• Published 6th Oct 2015
  • 22,910 Views, 282 Comments

Aftermath of the Games - Darth Link 22

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The students of Canterlot High were actually a bit relieved. True, evil magical beings had become a distressingly common sight lately, but at least this one had been talked down with minimal damage. No brainwashing this time, thank goodness.

Sunset helped the newly restored Twilight up, but she was immediately knocked back down by Spike, tackling her to the ground. He dropped the glasses he held in his teeth so he could lick her face.


Everyone froze as Cinch stormed into the center, pointing a finger at her top student. "You monster! You did this!"

That got an uproar. Twilight flinched, clutching her pet like a teddy bear, until she realized who was speaking, and what was being said.

"You're the one who made her use that magic!" Lemon Zest said.

"You pressured her into it," from Indigo Zap.

"You're a horrible person," Sugarcoat said.

Those statements got a bigger uproar from everyone else. They quieted as Principal Celestia stepped forward. Twilight, even in her shocked state, saw Sunset look surprised. She guessed Celestia never got this angry.

"You told her to do it? To go playing around with magic? How could you be so irresponsible?”

“How dare you talk to me like that when you’ve been cheating! Principal Celestia, I demand that you forfeit the games immediately! You have cheated using magic!”

“Are you really trying to turn this on us? You caused this whole mess!”

“Either you do, or I’ll take it up with the school board!”

At this, Principal Celestia folded her arms and put on a smile. “Go ahead. I’m sure the school board would love to hear all about the holes into another dimension.”

“Or the students transforming into flying creatures,” Luna said, stepping up to her sister. “Or the talking dog.”

Spike laughed, which snapped Twilight out of her shock. So many people were standing up for her.

Cinch tightened. Then, she whirled, facing Twilight once again. “You! I’ll see you never get your admission to the Everton Program! I’ll make it my mission that you never get into any university!”

Twilight felt her insides ice all over again. Her head felt dizzy. What was she going to do now? It was her word against a respected teacher.

“No you won’t.”

Everyone turned to Dean Cadance, who was calmly strolling up to join the sisters of Canterlot High. “I think you’ll be fast-tracking Twilight’s application through.”

“And what makes you think I’ll be doing that?”

Now Cadance was smiling that same smug smile. “Do you think I’m an idiot, Cinch? You think I haven’t noticed what kind of person you are? And don’t you think I got suspicious when you were so insistent on getting Twilight to compete? Did you think I’d see you calling in her brother as anything but an attempt to pressure her into something? I know you too well, Cinch. So, I might have left my smartphone in your office with the camera running. And it seems that I caught the most interesting conversation.”

Cinch was frozen in fear. Twilight could actually see her knees shaking. It was the most uncollected she had ever seen her.

By this point, Cadance had pulled out her phone and was casually typing on the screen. “Why don’t we take a look?”

Despite the fact that the phone wasn’t hooked up to any speaker, the audio carried all over the courtyard. Not that it would have been hard, a pin dropping could have been heard at that point.

But only at that moment. As soon as the audio was done, the entire courtyard erupted in outraged cries. Cinch was actually sweating. Never had any student seen her like this.

Twilight felt her face heat. A few minutes ago she had been a monster... and everyone was standing up for her. They were getting mad not at her, but for her.

She felt a tug. Sunset pulled her up, then wordlessly pulled her into a hug. Twilight could have cried. But she had to stay strong in front of Cinch.

Cinch reached for the phone, grabbing it out of Cadance’s hand. She was about to smash it when she noticed how calmly Cadance was taking the whole thing.

“Like I kept the only copy on my phone. It’s already on my computer, and Shining Armor’s.” She took it carefully from the still-shocked Principal’s hand. “And just in case, I let Celestia and Luna in on everything as well, and they’ve been helping me shadow you. Oh, we’ve caught so much of what you’ve done.”

As the cries quieted, Cinch spoke. “So... if I put through Twilight’s application, you’ll keep quiet?”

Cadance shook her head. “No. I’m still reporting all this to the school board. But I’ll be nice about it.”

“What? But... I’ll be ruined!”

