heard, yes, in explicit detail,” Luna replied in offhoof fashion. “We even took notes.” But then she uttered an ancient draconian curse when she saw Twilight’s ears drawing back. “Oh sister, what in Equestria are you doing?!”

“Hey! Just what did she say to Twilight?” a suddenly-outraged Pinkie demanded, scrambling forward across Luna’s back.

“Leave them be, please!” Luna caught Pinkie in her magic and brought her to eye level. “‘Tis not what was said, but rather what was not said, I believe.” She turned Pinkie around so she, too, could view the scene unfolding. “Look upon them now: Twilight has already recovered. ‘Twas simple disappointment, not sadness which she experienced.”

Pinkie growled and hissed like a wet cat. “Either way, why did she make Twilight feel upset? I want her to smile! But the princess keeps making that hard for me...”

“I assure you that was never her intent, Pinkie Pie,” Luna said, regarding her sister with a look of resignation. “Twilight’s happiness is very important to Celestia. More so, it would seem, than even her own.”

Pinkie tilted her head a somewhat staggering ninety degrees to the left. "Why?"

Luna did not answer for a time.

“Because... Because my sister, in all of her wisdom, can be very foolish at times.” Noting Pinkie’s continued incomprehension, she tried to explain in a different fashion: “Do you know I once bore your Element, Pinkie Pie?” At Pinkie’s look of surprise, Luna nodded. “Telling, is it not? My sister was Generosity, Kindness, and Magic. I was Laughter, Loyalty, and Honesty.”

Luna smiled at the memory, recalling when she and her sister had first claimed the Elements and used them to best Discord. It had, in truth, been a triumph for both of them, but to everypony else it had seemed to be mostly her sister’s victory.

“Laughter... It can be a very selfish element.” Luna paused to eye Pinkie Pie, who was still occasionally glaring over at the other pair, and smiled wanly. ”Well, for some ponies at least.”

“I don’t think you’re very selfish at all, Luna!” Pinkie piped up immediately. “You’re a whole lot of other ‘-ishes,’ but not selfish!”

“Thank you for your kind words, Pinkie,” Luna said fondly, chuckling softly. ”At least, I’m assuming they’re kind… You shall have to elaborate on these numerous ‘-ishes’ for me at a later date, perhaps, for I must admit you have made me quite curious. But please, allow me to finish.”

Pinkie zipped her lips (somehow producing the appropriate sound effect) and nodded mutely.

Despite these antics, Luna couldn’t repress a sigh before she continued. ”I wanted so much to be happy, Pinkie... I needed to be happy. So much so that I thought Celestia disloyal for hoarding so much of it, whereas I was left with precious little. But now I can see that such wasn’t the case: she was showered with happiness because she inspired it in others. It isn’t in her nature to take things for herself. Unfortunately, this leaves her unwilling, perhaps even unable, to simply ask for something she wants—as is the case right now.” A small tear glistened in the alicorn’s eye. “Oh sister... Oh poor, foolish Tia...”

“Does she want a dance party, too?” Pinkie pulled several records from her mane, fanning them out for Luna to see. “I could totally throw another dance party!”

Despite herself, Luna let out another small chuckle at Pinkie’s proposed solution. “Her desires are slightly more complex than that, sadly. As to what she does want... Well, it is not really my place to say. Nor is it your place to worry for her, Pinkie. You cannot force another pony to be happy, no matter how much you may want them to be.”

Pinkie defiantly stuck out her tongue, however, putting away the records and rummaging through her mane for something else. “Oh, really? Well, I have a picture of a pair of donkeys who have something to say about that!”

Luna laid a hoof on Pinkie’s own, shaking her head. “Stay thy hoof, Pinkie! Her wants and needs aside, Celestia is mostly concerned with ensuring that Twilight be happy. Focus on that; As long as you keep her happy, my sister will be happy as well.”

Pinkie stared at Celestia and Twilight, her face scrunching up in confusion. Then, at last and much to Luna’s relief, she nodded, a smile springing back on her face. “Pinkie Promise.”

