• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 7,916 Views, 42 Comments

Kissin' Cousins - Nom_deCheval

One of Applejack's relatives comes to town for a visit, and she's not a typical Apple.

  • ...

Kissin' Cousins

Kissin’ Cousins

by Nom deCheval

Celestia had seen to it that today’s sun was particularly bright and cheerful, and the pegasus weather patrol had kept the skies clear in celebration. At least, it seemed that way to Applejack as she paced back and forth on the platform at the Ponyville train station. The smile on her face echoed the brightness of the day and the feeling in her heart. She almost pranced, she was so giddy.

“Hey Applejack! What brings you down here today?” A familiar voice asked. The earth pony turned to see a purple unicorn walking up to her with a baby dragon riding on her back. Next to her was another friendly face, belonging to a glamorous white unicorn.

“Oh, hey y’all. How’s it goin’?” She turned towards her friends. “I’m here to meet a family member. She’s comin’ in fer a visit.”

“Oh, how utterly exciting.” Rarity said. “You certainly do have an expansive family.”

“I’ll say!” Twilight continued. “I still remember my first day here in Ponyville when I met all those ponies here for your family reunion.”

“Yeah. Cousin AB couldn’t make that, so she’s comin’ in today.” Applejack beamed. “What brings you gals down here?”

“Well, I am here to pick up a shipment of fabrics that I ordered for a special client. I could have waited for the delivery, but I am ever so anxious to see them in person. And Twilight, being the dear that she is, agreed to help me transport them back to my boutique.”

“Yeah. And I’m here to help, too.” Spike looked at the unicorn, a glaze coming over his expression. “I’m always happy to do whatever I can for Rarity.”

“Oh, Spikey-wikey, you are ever so helpful!” Rarity leaned over, smiling at the baby dragon.

“So...” Twilight turned away from the display and towards Applejack, “what’s your cousin like?”

“She’s great! Me and her used to hang out together all the time when we was fillies. Whenever my uncle Blacktwig came to visit, she would come with him. We’d go runnin’ through the orchard, swimmin’ down at the pond, and just plain havin’ fun. She was the first pony that I ever thought of as my best friend. I haven’t seen her in years.”

“Years? How many?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, goin’ on about five now. She moved out to Las Pegasus and don’t make it back this way too often.”

A whistle sounded, and the girls looked out to see the train heading into the station.

“Hoo yeah! Here she comes!” Applejack’s voice went up an octave in excitement.

“And my fabric!” Rarity swooned.

“Don’t worry, Rarity. I’m sure it’s okay.” Spike reassured her.

The train chugged into the station, steam pouring from beneath the cars as the brakes brought the massive machine slowly to a stop. The attendants moved quickly, bringing up stairs to the individual cars and locking them in place, allowing for passengers to immediately begin disembarking.

Applejack moved to the third passenger car, while Rarity rushed towards the cargo car. A glance in both directions left Twilight with no clear avenue, wanting to go to help out both dear friends.

“C’mon, Twilight! Rarity is waiting for us!” Spike urged.

“I know, Spike. I just thought it would be polite to be here when Applejack’s cousin makes it out so that we can introduce ourselves.”

“Yeah, but she’ll still be here after we’ve helped Rarity get her stuff. She needs us! Besides, this will give them time to say hi to each other without us there. And then Rarity can meet her, too.”

“I suppose that’s true.” Twilight answered, convinced. “Let’s go help out Rarity then.”

Twilight turned and trotted up towards the front of the train and the white unicorn waiting patiently there. It only took a few seconds to reach their rather anxious friend. Rarity was almost trembling with anticipation.

“Oh, I do hope that the catalog was accurate. It boasted of a thread count in excess of two-thousand. Do you know what that means, Twilight?”

“Um...actually, no.” She admitted.

“It means luxury and finery and oh-so-very-much delicate beauty! The likes of which you have never seen!” Rarity insisted.

“I’ve seen things that beautiful....” Spike’s bemused voice lilted as his eyes focused on Rarity.

“Oh, please do hurry kind gentlecolt.” Rarity’s attention was focused on the man sorting through the goods in his charge. “This is, I assure you, of the absolute utmost importance!”

Twilight’s eyes rolled back in her head upon hearing those words.

“Hey, y’all!” A happy voice broke as she approached. “I want you to meet somepony.” Applejack stopped, with another pony beside her. “AB, I want you to meet my friends. This here is Twilight Sparkle and Spike, and that there is Rarity. And this here is my cousin, Apple Bottom.”

Everypony was used to meeting members of the Apple family by now. And they were used to them having a certain look. A rather countryfied appearance, one might say, much like Applejack herself. And while no pony would ever say that Applejack was an unattractive mare, it wasn’t the quality that first struck anypony looking at her.

Which made it even more odd that she claimed Apple Bottom as a member of her clan.

The tall, brown pony was the image of glamour. From her immaculately coiffured red mane and tail to her flashing green eyes, set off by just the right amount of make-up, this pony was a picture of beauty. Long legs led up to a sleek, tight body that culminated in a flank that could only be described as her namesake, decorated with a bulging upside down apple cutie mark. It was only in her smile that the Apple family lineage shown through.

