• Published 4th Feb 2017
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My little Omniverse 2: The Ghostly Nightmare - Time Agent pony

Ben 10 and Rook are summoned back to Equestria to free the land and the ponies that live there from the darkness of Zs'Skayr

  • ...

An army is raised


Twilight and her friends materialised in the subterranean alien city, below Bellwood.

"This place is wired," Rainbow Dash said, looking around at all the different shops.

"Focus girls," reminded Twilight, "we have to look for Ben and Rook."

The Girls began to wonder around the different shops.

"Tube socks!" someone was shouting, "grouped in twos, grouped in threes, grouped in fives, guaranteed to fit any tube."

"It's almost like the market, back home," Applejack said.

"Get your protozoan smoothies!" someone else was shouting, "get your protozoan smoothies."

"I don't know about you guys" Pinkie commented, "but I'm hungry."

She walked by to one of the stalls, "Tentacles on a stick," the vender said, "so fresh they grab you."

"I'll take six of those, please," Pinkie said.

"With suckers, without suckers?" the vender asked.

"With, please," Pinkie replied, she placed a few bits on the counter.

The vender, not minding about the bits, handed over six green tentacles on sticks to her.

"Who's hungry?" Pinkie asked, offering the tentacles to the others.

"I'll pass," Rainbow Dash gaged.

"I just remembered, I had something before we left," Rarity grimaced.

"Oh, I'm suddenly not hungry" nodded Fluttershy.

"Me too," agreed Twilight and Applejack.

"Suit yourself," Pinkie replied, popping one of the tentacles into her mouth and chewed it.

"How can you eat that?!" Rainbow Dash asked, trying not to be sick.

"What? It's good" Pinkie replied, her mouth full of tentacles.

A sudden explosion caught their attention, soon after an alien creature, with a familiar symbol in its chest, came flying and hit the ground nearby.

"Why do you never give me the alien I want Omnitrix," the alien groaned.

The alien got back to his feet and charged to where the explosion had come from.

"Well, so much for looking," Rainbow Dash said.

With that the girls rushed off towards where the alien had run off to.

"Give up while you still can" Water Hazard cried, as he fired blasts of water at the course of the earlier explosion, Carl Nesmith a.k.a. Captain Nemesis.

"You'll never stop me, Ben" Captain Nemesis laughed, "Never!"

"That's what you think," Water Hazard remarked.

From behind, Ben's partner, Rook fired an electric rope from his Proto-tool weapon, it wrapped around Captain Nemesis and shorting out his battlesuit.

"It's not over until I say...," was all Captain Nemesis could say before he was knocked unconscious by Water Hazard.

"It's over," he said, changing back into Ben, while Rook applied his energy cuffs.

"Ben!" called a voice.

Both Ben and Rook turned to see Twilight and her friends running towards them.

"Twilight?" Ben said, confused.

"Rainbow Dash?" Rook said, equally confused.

"Ben, you've got to help!" Twilight said, breathlessly.

"Princess Luna's been taken over!" Rainbow Dash continued.

"And Princess Celestia disappeared!" finished Fluttershy.

"Whoa, Whoa," Ben interrupted, "let's start from the beginning.

Burger Shack

The Girls and Rook sat at a table at Ben's second favourite restaurant to Mr. Smoothies.

Pinkie was still chewing on her tentacles.

Ben brought over the food, along with a bag of chilli fries for himself.

"Finally some real food," Rainbow Dash said.

"Are you sure that you don't want a little bit of tentacle?" Pinkie asked Rainbow Dash.

"For the last time no!" Rainbow Dash responded.

"I got you the kiddy meals," Ben replied, "just don't let them know your over eight."

"Now maybe you can tell us what the emergency is," Rook continued.

So the girls explained everything that had happened back in Equestria, while eating their meal at the same time.

"So that's why we came here," Twilight said, after she and the girls explained everything.

"So Zs'Skayr has possessed Princess Luna and is planning to take over Equestria," Ben said.

"If he's not stopped he will turn our world into a living nightmare," Fluttershy replied.

"I'm afraid that's only the tip of the iceberg," interrupted a voice.

Everyone turned to see the time traveling professor, Paradox.

"Professor Paradox," Ben greeted.

"Good to see you again, Ben Tennyson," Paradox replied, "or should I say, it will be good to have seen you before."

Paradox then noticed Twilight and her friends.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked.

"We haven't met, well I have," Paradox replied, "Professor Paradox at your service."

"Well at least someone knows how to act like a gentlemen," Rarity remarked.

"Anyway back to the point," Paradox continued, "Zs'Skayr hasn't just limited himself to conquering a single dimension, but all parallel dimensions."

"But why start with Equestria?" Applejack asked.

"My best guess," Paradox answered, "when Ben and Rook first came to your world it weakened the fabric between worlds, all Zs'Skayr had to do was using the weak points as a lens he made a portal to your world."

"Speak english, you egghead!" Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"Fine," Paradox sighed, "imagine a window, what happens when the glass brakes?"

"It shatters," Rarity answered.

"Correct," Paradox replied, "when Ben and Rook made a hole it cracked the world around it, the entire surface of your dimension splintered and that allowed Zs'Skayr to bleed through the fault lines of the dimensional void."

"Then we need to stop Zs'Skayr before its too late," Rook said.

"Gwen and Kevin are too far away to call right now," Ben added, "So we're going to have to find help else where."

"Before that we need weapons" Rainbow Dash interrupted again.

"We have got weapons back at the Plumbers HQ," Rook interjected, "Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie and me will gather weapons to take Zs'Skayr and his forces on"

"And Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and me will go with Paradox to round up our help," Ben finished.

"It's settled then," nodded Paradox.

Rook, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie climbed into Rook's Proto-TRUK and drove off.