Luna stood by her sister’s side once more as they saw Twilight and Pinkie off. They did not speak until the chariot was too far away for them to still be able to make out the occupants.

Only then did Celestia turn, making for the castle.


Celestia stopped in mid-step, her body trembling. “Lulu, I... I couldn’t ask her. And before you go spouting off again about how simple it all should be, please, hear me out.”

Luna opened and subsequently closed her mouth again, cutting off her own near-automatic urge to retort. “I’m listening, Tia.”

Celestia turned to face her sister, but did not look directly into her eyes. “You've seen how she is with Pinkie... It's just not the same when she’s with me. Around me, she stammers and worries, carefully minding her every step. Around Pinkie she’s actually happy—she smiles, she laughs—” Celestia sighed heavily. “I could tell her about my feelings, I could ask her to indulge me, but I already know what she would say: 'I would do anything for you, Princess.'" Celestia stamped a hoof. "I refuse to be worshipped, least of all by her!"

Luna snorted in irritation, scarcely able to believe that her own sister was deluding herself so. "But you're just making excuses now! Do you not see? Of course she worries! You are her teacher, her mentor..."

"Yes, I am! And so I will always be, in her eyes at least," Celestia said, a tone of finality in her voice. "Enough, Luna! Please. I have made my decision."

"For the both of you? How generous of you to unilaterally decide such matters, on behalf of your loyal subject, without burdening her with the knowledge there was ever a choice to begin with... Your Majesty."

For a moment the sky seemed to grow darker, and tension hung between the two royal sisters in a way neither mare had felt in centuries.

Celestia was the one to finally turn away, and she spoke with bitterness in her voice: “There is no choice to be made here. Not anymore. If ever there was, then the matter was decided years ago. All I can do now is confuse the issue.” She paused, wistfully looking off into the distance. “Perhaps if she hadn’t been so young when I took her on as my student... If I had been more of a friend and less of a mentor... If I had done any number of things differently…”


”But she is who she is, and I am who I am. We can’t change that, Lulu. Nopony can.”

Without waiting for an answer, Celestia took flight for her balcony.

Luna stared after her, furious.

You are allowed to be happy, Tia! Why can’t you just be selfish for once?

“Argh!” She stomped a hoof down on the cobblestone, making it crack. “If you think I am going to watch you mope around for the next century or so, dear sister, you have another thing coming!”

Shivering with frustration, Luna took wing herself. She needed to relax somehow, she knew. While she knew she wouldn’t be able to get a massage today, at the very least she could go soak in a freshly-drawn bath to bleed off some of this tension.

Rarity awoke to the sounds of a very quiet and dainty snore. She felt tired, but no longer completely exhausted. Fluttershy was still asleep on top of her, her thighs wrapped around Rarity’s knee. That also brought attention to a general feeling of stickiness, leaving Rarity feeling in dire need of yet another bath.

That would have to wait, however: there was quite the commotion going on outside. The door to the bath chamber swung open, letting in the cries of alarm coming from the guards.

“—do you mean there is somepony in there? This is our private bathing room! For use by none other than me and my sister! We swear, whoever is trespassing shall be—”

Luna stormed in, took one look at the pair on the table, blushed scarlet, and promptly closed the door behind her.

Rarity smiled wanly, waving from underneath Fluttershy. “Um... My, this is all quite terribly awkward, isn’t it?”

Luna just stood with her back to the door, staring wordlessly. She took a brief moment to glance over the scene, making note of the relative positions of the alleged trespassers. Slowly, a knowing smile formed on her muzzle, replacing the initial expression of shock.

“You know, that table was built quite well. I’ve tested its mettle with many a partner. But, personally speaking, I find the bath to be vastly more comfortable in most situations.”

Rarity gulped nervously. “Well, I didn’t have much of a say in the location, to be perfectly honest. Fluttershy here was feeling a bit frisky whilst giving me a much-needed massage, and, well, one thing led to another, and here we are.”

