• Published 10th Aug 2016
  • 2,636 Views, 27 Comments

Emotions are Complicated - SamRose

Flash Sentry deals with the realization that he isn't in a relationship with his world's Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Alternate Ending

“I get how you feel, really I do,” Sunset couldn't help but give a sad smile herself. “I've been in your situation too after all.”

“Huh?” Flash blinked in confusion looking up at his ex, “You've had unrequited love?”

“Yup. It's not an easy feeling to let go of either. But when you truly love someone, sometimes the best thing to do is to just let those feelings go and move on with your life.” Sunset took a bite out of her burger. “Sometimes you'll be happier that way.”

“Huh, I never thought you'd have unrequited love.” Flash chuckled softly, scratching his cheek at the thought. “Can I ask you who it was?”

Sunset stopped chewing, her eyes widening in surprise at the question. She looked left and right, then back at flash and swallowed her food hard. She suddenly became very sheepish as she seemed to shrink in her seat. Her cheeks flushed as she put a hand up to cover her eyes from the ceiling lights. Flash couldn't help but blink in confusion at her actions.

“...Promise you won't be mad?” Sunset asked quietly, as if afraid of the answer. Flash furrowed his brow in further confusion.

“Mad? Why would I be mad? Who could you possibly have a crush on that would make me...” Flash's thoughts stopped mid-sentence as he connected the dots in his head. “...No way.” He said more to himself than to Sunset, “You have a crush on Princess Twilight?”

Sunset let out a groan as she covered her face. “Look, I'm sorry okay? I can't help it.” Sunset shook her head, “I like her for all the same reasons you do. She's just so... Perfect! What isn't there to like about her.” Sunset let out a sigh as she sat up, lifting her head and looking away from Flash, “But I sort of made peace with the fact that she's probably not interested in me anyway. Plus I don't want to stand in the way of anything you two might have going on. You two are really cute together, you know?” She lowered her head and grabbed a fry. “So uh... Yeah, now you know.”

“Huh.” Flash said, still processing what he'd heard. It wasn't everyday your ex admitted to have a crush on your crush. The both of them were crushing on the same Princess from a different dimension, what were the odds? “I guess it's a shame we can't both be in a relationship with her then, huh?” Flash jokingly chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, a shame we can't...” Sunset started to joke back, before a realization struck her. Her eyes grew wide as she looked up at Flash in shock. Her mouth opened, then closed, then opened, and closed again. Flash was very confused with her actions as he sipped his drink, before one word finally slipped from her mouth quietly. “...Herds...”

“I'm sorry?” Flash asked, not having heard her correctly.

“Herds are totally a thing in Equestria.” Sunset blurted out, “It's not strange at all for ponies to be in a polyamorous relationship! We could actually, the two of us, be in a relationship with Twilight.”

Flash stopped midway from taking another bite of his food at Sunset's confession. He lowered the burger in question and looked at Sunset dubiously. “Wait... Are you being serious?”

“One hundred percent.” Sunset nodded her head as she sat back, looking down at her hands as if she was starting to do calculations, “I mean polyamorous relationships can be tricky, sure, but if everyone's happy then there really aren't any downsides to it. Not to mention the way herds work in Equestria, everyone is usually getting what they want out of the relationship and no one gets left out.” She looked back up at Flash with wide eyes, “This is part of Twilight's culture, there's a high probability she'd be okay with it.”

“Are... Are you actually suggesting we both try to get together with Twilight?” Flash asked, unable to believe that this was a real conversation they were having.

“Do you have anything to lose?” Sunset grew a broad grin, “I'd be happy, you'd be happy, and we'd both be making Twilight happy.”

“But what about us?” Flash cocked his head, “The last time we were in a relationship, that ended badly. Are you sure we wouldn't just be making the same mistakes we did back then?”

Sunset hesitated at that, curling her fingers together. “Well... I... Won't deny that... I kind of screwed things up majorly between us...” Sunset rubbed the back of her neck, grimacing as she remembered their time together. “But I really have changed, even you can see that. I think the two of us would work fine together again, especially if we have the common goal of being with Twilight.”

