• Published 19th Jun 2016
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Missing Pages & Scrawled Footnotes - Ice Star

Iceverse minifics. Little bits of world building, style experiments, character pieces, and such dumped in this anthology. Also, stuff I never finished and poems.

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Before I Sleep [Unfinished]

Author's Note:

This one I really liked...a while after Fever Dreams and as soon as I saw the splendid art I knew I wanted to revisit the setting again. I'll probably finish this one some other time, but for now have this little fragment of a story - a dialogue only story. I wanted Frost to have older sounding dialogue but held that off until the final version I had planned - which isn't shown here.

Spoilers for Fever Dreams. That's it. Only a few minor spoilers.

Before I Sleep


Frost is a young filly who's unsure of what to believe in her small corner of the world. Life feels so tiring and she knows nothing but everyday boredom in the time before Nightmare Moon. That is, until she meets the Stranger and she embarks on a journey that will change her life forever.

"Uh...? What is that sound? Who is there?"

"It is just Us."

"'Us'? It only sounds like there is one of you."


"Why are you at my window?"

"We could explain, if We were given the time."

"Who are you? Are you my friend or are you a monster?"

"We are the friend of none, or so it seems but We are no monster."

"I cannot see you, would you come in?"

"We might."


"Ah, We suppose."

"Why do you talk that way if there is only one of you?"

"Do you wish for Us to enter or not?"

"I do, please."

"Very well, child. We shall enter, but do not expect to see our face."

"Ah! You are so tall! How did you find a cloak so black to hide all of you? All I can see is your horn."

"As We wished."

"Oh...are you shy? Your voice is so powerful, I did not think one with such a powerful voice could be shy."

"You would be surprised then, by all the things you can find in this world."

"Oh. You do not sound like you like the world."

"Eh, it is not a matter We are willing to discuss."

"Are you going to tell me why you are here now? Please?"

"We shall."

"Uh, thank you. Is that the proper response? Is this a test? Why are you in my bedroom?"

"This looks more like a closet. Small and dusty. Do you breathe well in here?"

"It is my bedroom, or at least the one that I was given."

"We see. Now do you wish to know the purpose of Our visit or not?"

"Yes, but maybe we should be quieter?"

"What is your name, young one?"

"My name? It is Frost. Frosty Meadows."

"And this is your home?"

"No, this is a foster home."

"But you live here?"


"How did you come to live in this foster home?"

"My parents died and nopony respectable wanted me. That is what I was told, at least. I do not know what the big word means."

"It does not have the same meaning it used to, she made sure of that."


"Go on."

"But that is it. There is no reason I am here other than what the Princess' official said."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Princess Celestia, she rules Equestria and smiles a lot. She likes parties and gold. Every filly wishes they could be her."

"Even you?"

"I have never even met her. This is the uncivilized land. That is what the Princess' officals say."

"It is called a frontier."

"Is your tone always as dry as the desert outside?"

"Hmm. We suppose."

"What is a frontier?"

"Where you live. This land of the cacti, sand, and heat."

"The sun beats down on everypony here."

"Yes, she does."


"It is nothing you must know. May I continue my tale? Or should I ask why this 'closet' has a window?"

"I did not build this place. I would not know."

"It seems as if we both found another rabbit hole to delve into. Who do you live here with?"

"The stuffy mare and the strict stallion. They tell me to stay in town and make friends."


"They tell me to be like other ponies and dress nice. The first one is because the Princess enforces lots and lots of ponies talking and doing the stuff she says."


"Something like that, I think."


"Uh, I do not know that one."

"Status quo?"

"That one. I remember that one."

"It certainly sounds like her."

"Do you know the Princess?"

"There are two princesses."

"I was told of Princess Celestia who raises and lowers the sun."

"Only her?"


"Of course you were."

"Is it some kind of joke to forget the other one? Is she even important? It is so hard to get news down here, in the, uh...'frontier' that it either gets lost or is not very important."


"Are you sad?"


"If it is a joke, it must be a mean one. I know a lot about mean jokes."

"We are sorry that you do."

"It is because they say I am not a pony when nopony thinks I'm listening."


"Why do you ask if it sounds like you already know?"

"Please tell Us anyway."

"I am part buffalo. Do you see my big, furry legs? I cannot race with anypony around here, even if somepony let me."

"Are you lonely?"

"Uh...yes. Sort of. I just do not want to be around anypony like this any longer, the ones who say I am not a real pony because my magic is not that good and my legs are not thin or because my gray-mulberry coat is ugly. Everypony here is named for something that can be found within a few miles: the plants, the sun, the river, and the clouds. Those are things that the mares and stallions that praise the sun-mare and wear the heavy cloth name their foals. I have never even seen a frost and I do not know what it is either."

"Are you tired?"



"Huh? What is it, Stranger?"

"Your mane - We see it has streaks of white that flow through it, like it was woven in through the gray."

"When I was a filly, I was caught in a storm with my father's tribe - I do not remember him well, or my mother - but there is still their smiles and laughs in my mind, Stranger. My mother was one of the cloth-wearing ponies - you know the ones who wear not just cloaks but ones studded with shining dew and stars."


"Is that what they are called?"


"All I remember next is that I was here, in town with a pony wearing bright sunlight on his flanks and head telling me it was by the grace of Celestia I was saved and that the goddess must have blessed my name."

"Did you believe him?"

"I do not know what to believe, Stranger."

"And why is that?"

"I do not feel like I know anything. The cloth-clad ponies say one thing, the ponies who are part sunbeam say another, as did my family, I imagine. The fillies and colts here repeat what they are told and believe it wholeheartedly, but when they speak these things, their words are crueler and sharper."

"What do you tell yourself?"

"Nothing at all, Stranger. I am too tired to believe much."

"And what of Us, the stranger. Do you believe anything We say?"

"I think so, yes."

"Would you ever leave all this, if you were given the chance?"

"I do not see any reason to stay..."

"Then follow me."



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