“It’s so nice to meet all of you. AJ has said only the kindest things in her letters.” Apple Bottom remarked.

“And it’s nice to meet you, too.” Twilight said through her surprise.

“Yes, yes, it’s very nice to meet you, I’m sure that....” Rarity went silent for a moment as she turned to look upon Applejack’s cousin for the first time. “Oh my!”

“AB is a dancer in one of them big pony-shows out in Las Pegasus. She’s the talented one in our family!” Applejack boasted.

“Wow! That sounds exciting.” Twilight stated. “Being up on the stage in lights like that.”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” Apple Bottom smiled. “I’m just a dancer. I’m trying to work my way up through the ranks and do my best. One step at a time, you might say.”

“Darling! If anypony is ignoring you, they do so at their own peril!” Rarity exclaimed. “And I must say, your mane and tail are just to die for!”

“Oh, thanks.” Apple Bottom blushed. “I just got them done by Pack Mitchell before coming here.”

“Wait, THE Pack Mitchell? The world famous mane stylist?!” Rarity’s jaw fell slack in shock.

“Yeah, we kinda met at a party one night. Pack is such a sweetheart. He didn’t really have to do this for me. He should have at least let me pay him.”

“You...you didn’t even pay for it?” Rarity could barely speak.

“Wow, we never get anypony like that through here. The closest we had was that time Fluttershy started modeling.”

“Oh! AJ told me about that! I heard about her. She was all the rage while she was modeling. It’s a shame that she decided to stop.” Apple Bottom said.

“Well, that lifestyle isn’t for everypony. Seems to suit you, though.” Twilight responded.

“Suit her?” Rarity was shocked. She turned towards the beautiful brown mare. “You are the very image of chic comeliness. Darling, I simply MUST have you come by my boutique! We can share so many trade secrets together. And I would simply LOVE for you to try on some of my outfits!”

“Now hold on a second, everypony.” Applejack laughed. “I haven’t had a chance to catch up with AB yet, so before you start dragging her every which way, let me get her back to Sweet Apple Acres. She’ll be here for a few days, okay?”

“Of course, darling! I was merely suggesting that she come by to experience the culture that Ponyville has to offer.”

“That would be nice.” Apple Bottom smiled. “But AJ is right. I should get my bags and make my way to the orchard, first.”

“I’ll get them!” Spike spoke for the first time since Apple Bottom arrived. A quick glance from Twilight caught a star-struck expression on the baby dragon, with just a touch of drool seeping from the corner of his mouth. “Not a problem! I’ll be happy to carry them all the way to the farm for you! I don’t have anything else to do!”

With a bound, Spike leapt from Twilight’s back and sprinted towards the baggage car. Twilight would swear she saw tiny hearts floating up above him as he ran.

“Oh.” Apple Bottom said in surprise. “I suppose I should go point them out to him, then. It was nice meeting the both of you.”

“You too.” Twilight replied as the two Apple cousins walked off after the very excited dragon.

“Well, she seemed nice.” Twilight turned and saw Rarity standing there expressionless. Any trace of color that normally could be found in the white coat of her face was missing.

A loud thud jarred the moment, with the stallion in charge of the shipping car stepping around a huge bolt of wrapped fabric to look down at the still motionless white unicorn.

“Found it!” He proclaimed. “It’s a heavy load, that’s for sure. I hope you brought somepony to help you carry it.”

Rarity stood on the platform, staring after the departed dragon who had just stood by her side.

“Spike...?” Her voice seemed broken.

* * * * *

Mornings at Sweet Apple Acres were always a busy time. The work on a farm is never finished, and there is never a better time to get your work started than right away, which always happens at the break of dawn. Today, though, the whole of the Apple family was taking a break and spending some quality family time. It was meant to be quality family time with just the family, but the walk through town the day before had a bit of an impact on that idea.

Applejack walked up to the fence along the road, staring down the long line of colts that were leaning against it watching Apple Bottom playing in the field with Apple Bloom.

“Okay fellas, time to move it along. This here is a private family thing and not some dang spectacle. So, move it out!” She instructed, pulling attention to herself and away from her cousin. There was a collective hesitation in the crowd. “Move along now! Git!”

The colts all stepped away, murmuring to themselves in disappointment even as a few began to speak to each other in hushed whispers and innuendo-laced snickers of laughter. Applejack watched them go away for a moment, and then glanced at the one pony still standing at the fence.

“You too, Bon Bon.” She instructed. “Git on home.”

“Oh, sorry.” The startled mare said with a smile, turning away from the fence. She allowed herself one last look over her shoulder as she walked, along with a final assessment of what she saw. “Daaaaammnn.”

Turning back towards her family, Applejack trotted up to where her cousin and sister were playing.

“Wow, AB, you sure are quick!” Apple Bloom had just lost a game of tag--again.

