• Member Since 29th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

The Commandant

I've drawn so much I forgot how to write lmao


After years of conflict and chaos, peace was finally obtained when the human race finally defeated the last of it's foreign opposition, and instigated a new world order like nothing seen before. The human government uses a "new" form of government to create a near perfect and utopian world. However, like any other form of government, there are always secrets lying beneath the façade of perfection, waiting to surface and reveal the truth...

Major thanks to Desolate, Faceless Protagonist, BWubz, and Galactic Raincloud for helping me edit and proofread this!

The Dark and Gore tags are for some Dark themes in the story, and [maybe] some minor descriptions of Gore later on in the story. This is a Teen rated story, so expect a lot of Teen and some Adult geared content.

(While I have rated it Teen, the story, since I'm striving for extreme realism, may or may not evolve into the Mature rating, if you, the reader, or me, the author, deem it Mature.)

As an author, I crave criticism so that I may better improve myself and my story, and I would greatly appreciate it if you would at least leave a comment as to why you chose to dislike my story. This is not to harass or insult you, it's just so that I can see what you don't like about the story, and see if I can improve it. Thank you for your constructive criticism and cooperation, I really appreciate it. :pinkiesmile:

Artwork for the story was made by me.

The BLITZ origin story.

Link to the Official group!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 33 )

Seems accurate, except why are they still using fahrenheit?!

7779753 Mostly it's because the humans here didn't really feel it was necessary to make an entirely new measurement system for temperature.

Needs more death with a touch of salting the fields.

Interesting, it certainly is an improvement.

Though if you need help with names, just ask me. I have a list of names of characters for my fics you can use. Mostly Human military commanders, but you can use their names whatever you want.

7779759 What about celsius? that's a much easier system.

7780389 Well, it's just the way the character was raised. They were raised on Fahrenheit.

7780399 It's the year 2106. i'm pretty sure fahrenheit isn't used anymore.

But then again, maybe it is. :applejackunsure:

7780436 It's 2106 on another planet, not Earth.

7780457 So what is it on earth then?

7780436 meh, things would be so much simpler if everyone would just switch to the same system of measurement.

7780467 It's whatever they use on Earth during 2106. This story dosent focus on what's happening on Earth.

7780478 There are two types of countries in this world. Countries that use the metric system and a country that's been to the moon.

7780726 I'm an American. I don't think the measurement system had that much to do with it so much as how the system was used. Honestly, I find conversions within the metric system to be so much easier.
12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard, however many of those in a mile...
10 millimeters in a centimeter, 100 centimeters in a meter, 1000 meters in a kilometer...

Oh yeah! Love it so far, big improvement. Wonder what was the special plan Celestia had Twilight do, guess we'll have to find out! Keep the story rolling!

7781240 Thanks man! I'm glad you like it! :pinkiehappy:

7780726 There are two other countries that use the Merica system, but they arnt really that well off....

7782340 Is America one of them?

thats what happens when you try to be funny.

Before I read it, what is the Dark and Gore tags for ?

7866788 Some Dark themes and maybe some minor descriptions of gore later on in the story.

7884185 I guess it's so good you had to comment twice about it :rainbowlaugh:

Danm soooonnnn

Is this dead please don’t be I need one story in blitz univers to finish

It's in a Coma right now. I may conduct some surgery to it after I'm through with the Balefire graphic novel.

This was an good read, but not an great one. You accept criticism? Here you are.

The concept of this story is good, but not great as other works on the site. The plot is somewhat intriguing, I like intrigue plots. Had I noticed this story before, I would've given you this criticize much sooner, but decided to wait until I had found this story by myself.

After having read the first two chapters, the story has some potential. It might be good to keep writing, as it helps you improve more and more the better you write stories. I've felt that since I had begun writing two and a half year ago, where I just wrote straight forward lines without spacing out the paragraphics. Maybe you can be spacing out the paragraphics a bit more in your story? That would make this an much easier read than how it is now.

That is all I have to say for now. I'll continue reading this as chapters come in due time, I've tracked and favourite this just in case. I hope that action will be displayed soon...

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