• Published 14th Aug 2015
  • 3,831 Views, 38 Comments

Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

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Visitor Center

The jeeps continued on with their journey, once more taking to the dirt path at lead into the jungle. This lead to the main path that lead to the main enclosure, which had the most security fences around to make sure absolutely nothing could get in once powered on. At long last the jeeps came to a stop outside the most important building of the park, the Visitor Center. The building not only acted as the control center for Jurassic Park, it also housed the genetics lab and accommodations for guest. The ponies were let out of the jeeps, following behind Scorch as he pushed the doors open.

“Good day, good day, good day.” He called happily to the hard construction workers. “Now the most important building here at Jurassic Park, here is where your adventure begins.” He told the ponies following him as he stopped to marvel at the skeletons of a T-Rex and Brachiosaur in combat. “Once opened it will be the crown jewel of the most advanced amusement park in all of Equestria. I’m not just talking about rides. Everypony has rides…..no we’ve built living, breathing attractions that will get the attention of the entire world.” Scorch then began trotting up the stairs as the ponies behind him commingling.

“Can you believe it girls?!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly. “Dinosaurs! This has got to be the coolest thing ever!”

“Dinosaurs back to life party!” Pinkie called out, happily honking an air horn. The only one of the ponies who didn’t seem to be all that excited was Twilight, and to a lesser degree Fluttershy.

“Now I know why Celestia wanted us to come here.” She muttered to herself.

“Alright there sugarcube?”

“Something just doesn’t feel right.” The alicorn responded, looking at the skeletons in thought. Scorch lead the group until he lead them to a small private theather.

“Everypony take a seat. The shows about to begin.” Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat in the first row. Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and the CMC took the row behind them while Scorch had Flash join him in the third row.

“What is this?” Scootaloo asked curious.

“A little presentation.” Scorch explained. “Ah here he comes.” He pointed at the screen where Scorch, dressed in a business suit began trotting out. “Well here I come.” He said.

“Hello there.” Scorch onscreen said. The real Scorch turned to the ponies.

“Go on, say hello.”

“Hello.” The ponies responded, a little weirded out they were talking to a screen.

“Hello Scorch!” The screen pony said.

“Oh wait, this where I have lines.” The real stallion pulled out cue cards with his magic.

“Fine, fine….but uh, how did I get here?” The screen pony continued. Scorch flipped through the cards until her found the one he wanted.

“Well, let me show you. First I need a drop of blood….your blood.” The screen Scorch stuck his hoof out, allowing the real Scorch to poke it.

“Scorch that hurt.”

“No problem, it’s just the miracle of DNA cloning.” As if on cue, the Scorch’s on the screen began multiplying. Twilight nodded.

“Cloning, of course.”

“What? Magic couldn’t bring the dinosaurs back?” Rarity asked.

“No, no magic in Equestria is that strong.”

“You could only get DNA from blood, so where did they get 65 million year old blood?” Rainbow asked.

“Shh! Somethin’s happening.” Applejack cut them off as on screen whimsical musical began playing as a strand on DNA began floating out of the nick on Scorch’s hoof. The strand then tapped the stallion on the shoulder.

“What? Oh! Mr. DNA, where did you come from?”

From your blood; just one drop of your blood contains billions of strands of DNA, the building blocks of life!”

“We’re gonna get our answer.” Twilight whispered to her friends. Onscreen Mr. DNA was in charge of the show now.

“A DNA strand, like me, is a blueprint for building a living thing!” Onscreen the strand turned into a blueprint dinosaur. “And sometimes animals that went extinct millions of years ago, like dinosaurs, left their blueprints behind for us to find! We just had to know where to look!” Mr. DNA rolled the screen up as it cut to an animated mosquito

“A hundred million years ago, there were mosquitoes, just like today. And, just like today, they fed on the blood of animals. Even dinosaurs!” The mosquito flew away from the dinosaur it just got blood from, and flew off to a tree. “Sometimes, after biting a dinosaur, the mosquito would land on a branch of a tree, and get stuck in the sap!”

“That poor mosquito.” Fluttershy said, looking at the live action footage of mosquito getting stuck in tree sap.

“After a long time, the tree sap would get hard and become fossilized, just like a dinosaur bone, preserving the mosquito inside!” Mr. DNA said as animated diggers dug down into the ground until one pulled the golden rock up. Then a real scientist pony began drilling into the rock. “This fossilized tree sap -- which we call amber ¬waited millions of years, with the mosquito inside ¬until Jurassic Park's scientists came along!” Then the scientist began pushing a needle into the rock.” Using sophisticated techniques, they extract the preserved blood from the mosquito, and - - bingo! Dino DNA!”

“So that’s how they did it.” Rarity said.

“Quite clever actually.” Twilight admitted as Mr. DNA began avoiding codes like they were vehicles.

“A full DNA strand contains three billion genetic codes! If we looked at screens like these once a second for eight hours a day, it'd take two years to look at the entire strand! It's that long! And since it's so old….” The CMC began laughing as Mr. DNA got dragged off screen. “It’s full of holes! That's where our geneticists take over!” On the screen actual ponies working on computers were typing away, looking at complicated numbers.

“Thinking Machine supercomputers and gene sequencers break down the strand in minutes - -“ Mr. DNA explained as a full strain appeared on screen, along with a frog. “and Virtual Reality displays show our geneticists the gaps in the DNA sequence! Since most animal DNA is ninety percent identical, we use the complete DNA of a frog - -“The strand began struggling to finish the strand of DNA. “to fill in the.... holes and.....complete.... the....
code! Whew!” The ponies looked at each other, still not sold on the idea.

