• Published 8th Jan 2016
  • 1,709 Views, 35 Comments

We Will Fly - Zephyr Spark

Spike tries to help Scootaloo fly by coaching her and giving her a book about flight. As she begins to make progress, Rainbow Dash and Twilight become worried that Spike and Scootaloo are risking their safety. *This is not a shipping fiction*

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Part 1 Staring at the Sky

Spike walked across an open field, boredom overtaking his mind. He’d been working hard for Twilight yesterday and she told him to take the day off. Sounded nice but what was he supposed to do? He just decided to wander around Ponyville hoping some pony would have something he could do. None of his friends had anything they needed his help with and he had no idea what to do to pass the time.

He sighed and sat down on the grass, he stared at the cloudless sky. He watched several pegasai color the sky, zipping around like birds. They looked so … free. Must be nice Spike thought. Then something caught his eye on the ground, an orange pegasus filly wearing her special helmet sat alone next to a lone scooter on the grass, Scootaloo. She was staring intently as the pegasai danced in the sky with a sort of longing. Spike knew that longing all too well.

“Hey Scootaloo,” Spike walked over and greeted the cutie mark crusader who turned around and gave a weak smile greeting, “what’s up?”

“Oh, hey Spike,” she said as he sat down beside her, “what are you doing here?”

“Twilight gave me the day off,” he explained, “and I have no idea what to do. What about you?”

“Oh, I was just,” Scootaloo’s smile faded as she stared at the ground, “you know, coming out here to watch the clouds.”

Spike studied her and raised an eyebrow, “the clouds aren’t usually on the ground.”

Scootaloo’s gaze rose to meet his eyes. He smiled gently and put a hand on her shoulder as he spoke, “Look, whatever’s eating you up, you can tell me. Let me help.” Although, Spike had a pretty good idea what was bothering her.

Scootaloo broke away from his gaze to stare at the ground again. Finally, she spoke, “I was just,” she sighed, “wondering why I can’t fly.”

Spike nodded his understanding and lifted his gaze to the sky, “I think I understand,” he said appreciatively, “it’s so hard seeing the rest of them fly, when you’re stuck down here.”

Scootaloo noticed a pensive look on Spike’s face and was beginning to wonder if he was talking to her or himself. She tried to get his attention, “Um, Spike?”

Spike snapped out of his daydream and looked at her with a rushed smile. “You’ll fly eventually,” he said trying to sound certain, “I mean you’ve got the wings and the passion.”

She frowned, “Then why haven’t I flied yet? Most pegasai start flying when they’re half my age. Heck, the Cake twins were flying and performing spells a few months after they were born!”

Spike considered both points, “Well, the Cake twins are unnaturally gifted, so I wouldn’t worry too much about them. Pumpkin Cake was performing spells Twilight couldn’t do as a filly. Maybe, you’re doing something wrong. Have you ever asked some pony to teach you how to fly?”

“Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo admitted unhappily, “when I ask her to, she tries to teach me, but I never get off the ground. She’s the best flyer in all of Equestria. If she can’t teach me, then … who can?”

Spike sympathized with his unhappy friend. It just didn’t make any sense. If she had the proper training and the best instructor, she should have been flying a long time ago. Unless … a new thought dawned on Spike.

“You know,” Spike spoke with a new confidence, “Rainbow Dash might be the best flyer, but that doesn’t mean she knows everything. I’ll bet if we read a book on flying, we’d learn something she never thought about.”

Scootaloo gave him a skeptical glance, “Rainbow Dash says you can’t learn how to fly from reading a book.”

“She also said Twilight couldn’t learn to run a marathon by reading a book,” Spike grinned, “but that didn’t stop her from placing fifth in the Running of the Leaves.”

Scootaloo had a renewed look of intrigue. Maybe Spike was right. Even she had to admit Rainbow Dash was not very book smart. For all she knew, the instruction she needed was lying in a book.

