• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 26,460 Views, 1,246 Comments

Accidental Harmony - errant

A desperate cellist is in over her head when she takes a job at a nightclub.

  • ...

Chapter 17

“Good morning, Tavi,” Vinyl called in a singsong voice as she flung open the blinds on a glorious spring day. Bright light spilled into their bedroom, casting light on a chaos of rumpled sheets and discarded bedding. A clear blue sky adorned by a radiant sun cast light on verdant plants and flowers recently renewed by their long season of dormancy. Cheerful birdsong floated into the house bringing with it a message of hope and growth.

“Urgh, when the hay did you become a morning pony?” Octavia groaned from underneath a mound of blankets. “And why are you so bucking happy?”

“Because I figured out that it annoys you after an all-night Pinkie Pie Party,” Vinyl said with a grin.

“For Celestia’s sake, shouldn’t you have a hangover or something? I’m pretty miserable and would appreciate some company . . .”

“You’re just a lightweight, Tavi. There’s no shame in admitting you can’t party with DJ Pon-3.”

“You’re an alcoholic. And I’m dangerously close to hating you right now.”

“I love you too, sweetie," Vinyl answered brightly as she stepped out of the now sunlight-filled bedroom and directed her hooves to descend the stairs and head for the kitchen.

A brief bout of rummaging in the refrigerator turned up the remnants of the night before last's dinner; a simple plate of hay fries. Grinning, Vinyl carted her prize off to the couch. Octavia never could stomach cold fries but Vinyl considered them a delicacy. She happily popped a few into her mouth and settled down with a magazine advertising the latest miracles of audio equipment spread out before her as Octavia slept off the lingering pall of her hangover. Pages turned quickly, enveloped by the blue glow of their reader's magic.

A knock at the door disturbed Vinyl’s comfort as she relaxed. “Who in Equestria could that be?” Vinyl mumbled to herself as she slid off the couch and trotted over to the door.

Opening it, she came face to face with an unfamiliar pegasus. The mare shifted impatiently back and forth and she wore saddlebags that obscured whatever cutie mark graced her taupe coat. “Are you Vinyl Scratch?” she inquired as soon as Vinyl opened the door.

“Yeah, that’s me. Can I help you with something?” she answered.

“I’ve got a letter for you. Special courier, rush delivery. Sign here, please.” The mare reached into one of her saddlebags with a wing, dexterously manipulating individual feathers to grasp a clipboard and quill that she held up for Vinyl’s inspection.

Shrugging, Vinyl quickly grasped the quill telekinetically and jotted down a signature. The courier silently returned both items to their place before handing over a letter without another word. With a quick “have a nice day,” she was back in the sky and gone from sight, flying in the direction of Canterlot.

Turning back into the house and holding the letter up before her, Vinyl examined it. A pink envelope, her name and address written in a slightly different shade of pink that stood out from the envelope enough to be legible.

With a quick tug of her magic she ripped open the top of the envelope. With a small poof a cloud of confetti erupted from the envelope, swirling around Vinyl and settling on the floor and in her mane. “Gee. I have absolutely no idea who this could be from,” she mumbled as she pulled out the letter itself.

“I still can’t believe that I get to DJ at a royal wedding! How awesome is that?” Vinyl said as she cheerfully trotted through the gardens of Canterlot Castle, its spires rising majestically above her.

“Yes, it’s quite an honor. It was very generous of Pinkie Pie to ask you to help her provide the music,” Octavia agreed as she followed Vinyl more sedately through the artfully manicured lawns and winding paths that flowed through gardens overflowing with rare and exotic plants. “I just can’t believe that anypony would want your kind of music at a wedding, of all things.”

"You’re just mad ‘cause they didn’t want your boring old cello to deaden things up,” Vinyl called back over her shoulder with a playful smirk.

“I am not!” Octavia protested indignantly. “I . . . well, ok. Maybe I am, just a little,” she admitted sheepishly.

“Huh? Hey, Tavi, you know I was just kidding, right?” Vinyl asked with a worried expression. She slowed her pace to drop back beside Octavia.

“I had just hoped that maybe I might get to play again in Canterlot. You know, for old times’ sake,” Octavia said a little forlornly.

“Hey, Octy, don’t be like that,” Vinyl implored as she kept pace beside her. She gently nuzzled the side of Octavia’s face, breathing in the scent of floral shampoo that filled her soft and flowing mane. “It’s got nothing to do with you. This is a wedding for a young Captain of the Guard and a Princess. I’m sure they just want something a little more upbeat and modern, that’s all.”

“Yeah. I’m sure,” Octavia said flatly. “And what’s with all the security, anyway?” she complained as yet another gold-clad Royal Guard eyed them suspiciously as they passed. “That giant shield over Canterlot isn’t exactly reassuring.”

“I’m sure it’s just standard procedure or something. There’s all kinds of important ponies bound to be here for the wedding,” Vinyl said with a nonchalant glance upwards at the translucent dome of magical force that arced overhead, containing the entire city of Canterlot within its aegis. “But don’t go and change the subject. If you really wanted to play tonight why didn’t you say so? I could’ve talked to Pinkie Pie.”

“I don’t know. I guess I just didn’t want to impose on her. She got us both jobs in Ponyville, after all.” Octavia explained.

“Don’t be silly. There’s no rea—“


“What the hay was that?” Vinyl demanded as she was deafened by a sound like the shattering of glass, multiplied a thousandfold.

“Vinyl, look! The shield!” Octavia cried out as the enormous sky-spanning barrier disintegrated, fracturing along stress lines and sending shards of solid magical force hurtling towards the ground. Along with the falling remnants of Canterlot’s magical protection came something else; indistinct black shapes surrounded by blazes of sickly green fire. An eerie keening filled the air and all around them ponies were looking in disbelief up at the sky. Almost immediately, Royal Guards seemed to be everywhere. Orders were being shouted but nopony could tell if they were being heeded.

Several feet away, the first of the mysterious objects impacted the ground. Out of the crater formed rose a thing mostly pony-shaped, if ponies routinely had ragged insect-like wings, glistening fangs, and looked at other ponies like they were a free-for-all buffet. “Ok, that can’t be standard procedure,” Vinyl muttered.

“What are they? What do we do?” Octavia asked worriedly as she stepped a little closer to Vinyl.

The garden devolved into an absolute cacophony in a matter of seconds as Guards and these alien creatures engaged in combat and civilians ran in every conceivable direction, seeking only to get away from the immediate threat. It seemed like a good strategy. “We run!” Vinyl shouted as she turned tail and bolted for the confines of the Castle, Octavia right behind her.