“And now, we can make a baby dinosaur.” Mr. DNA said as an animated dinosaur hatched from an egg.

“The score for the film is only temporary. Quite grand actually, hasn’t been finished yet.” Scorch explained.

“This is so cool!” The CMC all said.

“After this, the tour continues.” Scorch pressed a button, causing the lap bars in front of the ponies to close down. The screen pulled away as the room itself began to turn, allowing the ponies to look into the window containing the genetics lab.

“This is incredible Scorch.” Flash said. “Are those….auto….animo….”

“No no, there are no animatronics. These are the real miracle workers of Jurassic Park.” Scorch said as Flash nodded his head. Inside the lab several scientist were placing eggs inside heated incubators.

“Here we implant the embryos inside unfertilized ostrich or emu eggs.” The voice over explained.

“Wait, are there baby dinosaurs in there now?” Fluttershy asked.

“Most likely.”

“Let me off! I have to see them!!!” Fluttershy began pushing on the lap bars with all her might.

“I wanna see the babies! I wanna see the babies!” Pinkie said, trying to push the bars up as well.

“I have to see this too!” Twilight began pushing as well.

“Can’t you stop this thing?”

“I’m sorry, it’s sort of a ride.” Scorch said, as Twilight used her magic to lift the lap bars up, stopping the ride in its track.

“They can’t do that!” Flash said as the ponies began vacating the ride. “Can they do that?”

“I guess they can.”

Scorch typed in a code that opened the door to the genetics lab, allowing him and the ponies following him to enter. Inside the scientist all wore lab coats, several working on computers or taking down notes about the eggs. The owner of Jurassic Park nodded to several ponies, until he stopped at a female unicorn pony.

“Afternoon Lyra.” The mare turned to Scorch.

“Oh hello sir.” She said, returning to her notes about the eggs in front of her.

“These are the guest from Equestria. They wanted to take a moment to look at the eggs.

“Where are the babies?!” Pinkie asked, mushing her face against the glass dome of one hatchery.

“You won’t find any in that hatchery.” Lyra said, before glancing at her notes. “This one on the other hoof…..” The ponies circled around the hatchery were a robotic arm was slowly turning the eggs.

“Incredible….it turns the eggs to keep it warm on all sides.” Twilight said in amazement, all fears forgotten. Her attention then fell on one egg that began wiggling.

“Is that one doing what I think it’s doing?” Sweetie Belle asked. Lyra looked at the egg.

“Perfect timing. I was hoping they would all hatch before I have to make the boat.”

“Lyra why didn’t you tell me?” Scorch said, pulling on a latex glove with a smile. “I insist on being here when they are born.” He then lifted the glass dome off the incubator as cracks slowly began forming on the egg. The stallion leaned closer. “Come on little one…..” He said kindly. “Come on.” The ponies around him gasped as a little head began to poke out. “Very good push…..push….” He then used his magic to pull bits of the egg off. “There you are….” The newborn dinosaur let out cute little hisses. Fluttershy was trying not to gush wildly at the sight.

“I knew baby animals were cute, but never a baby dinosaur….” She said happily. The dinosaur stuck out its little clawed hand, which Scorch touched with his hoof.

“They imprint on the first being they see when they are born. It helps them trust me, so I’ve been present for the birth of every little being on this island.” He said happily.

“Happy birthday!” Pinkie held up her air horn, only to have it snatched away by Applejack.

“This is amazing.” Rainbow said, not able to take her eyes off.

“How do they breed in the wild?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, they can’t.” Lyra said, taking down notes. “All breeding happens here in a controlled environment. There is no unauthorized breeding in Jurassic Park.”

“Why can’t they breed?” Twilight asked, curious.

“All the dinosaurs are female; we engineered them that way.” While the other ponies were gawking at the baby, Rarity and Twilight were getting a closer look at the egg it just hatched out off. As the alicorn held it up with her magic, the robotic arm activated, and snatched it away.

“How rude.” Rarity commented.

“But wait, how do you know they’re all female?” Fluttershy asked.

“Easy! Somepony goes out and checks under the dinosaur skirts!” Pinkie said, getting stares from the other ponies. “What? I was right about dinosaurs being on this island.”

“We control their chromosomes, its actually not that difficult.” Lyra continued. “All vertebrate embryos are inherently female anyway. It takes an extra hormone at the right developmental stage to create a male, and we simply deny them that.” Fluttershy didn’t like what she was hearing.

“You alright sugarcube?”

“I’m alright, it’s just I don’t understand what I’m hearing. The thought of this attempted control over nature is a little unsettling for me. If there’s one thing that taking care of animals for most of my life has taught me it’s that nature and life simple cannot be controlled like this. Nature will find a way to break through these barriers, and it comes with frightening consequences. Nature is something that should be respected, not to be tampered with.” The ponies looked at Fluttershy, amazed she could say something so powerful.

“Are you suggestion a park with a mainly female population will…..breed?” Lyra asked.

“No, all I’m saying is life….finds a way.” Twilight touched her hoof against the baby’s claws. Something was bothering her.

“What species is this?” Lyra looked at the list.

“It’s a Velociraptor.” The word sent chills down Twilight’s spine. She’s read books about the species, and knew how dangerous it was.

“You bred raptors?” Lyra nodded softly. The alicorn looked down at the baby with almost a look of fear in her eyes.