• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen April 28th

Arreis Of Avalon


What you see before you is not exactly what one would call “a story”. It’s more like an unchanging meditation, reenacted from scattered evidence that happened to fall into my hands.
It was written according to instructions, left behind by the original game’s writer.
Many strange things and unclear moments you will encounter in this - whatever this is - are due to the requirements outlined by the original game.
Maybe it was just a mysterious hoax, but it probably wasn’t. I suggest you view this as just another crossover fan fiction.
I recommend you read this in a dark and quiet place, alone.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 24 )

I have no idea whats going on.

5990457 I think this has something to do with Twilight Sparkle and Nightmare Moon.

I still insist this has something do with Twilight's place. Probably the times she was at the tree. Don't know if this has to do something with the Nightmare.

5998310 I'm not going to spoil anything. Let's just say that dreams are a large factor of this game/story, so it'll be interesting to see what characters I can bring into this. Seeing as I'm writing this without knowing anything from the game until I watch the youtube videos they're based on, this should be a journey for us all~

5998348 Well I don't know the game but still I'm going to give this a chance.

Just a quick recommendation - it might be a good idea to lengthen the chapter names. It's a little awkward to have to click on a single period.

Also, I'd like to say that this is pretty faithful to the atmosphere of the game from what I've seen of it, so nice job there.

5999376 I like the periods. I might make them longer, though. They're already getting progressively longer, but I might make the first 3.

6000756 I'm not objecting to the periods themselves, so yeah, go for it. Three should be much less finicky.

6000849 I'll get on that~ Thanks for the comments!! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Serefin deleted May 21st, 2015

Curious what the story will be like. I played Knock Knock myself. Only criticism I have is, that sometimes the enemies literally appear right in front of you, without giving the player a chance to flee. Luckily, you can exploit that you are immune to them while climbing a ladder, so you can just go up and down one until morning comes.

6011914 Interesting hack! :) This story's based off of Markiplier's play through of it, I suggest you check it out~

6014641 If I were you, I'd probably watch a more comprehensive and secret-revealing playthrough than Mark's. Then again, I'v only watched Mark's myself, but I know he only gets about 5% of the secret-laden story.

6042260 Oooooh, Mark, you silly person who never finishes games... I've got my own path that this story is going that diverges from the game's a little. I don't know anything about the story; my only question is, should I keep going as I have been (not knowing a single thing about the story/its secrets/its ending) or should I do my research and twist it to my advantage?

6042297 No, he finished the game, he just only found about 2 of the secrets for the full story.
And you should do the research, that way you can use it fully to your advantage, rather than getting trapped later on.

6042346 Alrighty, I'll look up some stuff on it.

6042297 Did you play the game to make this story or just watched Marks videos?

Either way tis a good story!

6576397 I've only seen Mark play it so far. I'm planning on reviewing a fuller walk through to get the full gist of the game.

6576977 Ok I was just wondering because I had no clue if there was an actual storyline to the game or not.

6577126 There's a little bit of story to the game, but apparently Mark misses quite a bit of it.

Heh heh! I love it! can't wait for more!

Imma try those little games you mentioned.

going to be interesting.

6652058 Good luck! I wouldn't be able to do them myself. Too scary!!


Just research "Knock knock (Horror game)" on Google, and click on the Knock-knock webpage. It will be explained.

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