• Member Since 18th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday

Trick Question

Being against evil doesn't make you good.


Sassy Shrimp recently turned six, and it's his first day at school. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon intimidate the little runt, so Scootaloo steps in to defend him.

Sassy seems afraid of everypony except Scootaloo, but what makes her so special? Once Scootaloo figures out what Sassy's truly afraid of, she ends up in a tricky situation where one wrong move could scar the little guy for life.

Once again, it's up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders to save the day!

Written for the 2015 Secret Santa compilation as a gift for plumander.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

Nice story, could be a episode too :)
And it's true, Scootaloo does act and sound like a boy, just like Rainbow:twilightsmile:

This is the second story of yours that I've liked. Think I'll add you to my 'watch' list, if that's alright with you... :raritywink:

Easy mistake, shrimp. It's the manecut... and the voice... and the attitude....

Scootaloo pouted. "I dunno, girls. I'm not worried about being uncool or anything, but I don't wanna be saddled by a pint-sized tagalong forever..."


am I the only one that noticed the floating olive in the cover photo

It's hard to see, but it is on a toothpick.

6800342 ok, so im not crazy, ok just checkin. also great story so far

Great story as usual, Trick.

This OC's completely adorable. I got diabeetus towards the end over the fillyfriend shtick. :twilightsheepish:

This was a cute one, Trixie.

Sassy Shrimp x Scootaloo...

I call thy ship SassyLoo

Filthy fillies! :derpytongue2:

"And boys can do anything too, of course," added Apple Bloom. "Maybe not become alicorns, but who knows? Someday there might even be an alicorn prince."

"Well, let's not go overboard," said Scootaloo.

Now who's all misandric?


Just kidding. :heart: :rainbowkiss: :heart:

Seriously, though. It was meant as a lighthearted joke about the matriarchy in the show, nothing more.


Seriously, though. It was meant as a lighthearted joke about the matriarchy in the show, nothing more.

I know that, and I wasn't offended, I was just being a smart-ass for the heck of it.

Yeah, it’s going to make it to the feature box. Well done, Trick!

Unfortunately, I don't think it will. It's a little too old already and racking up hits too slowly. It wasn't far off, though.

I hope you're wrong because it deserves it!

Lots of stories do! The Feature Box is a harsh mistress, however. She seems to love unrealistic crossovers and humanized horse porn most of the time. :derpytongue2:

(not that there's anything wrong with that)

I just realised I hadn't upvoted it. Done.
I've adult fics filtered out, so my feature box is much less saucy. I like it this way, and I'd really like your story showing up there!

EDIT: Did you submit to EqD?

There's only one M in the feature box at the moment. It's true that on occasion it dominates the box, but most of the time its presence is small.

It'd actually be kinda nifty if my M story that I just updated somehow caught heat, but I'd probably have to update it every day for a week to get that to happen.

I've never submitted a story to EqD. I don't know how, and nopony encourages me to do it, so my fics are not likely deserving. I wouldn't know which fics to submit, or when to submit them, or what to expect.

Consequently, all the feature box hits I've earned have been done without EqD's involvement.

I can't really help you, but I'm sure Pascoite or Baal B. know, since they're regularly featured. If nopony has ever encouraged you to do so, well I do. You should. I can be a gadfly, too. :pinkiehappy:

That would give you an extra boost, by the way.

Actually, I've been thinking about EqD for that exact reason—not because I want to be #HORSEFAMOUS, but because it would be nice if my stories could reach more people. My only real goal is to touch other people in positive ways that will make the world more interesting or fun. EDIT: But it makes no sense for me to do that unless my submitted works are better than the average quality work that somepony would otherwise see on EqD, because then I'd just be risking supplanting somepony more deserving than I.

I've mentioned the idea around both Baal/Augie and Pascoite (among others), and I've never had any words of encouragement, so I don't think it's in the cards. I appreciate that you like my work, but generally only ponies like yourself who are near-constantly positive about what I do (rather than critical) are the ones suggesting I should submit to EqD. That doesn't mean I value your opinion any less, but it does mean it's less of an objective marker for whether or not my stories are worth the magnetic storage they're printed on. :derpytongue2:

I don't deal with rejection well anyway, so it's just as well. :pinkiesmile: Besides, I'm just as motivated to write stories without popularity, so I won't be stopping anytime soon (maybe I won't be in certain competitions, but I'll still produce and post works under this account).