Luna walked over to the massage table, leaning over it with one hoof propping up her chin as she chatted with Rarity. “Quite intriguing! I must compliment on your choice; Fluttershy is indeed a very attractive mare. Had I known that she—or you, for that matter, Rarity—were so inclined, I would have approached you long ago.” Her smile grew warmer. “Tell me, are you two exclusive, or would you be interested in the occasional nighttime visit by yours truly?”

“I... Well... That is... I mean... I-It’s not that I’m not flattered by the offer, but...” It was happening again. First Pinkie Pie, now Luna!

Have I become more attractive to mares now that I am taken?

On top of Rarity, Fluttershy finally stirred, smiling lazily and planting a kiss on the ear closest to her mouth.

“Hmmm. Well, are we, Rarity?”

The look on Fluttershy’s face was amused, but suddenly Rarity felt as if she were being roasted on a spit in the center of Tartarus. There was a right and wrong answer here, and if she gave the mare on top of her the wrong answer, it would definitely impact the rest of their lives.

Luna chortled throatily. “Please, relax thyselves! Our offer was mostly in jest. We would not want to intrude on thy hospitality.” She nodded to Fluttershy in deference. “Consider our offer open, shouldst thou ever wish to pursue it. But for now, pray, think no more on the matter.”

Fluttershy pouted, a playful twinkle in her eye. Rarity both cringed and seethed; she couldn’t get a read on how her marefriend was truly feeling right now. Normally, Fluttershy was an open book, but the strange creature that now lay atop her was quite the enigma.

“Erm, darling?”


The creature that was her marefriend turned her gaze back to Rarity, who dropped her voice to the barest whisper. “I would like it very much if I could retain some shred of dignity in front of the princess. Do you think we could get up and bathe now?”

Fluttershy had the courtesy to look confused, and quickly got up onto her hooves to let Rarity escape from under her. Her cheeks reddened when she realized exactly why Rarity felt the urgent need to clean up. She looked on the verge of panic, but it passed momentarily.

“Um... Princess Luna? We kind of need to use your bath again, if that’s alright...”

A look passed between the two winged mares. They did not speak, but Fluttershy’s flustered and guilt-ridden glances conveyed wordless that she had been the one to have made Rarity’s pelt this soiled, whereas Luna’s expression was one of approval, with the subtly-raised eyebrows suggesting she might even be rather impressed.

“Of course, dear Fluttershy! Consider our facilities at your disposal. I hope you would not mind if I should join you, however? This day has been most taxing for me as well.” After seeing Fluttershy’s conflicted look, and Rarity’s abject state of panic, she hastily clarified: “I will, of course, remain on the opposite side of the tub.” She paused. “Unless you’ve decided to take me up my offer?”

Rarity’s eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. She tried to force words out of her mouth, but only produced wordless sputters.

Fluttershy sighed and gave Rarity a gentle nuzzle. “I think we’re not quite ready for that, Your Majesty.” She planted a (perfectly chaste) little kiss on Rarity’s cheek, which somehow made the trembling unicorn blush even harder than when Luna had first walked in to witness their general state of dishevelment. “Besides, I don’t think I want to share her. I hope that’s okay.”

Luna smiled knowingly. “Quite all right. I must say, dear Fluttershy, the two of you make a rather stunning couple. I think it’s adorable how you seem to have Rarity wrapped around your hoof.”

“Oh!” Fluttershy looked at Rarity, her eyes growing wider as she considered what Luna had said. “No! I mean, yes, but I’m not really trying to—”

“What she means is—” Rarity quickly responded, her voice high and panicked. Then she took a deep breath and tried again in a slightly more firm and even tone: “She means that, yes, I am indeed hers, but she is also mine. Besides, I rather enjoy it when she asserts herself.” She blushed brightly. ”It’s very... attractive.”

Fluttershy, meanwhile, had recovered from her own miniature panic attack, and nuzzled Rarity lovingly. “It’s, um... It’s hard to not go overboard sometimes. It just makes me so happy when she’s happy. I get... carried away.”

