• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday



Chrysalis was always a proud creature. She was proud of her heritage, of her mate, and of her changeling brood. She loved her family dearly and was considered by the changelings to be the "Great Mother". However, there came a time when that was put to the test.

It all started with the birth of three sirens.

Cute little motherly drabbles.
Takes place in the same universe as Love Needs No Reason and the rest of the Wacky Loveverse.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 95 )

Gotta get to the bottom of my immediate backlog before I can read this, but it sounds promising.
Added to HIVE shelf!

Detecting 45% chance of diabetes, approach with spoon. :moustache:

I like it. Continue.

His dark purple frame was oh so muscular and large for a pegasus and his striped blue mane was hung loose over him.

Okay, now I know where Aria and Sonata got their looks. Wait a minute... Commander Hurricane married Chrysalis!? LORE CONFIRMED!

Ooh, I like it! Your representation of Chrysalis and Hurricane is perfect!!! Favoriting and following!

Reaching critical levels of hnnnnnng, I repeat reaching critical levels of cuteness:pinkiegasp:

Huh, a good Chrysalis fanfiction? It's been a while since I've last read one.

I know its completly not about story but...
Chrissy is best mommy

6613363 Is there a story like that? the picture is already pretty funny.

I´m going to read it right now, err this story I mean.

Changeling blush blue instead of red, it makes us cuter!

I think I like that Chrysalis, even if I´m not sure if that Hurricane guy was already in the show or not, I hope it wasn´t that guy from the episode with Rarity, I couldn´t find that Pony on the internet right now.

I think I´m a bit unused to see Aria as the shy one, but well maybe her personality change later.

Well I think I like all the Characters in this story so far, and do you let them be able to fly, or to hover? I think in one story they were flying a bit, at least Sonata since she was the only one back home.

6614334 Commander Hurricane hasn't appeared in the show himself. He's kind of been dead for over a thousand years. He was played by Rainbow Dash in the play during the episode 'Hearth's Warming Eve'. He's basically the militaristic leader of the pegasi back then.

As for whether they'll fly or hover. Well, given their nature, I think they can naturally learn to hover and then fly. Matters on how much power they have. It'll take time though, like a pegasus learning to fly.

Interesting, I like that you make Aria shy to start out with.

Reading about Hurricane got me thinking. In this 'verse, is Cadance ancient? Is she currently around at the start of this story? Because if she is, and she's best frenemies with Chrysalis, I could totally see her trying to seduce Hurricane to mess with Chrysalis.

"chaos trickery"? That makes me think you made Queen Chrysalis the daughter of Discord. Nothing wrong with that just saying that's whay it made it sound like.

6634435 Actually, in this continuity, Discord is her younger brother.

6634450 Oh okay, I'm also going to guess it's Hurricane's death or their banishment that embitters her against ponykind.

I’m the only sane one amongst my family. I wasn’t going to let my daughters fall into their madness. No. They were going to be normal.

Normal little girls that will one day rule this pathetic little world!

Yep. You're the sane one alright. :scootangel:

I'd feel bad for little Aria here, but the movie tells me things change for her. Mostly. She still seemed afraid of (or at least, inclined to back down from) Adagio, but that seems like a reasonable response for anyone.

Still loving this story. You've got an interesting headcanon here; your writing is on the ball; and you're following it very precisely here.

In the future, I hope that Chrysalis can bond with her Dazzling children more...

oh my god this is awesome

I can only wonder what they think of Sonata...


This is just too cute, especially the ending with Hurricane and Aria.

Yes, I made it up since I’m the first changeling, but it’s better sounding than vomit. My little ones didn’t seem to mind as they poked their heads within my jaws to scarf it down. I rumbled in my throat in encouragement. They were so adorable when they were feeding.

I like that part, it is somehow cute.

The last part with Aria was cute too, even if I´m not sure if I want her as a coward, but I like the idea enough to give it a chance.

This story feels different, and I don´t know how much I like it, but I think that this is really interessting, and I want to read more.

I like your writing style. Keep it up.

D'awwww!!!! So cute!!!! This is totally my new head cannon!


So cute!

So, refresh my memory. Tzeentch is Chrysalis's father, but who's the mom?

6645438 Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos and disorder. {This version of her is an alicorn.}


6645807 Oh, right

Hurry Worry is adorable.

I can only wonder what Chrysalis did to Luna that made 'em hate each other. Also, there's something about Princess Platinum that I don't like...

. I had to remind myself our children were present or I would have ripped that dress off and taken her right there.

I start to think that this stuff is going to get a bit overdone/overused, but it is still okay/good. Is it just if something like that is used to much, it starts to get old for me rather fast.

This chapter was a good one, maybe it is even better than the other two in a way, since we got to see more ponys.