“Well, I gotta stay in good shape, you know. Dancing up on the stage is a lot of hard work. I gotta be able to run, jump, and just be athletic.” She explained.

“Gosh! Do you think that maybe I could be a dancer? An’ get my cutie mark in it?” The filly’s eyes lit up.

“You never know, squirt.” Apple Bottom mussed her little cousin’s mane playfully.

“Can you give me a dance lesson, maybe?” The youngster’s enthusiasm was undaunted.

“You betcha. A little later though, if that’s all right. I want to visit with your sister for a bit first, okay?”

“Okay!” Apple Bloom’s eyes were sparkling. “I gotta go tell ma friends!”

“Um, well....” It was too late. The filly had already bolted off in search of her crusader companions.

“Now you’ve put your hoof in it.” Applejack laughed. “That girl is plum determined ‘bout that stuff.”

“I noticed.” Apple Bottom smiled. “I guess it’s my fault.”

“Nah. She’s like that all the time. Woulda been somepony or somethin’ else today if it weren’t you.”

“I can’t believe how much she’s grown. I really need to get back here more often.”

“Well, don’t make it too often. I don’t think our fence can take that much leanin’ on it.” Applejack teased.

“Yeah. Sorry about that.”

“Heh. Don’t worry none ‘bout it. It adds some excitement to the day. I just want this to be about family, or I wouldn’t’a run ‘em off.”

“Well, I appreciate it. It’s flattering and all, but I’m here to spend time with all of you.”

“I imagine that it can be kinda a pain, gettin’ all them glassy-eyed folk starin’ at you all the time.” Applejack said.

“Ladies.” A familiar purple and green dragon walked up carrying a box. “I hope that I’m not intruding.”

“Oh, hey, Spike. We was just talkin’ about you.” Applejack teased.

“Well, I certainly hope it was good stuff.” He tried desperately to sound suave.

“We were just saying that today was about spending time with family.” Apple Bottom smiled. “So it’s a good thing that you showed up. Extended family is especially welcome.”

“Thanks, Apple Bottom. I thought I would bring you a little something to welcome you to Ponyville. I spent all morning baking my special alfalfa daisy turnovers. Everypony seems to like them pretty well, and I baked this batch with a whole lot of extra LOVE in the recipe.” Spike leaned towards Apple Bottom at the end of that sentence.

“Those sound delicious! We should take them over and share them with the whole family, don’t you think?” She suggested.

“Sure. Just so long as you’re going to be there.” His eyes glazed over with small hearts staring up at the beautiful earth pony.

“You bet.” She responded with a smile, and started walking towards the table where Granny Smith and Big Mac were waiting. She didn’t make it.

“Oh, Spike, there you are! I’ve been searching high and low for you today. Imagine finding you here of all places.”

Rarity was standing nearby, and it seemed as though she stopped walking in an exact spot where sunlight breached the trees to form a perfect spotlight. Her always flawless mane seemed to have an extra sheen to it this morning, with the light dancing over its curls playfully. Her face had immaculately applied make-up enhancing her features, bringing out her cheekbones and drawing out the color of her eyes. Her long eyelashes were dangerously fluttering at the moment, almost brushing along the edge of her mane. She was wearing a dashing outfit of khaki, with a tight fitting tailored top tapering down to an extremely short skirt. Boots were on every hoof, with striped socks poking up above the top of each one.

“Rarity? What in tarnation?” Applejack flustered. “Why the hay are you wearing that get up?”

“Oh, this old thing? I don’t know whatever you mean, Applejack, darling. I just tossed this on before heading out to find my dear, dear friend, Spike.”

“Well, you had good instincts, Rarity. Spike’s right over here.” Apple Bottom announced.

“Hmmm? Oh, Apple Bottom. I didn’t even notice you there. You blend into the crowd so effortlessly.”

“What? Rarity, that sounded kinda rude. I think, anyway.” Applejack stated.

“It’s okay, AJ. I’m sort of used to it.” Apple Bottom’s voice was level. “I can handle this. You and Spike go on over to the table.”

She walked over to the white unicorn, her face still smiling. Rarity looked back with a smile that seemed slightly less natural.

“Rarity,” Apple Bottom spoke at a volume low enough to avoid eavesdroppers. “I didn’t mean to come into town and mess up things for you. Honestly. Don’t even worry about the attention I’m getting. I’m going to be gone in four days, and then you can go right back to being the prettiest mare in town.”

Rarity’s brow furrowed instantly. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what you mean.”

“That...came out wrong.” Apple Bottom tried to pull back her words. “I just meant that you are already the prettiest mare in town, and I’m just the new flavor. Once I’m gone no pony will even think about me anymore, and you’ll be right back on top.” She hesitated for only a moment. “And that didn’t sound any better, did it?”

“Oh, don’t worry, darling, I’m sure with some elocution lessons you’ll be able to speak quite clearly.” Rarity’s voice dripped ice.

“Look, we’ve gotten off on the wrong hoof. Why don’t you come have lunch with us and we’ll get to know each other better. You can take off that waist cincher, sit down with good food and friends and--”

“I do NOT wear a waist cincher!” Rarity interrupted.