“Ah yes, I am quite familiar with that sentiment,” Luna said. Then, without further ado, she got up from the edge of the table, walked over to the tub and slowly eased herself into it.

The two dirty little ponies just stood there however, neither mare daring to take the initiative.

Rolling her eyes, Luna decided a formal invitation was in order. “As my sister before me, I hereby cordially invite you to avail yourself of our comforts once more.”

“T-thank you!” Rarity blurted out. She quickly scrambled back into the bath and let the waters envelop her like a warm hug. Fluttershy quickly joined them, leaning up next to a now-beaming Rarity and sighing happily.

Luna lay back against the tub, groaning quietly as the waters washed over her body. “Much better. There really is nothing more enjoyable than this! Well, perhaps a few things... But they are few indeed.”

“Long day?” Rarity inquired, smiling in a relaxed, indulgent sort of way. It was a smile one might find on the muzzle of most bartenders, a smile that begged you to share your troubles so that its owner could rejoice in the knowledge that other ponies in the world were having it rough as well.

“A long night, actually—though the morning was no less taxing. You would not believe the kind of problems my sister manages to create for herself!” Luna caught herself and blushed. “My apologies. I should not speak of such things; ‘tis unseemly for a princess to bandy gossip.”

Rarity’s smile ratcheted up a notch. “Oh please, I would never break the sanctity of spa gossip! It’s an unspoken rule that what is said therein shall never be repeated outside of its walls.”

Luna shook her head resolutely. “Nay, it really isn’t our place. Besides, we are much more interested in your... goings on.”

Taken aback by this sudden reversal, Rarity blushed furiously. “Ah yes, well, about that... You see, we didn’t know anypony else would be using the bath today—particularly with guards outside the door and whatnot—and I had hoped to clean up and in turn clean ourselves but Fluttershy got rather tuckered out from carrying me about and—”

“That wasn’t quite what we are asking,” Luna said with an ever-widening smile. “Still, you may give us the salient details... How did it feel, having intercourse in such a—” She gestured to the rest of the room with her hoof—“private and storied place, the steamy inner sanctum of those who rule all of Equestria with an iron-shod hoof?”

Rarity looked positively stricken. “Please, forgive me, Your Highness! I didn’t intend to intrude in such a way. It’s just that this is the most sumptuous bathing room I have ever had the pleasure of being in and it was in the heat of the moment and, and… oh-goodness-you’re-going-to-banish-us-aren’t-you?”

Luna let out a short laugh and leaned over the edge of her own tub. “Of course not, my dear Rarity! I don’t think my sister would take kindly to me making two bearers of the Elements of Harmony simply vanish from the face of Equestria.” She batted her eyes mischievously before continuing. “Though there are of course other ways in which I could punish you, if I saw the need.”

“Um...” Fluttershy shrank back as, with that tiny peep, all attention was suddenly centered on her. “I...” She gulped nervously. “If you need to punish anypony, it should be me, Princess! I just wanted to... Well you see, Rarity was... Her hair was in a braid, and there was all that armor, and I... I just really, really needed to do what I did, just then,” she eventually finished, blushing furiously. “I’m so sorry!”

Luna laughed again. “No, Fluttershy, I am the one that should apologize. I was just having a bit of fun at your expense. Trust me, you have done nothing which I myself have not already indulged within these walls.” She leaned in even further and lowered her voice, forcing Rarity and Fluttershy to lean in a bit closer as well. “Though I would never tell my sister as much. She can be kind of... old-fashioned about such things.”

Rarity couldn’t stop a small giggle-snort at that.

Luna’s eyebrow rose, “Doest thou find it amusing that thy Princess of the Night finds Celestia to be a bit antiquated in some ways as well?”

Rarity shook her head quickly. “No, not at all, princess—” She stopped mid sentence, seeing that both Fluttershy and Luna were sharing a little giggle at her expense. “Oh, you’re both horrible!” She pouted, folding her forelegs close to herself.

“Yes, well, I do. At least in this. When it comes to romance, my sister is very old-fashioned.” Luna sighed and sat back. “Which lies at the very heart of her most recent problems.”