When I first started watching the show, I was dead certain that Rainbow Dash was a boy for the longest time.

Pretty late here and I feel sleepy. Much to say, though, so I shall answer you tomorrow. Take care.

6803629 Yeah, it can be quite confusing at times, especially how she acts and sounds

You've written some stuff which is good enough, but it is hard to tell, really; I'm not sure about half the stuff I submit to Equestria Daily. They reject a number of things I send them, but accept a number as well; I'm not sure what my overall "hit rate" is.

If you're interested in submitting something, The Price of a Smile won a write-off, and that is often an indication that it is good enough to be submitted to Equestria Daily.

Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated.

I didn't know about Price because it has a fair bit of violence and a touch of random sex in it, and it's very dark. So it seemed like it might be too mature for their audience.

I was thinking a story like this one (Colts Will be Colts, I mean) might be more EQD fare: inoffensive and upbeat, and apparently everypony seems to enjoy it for some reason. This is one of those rare stories I can draw from my youth and twist upside-down to make it positive, and the inclusion of foal characters makes it endearing (though is a very lazy moral-telling mechanism, e.g. South Park's preachy child-mouthing).

I suppose the only way to really know is to submit stories and see what happens. If there isn't a deadline for how old a story is (I've never asked) and I have a rush of not-depressed-at-the-moment, I might give it a try someday.

By the way, sorry I haven't finished your gift or left feedback. I know this sounds like BS but it takes a little effort for me to read certain stories and even just the fact that it's a gift has left it at the front of the priority queue but not plucked yet. Still wrestling with stuff unrelated to anything rational or otherwise FF-related. But I'm very appreciative of the work and I know I will enjoy it very much. :heart:

There is no limit on how old a story can be; I've had some very old stories approved.

By the way, sorry I haven't finished your gift or left feedback. I know this sounds like BS but it takes a little effort for me to read certain stories and even just the fact that it's a gift has left it at the front of the priority queue but not plucked yet. Still wrestling with stuff unrelated to anything rational or otherwise FF-related. But I'm very appreciative of the work and I know I will enjoy it very much.

It's alright, kind of figured judging by your blogposts that you were down. Hope stuff gets better for you soon. :twilightsmile:

Came to this story from here. Sometimes it is a good idea to throw those story links out there, eh?

I find stories that're based on rl events in an author's life to quite fascinating. Like, it often feels like the story is more impactful when that little detail somehow slips out. Might be because I got to find out a little tidbit about someone lol.

This was such a cute and heart warming story! And comedic. I could totally see this as an episode. :twilightsmile:

I think this is literally the only story I've written that is lighthearted enough to be an episode. :derpytongue2: But it still touches on something personal for me, and I enjoyed writing it.

Author Interviewer

Nothing like I expected. :) A nice story!

Combined, those two sentences paint a less-than-glowing portrait of me as an author. :raritydespair: :trollestia:

I was prompted to do something lighthearted since this was intended to be a gift, but I still managed to find a topic where I had something very important and personal to say (as with everything I write). Perhaps I shall write a pleasant story again, someday? It could happen. :pinkiecrazy:

Scootaloo pouted. "I dunno, girls. I'm not worried about being uncool or anything, but I don't wanna be saddled by a pint-sized tagalong forever..."

Aw, come on Scots. Rainbow Dash was saddled by a pint-sized tagalong forever. It worked out for her, didn't it?

Seems like Scootaloo and the Crusaders really did this kid some good. He had some messed up ideas on gender.

Yes, there is a difference between men and women. And yes, the typical boy is more prone to playing with toy cars, then the typical girl. But the key words there are “typical” and “prone to”: Not everyone is typical (e.g. Dash and Scoots are quite masculine). And just because boys are more prone too playing with cars, it doesn't mean girls can't.

This kid seemed to have the idea, that there had to be a strict separation between the masculine and the feminine. That men weren't allowed to be the least bit “feminine”, and vice versa. If he hadn't been straightened out, that would have caused him real problems later in life!

Yes, I'm the grossest upvote! (#144)

The whole bit with Sweetie Belle admitting she didn't know was insanely funny and adorable. :rainbowkiss:

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