Ben, Rainbow Dash, Twilght and Applejack joined Paradox, who opened up a dimensional portal, and they disappeared.

"Where are we?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"This just looks like Bellwood" Applejack said, "only tinted blue."

"This is the twenty third dimension" Paradox replied.

"Look" Twilight said, pointing at billboard on a nearby building, it showed a picture of a slightly younger version of Ben with blue eye instead of green.

"Don't worry, police, Ben 23's got your back," Twilight read the billboard.

Suddenly an alien, similar to Ben's alien Heatblast, came crashing through the billboard and hit the ground.

"Oh, man" he said, as soon as he saw the hole he'd made in the billboard, "not my Billboard."

The person responsible for throwing the alien through the billboard soon appeared.

"Eon!" Ben gasped, "he must be working for Zs'Skayr."

"Who's Eon?" Applejack asked.

"He's an evil version of me," Ben explained.

"How does that make any sence?!" Rainbow Dash cried.

"We can discuss that later," Twilight interrupted, "right now, we need to help that alien."

Twilight and her three friends were about to rush in to help, only for Professor Paradox to stop them.

"Rushing in now would be a very unwise," he said.

"But we've got to help him!" Rainbow Dash retorted.

"If Eon is working for Zs'Skayr and he sees you and Ben trying to help he may warn Zs'Skayr." Paradox answered.

"We can't just stand here and watch," Rainbow Dash replied.

"Maybe the way we can help him is by not letting Eon know we're helping" suggested Twilight, after some thinking.

Ben nodded and turned the dial on his Omnitrix, just as the alien was hit by a blast from Eon, sending him flying into a nearby building.

As the Alien changed back, into Ben 23, Ben dashed into the dust from the building being destroyed and in a flash Ben transformed into the alien werewolf Blitzwolfer.

While Twilight, her friends and Paradox got Ben 23 to safety, Blitzwolfer engaged Eon.

"It is no use, Tennyson," Eon growled, "I know all your moves, all your aliens."

"Well stop me if you've heard this one," Blitzwolfer replied, he fired his sonic howl attack.

Eon avoided the attack and fired a blast of energy at Blitzwolfer, blasting him back.

"You three worry about him" Ben 23 said, he and the others had been watching other Ben's fight, "I'll worry about him."

He turned the dial on his Omnitrix and slapped it down and transformed into Echo Echo, called Copy Copy in his dimension.

As he rushed in to battle Eon, while other Ben got to safety.

"How are you changing so fast?" Eon questioned, he fired a few blasts of energy at the alien.

Copy Copy simply split into clones and avoided the attack.

"This Ben is a little harder to recruit then I thought" Eon said, to himself, as he dodged Copy Copy's sound attacks.

Eon opened up a portal and dived through it, with the portal closing behind him.

Copy Copy changed back into Ben 23 and joined the others, "Thanks for the help" he said, "whats up with that Eon weirdo?"

"We don't know yet but we need your help in the coming fight," Ben replied.

"OK," Ben 23 nodded, "Just need to talk with my agent."

He took out his phone and began texting, "I'm all yours." after a few seconds.

With that the two Bens, the ponies and Paradox stepped into the dimensional portal.

Main Ben 10 timeline, 16 years in the past

"This is your last chance to join us" Eon said, as he fired energy blasts at a 16 year old version of Ben.

"Not a chance Eon," Ben replied, "it's hero time." he slapped the dial of the Ultimatrix and transformed into Swampfire.

"It's no use, Tennyson" Eon smirked, "I know all your aliens, inside and outside." he fired another blast, this one hitting the hero.

"All too easy," remarked Eon.

Suddenly there was a flash of green and Swampfire transformed in Ultimate Swampfire.

"Time for round two," Ultimate Swampfire said, he fired a blast of blue fire from his palms at Eon.

Eon dodged the attack and fired another blast at the hero, who avoided it and blasted Eon with some more blue fire.

"You had your chance to join us," Eon said, "Now you alone with the universe will suffer."

Eon opened up a portal and dived in.

"What was that all about?" Ultimate Alien Ben asked, as he powered down.

"If you come with us we can explain" Paradox said, as he, Ben 23, Omniverse Ben and the three ponies approached him.

Gwen 10 dimension

"Who the heck are you?!" Gwen said, as she dodged Eon's attacks.

"You know me better than you might think," Eon smirked.

"Whatever creep," Gwen said, she turned the dial on her Omnitrix and slapped it down and transformed into Diamondhead.

"I'm taking you down" Diamondhead said, she fire diamond shards at Eon.

He dodged the attacks and fired off more energy blasts.

"This Tennyson is a lot smart than I expected" Eon said, to himself, he opened up a portal and jumped into it.

"Well, that was weird" Gwen said, as she changed back, "what did that guy want?"

"We can explain everything" Twilight said, as she, the three Bens, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Paradox approached her.

The Future

"What is this place?" Applejack asked, looking around at the futuristic world.

"This is the galactic headquarters of Ben 10,000" Paradox replied.

"Awesome" Rainbow Dash cried.

As they entered they found the Ben they were looking for, he was looking at a computer screen.

"Nice to see you again, Paradox" he greeted.

"And to you Ben" Paradox replied.

"Let me guess, this is a situation that only that wearers of the Omitrix can stop?" Future Ben asked.

"Hit the nail on the head as usual, Ben" Paradox nodded.

"I'm in" Future Ben replied.

An alternate future

"Are we done yet?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Far from it," Paradox replied.

Rainbow let out a groan,

"Good to see you, Paradox," said a voice.

The voice belonged to another version Ben 10,000.

"Whatever it is I'm in," he smiled.

With that he and the others vanished into the dimensional portal, their search for heroes had only just began.