Rarity, her earlier annoyance forgotten, lowered her voice as well. “Oh? Do tell!”

“It is just...She refuses to listen to my council. Even in matters where I am clearly the one with the most experience, and even when it is clear she is hurting because of her own refusal to act.” Luna followed up with another sigh and sank deeper into the tub, letting the water come up to her lips.

“Oh, thank goodness!” Rarity tittered, blanching when Luna looked askance at her. “Sorry. I know that was an odd thing to say, but you actually made me feel so much better just now. I have issues with my own sister, you see, and hearing that even you two have your little tiffs on occasion makes me feel better.” She paused, letting a bead of cold sweat run down her forehead before adding hurriedly: “I mean, aside from the whole ‘eternal night’ thing, of course, hahaha… M-more mundane problems, is what I’m saying.” She nervously twirled a hoof in her hair. “So, uh, what is your sister having trouble with?”

“Sex,” Luna said simply. “Or perhaps ‘romance’ would be the more accurate term. Or even more specifically, the complete lack thereof. By my reckoning, it has been approximately three hundred years since my sister last had a lover. I think you’ll both agree that cannot be healthy.”

Fluttershy and Rarity nodded in unison, barely being able to last more than three hundred minutes without feeling the urge themselves, of late.

”The problem is that, unlike me, my sister loves for life. Well, for her lovers’ lifetimes, I should say. But the m—the one that has caught her eye this time is already taken, and with all of her outdated notions she cannot seem to get past the fact that ponies can, in fact, be perfectly happy in a relationship that involves more than one other pony.”

“Oh!” Rarity clopped her hooves together in her excitement. “Oh, a love triangle! Yes, those can be quite messy. So what is she going to do, then?”

“She has decided to do... absolutely nothing. She is going to suffer in silence, leaving the one she fancies none the wiser. Which is exactly the problem!” Luna slammed her hoof into the surface of the water, creating a small wave that ended up making quite a spill. “I refuse to let her torture herself over something so utterly banal as a simple miscommunication!”

“Oh, you’re absolutely right! She can’t do that!” Fluttershy exclaimed. ”It’s a terrible idea. It eats you up inside, making every day it’s left unsaid feel all horrible and disappointing. I did that for such a long time, and all it did was make me and Rarity feel miserable for nothing! I mean... Granted, she could have not felt the same about me, which would have been simply awful, but not saying anything at all turned out to be even more unbearable!”

Rarity nodded quickly. “I drove myself mad with worry just thinking about it! Had I spoken up even once, that would have been infinitely better than simply letting it lie. She needs to at least talk to... Wait, who did you say it was again?”

“Oh, it is Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said calmly. ”Celestia learned a few distressing things about herself and her most faithful student in the last couple of days.”

“Oh... my...” Fluttershy gasped.

“Oh dear,” Rarity said nearly simultaneously. This was completely unexpected and not exactly welcome news to the pair who had only just heard their two friends had reunited. “Are you saying that Twilight has feelings for Celestia?”

Luna nodded. “Has had for some time, if I understand correctly. And as for my sister, it is only now that Twilight is in a relationship with another that Celestia has finally realized she feels the same way. Yet she stubbornly refuses to act, not wanting to impose.”

“That’s...That’s positively horrid!” Rarity pressed both her hooves to her cheeks in dismay. “Do you mean to tell me that Twilight broke poor Pinkie’s heart and came all the way to Canterlot to confess to your sister, only to be turned away? And after all this, Pinkie took her back?”

“Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t like that, Rarity,” Fluttershy said as she rubbed Rarity’s back soothingly. “Twilight loves Pinkie very much. I don’t think she would leave her over a crush on somepony else—even if it was the princess.”

“How could it be anything but? What other reason could she have for running off like that?” Rarity pounded one hoof into the flat of the other. “The moment I see that mare I am going to give her a piece of my mind. And if she is very lucky that will be the worst she gets from me! Friend or no, one simply does not treat ponies like that. You saw how Pinkie was crying!”