Wait a tic, didn't Chrysalis say in a previous chapter that she had destroyed entire worlds? If so, how is it that Celestia raised her? Did she grow up, ravage the galaxy for a few centuries, and Celestia welcome her back with a pat on the head? Or am I forgetting details? :rainbowhuh:

Anyway, the itty-bitty sirens continue to be cute, even with Adagio's tiny viciousness. :rainbowkiss:

6679133 I'm not very big on 'overt sexual' such stuff overall, really. This is about cutesy sirens. It's just that Chrysalis/Hurricane are very 'proactive', at least they were until the sirens were born.

6678384 Vice-versa, actually. Luna has her dark moments.

6679814 Celestia was her babysitter when she was young. Let's just say, having two chaos gods who think 'destruction' is a good pastime, kind of had Chrysalis do a few of their chores.
I do plan on expanding on it a bit more, of course, I did go over it a bit in Love Needs No Reason. That isn't to say I'm not here. This is just what happens when I go for 'first person' viewpoint.

I'm getting more and more curious!!!!! This going so well! :rainbowkiss: I want to know what happens next!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

I love chrysalis reaction to water.

Ooh, I love your theory on the reasoning behind their powers. They need emotion, but not love. They need negative emotions. It was said, after all, that they "feed on negativity". I also really like your representation of the sirens. Sonata is so evilly cute!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

I sympathize with Chrysalis in not liking the sea all that much.

Also; it's increasingly clear that this is a family of f:yay:cked up little monsters and their insane mother, give or take Hurricane, who seems pretty blase about it all. Awareness of that does nothing whatsoever to distill the surplus of adorable moments they collectively produce regardless, and I find that fascinating.

Only with Pony. :raritystarry:
(give or take the 'pony' part...)

Reading Chrysalis' dialogue, she seems to be suffering from massive amounts of cognitive dissonance. Which makes sense, considering the sheer gap between her current role as loving mother and wife and her past as the pawn of an all-powerful abusive dick of a father that resulted in her having bloodier hooves than all of Earth's dictators combined.

Frankly, I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for her cognitive dissonance, she'd literally go insane due to the guilt.

Definatle worth the wait.

I’m queen of the changeling.


This is interesting to say the least.

There is this... interesting combination of motherly ferociousness that is both cute and alarming. It's like watching a tiger teach her cubs to hunt.

Gosh darn you Evo for making Chrysalis both cute and terrifying

Chrysalis' mothering instincts do her credit, but, well. . .
Her children are literally murdering birds for fun. I'm not sure if she's a good mother or a horrible mother.

“I think she wants to keep it,” I huffed. “I don’t think I’ve seen such a scared creature since your niece.”
Hurricane frowned. “She will not grow up like Pansy.

Does Hurricane have a brother or a sister? (Sorry if you've already said, I forget lots of the little details like this.)

6853562 I was unsure of whether to make Pansy one of Hurricane's illegitimate children before he met Chrysalis or just a niece. I decided on the latter, so yeah and no, I haven't mentioned it before since it hasn't come up. Yeah, her mothering skills aren't what most call 'normal'.

6851575 Glad you think so. :twilightsmile: What did you like about it?

6854291 Mostly the way you write this story from the character perspective without using too much 'I'.

6854705 Thanks. I've been trying not to sound too repetitive and I'm grateful it's working out so far.

...I think this might have crossed into Dark tag territory. :rainbowhuh:

Sonata is shaping up to be quite the twisted little psychopath. I'd like to say it's still cute (Aria's part definitely was), but there's only so much evil someone can do before their antics just aren't adorable anymore.

6856066 There are going to be dark elements to this story, but for the most part I'll try not to make it too overt. It's just that, well, I kind of see Sonata as a cute 'psycho'. She just enjoys causing pain, partially because she's a bit twisted and can't properly understand it. Eh, that's just me. Again, for the most part, it won't be that overt and I'll focus on more softer stuff for a while.

Did I go a bit too far in your opinion?

Well, it was established early on that their mother was a remorseless destroyer of worlds, so I really shouldn't be surprised that maybe her kids are messed up too, but still? Try to imagine a human being, be it man, woman, or child, slowly, tortuously killing an animal (or anything else, really) pretty much just for giggles. What would your first thought of this person be?

I understand that they're monsters, I don't think it was ever suggested otherwise, but the dark bits kind of (no pun intended) overshadowed the cute, fluffy aspect there, at least for me. There's no reason you can't proceed however you like with this, but 'cute psycho' is a delicate art. Too far in either direction and it risks getting lost in that side.

If you have them cutting people and/or mashing up bunny rabbits with a meat tenderizer every day, it's hard to sympathize when someone calls the police. If you have them be just a little too affectionate all the time, but never do anything the least bit harmful to anyone, then they just become harmless cuddlebugs. Both are fine (so to speak), but they aren't simultaneously cute and psychotic.

...Does that makes sense? :twilightsheepish:

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