“Well, it’s kind of obvious that you are wearing one. I mean, I’ve been there. I understand.”

“Well, I’m sure being a pony with your unique waistline you might need such a thing, but not I!” Rarity glared.

“Excuse me?” Apple Bottom’s tone changed.

“Well, being a dancer and carrying that much weight is embarrassing, I’m sure. Maybe the time visiting here will help get your mind off of it.”

“Okay, I’ve tried being nice, but if you want to go there, we’ll go there.” Apple Bottom narrowed her eyes. “I’ve got a lot of experience dealing with jealous mares.”

“I’m sure you do. How many stallion’s marriages have you ruined, anyway?” Rarity sneered.

The mares’ eyes met. Stone gazes cast out across a short void with sparks all but visible at the midpoint. Neither pony budged, their focus burning out towards the other in the hopes of physically igniting their sudden rival. Finally, Apple Bottom pulled back, smiling.

“Spike? Could you come here for a second? Rarity wanted to ask you a question.” She said in a happy tone.

The dragon instantly came running over. “What was that, Apple Bottom?” He turned to the other pony present. “Oh, hi Rarity. When did you get here?”

“Spike, darling,” Rarity lit up her face talking to the young dragon, forcibly ignoring his remark. “I was about to go out gathering some gemstones, and you know that I cannot go on such an adventure without my most wonderful personal assistant. And I only need a few select ones, so anything else I come across would make for a wonderful snack, I’m sure.”

“Gee, Rarity, that sounds--” Spike began before being interrupted.

“But Spike, you brought that delicious sounding turnover. I would hate to try them without you being here for me to thank you, personally.” Apple Bottom fluttered her eyelashes. “You spent all morning just slaving away, and they sound so very tasty.”

“Well, I do--”

“But Spikey-wikey! How am I going to survive out there in the wild without you to protect me? I could be jumped by diamond dogs again, or--” Rarity’s eyes widened as her breath suddenly rushed in, creating a gasping sound, “something worse!”

“Gosh, Rarity, do you think--”

“Oh, but Rarity has done this dozens of times, hasn’t she? She knows the right places to go to stay safe, while I’m just a new mare in town trying to make friends. You do want to be my friend, don’t you?” Apple Bottom shifted her weight and flicked her tail, drawing all attention to her flank. Spike stared open mouthed.

“Sorry, Rarity. I need to stay here with Apple Bottom today. Maybe we can go hunt gems another time, okay?”

“Oh, don’t worry, Spike. I know mares like Rarity, and she’ll be ready to go out again later. She’s got ‘hunt’ written all over her.” Apple Bottom smiled sarcastically at the white unicorn. “Why don’t you jump up on my back, Spike? I’ll give you a ride.”

“That sounds great!” Spike proclaimed, jumping up on the pony.

“Good luck with your little adventure.” Apple Bottom snidely commented towards the other mare as she turned and walked away. Her flank swayed in a deliberate exaggeration as she headed back over to the lunch table.

Rarity stood there, seemingly motionless. If anypony got close enough though, they could hear the faint sound of teeth grinding. And a distinct but harsh voice eventually rose above that, but only just.

“Oh. It! Is! On!”

* * * * *

Applejack stood beside her cousin, peering over the edge of a very high cliff. Far below, what looked liked peaceful water shifted slightly with movement.

“I can’t believe that Gator Ridge is still here.” Apple Bottom stated.

“Yeah. Well, ain’t been no pony injured here in about forever.” Applejack explained. “And it ain’t exactly on everypony’s map, neither, since it’s a part of our farm. There was that preservation thing that Fluttershy was so happy to hear about, too. Kept the gators safe down there.”

“How many of them are there?” Apple Bottom asked.

“Beats me. More’n I would want to be near, that’s fer sure.”

“Still, you can’t beat this view, can you? Just look at those mountains.”

“Yep. Just like the old days, eh? Comin’ up here to have a picnic together.”

“Heh. Yeah. Only this time there are no colts pestering us.”

“Pesterin’ you, ya mean.” Applejack smiled. “I was pretty much second fiddle the whole time.”

The two mares laughed together.

“I miss those days, AJ” The red-maned pony said. “Life sure was simpler.”

“Tough livin’ out in Las Pegasus, eh cuz?”

“Sometimes. But I suppose things were going to get complicated no matter where I ended up.” She looked over at her cousin. “But it’s good to know that I’ve got family no matter where I am.”

“Wow!” Another voice broke the conversation. “This view is amazing! I’m surprised you haven’t had me up here before now.”

Twilight Sparkle walked up towards the edge of the cliff to stand near the other ponies. Her face was pulled tight in a smile, while the small dragon riding on her back wore a glazed expression that focused solely on a particular brown mare.

She looked down over the edge of the cliff. “That’s a pretty nice view, too. The water is...wait, are those alligators?”

“Yep.” Applejack replied.

“You brought me to a cliff overlooking alligators?!”