Luna had been watching Rarity with growing confusion ever since the unicorn had started ranting, now she eventually managed to utter a shocked “What?”

Rarity went on in her rage, growing ever more upset. “And how must the princess feel, being confessed to in such a way? Granted, it’s flattering that Twilight loves her so much that would leave another pony just to get a chance at true love, but that does not speak well of her faithfulness!”

“Cease, Rarity,” Luna pleaded, holding up her hooves against the auditory onslaught. It wasn’t until Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around her that Rarity finally calmed down. “Twilight came here to ask my sister for advice. As I understand it, her crush on Celestia came to a head long ago. It was painful for her, especially since my sister has somehow failed to realize the obvious for the longest time. To my knowledge, she is completely unaware of Celestia’s own, long-suppressed feelings.”

Rarity took a moment to think about that. “Why? How can Twilight not know?”

Luna’s expression soured. “Because my bloody sister won’t tell her, that is why!”

Rarity frowned, having no other response she could give for such an awkward situation. “Well... I suppose I owe dear Twilight an apology.”

Fluttershy soothed her with a quick hug. “It’s okay, you didn’t actually say anything to her.”

“That isn’t the point,” Rarity said, a look of chagrin etched on her face. ”I completely misjudged her!” Turning back to Luna, she grinned sheepishly. “Sorry for jumping to conclusions like that. It’s been a trying week. It would seem I am a bit more on edge than I had originally supposed. So then, that is quite a predicament!”

Luna nodded. “Indeed it is...” Her eyes lit up. “Which is why I would be ever so grateful if you both could share your knowledge and experience concerning Twilight and Pinkie Pie with me. It would help me steer things in the right direction.”

Rarity considered her response carefully, weighing her options against possibly offending one of the two rulers of the land. In the end, loyalty to her friends had to come first. “My apologies, Princess Luna, but I refuse to be a part of anything that would cause either Pinkie or Twilight any pain. As much as I feel for Celestia, these two are my friends... If you intend to break them apart to help your sister—” She snorted and turned up her nose—“you’ll have to go through me first!”

Luna held up her hooves. “Heavens no. Please do not misunderstand me, Rarity; I wouldn’t dream of causing harm to any of you. I merely want to show my sister that a romance isn’t strictly limited to just two ponies, that a third party can get involved without compromising its potential towards happiness, that I believe there exists a certain synergy between Twilight, Pinkie and herself, even if she refuses to see it. She deserves at least a chance to be happy, I think, stubborn as she is.”

“I see...” Rarity said after a moment. “Still, I remain a bit concerned. These things tend to be complicated and cannot be taken lightly. I mean, I honestly don’t think Pinkie would take issue with the idea. She, erm, has some odd notions about love, and doesn’t seem to connect the physical aspects to the emotional ones all that well. That is to say, she loves Twilight dearly, but seems to have no qualms at all about expressing her attraction towards others. It can be a bit... disconcerting, to be honest.”

She blushed, remembering Pinkie’s casual groping during that one, simple hug.

“It’s Twilight I am truly worried about. The poor dear is in such emotional turmoil... I’m not sure she could handle something like this. Perhaps your sister is right: the timing is rather poorly chosen and abrupt. Twilight’s state of mind may simply be too fragile right now.”

Luna’s face screwed up with frustration, and for a moment Rarity was concerned that she had seriously upset the princess. The look quickly passed, however.

Luna gave a small, resigned sigh. “Now that, my dear Rarity, is exactly the kind of insight I was looking for,” she said with a gentle smile. “I did notice how badly Twilight fared after thinking she had lost Pinkie Pie, and I would not want to make her go through anything like that ever again, if I can help it. What I want is… Well, let’s just say I merely want what is best for everypony. Because my sister’s needs are just as important to me as those of your friends are to you.”

Luna eased herself upright from her sitting position, then stood up on all fours, stepping out of the tub with evident regret.

“Well, you’ve given me much to consider. I promise you that I won’t do anything rash. But I do feel that, if I refuse to meddle just a little bit, Celestia will leave this be for the rest of Twilight’s life. And I don’t want that. But please, be at ease on this matter. I ask you to trust me.”

