• Published 9th Feb 2015
  • 1,133 Views, 50 Comments

Batmare Triumphant - SuperPinkBrony12

A sequel to Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight. Batmare and Robin come face to face with Miss. Freeze, and a new villan emerges from an old ally. Can the dynamic duo defend Equestria against these new threats?

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Robin Flies Away

No one took the news of Fancy Pants' fleeing from the hospital harder than Fleur De Lis. She blamed herself for the whole thing, believing that she had not been there to offer support to her husband when he needed it most. As the days passed without any word of the district attorney's whereabouts, Fleur became consumed with grief. She refused to leave her home except for an occassional visit to her husband's office, which remained vacant. Since no one knew whether or not Fancy Pants would ever return, an election was being organized to determine who should take his place.

Jet Set attempted to throw his hat back into the ring, but many ponies still believed that he was the one responsible for the savage attack on the promising district attorney. And so, out of fear for his safety, Jet Set withdrew from the race.

Batmare and Robin learned of the terrible news when they returned to The Batcave, and upon hearing it Batmare was all but crippled with guilt. "It's just like The Joker said, I wasn't there for him when he needed me most." she thought to herself.

The news only got worse from then on, as word soon began to spread about a new crime boss going by the name of Two Face. What was most interesting about this boss, was that he seemed to have no logic behind his targets. Sometimes, he would go after companies that district attorney Fancy Pants had prosecuted. And other times he would target companies that no one had touched in court. And each time, it seemed like there were some things that should've been stolen, but were left behind. About the only good news to emerge, was the prolonged abscence of Miss. Freeze. But many ponies, griffons, and other creatures hardly noticed, they were too busy trembling in fear of Two Face.

To make matters worse Batmare and Robin, much like Miss. Freeze, seemed to disappear without a trace. No one knew where they had gone, or why they weren't fighting back against this newest criminal threat.

At last, Robin lost patience. He complained to Batmare about her refusal to do anything. "I don't get it!" he said furiosuly "Why are we just standing here, when there are innocent citizens of Equestria who need our help?! We should be out there, fighting back against this so called Two Face!"

"Equestria doesn't need us." Batmare replied sadly "If it weren't for us, this Two Face guy wouldn't have shown up. We created him."

"No we didn't!" Robin snorted "We don't even know what he looks like yet."

"Robin, anyone can tell that it's Fancy Pants. It makes perfect sense." Batmare explained "The District Attorney disappears from the hospital, and a few days later various companies are being targeted by a new crime boss. Two Face is a dead give away."

"That may be so, but have you forgotten that it was The Joker who orchestrated that vicious attack?!" Robin asked.

"The Joker may have been responsible for the attack, but we never bothered to visit Fancy Pants when he was in the hospital, fighting for his life." Batmare said with a sigh "When he needed our support, we weren't there to give it to him!"

"There was little we could've done!" Robin replied "And we have no way of knowing for sure that Fancy Pants wouldn't have run off if we had been there! You can't let what The Joker said get into your head, that's just what he wants! He wants us to do nothing, it's his way of getting back at us!"

"No, what The Joker said is true." Batmare said somberly "In the time since he was put behind bars, we've had two new major threats to Equestria. The first was Miss. Freeze a.k.a Princess Luna, and the second is Two Face a.k.a Fancy Pants. The simple fact of the matter is, we're doing more harm than good. We're pushing hard on the criminal word, and it's pushing back with these new threats. The more we try to make a difference for the better, the more we make things worse for everyone."

"This isn't like you Batmare!" Robin said seriously "Where's the Batmare that saved me from The Joker's clutches, and took me under her wing as her student? Where's the Batmare who taught me how to overcome your fears? Where's the Batmare who refused to give up even when things looked bleak? Where's that Batmare?!"

"She's gone, and she's never coming back." Batmare said, turning her head away "This discussion is over."

"No it's not! Don't you dare turn your back on me!" Robin yelled "I'm tired of standing around and watching, while everything I care about is put in harm's way! With or without you, I'm going to fight back!"

"Robin please, think about what you're doing." Batmare pleaded desperately.

"I've thought long and hard about this." Robin replied "If you wanna wallow in self pity then fine, but don't expect me to just sit idly by while inncoent citizens of Equestria suffer! I think the time has come for this partnership to end."

"Robin please, I've already lost so much. I don't want to lose you as well!" Batmare pleaded "It's not too late to change your mind."

But Robin refused to listen. In fact, he got so mad that he slapped Batmare across the face. "That hurt me more than it did you." he said, turning sadly away "But hopefully I've knocked some sense into that thick skull of yours. I wish I could say it's been an honor working with you, but in the past few days it really hasn't." And with that Spike took off his mask, and threw it on the ground. He did the same thing with his suit, his cape, his gloves, and his boots. Then, he stormed out of The Batcave.

For a long time, Batmare just stood there. At last, when she was certain Spike wasn't coming back, Applejack took off her mask and rubbed a hoof over the spot where Spike had slapped her.

"Applejack?" Granny Smith asked, as she saw tears form in the eyes of her granddaughter.

"I just... want to be alone for a while. There are some things I need to think about." Applejack replied, and headed up to her room "Don't bother me."

Granny Smith watched as Applejack trotted sadly away. All she could do was sigh, and look at a picture that she rarely looked at anymore. It was a picture of her, in the prime of her youth, standing beside the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. Standing next to her was an earth pony stallion with a dark red coat, a dusty green mane and tail, eyes the most brilliant shade of blue, and a cutie mark a small green apple.

It still pained her to remember her husband, Adam Apple. Whereas most marriages resulted in the mare losing her maiden name, Adam had allowed Granny Smith to keep her last name and changed his last name to Apple. Unfortunately, their marriage had been short lived. Adam Apple was a heavy smoker, and the numerous cigarettes he consumed took a tole on his lungs. It was no surprise when he contracted lung cancer, even after Granny Smith had convinced him to give up smoking. Doctors tried everything they could to save him, but it was too late. To make matters worse, their only child was stillborn. It was not until her daughter in law Apple Dumpling gave birth to Big Macintosh, that she again felt happiness. And unfortunately, that happiness was taken away with the murder of both Apple Fritter Sr. and Apple Dumpling, shortly after the birth of Apple Bloom.

"Oh Adam, if only you were still here." Granny Smith said to herself "You'd know what to say. You were never one to give up hope, even when you knew you were going to die."

Author's Note:

The title of this chapter is based off of the U.K. version of a lyric from "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells". Instead of "Robin laid an egg." the lyric goes "Robin flew away."

And don't worry, Spike will reappear in this fic in a few chapters. And have a major role.