“Well, that is the reason we call it Gator Ridge, Twi.” Applejack laughed.

“Isn’t it dangerous?” Twilight asked.

“Only if you plan on jumpin’, sugarcube.”

“No thanks!” Twilight smiled, stepping back from the edge.

“I’m glad you could make the picnic, Twilight. I was hoping to spend some time with all of AJ’s friends.” Apple Bottom said.

“Thanks for inviting me! I think this is going to be a lot of fun.” She smiled.

“Hi, Apple Bottom.” Spike said mindlessly.

“Hey, little Spiker! How are you doing today?” Apple Bottom replied.

“I’m great.”

Twilight laughed. “I haven’t seen him like this since he first met--”

“Oh, goodness!” Another arriving voice interrupted. “I didn’t know there was a gathering taking place up here today. What a coincidence.”

“...right on time.” Apple Bottom mumbled.

“Rarity? Are you here for the picnic, too?” Twilight asked.

“Dear me, no. I was simply out for a healthy walk. I had no idea at all that you fine mares were up here today. Oh, and Apple Bottom, too.”

Unlike the previous day, Rarity appeared as her normal self. No elaborate make-up or outfits, just her everyday self. Well, her standard everyday glamorous self, in any case.

“Uh-huh.” Applejack said, dubiously. “And do y’all often wander through my back forty? Jus’ so I can be aware.”

“Is this part of your farm? I’m so sorry, Applejack, I had no idea. It’s simply such a lovely area that I found myself drawn here today. I assure you that it isn’t a normal happening.”

“Well, I’m sure we have enough food to share, Rarity.” Twilight said. “You should stay for the picnic.”

“Well, I hate to intrude, but,” Rarity trotted up to the other ponies, “if you insist.”

“I don’t remember any insisting.” Apple Bottom snidely muttered.

“Don’t worry, Apple Bottom, darling. I won’t take any of your lunch. I know how much you like your food.” Rarity answered.

“Well, I’m just proud of you for being willing to walk around town looking so natural. For you, anyway. It takes a lot of courage.” Apple Bottom smiled.

“Please. My courage is nothing compared to yours. You have to deal with the constant battle that you are doomed to lose. Dancing is such a strenuous activity, and that body of yours can only hold up so long.”

“Uh, girls?” Twilight’s uncomfortable voice tried to break in.

“Oh, not at all!” Apple Bottom continued. “You see, I have plenty of important ponies in important places that are willing to help me every single day. I know that you only have yourself to rely on, and that is so very, very brave.”

“That’s so good to hear! That way when you are broken up from your body failing you won’t be alone!” Rarity smiled.

“Gals, this is gettin’ kinda--” Applejack didn’t finish her sentence before being interrupted.

“Oh, no, I’m not alone. Not even today. Spike came by to see me, didn’t you Spike?”

The dragon nodded vigorously. “You bet, Apple Bottom! I’m soooo happy to be here.”

“See, Spike loves me.” She stated. “I’m sure you used to know what that was like.”

“Well, I do know that when you have had the train drag you back to Las Pegasus--and I can only assume you have to wait for a large engine to pull that rump of yours--Spike will have somepony here that actually cares about him.”

“Maybe Spike will come with me.” Apple Bottom stepped forward, getting closer to Rarity.

“Oh, Spike loves it here, any feeling that he has for a two-bit floozy like you can’t overpower that.” Rarity stepped up to be muzzle-to-muzzle with Apple Bottom.

“Ladies? Can we put a stop to--” Twilight started, but never finished.

“Maybe that’s because the only thing that Spike had keeping him here before was a second-rate wanna-be like you?” Apple Bottom calmly snarled.

“So you think that he would want to spend time with a home-wrecking tramp instead?”

“I think Spike would want to do anything with me. Or for me, for that matter. Like, say, totally keep away from any annoying white unicorns that are total witches.”

“Oh, my Spikey will be happy to come visit after you’ve trampled over his heart. You see, he listens to me.”

“All right, you two! I ain’t gonna--” Applejack tried again in vain.

“If I told Spike that the only way to prove his love to me was to jump off of the cliff over there, he would do it!” Apple Bottom raised her voice.

“Okay.” Spike said, heedlessly unheard by everypony.

“Oh, and you would do something like that, you heartless, manipulative slattern!” Rarity yelled.

“Like hay I would! If you took a minute to get past something that wasn’t even my fault, you would know that--” This time it was Apple Bottom who didn’t get to finish her sentence.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!!” Twilight shouted over the two bickering mares. “I don’t know what started this, but you two are acting foalish!”

“SHE STARTED IT!” The two ponies said in perfect unison.

“It don’t matter who started what, y’all. It matters that one a you has the maturity to step above it!” Applejack added.

“I’m going to jump now.” Spike said from the edge of the cliff. “Here I go.”

The four ponies turned to see the small dragon standing there, and with a gathering of courage pull himself down into a crouch so that he could push off.

“SPIKE! NO!” All four of them shouted as one, racing towards the small dragon.

