• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 minutes ago

Admiral Q Ponyform

After seeing huge bursts of power from one universe a Q decides to investigate


200 Years after her rise to alicornhood Twilight may have discovered the original homeland of her race only to be interrupted by a crash of a strange object. What she finds will change her world forever.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 18 )

Jesus, A Star Trek crossover...well can't say I didn't see this one coming.

Well it's an interesting sketch I suppose.
It is unlikely a scout ship (estimation, not enough information) would immediately initialize a new Queen so quickly. The Collective might assign an appropriate drone to the necessary position, but this wouldn't be Queen level unless it is ascertained that connection to a Unimatrix is indefinitely impossible.
However, we will assume the vessel is critically damaged, including core programming directives. :pinkiehappy:

Interestingly enough, the Queen is one that usually is the most individual, at least, she's the one that defines the Collective's goals and aspirations. It should be possible for her to alter Borg directives somewhat...
Keep going! ;)

6935546 I can say the the ship was an interceptor class. The one Voyager blew up by beaming a torpedo in it. And why i Queen, well it will be explained later. Being a trek fan you might be able to figure out where in time the borg ship might be from.

6936336 It depends, we'll have to await your descriptions, huh?
Also, we have a significant amount of fanfiction that might skew my perceptions a bit, it's been a while since I've actually watched an actual episode. :)

well....this is a thing...i'll need to see more chapters before I decide on this.

Well Celestia is going to be pissed.

Also I wonder if Discord is Q in this, and if he will get the attention of an old bald friend...

6978575 i can say that Discord and Q are not the same.

6978227 Also the Borg are a bit OOC as normally when separated from the Collective they don't really do anything as they are confused and have no drive till they slowly start to feel fear as they begin to regain their individuality and old memeories of who they used to be.

Granted some do try to get back to the collective out of fear of individuality but other refuse to go and try to regain more.

6994442 Each can be unique. Heck Seven made her own collective till found. Trust me it will make sense as it goes on. and any OOC is dude to Twilight's influence on the collective and the damage the borg received from the crash and BEFORE the crash.

6994447 well I wasn't going to count anything after Twilight as new queen controlling them so of course they would act differently.

but I can see the sense in your answer.

Interesting. An odd (if very simple) explanation for TwiDash.
Unit 56,707 of 3,057,705 of Unimatrix 08 declares splinter collective a direct threat. Reintegration deemed possible. Signed encrypted subspace beacon pulse initiated. Expected response time: three years.
It's interesting that Twilight chose to continue externally visible implants. Application of magic may have been capable of preventing or hiding the "ugly", but obviously that's no longer relevant. We suppose the force of tradition will hold even when they assimilate changelings...

She belived in the harmony of organic and tech. Just with magic found a more efficent method. And not just twidash for this. Dash is just the first.

She will fail.

Why, Celestia, of course. She just doesn't know it yet...

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