“I don’t care. I’d never allow you to keep your position after what you’ve done. You’re a disgrace, you know that? An absolute disgrace. I couldn’t live with myself if I let you keep your position. How could I stop you from bullying the next student that you saw something who came along? And honestly, toying around with magic just to win a high school competition? You make yourself out as a great educator, but I’m wondering how someone so foolish managed to get out of grade school.”

Celestia stepped up. “So much for your image as a perfect principal. This is the end for you.”

If looks could kill, Cadance and the sisters of Canterlot High would have dropped dead on the spot. Cinch was furious, her face red, her knuckles so tightly clenched that everyone was sure her fingernails were digging into her skin.

Then, like a switch had been flipped. She straightened her back and readjusted her glasses. Then, as if she hadn’t just had her entire life’s work stolen out from under her, she turned and walked away, as if she was leaving of her own volition.

Everyone was cheering. Twilight was still surprised.

“Uh, Twilight? Don’t you want your glasses?”

Twilight perked up and looked down at Spike, who was looking up at her. “What do you mean? I’m wearing my...”

She stopped. The black framed eyewear lay in front of Spike. She felt her face. It was bare.

She picked up the glasses and put them on. The world became blurry. She took them off. Everything was clear as a bell. She put them on and took them off again.

“Twilight?” Spike asked.

“I... I can see.”

“What?” Sunset asked.

“My glasses... I don’t need them. I can see perfectly.”

“...It must be the magic. Makes sense, the Twilight from my world didn’t need glasses.”

“The... what? There’s another Twilight?” Twilight asked, confused.

“I’ll explain later.” She took the glasses. Then she walked over to a student Twilight didn’t recognize and handed it to him. “Take these to the workshop. Pop out the lenses and replace them with regular glass.” When the student stared at her, she went on. “We can’t let there be any trace that magic’s been used.”

Now understanding, the boy took the glasses and ran off.

Twilight could only marvel at how together Sunset was about everything. While she had been playing with things she didn’t understand, there was someone who knew all the answers.

“Wait... would a high school have the equipment to work with glass in the workshop?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack nudged her. “We just had a motocross race, I wouldn’t question it.”

Twilight was led inside and to a classroom. Celestia and Luna stopped anyone outside Sunset Shimmer and her friends from following, which she was grateful for. She didn’t think she could put up with everyone, even if they were going to offer support.

Fluttershy handed her a drink, apologizing that it was just water. But it was fine, her throat was dry. Sunset said it was to be expected after that much contact with magic.

Cadance placed a hand on her shoulder. "Stay in here as long as you need. After what happened, you'll need it."

"Thank you." Then, after a moment, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Cadance gave a sad smile. “I couldn’t let Cinch find out what I was up to too soon. I was hoping to get more footage. With Cinch, I wanted to get as much as I could.”

“I... I guess that makes sense.”

“We can talk a bit more later. The other Shadowbolts all want to line up to give testimony to what they saw Cinch do... leaving out the magic, of course. It looks like these games really did bring the school together.”

She gave Twilight a kiss on the forehead, then left the room.

“I heard Celestia talking to the police. It looks like they’re willing to buy the story of a bunch of vandals,” Rainbow Dash said. “But they’re getting suspicious, after that ‘terrorist attack’ from a few months ago.”

Applejack shrugged. "Eh, if they'll buy that all those smartphone videos of what happened are 'just fancy editing and special effects', I think they'll buy this."

Twilight looked up. “She’s not having me arrested?”

Sunset put a hand on her shoulder. “If she wasn’t going to arrest me after I destroyed part of the school, she isn't going to arrest you.”

That got an incredulous look. “You destroyed part of the school?”

Sunset winced, but still gave a sheepish smile. “I told you I’ve been where you were. And believe me, the only reason I didn’t get arrested was because Princess Twilight begged Celestia not to let it happen.”

“P-Princess Twilight?”

Sunset sighed. “Like I said, I have a lot to catch you up on.”

"Well, I guess that's good. I only have to worry about everyone else hating me."

Fluttershy, who was sitting on another desk with Spike in her lap, gave her a smile. “I don’t think you need to worry, Twilight. Everyone here met the other you. You... um...”