“...This... This is a lot to take in all at once.” Flash shook his head, putting a hand to his forehead. “Are we serious about this? Is this something we're actually going to try?”

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained right?” Sunset grinned broadly. “If Twilight hates the idea we can just back off, but she at least won't think it strange that we tried.” Sunset extended her hand to Flash, “What do you say, want to try? Partner?”

Flash stared at the extended hand, unable to believe that it was a real offer being given to him. He mulled it over in his head once more, before shaking his head with a laugh.

“You know what? Why not.” He reached out his hand and shook Sunset's back, “For crazy plans in the name of love.”

“Operation Flashing SunLight is a go!” Sunset grinned as they shook.

“...Operation...” Flash stared dumbfounded, “That's not the first time you've thought of that name.”

Sunset's cheeks heated as she embarrassingly grinned, looking off to the side. “A girl has fantasies sometimes, you know?”

Author's Note:

After I had produced the outline and key events of this story in my head, I was satisfied with it. Then my brain instantly started thinking up a humorous alternate ending where everyone ended up happy, with plenty of SunLight too because my brain is fully of shipping trash sometimes :pinkiecrazy:

Comments ( 20 )

That first part pretty well sums up how I feel Flash should react to the apparent TimberLight ship to come. Can we call it 'TimberLight'?

That said, I'm a FlashLight shipper all the way, so I'm still holding out hope.

Nice combined relationship name.

Thank you for doing Flash some justice.

Yeah, but I personally don't like them on FimFic stories. I think they look better this way, it's an 'to each their own' kinda thing. Thank you for liking the story though :twilightsmile:

AwwwwwwRIGHT now that's an ending I can get behind!

Author Interviewer

Yeah, okay, sure, why not. XD Good stuff!

You know, someone once joked about a Flash/Twilight/Sunset threesome in comment section for one of my stories, and another one said I should write that one. I almost shook that idea out of my head...

...and then I read this story and this very alternative ending. And now that idea sprung up in my head again! AAAAARGH!

...Curses, I don't know if I should just say "screw it" and write that piece of Slaaneshite heresy so that it never springs up again and go wallow in shame.


Oh yeah... excellent story, BTW. You seem to have some premonition powers, apparently.

I'm glad you liked it! Sunset was definitely a bit more blunt/straight forward in the movie, and Flash moved on a lot more quickly than here, but yeah, the emotions were pretty much the same hehe.

I've always found the idea of the OT3 amusing, and thanks to Legends of Everfree, it certainly seems even more plausible now lol. After all, I get the feeling they're gonna end up putting Flash and Sunset back together now, and I can totally see the both of them still having a crush on Princess Twilight. So whenever she's around, she joins their fun. I'd love it~


I'm not really into OT3 stories, because too many tend to be adolescent fantasies put on paper (read "Internet") without any attempt to have at least some feelings involved.

If I ever even get around to writing this type of heresy, I don't want to half-ass it.

I honestly wouldn't mind if this became canon.

I really enjoyed this. Thank you for actually treating Flash Sentry like a genuine person. :twilightsmile:

Great work, I really enjoyed this story, and the alternate ending as well XD


rather than a self-centered jerk/rapist who is completely at odd with how he was portrayed in cannon media (looking at you 7DSj)

or have all the character treat him with projected disdain and annoyance simply for existing

Ok so I'm not the only one who hate that fic. I remembering reading the TV tropes page for that fic and saying "really flash a jerk rapist." That fic had a serious case of Ron the death eater


“Ron the death eater”?

https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RonTheDeathEater it's when you take a character who is in cannon good and make him or evil just because you don't like him or her. The link can explain better than I can.

Hello, SamRose!
Do you mind if I translate your fan fiction into Russian? Of course, taking into account the author and the link to the original.

Of course! The only thing I ever ask for with translations is to link back to the original fic ^_^

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