With that, she opened the door and left the room.

Rarity watched the door close and swore under her breath. Luna’s assurances notwithstanding, she worried for her friends’ well-being. Still, there was little she could do to change things one way or another right now; the matter was out of her hooves. She would just have to have faith in everypony and hope that they could work things out. Her role, it seemed, was merely to console them or celebrate with them after the fact.

“Goodness, and here I was thinking I had problems,” she muttered bitterly.

“I think Luna is right,” Fluttershy said quietly. At Rarity’s questioning look she clarified further: “I mean, about the whole not worrying thing—Pinkie and Twilight will be okay.”

Rarity opened her mouth to protest, but after a moment she closed it again silently. Merely giving voice to her concerns would not make them go away, and in fact might only serve to make them come true.

“You’re right.” She lay back against the tub and exhaled noisily. “Sorry. I’m just worried about Pinkie. I never even managed to talk to her the entire time she was here. I promised I would try to help, and instead I may just have just aided Luna with an endeavor that might put their relationship on thin ice once again! I’m being a horrible friend to her right now...”

Fluttershy reached a hoof around Rarity’s face, gently guiding the latter’s gaze so that she was facing her directly. With the other hoof, she tapped Rarity lightly on the nose. “Bad Rarity.”

Rarity stared at her for a moment, completely dumbfounded, but then burst out laughing. “What, no newspaper at hoof?”

Fluttershy smiled weakly. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I rather needed that.” When her marefriend opened her muzzle to protest, she quickly cut her off, saying: ”Yes, yes, I know darling. I cannot hope to fix everypony’s problems. Goodness, even our princesses can’t manage that, and they can make the very skies bend to their will! Really makes you wonder what us poor mortals are supposed to do...”

“They’re still just ponies like us,” Fluttershy said, relaxing her posture to lay against the tub. She reached out with a wing and got a bottle of body wash that Rarity had laid out earlier. “I do feel sad for the princess, but she is big enough, and certainly old enough, to figure things out for herself. Don’t you think?”

“Fair enough. I suppose I am just being silly.”

“Maybe just a teensy little bit...”

Rarity smiled, and nodded gratefully when Fluttershy passed her the bottle, so that she could finally clean up properly.

“Well, we really should get out of this bath at some point; it feels as if I’ve been in here for weeks!”

In spite of that observation, they took their sweet time rinsing off every last visible trace of their escapades. It didn’t help that Fluttershy was only barely able to keep her libido (and wings) in check when Rarity came up after having dunked her head in the water, the wet, clingy mane enhancing her natural sensuality to levels no warm-blooded pegasus could resist.

There was also a bit of an awkward moment when the guards tried their hardest to look at anything but the two of them, when they finally made their exit. Rarity almost took offense to this, until she remembered that she had been able to hear Princess Luna quite clearly through these very same doors, which logically meant that...

The two stallions, sporting matching blushes, didn’t speak a single word as they passed.

The two mares, too, remained silent, uncertain of what they could possibly say in this situation that wouldn’t be catastrophically awkward. They had almost made it out of earshot when Rarity heard one of them whisper softly.

“Lucky mares...”

Rarity whirled around, about to deliver a tongue-lashing. But then she felt a gently-restraining hoof being placed gingerly on her foreleg. It was Fluttershy, of course, holding her back with the slightest of pressures and shaking her head, her face flushed. At first, this only served to further irk Rarity, until she realized that Fluttershy was suppressing laughter.

“It’s—” Fluttershy had to stop, stifling another fit of giggles in the cusp of her hoof. “It’s okay. Let them dream. I imagine Luna will have some fairly interesting dreams to visit, should she swing by those two tonight.” She giggled again, helpless to stop it.

The rage slowly ebbed, and soon Rarity had a debilitating case of the giggles as well. They walked back to their room, closing the door behind them.

Only when it was firmly latched did Fluttershy burst out into peals of the most adorable laughter ever.

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