He leapt from the cliff, flying over the edge for a brief moment before beginning his fall. The ponies were too late, and came skidding to a halt at the overlook--with one exception.

Never slowing down, Rarity followed Spike into the air beyond the edge of the Gator Ridge, trying to let her momentum carry her closer to the baby dragon. Her horn flared to life, grabbing her friend in mid-air and pulling him up against her. It was then she looked down and saw the alligators swarming.

“Rarity?” Spike sounded suddenly nervous.

“Just...hold tight to me, Spike. Everything will be perfectly fine. Close your eyes.” Rarity took her own advice, clutching the dragon protectively.

She waited. The splash, the jostle, and the inevitable attack. She would do what she could to fend them off, hopefully giving Spike a chance to run free, but, well, that wasn’t something to think about.

The impact came just as she expected--if not softer than she imagined--but Rarity was somewhat surprised by a lack of splash. Opening her eyes, she saw a magenta sphere surrounding her and Spike--and plenty of aggravated alligators just beyond it.

“Hold tight, sugarcube!” Applejack shouted.

“I’ve got them safe.” Twilight explained. “But I can’t bring them up here from that far away. I need to concentrate to keep up the force field.”

“Are both walkways down to the lake still intact?” Apple Bottom asked her cousin.

“Yeah. Let’s get on down there!” Applejack moved a few feet and jumped down to a ledge that worked and twisted it’s way along the cliff face, heading towards the trapped ponies.

Spike opened his eyes, and looked around quickly. “Wow! You mean we survived? That worked out even better than I hoped!”

“Well, Spike,” Rarity began, “let’s save the celebratory moment for after we have safely made our way back to the top of the cliff, shall we?”

“Rarity! Rarity, over here!” Applejack cried out.

The trapped unicorn glanced over to see both Applejack and her cousin standing along a narrow ridge that rested above the level of the lake by a good ten feet.

“How in Celestia’s name did you get down there?” Rarity asked.

“Old trail we used to use to scare colts when we were kids,” Apple Bottom explained, “but that’s not important. We need to get you two out of there.”

“Well, that is the challenge, yes.” Rarity agreed. “Can you get Twilight to open a hole in the top of the force bubble?”

“Can you do that, Twi?” Applejack yelled up, hoping the other unicorn overheard.

“I think so.” She replied. “What’s the plan?”

“Just do it, darling. I’ll do the rest.”

Twilight nodded, her focus narrowing to pinpoint precision. A shimmer appeared on the top of the force bubble, and slowly dissolved to leave about a two foot opening.

“That’s perfect!” Rarity cried up to her friend, and then turned towards her smaller companion. “Okay, Spike, I need you to be brave. This might be a little scary for a moment.”

“Oh, I’m not afraid, Rarity. Not around you.” The baby dragon stated.

“That’s so sweet.” She smiled. “Okay, are you ready?”

“You bet!”

Rarity’s horn flared, and an aura of blue surrounded Spike. Quickly, he shot up through the hole and into the air, before turning and flying--just above the snapping leaps of the hungry beasts surrounding them--over to the waiting hooves of Applejack.

“Got ya!” She announced. “He’s safe, gal, but what are we gonna do ‘bout you?”

“That’s an excellent question.” Rarity mumbled to herself.

“AJ, the other passway down is still stable, right?” Apple Bottom asked.

“Yeah, but it’s clear on over to the other side of that big stone. And besides, it’s further away from Rarity than where we’re at right now.” Applejack answered.

“Yep. Which should give her just enough time.”

“Time? Whatta mean, time?”

“Well, for one thing, I mean it’s time to play some tag.” And Apple Bottom leapt off the ridge and down to the ground.

“AB!” Applejack yelled after her cousin.

“Hey there, gators!” She turned and waved her flank. “Wanna take a bite of this apple?”

There was a pause. The animals considered their options and waited to decide. It started with just one, but as that alligator moved towards the tempting pony not hidden behind a hard magenta wall, others followed, and soon it was a unanimous decision.

“That might have worked too well.” Apple Bottom’s eyes grew wide as she started to run towards the far side of the cliff and the path that she knew waited there, doom rushing to catch her from behind.

Twilight watched the brown mare run, a swarm of dangerous lizards following close, and realized what was happening. She dropped the force bubble.

“Run over here, sugarcube!” Applejack extended a hoof down hoping Rarity could reach it. For her part, Rarity didn’t hesitate, and sprinted towards her friend. Leaping up, she extended her hoof out and barely missed Applejack’s. Again she tried, with the same result.

“Try harder!” Applejack urged. “Put your back into it!”

“I assure you, darling,” another miss, “I...oof...AM putting my back and everything else into this!”

She tried again, and was surprised to discover that--although she still missed--something else grabbed her. A small, purple claw.

“Don’t worry, Rarity.” Spike said, grasping both Rarity and Applejack’s hooves. “I’ve got you. I’m not gonna let you go.”

With a single smooth motion, the strong farm pony lifted the dragon and the unicorn up onto the ridge. Scrambling the last couple of feet, the white mare collapsed onto the ground, holding Spike once again.