“Have a better reputation than Sunset did,” Applejack finished. Sunset winced again, but didn’t argue.

“But... I’m not this other Twilight.”

“Maybe not, but everyone remembers her anyway,” Rainbow Dash said. “I wouldn’t worry too much. Princess Twilight hangs out at her pony-home most of the time. They’ll realize you’re your own Twilight Sparkle eventually.”

“It... it doesn’t seem right. I...”

“Twilight, stop,” Sunset said. “I understand how you feel, but beating yourself up like that isn’t going to solve anything. Just be grateful you’re getting your second chance so easily.”

"But..." Twilight stumbled over her words. "Why should Cinch get all the punishment for something I did?"

"Darling, Cinch bullied you into everything," Rarity said. "And unlike you, she doesn't care that she almost got so many people hurt. Maybe you did make a decision to use that magic, but you also made the decision to be yourself again."

Rainbow Dash came forward. "And everyone's seen the weird effects magic has on people. Believe me, we've all experienced it."

"Besides, you're not getting off scot-free." When everyone looked at Sunset, she clarified. "If you're anything like me, there will be nightmares, and a lot of unpleasant feelings for a while, even if nobody blames you for what happened."

The other girls gaped at Sunset. “Wh-why didn’t you say anything?” Fluttershy asked.

Sunset slouched. “Because I thought I deserved it,” she said simply. In a flash Pinkie and Rarity were at her sides hugging her. Sunset hugged back, but pushed them off fairly quickly. “Girls, it’s okay. I’ve gotten over it. I haven’t had a nightmare since...” she looked at Twilight, like there was something she didn’t want to bring up with her just yet. “...since Christmas.”

“Sunset... we’re talkin’ about this later,” Applejack warned.

Sunset collected herself, then spoke again. “It shouldn’t last as long with you. You’ll have us to help you through it.”

“I...” Twilight took a deep breath. “...Thank you. I’m...” She couldn’t find the words. “No one’s ever been like this to me.”

Almost immediately her vision became pink as Pinkie filled her vision. “What? But... haven’t you ever had a friend? Or been to a slumber party? Or gone to a hangout and eaten so much that you threw up in the bathroom and made your friend promise not to tell?”

Rarity suddenly became interested in the textbook on the teacher’s desk.

“Um... not really?” It was more a question than an answer, hoping whatever she said wouldn’t set her off. Unfortunately, it did.

“Oh my gosh! Then I have to get busy! I need to set up a ‘You have friends now’ party, a slumber party, I need to get you a membership card to Sugar Cube Corner...”

“Whoa, what? I...”

“Let her wear herself out,” Applejack said. “She gets like this. You’ll get used to it.”

“But... you really want to be friends with me?”

“Why wouldn’t we?” Fluttershy’s tone seemed genuinely confused.

“But... I turned into a monster!”

“So did I once,” Sunset said, “And you made the right choice in the end.”

“I go to a different school.”

“It ain’t that far away,” Applejack said.


In lieu of another response, the six girls piled around her and gave her a group hug. It was the last straw. The dam finally broke, and Twilight cried. And cried. And cried.

It was quite a while before they broke off. Twilight dried her eyes, and Spike licked her cheeks.

“As long as we don’t get that sappy all the time,” Rainbow Dash muttered. Applejack hit her lightly.

“So... what is this story with the other Twilight?”

Sunset smiled. “Well, it all started in the other world where I was born...”

Suddenly a loud shuffling came from the hallway. The girls looked at the door in time to see Cinch being helped down the hall. Only her face was red and badly swollen.

Fluttershy gasped. “What happened to her?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said. “It looked like she was having an... allergic reaction...”

She looked down at Spike. He grinned an embarrassed smile.

“Okay, so... maybe I didn’t need to do my shedding in her car. But she should know better than to keep it unlocked.”

Twilight just hugged him.

Author's Note:

This started as just a little idea I had on Cinch getting some well deserved karma, but being me I couldn't keep it simple and started thinking about how Twilight must feel about getting off so light while Cinch gets the blame. This will only be three chapters.