• Published 4th Mar 2016
  • 6,334 Views, 145 Comments

An Earthly Portal - Nightmare Darkness

A boy who is abused runs away only to find his destination although not unframiliar to him is the last place he thought he would be.

  • ...

Rapid Response

The wind whipped past me as I quickly came back up toward Ponyville. Large swaths of land surrounding the town was carved like a spoon through ice cream. Several of the houses were on fire and where the Golden Oaks Library once was, now a smoking ruin only remained. I hovered there for a moment and looked over the town to the right of me and saw a titanic battle. Twilight was a small dot fighting a giant of a centaur. She landed infront of him and Tirek glared at her as her horn lightened and a beam encased Tirek pushing him back with I could only imagine tremendous force.

"Holy shit." I whispered to myself as I took in the display of outright power. If I had to give a reference, the gigantic displays of power in the Dragon Ball series would match up almost perfectly. I pulled my gaze away and focused on the buildings that had been destroyed in the magic blasts and began to go from home to home calling out.

"Is anyone there!" I called out as I burst through a door and a support beam crashed to the floor causing me to shield my face and that when I heard it.

"Mommy!" A small voice cried out and I jumped over the flaming beam and farther into the home. I lowered myself as best I could to lower my chance to breath in the smoke. I came to a door by the stairs and tried the door handle and instantly recoiled as the handle was hot to the touch. Must be that the room on the other side was engulfed. I strained to hear another voice.

"Call out again! I'm here to help!" I called again as I coughed.

"O-over here!" the small voice called out and I locked onto the origin as I rounded the corner and Under the staircase was a small colt and an unconscious mare. I couldn't make out who they were but I almost crawled to them. The colt looked at me with bot hope and fear as I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Ill get you guys out." I promised as I muscled the unconscious mare onto my back.

"What's your name?" I asked and the colt looked around at the fires before looking at me.

"Sm-Smokey Maze." he said shakily.

"Smokey, were going to crawl along the floor and go towards the door ok?" I said and he nodded as I began to crawl. The smoke had gotten thicker and a solid layer was burning the top of my head as it broke the barrier. I stopped and looked left and right. I didn't recognize where we where, Smokey noticed my hesitation.

"You need to go straight and then left.... we can make it out there." He said through a hoarse rasp. I looked back at him and he looked no better then I must have. I didn't have any choice so I listened to the directions of the colt. Sure enough there was the door and the beam was fully engulfed in flames. I grabbed the colt and hold him under my arm.

"Take a breath." I said and he did so as I sucked in a breath as I leapt through the door over the fiery fallen beam. As soon as I made it out of the doorway the heat plummeted and the air seemed like pure bliss as I took in the gulps of air as I coughed. I had landed and the unconscious mare on my back was still slumped on my back. I noticed a bruise on her soot covered face as I laid her down. Smokey coughed beside me but looked no worse for wear and I turned my attention to the unconscious mare. I had taken first aid, It was a course they taught in school as well as something I needed constantly to deal with burns and cuts I received from my fathers wrath.

"Give me some space Smokey." I said as I laid the mare on her back as I began to go through the ABC's of rapid survey, Airway, Breathing, Circulation. Her airway was unobstructed, but she was not breathing. I didn't even hesitate as I plugged the mares nose and lifted her chin so I could open her airway as I pressed my beak to her mouth and blew into her lungs and began chest compressions. I began to think of the song 'Stayin Alive's' chorus as I pressed down on her chest. After thirty compressions I repeated the breathing and began again. Smokey's eyes were teary as he began to sob. I began to give a third breath and suddenly as if brought back from the dead she began to cough and hack as her lungs began to take in their own air. I turned her onto her side as her body shuddered and she continued to cough.

"Mommy!" Smokey exclaimed as he ran to her side as I fell onto my rump breathing heavily and looked at my own injuries. I had multiple burns along my claws and arms. My feathers were singed and I could get a better look at the pair now. Both were earth ponies and Smokey was a navy blue coat under all that black soot, as his mother was a light green made dingy by the ash. She laid on her back now looking up at the sky as she smiled weakly at Smokey. I stood up as I looked down at them.

"If you can make it. The apple farm is where everypony is gathering." I offered as she looked up at me and gave a nod.

"Where are you going?" Smokey asked surprised.

"There will be more ponies that need help." I said as placed a claw on his head.

"Keep you mother safe." I ordered and he seem to straighten and gave a nod.

"I will. What's your name?" he promised as he asked. I began to jog to the next house.

"Feather Beak." I said over my shoulder and began to go through the houses again.

Luckily the houses I searched all seemed to be empty. The fight between Twilight and Tirek had escalated and I looked up to see Tirek throw Twilight into a far mountain. I could only give prayers to her success. I found a few more homes that were not on fire and held ponies hiding. I gave them directions to go to the Apple farm, some agreed readily and some resisted. The ones who resisted I gave them an ultimatum stay there and get killed by magical forces that could kill an army in the blink of a eye or go to the safety of the farm. I did not receive much backtalk with my logic. I had made it though several houses when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"There you are! Playing hero again?" I turned around and saw Gilda landing on the ground. her once slung arm was now freed.