“Why...thank you, Spike. I am indebted to you.” Rarity smiled.

“Really?” The young dragon’s eyes glazed over. “That’s something that I will hold onto forever.”

“We ain’t out of the woods yet, you two.” Applejack was focused on a distant runner.

“Apple Bottom!” Rarity sprung to her feet, her eyes scanning to locate the brown mare.

Her head down, Apple Bottom kept her eyes on the destination. What was behind her wasn’t important, it was only what was ahead that mattered. She could see her prize and knew that if she kept pace she would make it. The only distraction was the constant growl and hiss that kept getting closer. And the snapping of jaws didn’t help much, either.

She had done this hundreds of times, easily. All she had to do was hit her mark four feet up, leap up another six or so feet, and then find a way to keep her hooves beneath her without slipping and falling on what was probably damp stone. No pressure. It was just like a performance on stage back in Las Pegasus--only without the glittery costume.

The boulder was just the right height. One leap off of it, and it was clear sailing all the way to the ridge, and then a simple--comparatively--climb up the cliff to complete safety. She leapt for it, and as she did, she felt a jaw snap shut on her tail. The hair yanked out, eliciting a yelp from the mare, but not slowing her enough to stop her. She hit her mark, just off step, but moved through it and followed with a graceful arc that brought her squarely down on the ridge.

Panting, the pony turned and saw dozens of very angry alligators--one with a mouthful of tail hair. She glanced back and winced at the image of her now ragged tail. Her eyes traveled upwards, finding the figures of two ponies and one dragon racing up the path on the cliff. She decided to follow suit.

The reunion at the top of the cliff was somewhat breathless after all that exertion.

“Rarity! Spike! Are you two all right?” Apple Bottom asked.

“Us? Darling, are YOU all right? I’ve never seen anything that brave in my life!” Rarity countered.

“Only because you didn’t see yourself run right off a cliff after Spike! You didn’t even hesitate!” Apple Bottom stated. “And Spike! I am SO sorry. That was stupid of me. Can you forgive me?”

“Hmm? Oh, Apple Bottom. Everything’s fine, thanks.” Spike was staring glassy-eyed at Rarity.

Twilight Sparkle smiled. Everything was back to normal.

* * * * *

The train station was a picture of business. People rushing back and forth, conductors calling orders, and families saying good-bye.

“...and you do promise to come back for the debut of my fall line, don’t you?” Rarity asked.

“I said I would try.” Apple Bottom answered. “But you DID promise that you would come out and visit me in Las Pegasus before the year was over. I want to introduce you to all my friends out there. Get you some new exposure for your talent!”

“I swear, I feel like I didn’t get to spend no time with you, AB, what with you hanging out with Rarity so much!” Applejack laughed.

“Darling! I simply had to do what I could to mend that ragged tail of hers! She is a performer, after all, and it would not be fitting for a mare of her glamour to be seen in such a horribly unkempt manner!”

“You did a great job, Rarity, thanks.” Apple Bottom swished her tail from side-to-side. It was somewhat shorter, but still very stylish.

“Well, it is no Pack Mitchell, but I make do.” Rarity stated.

“I think it looks great!” Apple Bottom smiled just as a whistle sounded. “Oh! I think that’s me. It was great seeing you, AJ! Let’s not make it so long, okay?”

“You bet, cuz! Maybe I’ll come out and see you out west, too.”

“Anytime! I would love to have you.” She smiled. “And Rarity, I can honestly say that this was the most...interesting...way that I’ve ever made a friend. Especially such a good one.”

“Well, darling, ponies such as ourselves cannot do anything on a small scale. If there isn’t enough drama how will anypony know exactly what greatness is occurring?”

Apple Bottom laughed. “I guess that’s one way of looking at it.” She hugged Rarity, and then turned and gave a big hug to Applejack, before quickly boarding the train. From inside, she waved good-bye as the train pulled out of the station.

* * * * *

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have discovered the most amazing thing about friendship this week. Sometimes it does not come easily, and can most certainly come from the sources that you never expect. But, if you are able to look past those initial issues, there can be somepony very special hiding beneath.

And though we are all born with a family, it is often the family that we choose to put ourselves around that make the biggest difference. It is important to recognize your family--both natural and chosen--and give them a special place in your heart, for they are the ones that will always be there for you.

Yours Most Sincerely,


“What are you reading, sister?” A midnight coated mare asked as she walked into the throne room.

“Another of the friendship reports from Ponyville.” The princess answered.

“Oh, then I will leave you to it.” Luna responded.

“Actually, I was just finishing.” Celestia said, levitating the scroll to the ground. “And it gave me a thought: why don’t we go get some ice cream?”

“Ice cream? What gave you that idea?” Luna asked.

“Nothing. Just wanting to spend some time with my sister.”

the end

Comments ( 42 )

Damn Spike, you're inconsistent as fuck.

> Las Pegasus

> Dancer

I totally pigeonholed her as a stripper, now I feel dirty.

Rocket Queen - Guns N' Roses

Oh Bon Bon. Silly.