“Come one,” Spike smiled as he stood up and extended his hand, “I’ll take you to Twilight. She’s sure to have a book on flying from when she became an alicorn.”

Scootaloo mounted her scooter, pulled a spare helmet from her back pack and handed it to Spike, “I know the way. Hop on.”


Twilight grimaced as she rummaged through her files. Why had she given Spike the day off? She couldn’t find anything without him. Honestly, she had trouble doing much of anything without him. He organized her documents so she would always know where to find them, made sure she took breaks from work to eat and sleep, and eased her stressful mind. She had really come to depend on him in so many ways. Especially since Tirek destroyed the library, and they had to relocate to a castle she was still not entirely familiar with.

“Hey, Twilight,” she turned around and saw Spike sauntering over to her with Scootaloo beside him.

He stopped in his tracks and scanned her from head to hoof. “Are you alright? You look rather stressed.”

“Oh Spike, I’m so glad you’re back,” she sighed with relief, “do you remember where we put Creatures Capable of Magic: A Study of Lesser and Higher forms of Alternate Magic and Dr. Forrester’s Guide to Magic: An Account of Every Known Unicorn Spell in Equestria?”

Spike thought about it a moment then pointed to the third level of a shelf beside one of the windows, “Dr. Forrester is in the Spells section beside Dr. Facts and Dr. Sombrero.”

Twilight gave him a curious, disbelieving expression at the second name. He shrugged, “I didn’t name him.”

She retrieved the book and then Spike pointed to a shelf on the far corner, “the magic creature book is in the zoology section, next to Creatures of Flight, and Creatures of the Deep, and Anthropology.”

Anthropology?” Twilight tried to remember how she even acquired that oddly named book.

“I think Lyra gave it to you for your birthday,” Spike suggested, “no idea what it’s about, though. So if you’re done, do you think you could lend Scootaloo and me a book?”

“Sure,” Twilight smiled as she collected the other book, “what do you two need?”

“We were hoping for something on flight,” Scootaloo explained.

“Of course,” Twilight placed the books on a nearby table and turning to a shelf, “it’s right over…”

Her voice trailed off as she uncertainly scanned through the shelves of books. She forgot. Twilight sometimes really did hate herself. She could perform practically any spell, memorize any textbook, but when it came to remembering where she placed one little book, she failed worse than a kindergartener. She supposed even smart ponies did stupid things.

“It’s probably in the section about pegasus history,” Spike suggested helpfully. He knew Twilight thought too much about magic and saving the world to waste time worrying about something as silly as the locations of books. That’s what he was here for.

“Thanks, Spike,” she smiled as she trotted to the shelf and looked for the correct book, “How about The Basics of Flying?” She pulled out a book from the shelf and offered it to Scootaloo

“I think that will do,” Scootaloo said taking the book with excitement.

“You can stay in the castle and read it for as long as you like,” Twilight smiled as she picked up the two books and walked to her desk.

“Are you going to need me for anything, Twilight?” Spike wanted to make sure she would be fine – or at least relaxed.

“I think I’m fine for now,” Twilight replied as she set down her materials and opened Dr. Forrester, “you can help Scootaloo.”

Spike quickly thanked Twilight and followed Scootaloo out of the room.

“Oh, wait, Spike!” Twilight called him back.

Spike turned to Scootaloo and told her to go on ahead and get started. He’d join up with her in a bit. She walked to a nearby table and opened the book. Spike re-entered the room and faced his friend.

“Is something wrong, Twi?” Spike asked.

“I just want you to promise me that you and Scootaloo will take things slow,” Twilight said sternly, “I know she can be a little headstrong like Rainbow Dash, so if she ever tries to do something too dangerous—.“

“I know, I know,” Spike said slightly annoyed, “we’ll be safe.”

Twilight was uncertain Spike would make good on his promise when he left the room. She privately decided to ask Rainbow Dash to keep an eye out for them. Scootaloo would listen to her if no pony else. Then she turned back to her books, hoping she was worrying herself over nothing.