• Published 9th Feb 2015
  • 2,822 Views, 24 Comments

Her day - Hillbe

Rarity waits for her special date for Hearts and Hooves Day, It's her special day and she waits, and waits and waits some more.

  • ...

Her Day

Today of all days the sun was doing what it does and Spike and Sweetie Belle were window shopping before the evenings festivities.
After all it's not everyday you're invited to a fancy dinner. Small talk between the two was light and flavorful.

"No love poison this year?" Spike teased "Hope you learned your lesson little Miss. Belle".

Sweetie hid her muzzle " Yeah, That was a onetime thing , I'm sure Big Mac can hold his own even with Fluttershy".

Spike smiled as they continued to stroll through the plaza. The sky turned orange and the moon filled the evening sky.

As the moon traced it's path higher the colors deepened to the quiet shades of velvet. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.

She sat at the outdoor café waiting , She nibbled on her salad , Waiting for her knight in amore .
A little thought passed her way 'Am I being stood up? No , Everypony said they were a good match. Even Twilight thought Spike was handling himself in this situation quite well'
The waiter served her some wine and hors d'oeuvre as she waited. The café was full of talking couples, Hugging couples . Happy couples.

Her thoughts went back to earlier times , Dates of tattered dreams and bits of shattered hope. It was no twist of fate that drove her to work hard as she did . Fashion it was her safe little world, She held the reins no rejection or failure just business .
Some lofty standards must be held, After all " I am a lady ".

Couples passed in the night, Time passed , A couple of hours passed . She looked down the street and saw the other couples having a great time.

"Why me ?" she whimpered Of all the special days, I wanted this one to be our very special day !

Exhausting every hope for a romantic evening she paid the tab and started her way home. She trudged along the cobble stone street and let out a little "Eeep" and tears launched down her muzzle.

"Of all the days for IT to go wrong , This IS the worse possible day". She blubbered .

With no place to go she moped along , Her eye shadow and lashes falling out of place her thoughts rolling with her mood,

He could be out on important Canterlot business, He could be out with the guys , Or did he find better? No ! I'm Rarity !

"Pish Posh" Her mane stood on end and she felt the need for a smack down on his world !

She took in a deep breath and with clinched teeth she said

"How dare he , I am Rarity ! The most glamorous mare in Equestria ! When I see him I'll give him a proper thrashing,
A gentlepony does his best to hold up his end of a relationship !"

Rarity was boiling mad at the snubbing, Of all the days she told him , reminded him over and over where, when.
He had better be in a real life and death situation to keep a lady like me waiting, I'll show him!

Rarity pouted and let out a huff "No doubt it was urgent Canterlot business, He is of course a part of Royalty"
She sniffed "But he didn't even leave a message or anything" She stomped her hooves down tears flooding her vision.

Her nose ran as she pulled out his last gift to her , A handkerchief.
Rarity dabbed her eyes and after a quick glance she blew her nose, How unladylike She thought as she finished clearing her nose.

She continued her walk musing how to approach and kick the flank of her no good no show.

I wonder if Twilight could put a spell on him? The curse of a Thousand Burning Entrails? Or turn him into a snail taking a salt bath?

She stopped and told her self "He had better have a real good reason for not showing up ,Period !"

She heard a noise from above, Like she had anything better to do she turned to the sky.
Rarity belted out with an unladylike burp, Her condition today sure didn't help and neither did the news from a hovering Rainbow Dash.

"Hay Rares, Been looking all over for you, Sorry about your date ,But Sweeties hurt and she's at the Ponyville hospital".

"Sweeties hurt?" Rarity gasped " How?"

"A carriage broke loose and..." Before Rainbow could finish Rarity bolted off in a gallop, Rainbow continued "Spikes hurt too. . ."

Sweetie Belle sat in her hospital bed a sling and bandages complimenting her dress, full length drapes separating the patents in the hospital ward, She sat waiting for her big sister after she talked to Scootaloo who got Rainbow to get the word out of the accident.

A winded and worried Rarity entered the main door to the ward her eyes searching, Sweetie Bell waved her good hoof in
a display of 'What? Me worry ? '

"Rarity, Rarity" she called tears streaming down her face.
Rarity grasped her good hoof and held her close,

Sweetie smiled "I'm fine just a few bumps and bruises ". She moved her limbs and assured her big sis of her health.

The smile dropped and she started to tear up and bawling "Oh Rarity, I'm sorry your special day was ruined "
She gasped out " We were window shopping and browsing when the carriage broke lose and Spike did what he could to help me".

Rarity held Sweetie asking "You're not too hurt?"

Sweetie looked at Rarity with sad eyes " I'm doing better than Spike".

Raritys heart raced "Spike, Where is he ? Sweetie ?!"

" I'm here Rarity " . Spike squeaked out as Sweetie reached out with her good hoof pulling open the drapes.

"I'm sorry about your special day " He laid on his bed with his leg propped up in a cast.

Rarity sat down on the bed next to the drake looking into his eyes, Tears of joy dribbling on the sheets.

"Nothing to be sorry about my Spikey Wikey , We can't have a bright shinny day all the time and you did save Sweetie Belle".

She pulled Spike close and kissed his spines and cheeks whispering " Thank you, Precious scales".

Spike spoke shyly "Besides Hearts and Hooves day comes every year, you'll always have next time".

Raritys eyes watered up and she said softly "But not this special kind of day".

Rarity held Spike tighter and Sweetie Belle pulled the drapes closed slowly exiting the ward.

"Spikey, About today" Rarity blushed .

"Yes ,Rarity?" Spike asked .

Sweetie tried to hear what Rarity whispered into Spikes ear, But her heart skipped a beat

when Spike gasped out loud

"I'm going to be a what? "

Sweetie giggled "Best Hearts and Hooves day ever , Wait till Twilight finds out about this ! "

Author's Note:

For EQD Hearts and Hooves Day special.