And Spike... well, I like this for one very good reason: It at least breaks his "Single-Character Sexuality" and makes it clear that his actual romantic preference is female ponies (Not that hard to understand; he's been re-molded to think of pony beauty as the acceptable standard, that means he'll be romantically attracted to them all his life.) Good chow, chap :moustache:

intwesting, to the tabs with thee!!

Apple Bottom...

Apple bottom jeans, jeans, boots with the fur (with the fur!)

I see what you did there :rainbowkiss:

mphf, im sure this Aj's cousin gonna treat spike like dirt, just like rarity, or smth like that

As rightly you should! Pidgeonholing dirty strippers is a surefire way to contract syphilis!

Being a stripper must be kinda troublesome when you come from a culture/species who normally don't wear clothes.:ajbemused:

(I assumed Apple Bottom's dancing might sure have been attractive to the audience, if you know what I mean, but that no removing of clothing was needed.)

714855 I don't actually see A.B. as a stripper. She's just a dancer, working in one of the shows out there. I was actually thinking she was doing more of the Cirque de Soleil kinda show, to be honest. She just happens to be mega-hot.

Not that there is anything wrong with being a stripper, just not how I saw this character.


Great story. Very well paced, some harrowing near-misses, and friendship prevailed in the end!

I have read alot of Cold in Gardez fiction, and until now I found nothing as well executed - I could see this being an episode quite easily. Well, overlooking Bon-Bon, though personally I found that hilarious.

Great stuff! A star, a thumb, and a following!


Where did you get the cover image from?

720384 I made the cover image. I'm a graphic artist. I was thinking of posting it to my DA account. If you want it, let me know and I'll certainly post it.



that's really awesome! I wish I was that talented

I'm not usually a fan of OCs, but this is well done!

722668 Thanks. :)

I'm not big into OC's myself, but A.B. was a pony that came to me because of the joke on her name. The story grew around it, and it was structured like an episode, so I went with it. I'm actually very pleased with the outcome.


Spike was an annoying tool this whole fic :facehoof:

Haha! Awesome :rainbowlaugh:

The Bo-Bon part reminded me of the movie Friday. GOD DAYUM!!

Very good read, it would make a great episode, you know as long as the flank flaunting was a little less obvious, just left at that she is beautiful

714572Awww.Now you have that song stuck in my head!

This is Spike. :moustache: He have all mares.

I kept thinking you were going to end with Spike talking with someone saying something along the lines of:

"Wow, I can't believed it worked so well."
"I told ya Spike, ladies'll fall head-over-heals for you if they think you're not interested in them."

that and I would've thought Spike would've been safe, being a much closer species to crocodiles than ponies (plus the hard scales that I don't think could be harmed by their jaws)

Enjoyable story, though Spike was a little too stupid in this one for my taste. I can picture him doing a lot of ridiculous things for love, but jumping off a cliff is a bit much. If you were going to go overboard, you should have just gone full Refuge in Audacity and had him try to jump a shark on a motorcycle juggling chainsaws or something.

Nice story. It was funny with Spike being in a love triangle with Rarity and Apple Bottom.

2909377 ...juggling chainsaws you say?... :rainbowdetermined2:

I can see your point. He does have a bit of idiot ball going on, but I did try to portray it that he was blinded by love. And trust me, when you get hit that hard you can do stupid things. This is from personal experience. AMAZINGLY stupid things. It's a wonder I'm not in prison. (Let's just say in my case the word "mule" is often used...)


Okay, I gotta ask:

Did this story get listed somewhere recently? I'm getting a LOT of hits and activity on a story this old. Not that I'm complaining!



I got that it was a "blinded by love" thing, and that can certainly be used to hand-wave a lot of things. Still, doing something that would obviously kill him on nothing more than an offhand comment... I dunno, I'd at least expect that he'd have to be getting promises of some major quid pro quo first.

This would make a good episode.:twilightsmile:

Wow, I had no idea that ponies had such sharp claws! :rainbowlaugh:

Congratulations. This story has good enough grammar to be added to the Good Grammar Directory, a comprehensive directory of grammatically correct stories on FIMFiction.

I want ice cream with luna:pinkiesad2:.

“I’m going to jump now.” Spike said from the edge of the cliff. “Here I go.”

:ajbemused:: Spike, you're an idiot.
:rainbowderp:: Whoa... he's dumber than I thought.
:fluttershbad:: I can't watch.
:raritydespair:: WHY, SPIKEY WIKEY? WHY?!
:pinkiehappy:: Do barrel roll!

Spike opened his eyes, and looked around quickly. “Wow! You mean we survived? That worked out even better than I hoped!”

If it was to make Rarity jealous, THAT is one hell of a Batman Gambit.

Who DOESN'T want ice-cream with Luna?


Lets all head to the ice cream parlor with Woona!!


Eh, he's a Dragon, they bathe in lava.

Pretty sure he'd just wind up as a chew toy for awhile before the gators realized he wasn't food.

Wow, that was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!:fluttercry:

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