"How is your arm?" I asked and she flexed her claw.

"Just sore but able to help." she said before approaching me.

"What are you thinking coming here..." she asked with a note of concern.

"They need help. Twilight is well..." I left it opened ended as Gilda already knew.

"I cant believe that she's going toe to toe with that monster." she said looking at the two battle outside the town.

"You, me both. Come on, we can search more homes with the two of us." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Ill take the ones on the right you take the ones on the left." She instructed and I gave a nod before proceeding towards the next couple of buildings. I rounded the corner and saw the hospital where lots of ponies were gathering with wounded and hurt ponies.

"Gilda!" I called out to her and she stopped looking at the hospital. I opened my wings and began to flap but then topped to my side and crashed into the ground. I winced in pain and got myself to my feet.

"What?" I asked perplexed as Gilda wheeled and hovered over me.

"Your feathers are to damaged to fly..." She said woefully as she landed again.

"I guess we can only get there on foot." I said as I began to jog towards the hospital. When we reached the back end of the crowd the sound of frantic voices and panicked eyes looked at the doors of the hospital where Nurses and Security guards were both holding back the tide as well as helping minor wounded. I was able to push my way though and saw a Guard holding a bullhorn, I waved him down and he looked at me confused.

"We cant let anypony in, were at capacity." He said in a strained voice. It seemed he had been saying this for a while now.

"We don't need help were saying capable ponies are to go to the Apple farm." I said and he gave a look for a moment and lifted levitated the bullhorn to his mouth.

"Everypony calm down! There is shelter being provided by the Apple family at Apple farm...Please move there if you are looking for shelter!" He boomed. Many of the ponies looked uncertain.

"Gilda can you lead them?" I asked and she crinkled her beak in annoyance but didn't protest.

"Fine...but you owe me." she said

"Ok I'll take you out or something." I stated as she looked at me and her eyes softened.

"Ill hold you to that." She said as she jumped up and hovered.

"All of you looking for shelter I'm you guide, lets go you panicked bunch!" She said as she began to fly in the direction around the town. A large chunk of the group followed after Gilda and only the one who had family members being treated and those who were injured and looking for treatment were left. The guards began to let the nurses and doctors into the smaller crowd to do triage. I now could see a similar stripped pony helping the nurses and doctors triage the ponies and I jogged over to her. Zecora was tired that much I could tell. Her saddlebag was stuffed with poultices and potions for healing and soothing. She saw me and her eyes seemed to light up.

"You are safe." she said with an exasperated sigh of relief.

"I am." I confirmed but then she gave me a more critical look over.

"You look like you fought a fire, always being hurt must be your desire." she said as she pulled out a green paste and began to apply it to my burns. Instantly I began to feel a cooling sensation I didn't realize I wanted till it was applied to me.

The tremors had been constant with the large magical battle that was happening. But suddenly everything went still as I looked to the direction of Tirek. He was breathing heavily and a look of irritation was smeared across his face as he finally threw his hands up in the air and gave a roar before he turned to where I guessed Twilight was.

"If you don't give me your magic you will never see your friends again!" Tirek said as several orbs I couldn't quite make out hovered above him. After a moment I hear him laugh out loud as he lowered the orbs save one.

"Discord? but he betrayed you...alright fine." He said after a moment of consideration and the last orb floated down out of sight. My heart sank, that only meant one thing. Tirek opened his mouth and I could see him engorge himself on all of the magic that had inhabited Twilight.

"Well were screwed...." I said watching Tirek grow in size till his horns cut through the clouds above. Tirek flexed his hands and his arms bulged with new found strength. He threw his head back in an evil laugh as he lifted his arms to the sky in victory. After his manic laughter he turned his focus on the small town of Ponyville and with a smirk began to walk towards it. My blood had run cold Ponies around me began to fully lose themselves in mind numbing fear. This is it...were going to die and nothing can stop him.

Suddenly a new source drew my attention. A ball of white pulsating light caused Tirek to stop and looked back at it. His eyes widened.

"Impossible...I took all of your magic!" He exclaimed both in anger and in fear. A band of red arched from the sphere and slammed into Tirek causing him to shriek in pain. An orange band then arched following after the red and then a yellow followed by a green in quick succession. Blue, indigo and violet then completed the rainbow as all the beams then seem to snap into focus as they bared down on Tirek. Tirek tried to use his magic but it all seemed useless and before his body began to show cracks.

"He's losing..." I said in wonder as he finally let out a cry of terror and he seem to shatter in a plethora of light which exploded into the atmosphere. some flecks of light descend upon the ponies around him and they began to get their color back.

"Their magic is returning...." I said wistfully as then the sphere descended. beyond the point I couldn't see it anymore. After another minute as we all began to look at one another make sure what we saw was not a dream. Another streak of light flew to the outskirts of town and buried itself into the ground.

"What..the?' I began and the ground began to shake. Crystal spires exploded from the impact point and within moments a crystal tree house castle that absorbed and reflected the light now stood in its place. My mouth fell open as my eye became the eyes of dinner plates.

"God mode much?" I asked out loud.